Am I selfish for not wanting my husbands name on my new house?

Ummm let’s see if you were a sahm you would want to be put on the house right what’s yours is his and the other way why didn’t you sell his house ? Or fixed it instead of getting another just my opinion but your married you don’t need to each own a house

In Indiana, if you’re married, it’s both of yours whether it has one name or both on the title.

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Not selfish. It’s smart!


No! He obviously isn’t good with his money and if he messes up someone like a casino could come for the house.

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Not selfish. Smart!!! Thays your money


Even though you want to put just your name on it you will need to check on your state regulations. Most states would consider the house joint property between two married persons. The other option if your state recognizes it, would be to have your husband quit claim any interest in the house over to you at the time of closing. That quick claim would be notarized and would have a better chance standing up in court if there was a future issue.

I think your smart girl,go get you a house

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Not selfish. Let him stay in his lol

No. You are a smart girl. There are no free rides. Sounds like he wants one.

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Not selfish. Very smart. See if a family trust would better protect you and your children.

Nope! And don’t let him guilt trip you he has money issues and and doesn’t know how to manage his, you worked hard and that’s all you he can live with you but I wouldn’t… who wanted the prenup anyway? If it was him there you go if it was mutual then go ahead and just sign your own name! Congratulations to you!


It’s called being safe.
It’s called being smart. Maybe God is trying to tell you something. Pray about it.

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Your married. All assets are 50/50 anyway (depending on the state).

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I would not put his name on the new house. If he really cared for you he would have worked his butt off to help so both of you get a nice place to live. The fact that he didn’t and that he didn’t even care for his own place makes me believe he wants you to financially take care of him. That what you want then go for it but remember you said you worked so very hard for four years and he did nothing. So what will you do???

Nope, it is smart of you!!

You know what to do.

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No. Absolutely not. Sounds like he doesn’t take care of things the way he should. Always go with your gut


Smart woman. He is a child.


You lasted longer than I would, I would have had a divorce by then…

Agree, absolutely no , go with your intuition


No I don’t!!! Do it!

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By the sounds of things… he would probably sell it & get more man toys for himself or gamble it away anyway!
He didn’t put a cent into it or help you with anything to do with it sooooo put in your name & leave it to your kids xx


Why are you still with that man-child?


Nope, not selfish at all. I would tell him until he can take care of things, and save some money, he can continue to stay in HIS house…

Fuck no. That’s your house, lady. You worked for it!!

She’s wise. And their marriage may not last long.

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This is the smartest decision you could make for yourself and your children. You go girl :clap:t5:

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good idea, u worked for it

I mean by the sounds of it you should. But I also think y’all just shouldn’t be married. Doesn’t sound like a very good marriage at all.

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Not selfish.
Practical and realist. You worked hard to provide what was needed.

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Nope nothing wrong with that at all


I think you are absolutely right! Leave the house in your name. Make a will that it goes to your kids if something happens to you. Otherwise, he could still get it!


Not at all… I totally respect you for this and praise you for the strength and hard work you’ve put into it. If in the future he changes and steps up like he should of, it can be changed. Keep up the hard work and do what you need to do. This is your life, your happiness.

Your bloody married what’s yours is his and what’s his is yours :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:t3:

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That’s not selfish. It’s smart.

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No do not put him on the house put your children on when buying the house. That way goes directly to them they don’t have to wait cuz their names are on it


Prenup’s don’t hold up in court anyway, seen friends fight them and win. But no you are not selfish, he should have saved like you to get something better that you could both share, he didn’t, his loss.

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No. He has no claim on it

Nope. You worked for it. Do it.

No not selfish. He might make u homeless.

If you sold your house to get this one, then no he don’t need his name on it. If it was a equal amount by you both, then yes he should be on it.

Best advice ask a lawyer!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I selfish for not wanting my husbands name on my new house?

When I see questions like these, I feel they are looking for validation and not a changing of one’s mind. My general rule of thumb is that if you question yourself, then you already have your answer.

Also… my belief of marriage is we are partners in everything, not just some things :woman_shrugging:t2:


No, his name doesn’t need to go on it. Your saved money + the money from the sell of a home you had before meeting him = your house. He’s not contributing to much it sounds like. Probably ought to wait til after the divorce to buy the new home. Cause that’s coming.


Not at all selfish, he’s done nothing to contribute so deserves nothing. Sounds like you’d be better off in your lovely new house without him at all.


Not selfish at all. He has no reason to expect it to be in his name, he did nothing to deserve it. You are exercising good judgment and fiscal responsibility. By his choice he is not.


Not selfish, smart! Protect yourself, he obviously isn’t. It’s never been a big deal putting the man’s name on the deed. Your money, your house.


No. After my divorce, years ago, I promised my house to my son when I pass. My daughter got an inheritance from her father – she understands that it will be his alone. It is solely in my name.
I had the house before I met my now-husband. I explained it to him and he agreed. I am sure he would prefer his name be on it, but I won’t break my promise to my son.


I don’t think you have the first idea of what marriage is. You should have been roommates!


No, this is not selfish. However, you may need to give this more legal attention:protection than whose name is on the deed. Shared property laws vary from state to state. Make an appt with an estate planning attorney to protect yourself!


In the 1940-1960, the men always put the house in only the woman’s name to protect them in the event the man died early. Nothing wrong with that! You need to look into the legalities of marital property…be safe for yourself!


My husbands name is not on our house bc the loan is just in my name. However we live in a state where that doesn’t matter. Which is one of the reason we never cared about getting his name on the deed. If I die the house is his anyway bc it’s marital property


No, keep his name off ! He has had 4 yrs. to show how responsible he can be, and it looks like he’s failed ! Until he can love and care about your home as much as you do, he shouldn’t benefit from what you have put into it !!! Because it’s not a house, it’s your home !!!


Sounds logical and safe to me…I wouldn’t want to put his name on it either, seeing as he can’t maintain HIS house OR save money for a joint property. Smart lady! Protect YOURSELF

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Nope!! You earned the money. If he contributes nothing he doesn’t deserve his name on the title! He sounds self centered and immature!!


I don’t think it’s selfish, it’s wise. Sometimes we think we are being selfish when we are looking out for our own interests. We need to get rid of that idea and protect ourselves.


Nope! You get what you work for! You deserve it, he spent his on things he wanted, so now you spend yours on what you want!


Sounds like you don’t love him, so just wait & buy home after much needed divorce. Spend this time working on you! Figure out how to attract better men


Not selfish. Very smart. Just be careful that should you liv together for a period of time and happen to separate he still may be entitled to some of it. Depending on state or country you reside in.

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No, you need to take care of you, obviously he’s not concerned, he has you to handle everything!! He’s a user, just taking care of himself, you do you, and wait till the divorce, because if you get a new home, he’s most definitely gonna want his share, even though he didn’t contribute, he feels he’s entitled to it!!


That is not selfish it’s being smart. If you are buying it with only your money, just your name, however, most states recognizes husband’s first in event of your death unless you leave a will.


No it is not selfish…but check the laws regarding this as all states are different. Also…don’t know what your prenup says… But usually anything acquired during a marriage is community property.


It really depends on where you live. I know that in Australia that anything acquired after marriage is 50/50 unless there are documents to say otherwise specified to that. Also, doesn’t trust come into it somewhere? Sounds like you’ve already got one foot out the door.

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No. You are not being selfish. If it was me he wouldnt be moving into the new house with me. Let him stay in his rotting down house.


Nope…one person struggling to save and the other spending on pleasure? You may need to get out of that relationship. He does not sound dependable in the least.


Talk to an attorney BECAUSE even though you put the house in your name and say you file for divorce, he may be entitled to something from the house. I bought and paid for my house out of the sale of a house I had built and paid for prior to knowing my husband plus bought his a 350 diesel power stroke 350 Ford and I now regret it, used all the money for a house he can get and he got a truck out of me. Too kind hearted I am. So get legal advice!

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Don’t bother putting his name on the house. With these attitudes you won’t be married much longer.


I believe that whatever you acquire as a married couple is 50/50. You may need a signed agreement from him. Not sure


Only issue I might see would be…were you able to save the money for the new house because he enabled you to not pay rent/mortgage for the last 4 years? I mean I understand you hate his house but have you been living there rent free? If so then it was sorta him helping… Also I would talk out the trust issues. You should trust him enough to follow your wishes if you die…


I believe after 10 years of being married anything you acquired in that time we’ll be both of yours I’m not really sure I know when I got divorced I lost half of my retirement


Pre nup or not once married and anything bought is split equally. Only what you owned prior is in pre nup.


Sounds like you have a ready made your decision you can change it in the future of course when u tell him this he might make your mind up for u lol


It will still be marital property. The only thing this does is keep it off his credit. If you divorce (depending on the state you live in) he is still entitled to 50% of it.


If you die and he is living in it…. I’m not sure your kids could get him out since he domiciles there. Agree w asking lawyer & getting contracts written up.

CURIOUS: did he agree to save & didnt? He knew you were saving right? Did you ever confront him and say instead of going to the casino or buying ima razor could you save the money so we have a nice house together? Not judging! Definitely would want it for my kids/ especially since I’m sure you’ll keep it nice and maintained. If something happened to you, it will probably go to shambles like the current house


Need to check with a lawyer…if you marry your State will automatically make it part his. Found that out when we went as now married to refinance his house . Also some States do by length of time living together in the house. Put in a Trust and most States should cover it. SEE LAWYER!?


Nope. You clearly have very different values and priorities! Just put in your name and your kids’ names?


Get an attorney In Iowa even if his name is not on it but you have lived in a house for a certain time then he will still be able to claim part of your house if you separate

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First of all…if he can’t do anything for you, you don’t need him!! and hell no you don’t need to put him on your house. Think about it…he didn’t do anything for you to earn that title. It’s not selfish it’s called SMART!!Tell him BYE Felipe!!

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Absolutely smart
Everything me and my husband have is together because we earned them together when we got married. If he doesn’t have his stuff together there is no reason he should be on your new house !

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No but I don’t think you’ll win. Living with him gives him right to your estate (in Australia anyway)

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Depending on your state-even with a prenup there are laws that if you pass you are not able to disinherit your spouse. I would also be curious in the fact that if you all made a goal of saving together etc… he didn’t hold up his end of the bargain, are there other things you could or should be concerned about? I guess it seems odd to me.

No I don’t think so, if he was interested in having his name put on he would have helped

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Not selfish. Be wise and you put in your own name. He hasn’t put anything into it and his money sounds like it all goes for his boy toys—nothing for family or future. Protect your kids

It normally is good to do 50%, 50% in the beginning but at the end, you never know how it will last. Yes a marriage is built on unity, trust and faithfulness, great majority should last happily like that but nowadays it doesn’t. You don’t want to live on the street like that if that happens.

No you are not selfish. It is what it is. He can go buy his own house and not put ur name on it

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Your red flags are already flying. You know what you need to do:). Good luck

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No, it is not selfish it is being practical and you are ensuring your future.
From what you are seeing in your husbands actions he is not practicing responsibility.
So please buy that house in your name and will it to your children call an estate lawyer and get some solid information so you will be covered leagally.
Then don’t make an issue of it just go with a realtor to find your home and make the transaction…there was a prenup after all.

Nope, it’s time to take care of yourself. You do not want to be left homeless for any reason.

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Protect yourself would be different if he contributed! Let him keep his house if he wants fix it and rent it but on his dime like u did! If he doesn’t want to do that well that’s on him!

No I dont think it is. A couple should work together as a unit and if one does not due to foolishness then shame on them.

No you will end up with nothing and he wouldn’t maintain the new house either

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Why are you even still married to this guy? You are trying to live as though you are already divorced.


Nope, I think its perfectly reasonable not want his name on. I would check with a lawyer just to make sure that it still be considered community property :thinking:

Not at all you have every right he did nothing to contribute so why should he benefit off ur hard work let him stay in his house u reap the benefits of ur gard work and enjoy ur new house.

No you are not selfish at all.He needs to grow up.Please do not put his name on it.And I would talk to a lawyer before I buy a house.Because you are married.Good luck with everything.

No you are not wrong. He won’t last. Keep his name off the deed. He needs to contribute money for the payments as rent. He does live there.

Leave him at the old house and file for divorce and move into your new house that will only be yours. You sound as if he doesn’t have the same goals as yours? Do what you have to do and don’t worry about what people think of you, you got this, protect yourself, protect your heart and stay safe.:rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose:

Buy it on your kids name with of cause some conditions like the name of the one on the house should not have the right to sell it or It should be registered as a trust for the kids and nobody from the Trustees will have no right to sell it period . Than you play him out square

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not at all. Take care of yourself and your children…He has already proven himself to be irresponsible.