Am I selfish for not wanting my husbands name on my new house?

Definitely not… you’re monies, he seems to be like all those others , squatters, husband or not….

The rotting house didn’t just happen overnight, so you must have known this before you married him. You should have walked away 4years ago.

If you are planning on getting a divorce I would wait to buy a new house in case a judge might have you split it with your husband and what ever money you made off of selling your home put it in one of your kids account just in case the judge might have you split that too. When you are married everything is always half and half… Please get legal help before you make any drastic decisions

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NO it’s time you think of yourself. He is not responsible and seems to only think of himself. Maybe time to talk to a lawyer and divorce

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When you buy a home they (the bank)will ask for proof where the cash came from.
Have your proof put house only in your name. The house you sold will prove a lot of that.
DO NOT put his name on anything. He sounds like a user

Best consult Atty in your state to determine what “marital Interest “ he may have even if it’s not in his name nor paid a penny toward it

No, I do not. Being smart and practical instead of self serving and selfish as he is. !! Good for you.

No, it is not selfish. It sounds like he doesn’t contribute much and sits back while others take care of him. You have to take care of you.

I think not at all. At least your children will inherent the house.

No, I don’t think so at all. But you may want to re-consider being married. I think a marriage you both need to work together if not there’s no point in going further. You’ve only been married 4yrs imagine 10?? He’s not going to get better because he likes to spend on things not important. What will he do move into his boat if his house falls apart?? Also I don’t think you should’ve sold your house. By law if you buy a house being married doesn’t that entitle him to half even though he didn’t do anything for it?.. I’m sorry but he just shows lack of responsibility. I went through that with my husband and if I could turn the clock I would. Mine didn’t have his own house but did waste on dumb things like speakers for his car and those lights… he’s changed now that we got a house :crossed_fingers:t4: don’t want to jinx it… but yours already had a house and didn’t give any flying f**s about it :disappointed:

No I don’t it was supposed to be a joint venture but also don’t be surprised if there would be a break up he puts a claim of joint ownership

No,he made no effort to get a new house and you did.he should keep living in his own house and find you a new man too.

No its not selfish at all, but I don’t know if they’ll allow you to not put his name on it. And even if you dont, he still might end up with the house if you die.

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I completely agree with you. I would consult an attorney and have a will written up and filed with the courts.

Depends on the State you live in, in California a married couple can not buy a house as an individual. You could charge him a mortgage for his half.

No not selfish but wise. I kicked my husband out of my house because he did not respect it , not my hard work and investment in it. We are still married. He lives in a rental and he can stay there. I live in my home and he can come over by invitation only. Being a retired cop he is way to bossy and I don’t accept that kind of behaviour in my sanctuary

My ex did that. Never was on the title of the house. I lost what I put into it and now it is sold. I broke my back to take care of that house. Now it’s gone.

Not selfish. See an attorney to make sure he doesn’t have a claim down the road.

You gotta look out for you not selfish if he don’t want to contribute than he don’t deserve to be on the deed

I think you have a bigger problem than fear of being selfish. Why in the world would you want to stay married to someone with the issues that you listed out. Not to mention the fact that you worked your you know what off and he did nothing to contribute.

Nope. I had a prenuptial. After divorce I am still in my house. Best decision I made, other than maybe the divorce.

Nope …you go girl…I used my VA benefits to refi ance our .[never paid for]…house…and it paid off all of his outstanding debts…THEN he left and filed for a divorce…with money he had stashed…long story short…he didnt want to pay me what the judge ordered …and he got some pretty bad health issues…just before final papers were signed…he came back no explanations…I like an idiot thought I needed to take care of him…divorce stopped…he is back in major debt…and I am miserable…and with out any money to fall back on…cover your self Girl cause he wont…good luck🍀

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It’s not selfish, you are wise not to put his name on your house. He does not sound responsible at all.

Your money, buy the house you want and no don’t put his name on it. His house has his name on it let him keep that. Don’t keep him either. Seems a bit flakey and sellfish to me. Doesnt want to fix his own home with you living in it with him that’s digusting.

I think you have to ask yourself a much bigger question…. Why are you still with this man?


Nope, not selfish at all! He sounds irresponsible, let him live by himself in his so called house. You like to live the good life.

Also depends on what state you live in. In Tennessee it dont matter of his name is own it or not. If the house is acquired during marriage iys half his.

Nope. Its not selfish at all. I’m doing the same with my bf. I’m saving up and we aren’t married so it’ll be in my name only

Put your money from the house into a Revocable Living Trust in your children’s names. The money is yours until you die. But safe from him. Get an attorney. The kids can,t touch it until you die. But you can .You will pay Tax on interest.

My selfish at all. He didn’t contribute than he should get nothing.

No I don’t. Put your kids first. You worked for it and had your own home before he came along.
I will be honest before I married him I would have looked at the home and things to see if he looked after them. It’s a sure sign. Does he look after you and your kids? Gambling is not a good sign. Maybe I’m too fussy but my kids cone first.

Not selfish, but consult an attorney to make sure this will hold up in the inevitable divorce battle.

Hell no. He doesn’t care and you have saved to better yourself… Don’t but his name on it. Divorce his ass you deserve better.

Not one single bit. Get the house consider getting rid of the man.


Not at all, yes look out for you, doesn’t sound like a happy marriage to me, sorry

It dont matter his name has to be on it.any thing you acquire during marriage is infact half are one now by law.

No I don’t think you’re being selfish… 4 years isn’t long enough after you sold your house that you had before him to buy this new house…

I wouldn’t put it his name. And I would make sure I had a will stating that my children would get it.

Well here is the thing. Depending on where you live, if you bought the house while you guys were married and decide to get a divorce, and he contest it, there is a good chance that you may have to sell it and split the proceeds. The proceeds from your orginal house were yours free and clear because it was acquired prior to the marriage.

Nope, not at all. Stick to your guns!! I let my ex suck me dry, pls dont make the same mistake!

No you are entirely right to put it just your name. Believe me I have been married 4 times and always I in just my name. I’m 74 and glad I did.

Be careful. Some states it does not matter if you are married he is still entitled to the house without his name in it. My sister got into the predicament. They had not lived together for years before she bought her house. As soon as she did he showed up. It took her a couple if years and money to get him to sign a paper that said ge would not go for her house. No sooner did the jerk sign those papers he up and died in his sleep. ( alcohol got him) but had she not got him to sign he probably would have outlived her

Why are you still there? Live seperate. Keep the house in your name and let him keep his.
Maybe take out insurance on his place. Seems like it will burn down one day

No you did the saving and working while he squandered his money away so your name only with a will stating how’s to your kids

If he’s not contributing in any way, not at all

No not at all it’s your money and will be your house if he didn’t want to save some money to get you both a house then he has no right to it

No not at all. My daughter is 23 and she just bought her brand new car cash and she plans on buying a house in her name only. She is a pharmacist and not married or have any kids yet. She said she is putting everything in her name then her kids name when she has them because she paid for it all herself.

As a man I would say you worked for it therefore it is yours. Plus I would charge him rent and have him pay half the bills. If he is a man he wouldn’t want to freeload. In all honesty you shouldn’t even have to ask he should just do

You have a right to protect yourself an house! He sounds selfish! He sounds like a gold digger! You should of looked at his home a ran the before you married him! He won’t change but will take you down with him!

You are not selfish if he’s not going to be apart of working on your. New home together then follow your gut…and don’t be a sugar mamma for anyone…

Not at all. Do not put his name on the house you are not selfish just smart.

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No…but you need to check marital property laws. It might be everything is joint after marriage no matter whose name is on it. If that’s true then you might want to have it put in your child’s name if old enough and works or put it in one of your parents name…need to check…unless your pre nup plainly states whatever each buys belongs to buyer.

Why marry a person you don’t want to build together. A prenup is a sign that you shouldn’t be getting married but just getting on top of each other.

No. If he’s not contributing he doesn’t deserve to be on the deed.

Put your house in a Trust and then you don’t have to worry about property laws

Not at all he would still
Get 1/2 of the equity of the house if something happened. Check your state laws

Absolutely not., Sometes we don’t pick our mates wisely.

No put it in your name you worked and paid for it he didnt help

nope not selfish of you at all… i went thru the same thing… now i live in my house by myself… :slightly_smiling_face:

No not selfish , he is not being risponsable and you have to think about your kids future .

Nope… i’d divorce him tho before I bought a new house

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I agree with you. I would want my children to get my inheritance. Should you go first, he could marry again and she could end up with part of the house.

Absolutely not. I’d seek the advice of an attorney on how to set up your wishes.

I would get legal advice before doing anything xx

I’m thinking he needs to be gone permanently, then you buy a house for yourself.

Not selfish! Take care of yourself first. Obviously, he’s not going to.

I think I would rethink the entire marriage if he hasn’t been serious enough to save money to contribute to the new house. Nope no way his name would be on the new house.

Hope state laws support prenup , it’s not selfish.

It is not selfish to protect your financial interest and those of your children especially if your significant other is not contributing to your financial situation!

I have properties that my husband can’t get his hands on for i make it clear that anything before the marriage he is not entitle to it. I built a estate for myself and my children. So if anything happens to me my children are the ones who gets those properties. Anything that we built after the marriage is divided between him and I. If I was to pass away then he is entitled to what we accomplished together.

No, you are not being selfish. If you are the only one putting money towards your new house, it’s yours. Don’t put his name on it.

Yeah I wouldn’t be with him in the first place. He is the selfish one. I’d move into the new house alone. Sounds like he’d let the new house get like his now house. I would never put in in his name.

Simple No. Hopefully your prenuptial addresses your new purchases. Now if not then when he wants to be added to the title of the new house, tell him “of course” as soon as he matches the money you put in as was your agreement.

Do it! You owned it and he contributed nothing therefore he’s not entitled to anything

You’re looking for an out… you already know you want out of the marriage…do it and save some future misery for both of you.

I would day no. What about state law on this. Married, what you GET together is 50 / 50 in some states.

Gonna say this from experience. Do not put his name on your house. His expensive toys are all in his name. He would get all his stuff, plus half of yours. I think the fact that your asking on social media, is your intuition telling you No. good luck.

But money/house in a trust for children and specify all must agree on its sale .

Personally, no! I feel you’re being protective, especially considering his current behaviour. Snart woman!

Not selfish smart.If something happend to you he be out looking for another woman to work hard for him.

Some states have a form he can sign relinquishing any claim he may have to the property. Check on that.

You need to check with your state, in many states it is required both spouses are on the deed

Some states are spousal states and, whether you want him on the house or not, it’s going to happen.

If roles were reversed we’d be complaining that they are married. And what’s his is hers… but the other way around its hers and it won’t be his…

No, you told him the plan and he went with his own plan. Dog eat dog, look out for yourself and your kids! Red flag… casinos!!

How is it selfish? You worked hard and you are paying for it. He was the one who is selfish, not doing his part and spending his extra money on his pleasure. Make your new house part of your prenup and make it yours alone. He had his chance to do his share. You’d be better off financially if weren’t married to him.

I think that is fair. When he sells his house he can get that if there anything left after mortgage and repairs

maybe if he is that irresponsible and unreliable you shouldn’t have married him

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Not at all and congratulations on all that saving. That is really difficult!!

No not at all he made his bed by not saving any money. Go for it

No just stupid to continue move out and rent something until divorce is finalized. Obviously you had reason to sign prenup!

Nope not selfish at all. You put up the money… charge him rent until his portion of price is met… MAKE A LIVING WILL FOR YOUR KIDS TO GET ALL YOUR STUFF!!!

I probably would not put his name on it , you have to protect your assets. It sounds like he has a real problem and until he can fix that . I would have to lay down your expectations. When I first got with my husband he owed his ex child support . I had a house ,I did not put his name on anything until things got settled . His ex took him to court and tried to go after my house , my income, my retirement , etc. needless to say when she was in the court room her lawyer said what do you mean his name is not on the house?? the judge told them its not his and you can not go after my assets . Ha ha

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I do not think you are selfish at all. You worked for it. If he doesn’t agree, a long conversation would obviously need to occur.

Put it in your children’s names. And then pay them rent to pay the mortgage.

Nope. Maybe not the best idea to buy something if you are in a long term relationship as there could still be a percentage owing in the event of a separation anyhow, but definitely not selfish.

No you not selfish if he spends money like that then no he wants a free ride I take my hat off to you.

I’ve been remarried with a prenuptial and never put my house in his name. He does work on the house but it was paid for before we started dating

I had to put my husband’s name on my mortgage even though we dont live together and dont mix finances.

Nope, but then why or you still married if you have such a low opinion of him.

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