Am I selfish for not wanting my husbands name on my new house?

No… partership/marriage is 50-50…

Why a Pre nup. Might depend on that.

No his name does not need to go on it when you purchase the property make sure you automatically go through a lawyer to have it deeded to your children upon your death in a trust however that works I don’t know. Not to be rude or disrespectful but he obviously isn’t contributing as much to the family as you are maybe something that he doesn’t included it anymore

Get out. He wont change.

Sounds pretty smart to me!

No leave it to your kids

He will get half in the divorce anywzy.

Ran don’t walk away from this slob

I would keep all of my credit cards and financial accounts separate from him. As for the home, you might not be able to keep his name off. If the marriage ends because of divorce, either sale the home or take up the payments and let him go. A rule of thumb is to make sure your salary can cover all expenses if he’s gone. Don’t overborrow.

Get a divorce, it’s going to continue to get ugly… then move into your new home

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Take care of you and yours. Obviously he is not going to .

Sounds reasonable to me.

Please do not put his name on anything not a bill not a mortgage not a car payment if you’re going to pay for everything yourself you may as well have the pleasure of owning it yourself. I wish you all the best

Nope, absolutely not, he had a chance to prove he could be responsible and work towards the same thing as you. I’d divorce him before getting another house or he gets half. Although you did say prenup was signed so I guess that’s legally binding and safe provided their isn’t any loop holes.

Not at all - you work together

Find out the laws in your State. Wait until you are divorced, then buy.

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No way sista! U are awesome :heart::+1:

No. Sounds like you made a mistake.

if you’re in a community property state move!

Absolutely not! You worked and saved and I’m sure sacrificed. Leave his name off of it!

I understand your need to keep your name on house and not his. Don’t know the law

You are right on your decision.

Buy your own house, rent his out

Your money….your house :+1:

sounds realistic to me

Do what’s best and if you know all of this about him… Then maybe you know it isn’t gonna work anyway. Put it in your name and yours only. You are being intelligent by what you have seen and good job for the prenup… I would leave him tho if he is like that.

Self preservation is not selfish

You are doing the right thing!!

No, don’t do it you will be sorry.

No it’s not selfish!!

You are not selfish and shouldn’t feel guilty you sold your house to get a new and nicer house-you were the adult. I always tell young women to have their own bank accounts as well. With divorce being so high it is important that women have backup and especially if they have children.

Nope I think it’s stupid of you - move on without him !

not selfish…smart…and i would make sure to talk to a lawyer to make things air tight…if he has a huge hissy fit about it, he’s after $$$ and what’s in it for him…too many like him out there…

buy it yourself hon…you wont regret it

Divorce. Otherwise he gets half. Get rid of the log

N0. You are being smart.

Practical. I did the same

HELL NO!! Not selfish at all!! :+1:t2:

No. It’s a good idea

Put in your name, period.

I have to ask… Why are you married? It sounds like there is no team or unity here. It sounds like you’re carrying this man and he is weighing you down. I think you should think long and hard about your future from what you’re saying. Good luck

Put it in your kids name now

Not at all. Go fir it

Not at all. Keep his name off.

Heck no I’d do the same

Really! Why are you even married!

Buy the house in your name and leave him in his old house.

Protect your assets hunney!! You are not wrong!!

No. your money, your house.

Can’t believe your still with him

No…maybe leave him at his old house

Sounds perfect to me. I’ve been there.

No. Sounds to me like he is the selfish one.

Not selfish at all. Smartmove

No…it’s not selfish.

If you feel that way, probably a divorce would suit you both. Love, loyalty, trust, respect, for richer or poorer, and you are supposed to be one are huge marriage factors.

No way . You suffered for it . So it should be only on your name

Your not being selfish

—Not in the least !!!—

Not at all. You go girl

No its your money yr house

No it is not do what is right for you. If he didn’t put an effort he doesn’t deserve his name on anything , I think you have the wrong man if you ask me. It sounds like it’s all about him. I have had my share of those kind of men and take care of you. And your family. If his house was falling apart well that tells it all no drive no ambition ,

try talking to him,even if its an alltamatum

Get the divorce first.Then buy the house,he’ll doesn’t contribute anything.He’ll keep dragging you down with his stupid behavior,and don’t put his name on any of it.

Sounds like you should move into the new house and leave him in the old one…

Put it in your name only .Tell him why…

No it belongs to you

Not selfish at all he didn’t put toward it he doesn’t deserve to be on it at all!!

Lol what happened to your partnership upon marriage…
Prenups are designed for non compatable couples …go buy your home n be happy dont take your hubby with you if you feel hes not committed

Your money,your effort, your purchase, YOUR NAME ON YOUR HOUSE.

Not at all. Don’t add him.

In most states it doesn’t even matter if u put it or not. It is still considered half his if bought during the marriage.

In Canada…if you live together for 6 mos…married or not…he would be entitled to half of everything you have. Name on it or not. If it’s your marital home you share…its half his already.

Not at all. Add it in the prenup if you need to.

No. Your being a mom. Putting your children first is really good. Not selfish at all.

No. You earned & saved your money, he contributed nothing. I would do the same if it were me

What was the marriage for? Marriage is becoming one. Both of you only have your own back.

Not at all! I think it’s quite intelligent! I think it’d be even more intelligently ya got rid of him!

put it in your name and make him sign a postnup also

Your money your house. And put it in a trust so he can’t somehow get it

You still have to split everything 50/50 in a divorce :woozy_face:

Hell no girl…go get your beautiful home…kick the slug to the fing CURB…you deserve better :triumph:

Kick him to the curb.

How is this even a marriage?


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Nope ,its yours if you buy it . Your name only .

Why is this guy still your boyfriend is the bigger question.

Nope not at all. It’s smart.

No. Do you really need a husband that bad?

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Do you have a choice? I didn’t

No you bought it,its yours

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Need to rid yourself of him and his run down house.

I am stuck on you still being married to this winner.

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No ma’am, you paid for it. If he helps pay taxes and up keep, maybe add him to the estate.

Good for you he doesn’t need to be on the new house

No not at all I would do the same well done you

No and get a divorce lawyer soon pronto

No. Only issue-LONG OVERDUE to ditch the freeloader.

Not at all. Smart logical decision.

Nope put in a trust for you n your kids

Nope he didn’t keep his end of the bargain