Am I selfish for not wanting my husbands name on my new house?

They say anything owned before you got married is your anything after you get married is 50/50

Take it from someone who worked her tail off while he blew his money drinking. I barely got anything when we divorced and when he died his kids got nothing.

No. Go buy your house, move there, set it up, make it the way you like and then he can come for sleep overs. If I were you, I’d insist he keep his own house and visit yours. RECIPE for a happy marriage.

If your already thinking that way perhaps you need to rethink your relationship?

No it’s not wrong. He doesn’t know how to take care of the house . It should go to your children

Did he charge you rent while you lived in his house? Sounds like it’s the start of a war.

No, however if he contributes to 1/2 the payments, then yes

But it in you children’s names x

In the long run, you must look out for yourself.

No, it is not selfish! It is smart!!!

Heck no. If you have the money you buy the house. Do not under any circumstances put his name on the mortgage. You have worked and sounds he is taking advantage of you. You are not selfish. You have worked and earned. You are going to have to be the stronger one here. If I were you I would consult an attorney to make sure of your rights. Sounds like he does and gets what he wants and doesn’t consider anyone else. You are a smart woman.

Not at all. We get what we work for. Hard work has paid off for you. You’re name only

Unless you have a prenup it probably won’t matter. What’s yours is his and what’s his is yours….look into that first. Names on houses may not matter.

No I think you’re smart. You don’t have to go down with the ship.

Nope nope nope nope not selfish at all. Put up or shut up. Sorry.

No I think you did the right thing you kids has to come first

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Not selfish at all. It’s about priorities. His is clearly in question.

Hell no! They want everything they can get from the wife no matter who left who…

When he sells his house and moves on the new house will that money be joint?

I’d consult a lawyer bec there are marital laws and if you live in a 50/50 state then no matter whose name it’s in it’s 1/2 the other spouses NO MATTER WHAT.

Hell NO…if he is NOT helping to save for a new house then will it to ur children.

Sounds to me like u have made your mind up - not only about your house but your marriage too!!

No you aren’t selfish, that’s the way it should be. (Similar situation)

Don’t be silly if he can’t look after his own he certainly won’t help with your house

So why are yall married again? Thought marriage was supposed to be a partnership? :thinking::woman_shrugging:t4:

He should not be on the house and why be married as then he can challenge your children if you die and he lives in the house?

Why did you marry this guy ??

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If I were going to remain in this marriage I would look into putting the home to be purchased in my kids names now. Maybe a trust…?

Sounds like you need to see a lawyer about a divorce before he loses every thing gambling

What will happen to the money he gets when he sells his house?

Yes it is… It’s also likely not legal in many states

I would wait till after the divorce myself to buy cause it is coming

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No you are not wrong stick with your decision he could gamble it away then you would have nothing doesn’t sound to me like you are a very good match

You answered your own question and presented the do not go near image of your husband. Get rid of him.

Nope- your business is your business - it’s your life , your finances and your feelings. Are you able to add the house to the prenup ?

its just right to put it under your name

No! Go for it! Not very good husband material either!

Why did you marry him?

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If you felt you needed a prenup your mistake was marrying him in the first place. Now yes it is selfish. You probably knew what you were taking on in the first place.

Not even a little. If you didn’t, you would be crazy!!!

Why the hell are you staying married to him?

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So,he will let your house fall apart also!!!???

NO! Your efforts, your money. He is the selfish one?

First off no!! You take care of you and your children!

I think you made a poor choice in husbands

Why did you stay with him for 4 years?

Nope! You have answered your own question in your paragraph above.


What is happening to the money from the sale of his house?

I take it as a general consensus here that majority of persons think in same line of thought as the writer and or person who asked the question…
Here is my opinion;

  1. Let’s not ignore the fact the husband owns a house also and not totally dependent on her, rather she is not comfy with the environment thus prompting her decision to get a new befitting place.
  2. What will be the case if the man was the one getting a new place. Will this question come up or will she want him not to have her as a co-owner to the property.
  3. What is our definition of matrimony and if two come together to make a better life, why then the division?
  4. Every responsible man and or partner will never want to mortgage the lives of his children in the case of demise of their mum and his partner.
  5. Lastly, I feel there is firstly an issue of trust in this union and that has to be resolved before any other decision is made.

Marriage is a shambles if you have a prenup

Nope.Check with Lawyer about State laws.You may be OK and own it outright.

Time to end this relationship. Is he pulling his weight or are just paying THE bills? Easy enough.

Not selfish at all. Hope you don’t live in a community property state or that your prenup protects YOUR home?

The law does not care what you think they will say 50% his

If there is a prenup, why worry about it…its your money…its yours

Wow, such responses…what if the tables were turn? I’m sure all u guys would’ve said to her for better or worse eh? Bitches

So what kind of boat? Do you go out on it? Are you his arm candy at the casino? If not, ya might want to ask his girlfriend for advice on the subject.
Seriously lady?

No. Why would his name go on your house?

Question for the wife is your name on his house you live in now or is it just his name?

Why are you still with him?

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No make it part of the prenup!

Sounds like a marriage made in heaven-NOT!

No always look out for your children.

Ok, I’m a bad person for saying this, but it sounds like divorce papers are what she should get his name on.

Move on this is not a good relationship. Cut your losses now instead of later.

Oh hell no… put it in your name… that way the casinos won’t get it…

Stick to your guns. What’s his motivation anyway?

No not selfish at all. Exactly what I would do as well.

Do you live in a state that what is bought during a marriage is considered 1/2 his?

Nope , but check with a lawyer to see if this can be done

Doesn’t sound like you two need to be married period. You both sound selfish. And even when you divorce everything is split 50/50, even if his name isn’t on it.

Why did you marry him if you think he is that irresponsible?

Where does the money from his house go ?

If you buy it as a married couple,his name will be on it.

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No. But the question is why do you stay w him


Why are you still married to this dead beat? Is he great in bed or something?

Not if he didn’t help you get the house

Do you even like your husband? You’re married, not living separately within your marriage. Aren’t you meant to share?!

No, why are you still married?

Buy it already in your children’s names

Are you kidding? Wouldn’t put his name on a sandwich

It appears you have your mind made up?:slightly_smiling_face:

No I believe it is smart on your part.


Would you want him to do that to you?

Trust your instincts…you know him better than anyone…l dont think your selfish…you are aware things are not right…

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Did you take him for better or for worse?

Community property, be careful, it happened to me🙏


No, not selfish at all, he is disengaged


Get rid of him then buy your home. He sounds awful.


Not selfish. Keep it all separate!


Hell no!! You sacrificed to save to get a better house so he doesn’t deserve his name on it. Good luck to you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

Why are you married?

No, however I’d seek a divorce as well…

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Follow your instincts your smart not to put his name on it.

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Y’all had an agreement, and he did NOT hold up his end!

Hell, I do NOT blame you one bit for wanting to move… And for not wanting his name on YOUR new home!!

Good for you, also, for thinking of your children’s future​:heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:

Well from experience what’s yours make sure stays yours


Check the rules of your state. Be informed. For example, Florida can be tricky in situations like this .

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Lawyer up. Make a plan now. You are right.

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Not selfish at all!!!Very smart decision :+1:

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No; not selfish at all!