Am I overreacting?

He is a man that’s what they do lol


I totally understand. I feel the same way. It bothers me that watches other women and I feel insecure like im not enough. We’ve spoken about and he promised me he wouldn’t but I don’t believe that but than again I should trust him. I personally dislike it, so I won’t watch it. It feels weird me watching others. Good luck hun


It’s seriously just porn, I’d rather that than my husband sleeping with my friend, but here we are. I’d take porn over that any day.

I don’t mean to be a Debbie downer, but in my opinion no matter what you do or say he’ll keep doing it. I’m in the same boat. I don’t understand why he does it but on the other hand I’m starting not to give a fuck. That’s on him.

I guess the main question is do you have a good sex life? If so then personally I wouldn’t have an issue, men are very visual creatures.

However is this is having a negative impact on your sex life , I can understand why it is an issue

I understand what you’re feeling. I was raised a different way than others and I also believe it isn’t right and when my ex done this it hurt me as well. Had me feel as if I wasn’t good enough. That I couldn’t fulfill what he wanted. Not all men do this btw. I hope he will stop for you. If not then reverse it and you start watching the guys or act like it and see what he feels about that. They usually don’t like it when you reverse things. Good luck


You have allowed it for 24 years…


Leave period, he’s not going to stop.

Join him.

And if you don’t want to leave or join him.

Let it go.


just let him watch porn… maybe your libido or adventure natute isnt as high as his …

As long as he isn’t going out cheating on you then how is he hurting you? He can’t trust you either you keep violating his phone. The world has bigger things for you to worry about frfr.


It’s just porn. He’s not going out cheating. I never have understood why some women get so upset over porn. There are far worse things a man can do.

After 24+ years of you explaining how it hurts you & he still does it, just sucks. I’m sorry you’re hurting.
And to the people laughing, you don’t have to agree or understand her, but my God, why make her feel worse?


What he does to build up his appetite shouldn’t worry you. As long as he’s never messed around on u then you shouldn’t be upset with him.


It is normal behavior for any man in a relationship or not. Lol. But let the Insecure folks tell it!


Its porn. It’s not like hes going out and sleeping with someone else. It’s just a video and some people need that visual to get in the mood.

I don’t get why people get upset over porn. If it’s not an everyday thing, then I don’t see the big deal. My husband watches porn, at times I’ll scroll through it. Sounds like an insecure issue you have. Just because he’s watching, doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, or find you sexy.

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Fantasizing and mastubation is healthy and normal. Is it worth the heart ache on your end? Either join in or let it go. Unless of course this is a deal breaker after 24 years… many men are the same and also enjoy porn and self pleasure. Some more than others.
My thing would be did he choose the porn over me? That would be bothersome.

Y’all been married 24 years ! Let that man watch some porn ! Masterbation is a god given right :sob: leave him alone . Me and my partner watch porn together. Maybe you should loosen up a bit . Your husband would like u more

You know, All I want to say here is that it’s not right for anyone to have to ignore anything they feel, if it makes you, quite obviously, uncomfortable. And although he is a great man, if he can’t stop lookin at other women in such an objective manner, it may eventually make you feel like you just simply aren’t enough. How would he feel if you sat around and looked at naked men in the same way, lusting for them all the time ? Would he be comfortable in those shoes? People act like porn is just this super huge necessity in their lives, but really, it’s creates so many different issues, not only in people’s relationships but also in people’s mentality. & It’s ridiculous how almost every woman I personally know has gone through this in a relationship and been made to feel like they weren’t enough because of something so useless and self serving, when they are women who run themselves ragged for their families and serve to their mans needs constantly. If it is something that bothers you ( which is does, because you here ) then you voice that to him, he either respects you enough to make that change and not worry about seeing other women in a sexual manner, or he doesn’t. Either way his decision from that point let’s you know where you truly stand, & how much he truly values what he has with you.

It is ur self esteem issue not his. Yes he should be considerate of the fact that ur uncomfortable with urself so the porn makes u uncomfortable but at the end of the day only u can fix u. It’s not his issue its urs!

I dont understand the issue


A lot of these comments don’t pass. Relationships are different and all have different boundaries and requests.
Just because she’s asking him to not watch it doesn’t mean she’s insecure. And even if it revolves around personal insecurity, it’s about respect. If you allow your partner to watch porn, that’s fine. If you watch it together, kudos to you two.
I know what I want in my relationship and if you’re asking your partner not to do something, that’s okay! If they choose to continue or to stop, that’s up to them. It’s up to YOU if that’s what you want in your relationship. If it doesn’t fit and you feel like they’re not willing to meet in the middle, I would start to think about if the relationship benefits you or if this is something that is a true dealbreaker.

Porns amazing. ? I see that it could be a lot worse and if you have a problem with porn which implies you might have a problem with masterbation then lol that situation just sounds super sucky. . Now he’s gotta hide it.

So what if he’s watching porn, ya know he’s probably jerking it himself without you then too. Oh god what a sin :roll_eyes:
Let the man be, he’s been with you for 24 years, he picked you that long, that should be enough.

Pick your battles…… seriously. This isn’t one of them you should be this upset about.

Tell him that your eyes are the window to your soul.


I honestly don’t care. As long as it’s not interfering with your sex life let it go. If it’s that big of an issue leave him or join him. Could be fun to play with him while watching it and visa versa

It’s porn….things could be worse. Your feelings are valid but he’s a man and obviously likes to look at porn. I feel it’s normal for men. At the end of the day, you gotta pick and choose your battles. My ex husband had a porn problem too, but he was on a live porn site and sending messages to them.

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Ladies you are not in competition with porn stars! Porn is fantasy, it isn’t a shopping site! Most men don’t want to fantasize about their wife (girlfriend) having sex in a fantasy situation with other people.

Leave him and seek a man that doesn’t like porn.

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If porn is causing problems for you, don’t let any data or argument overshadow the importance of your own emotions. While you may see it as a problem and something hurtful, many married men see it as something else entirely, and a big part of the solution is for you and your partner to better understand each other. Try talking to one another and listen to what one is saying. Remember not to judge one another and be open and honest. He’s not trying to hurt you, I promise. Sometimes our feelings take over our emotions and that’s okay! Just try it and see how it goes.

Men like porn. The fact he does it knowing how you feel is concerning. My husband looks at it I’m sure bc I am not always in the mood when he is and I don’t care if he looks at it as long as it’s not in my face.

Maybe make videos of you for him to watch


you put up with it for 24 yrs, why does it bother you so much now??? You never said he was or is cheating on you, so with that I would say just let it go, just think, if he does die before you, you can collect his SS, if you divorce, you can claim his SS check :slightly_smiling_face: So either way, it’s a win-win situation. Again, you allowed it for the past 24 yrs, so why does it bother you now??? And just maybe this is the only way, he can get it up, not that being with you he can’t, Some men have an erection problem & they don’t want to see a DR about & if your sex life is good, don’t complain

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It’s hard men are very visual creatures most of them like porn and it’s hard to tell another grown adult don’t do something because you don’t like it .I don’t really like porn ether but if I had a good man who did everything else I expected I could deal with it . If you’ve dealt with it for 24 years probably either except it or leave him and MoveOn maybe you could ask him to hide it better or you could not look for it.

Make a video for him then hes just watching you. Problem solved


It’s porn. It’s normal. Maybe you need to work on your insecurities.

If you have been telling him something for 24 years, and don’t do anything about it when you catch him, what makes you think he will stop now ?
Unfortunately, he won’t change the behavior, because he is so used to the “talk” that comes with getting caught. To him, there is no serious consequences, so why stop.

I was married to this jerk was that wouldn’t have sex with me after I had our child. but would watch porn and look up all sorts of stuff. I later found out it was bc of drugs :sweat_smile: but I didn’t feel sexy or attractive anymore so I left.

If it tears you up so much and causes you to feel broken, then why are you still in the relationship.

Addiction causes lack of respect. The urge is greater then your boundaries. Hubby need professional help. If he won’t entertain help then it’s time to send him on his way.


Let the man watch porn!!:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
It’s not like he’s having sex or touching someone else!!
Try watching it with him.

You could try watching it with him.


The majority of men, when asked, will state its not the women but the scenario that is turning them on. A lot pretend it’s their spouse doing the acts they watch. Have you ever thought to actually TALK to him about what he likes and engage in his fantasies instead of just catch him looking at things? No where in this testimony did you once state you’ve talked about what he likes or tried anything he likes. :woman_shrugging:


The issue isn’t the porn at this point (I understand it is an issue for you personally). It’s the fact that after 24 years of marriage, he still doesn’t respect you. And THAT is what would be a deal breaker for me. 24 years and this man still doesn’t care that he hurts you? That’s the real problem here.

But on the flip side, my husband is a porn addict. No, not the casual porn usage. That I could deal with. But an actual addict. And I’m going to tell you, it doesn’t matter what you look like. It doesn’t matter how good you are in bed. It doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been together. NONE OF THAT MATTERS. Why? Because his porn usage IS NOT ABOUT YOU. No matter if he tries to say it is. At the end of the day, it’s about him. It is NOT a reflection of you, it’s a reflection of him. It’s hard to accept but it is true. And if he truly wanted to stop watching porn to avoid hurting you (for non addicts, this isn’t a hard thing to do), HE WOULD. That’s all you need to know.

I’m sorry you feel that way about porn, but I definitely get you when it comes to the part where you tell him what bothers you and you’re speaking to a wall… sometimes when he tries to rationalize his excuses to me, I try to see it from his side and just let it go, because I noticed he does try to do things better for me… just take baby steps and try not to pay so much attention to when he messes up, pay more attention to the good he does do

You are definitely over reacting. I’d rather my man watch porn, than actually go out and be doing it with other women. Either divorce him, or deal with it. Because, obviously nothing has changed.

I feel like your over reacting. Do you two have a healthy sex life? It’s 24 years of marriage there’s always up and downs when it comes to intimacy. Maybe use it to spice it up a bit :woman_shrugging:

It’s not a matter of insecurities but even if it was, he should respect you above all else. Watching porn is not “natural” it’s an industry fueled with trafficking, unrealistic expectations and an unhealthy mindset that destroys relationships because of addictions to it. Don’t belittle yourself to watch it with him especially if it makes you uncomfortable. Don’t take advise from people who are being negative about your feelings, have nothing good to say to help you, and are encouraging you to “get over it”. Just looking at their profiles makes it easier to dismiss their opinions. I hope you find peace and if leaving him because of it causes that peace then only you know this in your heart. :heartpulse:

Are you guys still intimate? Make a video of yourself for him. I know everyone feels different about the porn situation. To each their own but I rather have that then him cheating. And if your not intimate you can’t expect him to just stop needing a pressure release. I think the only reason I’m single is because of my massage wand and some videos :rofl:

I can never understand these posts about complaining about porn… Would you rather it be with an actual woman and him go out of marriage to cheat?!

There’s nothing wrong with watching porn. Watch it with him!

Regardless of how everyone in these comments including myself feels about porn if it’s one of your boundaries then he needs to respect that. Other women may be okay with their men watching it but if you aren’t and he doesn’t respect that give him the ole “my way or highway” talk and stop letting him gaslight you.

He been doing it whole 24 years hell let him finish up rest his life…look if he still doing it after all these years he can’t control it he’s not gonna stop.look at it u his way porn watching or cheating…

I will never understand how people are so bothered by their others looking at porn.

Men are men if its available they are gonna look not to mention men are not very smart either with relationships

So you don’t let him masterbate? :flushed:
Men are visual, they don’t fantasize like we do, as long as he is only touching himself, he isn’t doing anything wrong :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


Yes you’re overreacting. Get over it!


It’s porn! He’s not sleeping with another women! Watch it with him as a couple!

Porn is an addiction just like a drug. It’s a lustful spirit that can grow attached to him and the only way to be set free from it is to repent of your sins in Jesus Name.

Oh my god if that’s her boundary, that’s IT and he should respect it. If he won’t/can’t (?) stop, maybe therapy is the answer. It may help to come to some sort of compromise.


A lot of these people are invalidating your feelings. Thats what I have an issue with. You are ALLOWED to feel the way you feel. It’s NOT controlling and it isnt weird that you feel that way. If he don’t respect your boundaries, he don’t respect you. That’s just the size of it.
Personally, I don’t have an issue with men watching porn. If that’s his thing, then whatever. But, some people dont like it and are uncomfortable with the idea of their man watching it.
With that being said, he is disrespecting you because you allow him to.
This problem can be fixed. Don’t throw your marriage away because of it. Explain to him WHY it makes you uncomfortable. Then I suggest couples therapy, and possibly make videos of you and him if that is something you’re comfortable with.

Your NOT over reacting. If it bothers you that much he should respect you and not do it. Most people dont understand this situation and what it can do to you. The ones saying get over it wouldnt be saying that if it were happening to them. Period. If he isnt willing to get help than end the relationship. You deserve PEACE AND HAPPINESS. best of luck! Sending love and peace your way :heart:


It’s porn not cheating…would you rather him go out? It’s not healthy for him to have to hide either he had nothing to apologize for in my opinion. He needs to get off thats healthy.

Seriously? He does not need to apologize for looking at porn. Masturbation, fantasy, it’s all part of human nature. People are so controlling. Let the guy watch his porn. You don’t think he’s been jerking it while thinking about that tail piece he saw on the subway? Would you rather him rub one out to someone he will never see or continue building his spank bank from people he sees every day? Be realistic here. Jesus Christ.

Make videos with him so hes watching you when he does it. This way its actually a turn on for you

Thats what i did
Now he watches me lol
Kinda nice


Porn, in and of itself, is disgusting. Period. It is culturing an issue of lust, which IS cheating. That’s why you feel so hurt. In addition, the porn industry has ties to sex trafficking, child trafficking, addiction… the list goes on… I’m sure he is struggling with an addiction to it as well.
I would look into the organization, Fight The New Drug.
This is NOT something you have to tolerate & you DEFINITELY shouldn’t “join him” & watch too. Supporting the porn industry is supporting all the industry is involved in (see the list above, to name a few).

I think your over reacting. Maybe watch with him. And spice up your sex life

First I want to say, I think some of the women on here are nasty rude people. Second if it bothers YOU and he doesn’t respect that where else does he lack respect in your relationship. I don’t think you are over reacting at all considering he knows where you stand with it.

Gurl, let him watch it. :heart_eyes:


Have a browse yourself, find what you’re into & ask him if he wants to watch with you. Role-play & act out the porn.

Yes. I do believe you are over reacting… but that is my opinion. It is porn. He’s not going out & having an affair.

Maybe you’re upset Bc y’all ain’t having sex enough? Or maybe Bc he’s doing it without you?

Take the taboo out of it. Talk to him & ask him what he likes … what are his fantasies. Then watch it with him & get comfy, ( if you’re uncomfortable -smoke a bowl or drink some alcohol) relax a bit & get freaky lol
Relationship are give & take. So you watch some Porn too… find what you like & then let him watch it with you…
Sexuality is a good thing… embrace it. :black_heart::heart::black_heart:

If it bothers you and he doesn’t care that it bothers you, then do what’s best for you.
All these women will tell you “it’s normal” “watch it with him” and all this other bs but they aren’t you and your relationship are based on YOUR boundaries alone.
If he’s crossing them then it’s okay to let go and focus on you.
If you don’t and you keep letting him do it to you, he’s gonna think it’s okay and it’ll get worse.


Sounds like you need a big ole fake willy to make him realize he’s not all that. :relieved:


Some of y’all in this group…OMG! You don’t get to choose her boundaries, just like she doesn’t choose yours! This is a boundary of hers, she doesn’t like it. Bottom line. And im sure her husband has known that for quite a while so he is definitely disrespecting her. And this BS excuse from some of you “men are men they’re gonna look.” :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: MEN ARE HUMAN BEINGS WHO ARE PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF CONTROLLING THEMSELVES!!! Stop excusing crappy behavior just because you think men are too stupid to be good to their wives and respect boundaries. Makes me wonder what kind of men y’all allow yourself to get involved with.

If he’s not respecting your boundaries he’s not respecting you. 24 years together does not make it okay to cross lines. If you don’t like him watching that stuff, he should not be watching it. It can definitely be an addiction, so maybe find out if it’s something he’s interested in figuring out about himself. Or maybe he just doesn’t think it’s a big deal, but that doesn’t make it okay. In a relationship or marriage, you’re going to be bothered by things that he doesn’t care about and vice versa. That’s where compromise comes in. Everyone has things they absolutely are not okay with and the other person is expected to respect that. If this boundary you have was not okay with him, he should have said so 24 years ago. You’re not wrong for being upset. He needs to respect how you feel. Try to have a conversation with him without something happening first, so it’s not a confrontation and emotions are at a safe level. Just wait a day or 2 and bring it up in a calm way. Like, “I don’t want to fight about it but can we please talk about this porn thing and figure out what to do? I don’t want to keep feeling like this and then having to fight about it.” It works for things that my husband and I fight about. Nothing ever gets solved in the heat of the moment so we step away from it and come back to it when emotions have calmed down. Good luck mama. :heart:

Guys are visual creatures… it is usually just harmless. I would not bother with it. Let him be. It doesn’t hurt anything looking at it! It’s not like its children or something sick or deminted. HE is just looking!!! Let him look.


Wow… just wow. Biblically, that’s adultery. The fact that I’m seeing sooo many comments for people invalidating your feelings is disturbing.


It really bothers you so he should care about your feelings but he really wants to do it so you should care about his feelings. So then what do you do? If that’s really a big issue for you than leave. Idk if you will find someone else who is willing not to do it but you can try.


Everyone has different boundaries in a relationship, what makes someone else uncomfortable doesnt always mean its gonna make other people uncomfortable. So if your boundary is no porn he should have respected that the first time. What I dont understand is how you got upset he didnt even apologize after you admitted to letting him continue to do this? You set a boundary then threw it out the window the moment you let it happen again with no repercussions, he has no respect for this boundary anymore because there are no consequences, your only option now is to leave or become ok with it happening :woman_shrugging:t3:

My soon to be ex was addicted to watching porn, I even told him before we got together that if he felt the need to watch porn then we shouldn’t be together. Well he lied said he didn’t watch it. 5 years later I had caught him over 4 dozen times probably and even messaged other women, even calling one babe, meowed at her and told her to cum play with him. Its total disrespect and its not ok. If you tell him you dont like it he should value your feelings enough not to. He can be with someone else who doesn’t care if he watches porn. I do care, I told him I will wear naughty outfits, lingerie and hv fun in the bedroom but I don’t want him watching porn. He didn’t love me enough, respect me enough or valued my feelings and it turned into talking to other women and saying stuff you shouldn’t say when in a relationship. There were other issues as well but I am in a middle of a divorce. He will continue to disregard and disrespect your feelings its up to you to choose to either put up with it or respect urself enough and leave.

Porn is a window that opens up desires and cheating. Before anyone says no it doesn’t or just get over it…NO it’s not normal!! I’m now in the midst of a divorce after 27yrs because porn was the first step to destroying my marriage. They don’t charge they just are sorry because they got caught!! I’d run because he won’t change

You are not overacting. Not liking porn does not make you insecure. You want to feel valuable to your husband and not wanting porn to be apart of your marriage is 100% okay. Women on a screen should not come before your marriage. Watching porn can be highly addictive. Please know you are worth more and that you are completely normal and your feelings are completely valid. I would have a heart to heart explain how you feel to your husband. You don’t have to watch it with him. You don’t have to make a video and send it to him. I would suggest marriage counseling if he doesn’t stop sometimes a neutral 3rd party can help. Know that the hurt you are feeling is real and ignore all comments telling you otherwise.

Come up with a compromise. You can’t demand he not masturbate, and there’s nothing wrong with porn. Be willing to extend your boundaries because he’ll feel comfortable and do the same in return.

If he keeps repeat offending what hurts and bothers you and he knows it…what would that tell you?!..tells me…he doesn’t give a shit about you, your feelings or emotions…it’s not a slip up…it’s a CHOICE…n he’s choosing to watch it rather than accept the fact that it hurts his wife…he does not give a shit…I’d tell him to be happy with his porn n get the f out…my last ex bf was literally addicted to it…it was getting to the point I noticed a majority of the time he couldn’t get it up without watching porn first…n that was a huge problem he couldn’t admit to…maybe ur husbands addicted?..either way…he’s choosing to hurt you knowingly…n that’s bs.

My husband has never had an issue with porn but I suspected in the past and I have a rule I always have I will not be with a man that watches porn for religious reasons and I think it is very disrespectful and a huge turn off so 5 years ago when I let him know I suspected it and I was going to leave him he begged me not to leave and he said if it made me more comfortable he will just get a old fashion flip phone with text and talk only and I told him no because I don’t want him to feel controlled that I will just leave and he said no that he was choosing it and making that decision not me so we been together almost 7 years now but for the last 5 he has only had a old fashion flip phone talk and text but long story short he chose me to be comfortable and not wonder and to stay with him instead of the phone but that is one way you can do it if he agrees to that but my husband don’t care for electronics he’s very old fashion

Unplugged all your internet

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Your feelings and boundaries are completely valid, it’s been 24 years of him disrespecting them and he’s had no accountability. Search the page Fight the New Drug and join to be amongst like minded people with science backing up the effects it has on relationships as well as the mental and emotional effects it has on the spouse being effected by their partners use. It’s very educational and has so many resources available to help you and him. And you don’t have to worry about the judgments and snide comments of strangers looking to shame you over this.

Bottom line, your relationship is between you and your husband, you’re allowed to have boundaries and you’re absolutely entitled to feel how you do about it. You’re not doing anything wrong and the one’s telling you that you are, are lucky enough not to have to deal with the mental and emotional effects this problem creates in relationships.

You need to decide if you’re willing to continue to fight this thing or if, after 24 years of him deliberately disrespecting and hurting you, it’s time to put yourself first and move on from the marriage. There are men out there who will give you the love and respect you deserve, which includes respecting boundaries. I’m sorry you’re going through this and I know first hand the devastating effects it has on relationships, I wish you the best of luck. Check out that page!


Watch it with him :muscle:t3:


It’s an addiction and he may need professional help!


I don’t care if my husband watches porn…

Don’t let these women tell you that it’s okay for him to be watching whatever he’s watching because it’s “normal” for a man. Yes, it’s normal for a man to have those “urges” (i hate that word) and it’s normal for men to want to look at beautiful women. It’s not okay that you’re not okay with it, and he keeps doing it. Your feelings are valid, he’s watching other naked women get “penetrated” by other naked men. Essentially, watching someone else do what he’s supposed to do to you, which is highly intimate and sacred. These women just don’t get it. Sex is sacred, it’s between two people who love each other and it’s a bond between two people that grows and connects us to each other. It’s not supposed to be shared with the world. It’s not supposed to be looked at while others are being “intimate” with each other. It is what it is, though. This is the world now, but your feelings are valid, and if you feel like he’s cheating or sad that he’s watching other women it’s OKAY to feel that way. You need to do what you need to do for you, leave, make him recognize what sex actually is, etc. I mean, most men do it, you’ll rarely find one that doesn’t, but he shouldn’t because of how you feel.

The amount of people that act like porn is no big deal, is way way higher than those who look at it like a hurtful act. . That doesn’t mean they are right, the world has convinced us it’s okay to look, and fantasize all we want. . Truth is, it’s not okay. And if it hurts you, then it should be taken seriously whether he agrees or not!

Just keep it in your Head he’s never gonna have one of those porn girls in real life ! :joy:

If it’s no big deal to him then he should be able to easily not do it to respect your feelings. The bigger issue is addiction. Many of the comments on here make it seem innocent to watch porn but porn addiction is a very real issue and if he has been doing it for 24 years then that might be where he is… addicted.

I was married to a man who looked at porn. It started as average adult porn but after years of normal adult porn it doesn’t excite you as much so he moved to legal porn where the girls looked under 18, then he started looking for preteen porn and apparently when that wasn’t enough he molested his daughters.

To some porn may be innocent but if his ( the OP husband) viewing is innocent then stopping it because it hurts his wife shouldn’t be a problem. Since he continues to do it and knowingly hurt her then I’d suspect that he is either an a-hole that doesn’t care about her since he continues to do something he can stop easily or that he is addicted and his desire is out of control and it can’t be stopped without help. Help, addicts don’t usually want.

My husband looks at porn occasionally. It doesn’t bother me. Like another comment stated, men, in general, are visual creatures. If it was often or an addiction, then no, I would not be ok with it.

I’ve never understood the big deal here.
I guess I just look at the fact that at least they’re aren’t actually messing around with another person.
Just my feelings tho.


Yes, you’re overreacting and insercure.


Wow :joy: you should watch it, stop being so uptight. Sound like you need a release of your own :smiling_imp:


Let him be at least he’s not cheating on you. Try looking at it with him it might spice up your love life.


Maybe try watching it with him. Not to be mean but he obviously is into something you aren’t. Maybe you both will learn how to please the other better and make your sex life better

Y’all realize every relationship is different right? Everyone has different boundaries and she’s said this is one of hers multiple times and he still chooses to ignore her. He deserves lèft🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean you had 24 yrs to realize he didn’t care about what you feel regarding his addiction. What makes you think he will change any time soon?? On the other hand, I don’t see watching porn as something bad, so I personally would not kind. Me and my husband watch it sometimes, but to each their own and that’s respectable. But it all comes to both sharing the same views.

Either u accept him w the porn or leave him.