Am I selfish for not wanting my husbands name on my new house?

Not not selfish at all. Do you.

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Not selfish! My husband spends money like he has an infinite supply of it and does not take care of anything and does not believe in paying his bills. So… a few years ago, I opened my own separate bank account. My name is on my stuff. His name is on his stuff. But I refuse to have him mess my credit up again after I have worked so hard to fix it. And i will not have my stuff lost or taken because he dont want to be responsible. Do what you need to do to protect yourself and your kids financially.


Absolutely not at all

I wouldn’t let him. It will cause a rift between you, but you’re the one who’s been busting your ass, not him.

Smart girl if he is spending foolishly he doesn’t deserve it

It is absolutely NOT at all selfish of you … He sounds lazy and he doesn’t take care of what he has … I honestly don’t know if I would want him living in my new house …

Thats what I call on to it :joy:

This actually happened to my friend and even though she got a Prenup due to her having a Buisness she bought a Ranch put it under her name only while they were both married when she Divorced the Judge still gave him half the estate because it was purchased while married :grimacing:

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I would consult a lawyer because I’m pretty sure that because you are married, even if his name isn’t on it, it’s considered community property because it is being bought while legally married.

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He’ll no.check; with a lawyer to see what are the state laws. Leave everything to your kiddos. Have proof that you paid for the house in full and have that stated in your will. Or you can divorce the the selfish yahoo now b4 it’s too late. Life is yoo short for such B.S.:heart::rainbow::us::sunglasses::heartpulse:

Not at all! He is not contributing to the plan for your future. Protect yourself, and the future inheritance for your children.

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Divorce him first, then buy the house.He doesn’t deserve you.I hate lazy people.

So any assets bought while married are considered a joint asset and he will have access to it if you pass away or divorce. Ypu can try to work something else out woth a lawyer but I would think he would have to agree. Even in de facto relationships (unmarried) the partner has grounds to clame part in the assets even if there name isn’t on it. He can also contest a will easy enough if the asset was bought while married, so I would be talking to a lawyer and seeing what ypu can do there.

While not selfish, its very hard to get an asset without him being able to have any financial gain from it because you are married and plan to stay married. A prenup means nothing to any assets bought after the wedding.

Hell no not selfish…but make sure u have it so he can’t get half if u divorce…many places …if u are married it’s 50/50 …w good attorney he could have rights to half… I’d assume prenup is for what u two each had before marriage not wat u acquire after marriage… Sounds to me…like u need to put that money where he can’t get to it and divorce n find u a better partner

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You need to reconsider your whole marriage. If you feel like you are headed towards divorce, wait until after your divorce to buy it so that it’s solely yours.


I mean. Y’all married. Does it matter?

So my husbands uncle was separated from his wife but bought a house for them he put it in their minor children’s names so if they did divorce she couldn’t sell it or anything, she loved there with their children until they were old enough to decide.

Not at all, this is a smart move. He is not fiscally stable and did not help at all.

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Wondering why you’d even marry this person whom you clearly do not trust?


Girl, keep his name OFF that house and kick his ass to the curb

I domt think you can not have his name. If your married

Nope & you are a very smart lady!!!

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You’re looking after your assets so you don’t end up homeless…I would do the same thing …even tho I’ve been married for 52 yrs

If you have any kids put your new house in their name and yours

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no you are not selfish at all you have to look after your well-being specially these days az well as your kids. As well you know he gambles and spends his money elsewhere he doesn’t know how to look after himself how is he going to look after you

He’s name doesn’t belong on a house paid for by your hard work


Not selfish but smart and aware your doing big things and hard work pays off sign that house with your name and give him something to think about now

No not at all selfish if he isn’t contributing to it then he can’t be on it. It’s suppose to be team work you can do bad by yourself here is a saying from Dhar Mann
“If your aren’t part of my struggle then you can’t be part of my Success”

If he contributes nothing to the purchase of said house then no he does not deserve to have his name on it, although if you want your children to have it eventually you could put their names on the title so they don’t have to pay a gains tax when you pass away.

Sounds like u need a new house and a new husband lol


Is this a trick question?:blush::blush:

Check with your lawyer if this will protect your home since you are married and each state treats property between spouses differently


Be careful as he might get half of everything you have worked for without his help.

Not at all!! You earned it!!

Correct me if I’m mistaken but being that this is a purchase during the marriage, he is entitled to half of any assets.


Absolutely not. Keep on keeping on girl!

No, if anything, you made a smart decision. You might as well have separate bank accounts too, since all he spends money on is casinos, razors and boats.

do not put his name on the house.
why stay with someone like this??
D is everywhere or get a good dildo and get rid of this loser :woman_shrugging:

No not at all, you do what you have to do.

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No. How long are you going to “put up” with this irresponsible behavior? Have you been to counseling or consulted an attorney?Take care of #1 and that’s you. I was in your situation…just sayin


Nope buy that house.

If I spent 8 years becoming a Dr. I be damned my husband walks around saying call him dr because im a dr. Or if your husband did years in the military, he be damned you demand everyone address you by his rank that he earned…
I think you have all rights to just have your name on it! If they didn’t contribute they don’t get to. Always check your state bylaws though because since you are married he could get half anyways but that shouldn’t affect just your name on the houses deed though thats if y’all split up or something happens to you.

Not selfish at all. It sounds like he doesn’t value what he has so why would he take care of a new home that he put no money into. That new house is yours and yours alone in my opinion.


Nope! Smart thinking!

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It’s marital property and is half his regardless if you want his name on it or not. You’ve known for four years that he doesn’t take care of things and wastes money.


No! Put it in your name only!!!

Definitely check with a lawyer, but it seems one possible way to do this is set up a living estate trust and have the trust purchase the home. But again, important to talk to a lawyer.


Contact lawyer before purchase. You Need to know what your options are

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Just leave the marriage you clearly don’t want to be in! Leave the Man U clearly don’t trust to do the right thing by your children , leave the man you have just put down and outted for wasting money and being a gambler, being irresponsible, being messy or not keeping your standards, leave , then you won’t need to worry about sharing your life with your so called husband , might be blunt !! But I would never ever talk like this about my husband, or even question if we shared a home and life together ! U are not in a good marriage.


No I would get a divorce


It’s smart, not selfish.


Did you specify in the prenuptial that assets acquired after marriage were included? If not, your shit outta luck. Divorce him and buy your house :smirk:

If you allow him to live there,you are ridiculous. Give him the boot and help yourself to what you have earned!!


No I don’t think your selfish at all but I would be going to see a lawyer first

No, it is very wise!!

I mean…I don’t think i could marry or be married to someone who i feel “didn’t” earn or do anything for this to even be an issue

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Smart woman! Not selfish at all

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Did he pay any bills for joint expenses? We’re they distributed evenly?

I dont I think it’s selfish! I think it’s smart. You can always add it at a later date if you want to

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U maybe should re think your marriage all together


Exactly what I would do!!

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you married him do ypu not love him

Nope. Don’t put it on the house because it’s clear he’s not gonna help in anyway

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You should think before you type. You selfish much you are married. Don’t like the way ge spent his money divorce him


You need to consult a lawyer, not Facebook. Some states have marital property laws, so regardless if his name is on it or not, if it was purchased during the marriage, he can potentially have access to it as an asset as marital property in a divorce.


Get out before you are all used up

Well if your married it would technically be half his wether his name is on it or not.

Take your shit and run short term marriage you owe him nothing


Sounds like divorce…

Non tu te protège de cette façon. Va voir un avocat pour être sûre

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He would make me literally insane. You have a child and not a husband. Cut the ties and enjoy your new home!!


Girl you the boss :clap: put your children first. If he is pestering you to put his name, he’s got something on his agenda. I think I watch to much lifetime movies

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Nope and everyone is right rethink your marriage.

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No! You worked for it and obviously he doesn’t care to think about the long term.

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No you worked hard for this he was stupid enough to waste his he seems as though he needs to man up , you need to think if this marriage going to work

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No…divorce him…

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Hell no sister, I wouldn’t put his name on it either. You said it yourself, he didn’t earn it


I totally support you putting your children first. A husband can replace you anytime without thinking twice. You worked hard for it, it’s yours and only his home too for as long as you’re still together.


Rethink all options and pray. That’s my #opinion

Do Not put his name on it!!! You’re not selfish at all!!!

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Not at all ,you worked for it

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You can always write in your will he can live in the house till he dies or remarried then the house gets passed to your children

Hell no!!!

No girl, keep it for you and your kids future

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I’m not sure you can do that, if you’re married


Hell no ur the smart one

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Wow…Your married.
Un-marry and you can put everything you want in your name…Doesn’t sound like this one is worth fighting for…
Please don’t have kids!!


Not selfish at all koz u saved that money whereas as u mentioned he was busy spending money on wastage… :sweat_smile:

He spent his money on razors??? That’s too much. What is he thinking???

Prenup is irrelevant. Y’all have been married long enough that anything you guys have is marital property. Only reason you’d even mention that is the inklings of divorce. Divorce, then buy your house. Best of both worlds.

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No but the law might want you to put his name on it. You can talk to lawyer for free. See if you can do a living trust or something

Your name only! Don’t be a fool…. Learned the hard way…

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Property you owned before your married is yours.

Property you owned before you married is yours, the money you made from the sale of that property is also yours. Any married couple may buy anything they want in their own name however if the money used to purchase it was ever commingled it becomes community property no matter whose name is on it. So use only your money to purchase the home.

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Not at all, why are you still married to that useless f?

Even if his name isn’t on your house if you ever part company he will be entitled to his share of the property

It also depends on the state you like in… some states make you no matter what you want

I think you are very smart. Don’t put his name on it.


Put your house in some one else’s name


No you have to look into the welfare of your children.

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