If he didn’t help buy it his name shouldn’t go on it.
Put the house into a trust. Verify with the lawyer but pretty sure he cannot touch it.
Marriage should be 50/50 but in this case it doesn’t sound like he is doing his half so I wouldn’t put his name on it. Y’all didn’t buy it together why should he get half?!
be careful . not sure I think prenup is done before u get marry. and u say u already marry
No you are not selfish,he doesn’t deserve it if he didn’t help pay for it
I guess depending on a state you live in since you’re married it’s going to be half his anyway
It sounds like first you should dump him.
Not selfish at all - merely looking after your children’s welfare.
nope nope! anyone that is a big gambler hell no, and he hasn’t cared at all so nope i would make double sure he gets nothing.
If you live in California, do NOT comingle funds. That includes any and all future house payments if you purchase a new home. If you purchase a new home with your money from an account only in your name and you sell the home that is in your name only, be sure to keep your money separate from he’s and/or any joint accounts. That includes any money he gets from selling his house. If both of you provide funds towards the new house, in California it is considered community property. Make the new house payments from an account in your name only. If any funds are comingled, and you eventually get divorced, he is entitled to a share of the home. May be a different ball game with the prenup. Worth contacting an attorney.
No I do not! There are times you have to watch out for yourself and use your brain not your heart
You are right by all means! Why do you stay with someone so selfish? You are just helping support his selfishness.
Might be time to really evaluate the marriage😬
Since you are married he more than likely will be put on the deed but not on the mortgage. Thats the way it is with me and my hubs
Yes you are selfish I don’t see love in this relationship, where is unity everyone is doing their own thing .
Don’t use your name, but your kids but sign yourself as estate manager till your death
Not selfish at all. Are you certain you want him moving into the new house with you and not taking care of it?
No. You need a bolt hole. Your house will end up being frittered away, which he has done with his money.
Careful, regardless of whether or not his name is on the house or not in court of law if he is living in the home with you, he is entitled to half as it is the matrimonial home, the two of you are married, all assets are owned equally 50/50 and all debts are owed equally, regardless of who’s name is on what, if a prenuptial was signed before the marriage double check conditions to assets aquired during the marriage!
No, not selfish. You’re planning ahead and he wants to spend his last penny an instant before he dies.
NO! Go back and look at the story of Little Red Hen.
He doesn’t deserve it. Make him pay his share of business for sure.
You’re being wise in recognizing red flags.
No, but if you dont put your child’s name on it, could be a problem passing it on. But then I’m not a lawyer.
If he outlives you, Kansas law allows him to stay in your house until he decides to move out or dies.
Depends on which state you live in; whether or not it is a community property state .
No pit everything in a trust fund. It does not have to go to probate court
Question I would ask is “Why are you with this guy” Doesn’t seem like you two are on the same page about a lot of things.
If you die first you have to leave him something just 10 dollars would do but something plus you need a will or he gets a child’s part but I would not put his name on if he’s not taking care of his place he want take care of the new place
No it is not. He did nothing to help you
No he" s selfish and lazy for not going through with the plans. Do what you need to do just do it legally.
No u are not if he knew that was the plan and he didn’t take it seriously shame on him
I agree, I put money in ex house and lost my ass, do what you think is right
In Most states if you are married ,even if you don t put his name on it ,everything belongs to both
Hell no ! If he hasn’t put anything into it I wouldn’t put his name on it!
Not at all! My friend says if you don’t have any skin in the game you don’t care!
In a community property state, property acquired during the marriage is community property/ what you had when you got married is. yours if you did not co-mingle it. Sounds like this is not a union made .in heaven.
Hell to the no… he will spend every drop on his own pleasure. Do you.
Nope not selfish. Especially since you say he’s not going to put any care into it
No it is not selfish. Not sure why you stay with him. Doesn’t sound like you have the same set of values at all.
I sure wouldn’t put his name on it when you do then it’s going to be gone cuz it’s going to be half his
No way, why should he reap the rewards of your labor. Amend your prenup
Sounds like your problems are much bigger than a name on a deed! Figure out the relationship details, then once you’re on the same page, but a house. If you can’t get on the same page, cut your losses.
If you have a prenup and what ever you have in the prenup for him that is what he gets. I have never had anybody on my home, cars, bank our anything.
No he should have MAN-UP like a man. Since he didn’t do the right thing the answer is NO to the NO.
Look at the law in your state. In MN take one to buy two to sell if you are married. It would be considered marital property regardless if his name is on it or not.
Not at all. He is who is being selfish!
It is NOT being selfish at all. It is your money your house. I lost everything when I divorced my husband because everything was in his name.
I would check with an attorney before you do anything. He may get part of that house anyway if you buy a new one. A lot of states are 50/50 if you are married. If there are no children involved I would never get married again and keep everything separate. People are just different now since the women’s movement. It sounds like you should have really thought about marrying this guy in the first place if he doesn’t have the same values that you have. Think very hard about this new home with him.
In Louisiana I have a house with only my name on deed. The lawyer says he is still entitled to it but he can sign releasing his rights to it. Would your husband be willing to do this? In the event of my death he still gets the house.
No you must as he has no morals so put in your name. ? Are you sure he is what you want.
If you owned a nice home why did you move into his run down one? If hes a taker only. Problem solved kick him out
Absolutely not selfish to WANT it this way based on info you provided!
Especially since you want to make sure it goes to your
Obviously a prenup is one thing but now that you’re married can you do this legally?
Will he agree?
It is clear he took you for a ride!! Get rid of him!.
He didn’t want it or he would’ve saved for it.
Not selfish but depends in what state you live in laws are different
Put it in your children’s names
I dont think you are selfish at all. Dont put his name on it especially since he didnt contribute his share. Leave it to your children.
I would run not walk to the nearest lawyer. You don’t need this baggage.
If his name isn’t on the deed on the new house,be sure its clearly stated who gets the house in your will!
No. If you both had worked for it then it would be only fair to put his name on it but since he contributed nothing keep it only in your name for your kids to inherit someday
I do not think in your case you’re being selfish. But it could cause a major upset with the two of you.
You are married and if your going to stay married in most states it doesn’t matter because whatever you buy together after marriage is community property. Buy the house you want and move on.
Not at all. I divorced my ex for this very reason.
Better pack up and go cause he probably cheating on you too
I think you’ve chosen poorly with regards to your husband. You two are not in sync with life goals. I great your marriage will not last.
No , not all! Get your house but leave him out of it don’t even take him he will ruin the new one too!
No. Not at all selfish. You worked, you saved, you sold your house. He did nothing. The new house that YOU paid for is YOURS. Even better that you have a prenup. Sounds to me like maybe not only should you not put his name on the new house, but also not keep his last name as yours. Marriage is SUPPOSED to be a partnership. If you’re doing all the hard work, and he’s just having a grand old time, then it’s time for him to go. You can do better.
Make sure there is a paper trail on everything. Save every receipt…good luck, sounds like you’re going to need.
Why is she even married???
Its not selfish. IT is to take responsibily for yourself
I’m a guy who has been married for 30 years and I think it’s ok to not have him on the title.
No if you put all the money down on it only your name if it wants he name on it tell him to SHOW ME THE MONEY
Nope! And I would buy a house and move in without him! He can stay in his house that is falling apart!!!
Sounds like your not wanting to be married to him too much !
Absolutely not! Your the one that worked to buy that house.
Talk to an attorney before you buy anything. If things don’t work out you will most likely have to split things including your bank account unless you had a prenup
Nope not selfish at all but in my state if your married he get half better get the divorce first before buying
I do agree that if you needed a pre-nip it probably wasn’t good to marry in the first place. With that being said: No, not selfish if you sold your home & the only one putting money in the “pot”.
absolutely not! sounds like you’ve earned the right to have it in your name only.
Absolutely not you are dead right on what should happen
What about putting it in a trust of some sort. Giving you rights to sell if you want but reverting to your children if you were to die?
Divorce first! After it’s final, buy your dream house! Provided he doesn’t get part of your “house” money in the settlement!
It is not selfish at all. He bought toys, now he could sell those toys and repair his home and sell it to invest together or not.
I would use that money to buy a divorce then a house
I don’t understand why the 2 of them got married. You can’t have an individualistic mindset and be in a relationship based on collectivism. SMH
Check the laws about what’s acquired during the marriage and how it gets split in case of a divorce.
No it’s not. Are you sure about the marriage?? Financial irresponsibility will cause problems in the future. Keep everything separate.
Not at all its your new house
Not at all stand your ground. If he wants to live in a dump let him.
Not selfish but curious as to how and why build with a man that isn’t doing it back?!
No , do not put his name on your house, sounds like he really doesn’t care . Out on your own then buy a house . Time to pack
Why are you still married? It’s obvious he’s not ready to be married and to make sacrifices… I’d leave without him.
I’m married 22 years the house is in my sons name he is of course older but yah.
Not at all-- buy it in Trust for your kids now so neither of your names are on it
No I do not. These days you have to be smart with your money.
I think you have more issues than a house. And will have even more issues if you buy a house and leave him off of it or out of it.
Not at all. You are the one buying it, it should be in your name only.
Sounds like your not to fond of him… so this love probly won’t last…
You should run as fast as you can! Don’t look back.
Absolutely not selfish! I would not have his name on it since he’s done nothing at all to earn or desire it
You lived in his house for four years? Did you account for half the maintenance, upkeep, property tax in that four years? Or just let him handle it? If he paid the overhead for the last four years while you socked money away and sold your own place, id say it’s damn selfish to not put his name on the new place. And if you two can’t communicate, can’t compromise and can’t share a home, what the hell are you doing sharing a bed?