Not selfish. I would not put his name on my house and I would make sure that all remodeling or repair bills are in my name. Make sure that all estate information/plans are updated to include the new house to ensure that your children receive what you want them to receive. Lastly seek legal advice to make sure you are in compliance with your states legal requirements. Good Luck!
No! Absolutely not!! You have to for your children.
A home is an monetary investment, bottom line. If he has invested nothing towards the home, his name shouldn’t be anywhere near it.
Should things not work out with y’all in the future, the last thing you’ll need is to worry about is whose hands the home will end up in.
Expect issues to arise. He doesn’t take care of his OWN property, so just imagine how responsible he’s going to be about taking care of a property without his name on it.
Do not under any circumstances give up or take any loans against your home . This already stinks, he is unmotivated to fix his investment and is looking for the easy way out. Run in the other direction, I have personally seen how this will turn out, and it’s not good. Not good at all, cut your loses, he’s using you as the bank. Please don’t get suckered on. Good luck to you.
You need a divorce dear.
Hunny go with ur heart and ur instinct…
I question “opinions”!!!
People see what “THEY” consider in good shape…it’s a HUGE problem when talking about animals!!!
Sounds more like he values fun over a fancy home and she values a fancy home…also, there’s NOTHING about him keeping his house or selling to put money into this new house…if he sells his house, she sells her house to pool money TOGETHER for one house, his name MOST DEFINITELY SHOULD be on that ONE new house!!!
Most people jump and give opinions without knowing the whole story!!!
I personally know girls that DEMAND updates to a different room in their house EVERY year…they are wasteful and self absorbed, in my opinion! A better use of those funds would be a great vacation (at the cost of remodeling, that would be a vacation every weekend!!!)
Buy a house with only your name on it.
And u still with him smdh
You married him so this is really your own fault. Didn’t you talk to him or get to know him first?? Ok then.
Hell No! Not selfish at all. You did all the work ,that is your reward honey. Let him live in his boat if he doesnt like it!!
Not at all selfish. He didn’t work for it. It’s not his.
Marriage is a partnership based on trust. I suggest finding someone new who you’re willing to be a team with.
Why stay married to him? Divorce and move on.
Depends…. Did u enjoy those items with him or did he do those things without you? If you participated in the use of those things he bought, he shared them with you. If he was selfish and did his own thing with his friends and his kids - then you need to reconsider your “marriage” and take care of yourself and your future self too.
Get away! Live your life. You worked hard! Enjoy it
You’re gonna need him to sign away his rights to the new house or he would prob be able to fight for it since you got it while married.
My mom put my name on title as joint owner, when she dies it just becomes mine.
Her husband has right of survivorship, he can live in their house if she goes before him but he can’t sell it cuz it’s my brother on title with her.
Protecting yourself is not selfish
I think if you even need to ask this question then your relationship is not what is should be.
No no no you’re not wrong honey, and let me explain why! Life is a journey we all walk on and try to maintain. Things DO in fact happen in life and even if things are beyond perfect now, nobody and I mean nobody knows the future or what it could unfold. Don’t ever add someone on a lease just bc you love them. That is my opinion. If you ever get divorced he will get half and it’ll be a waste. Do for you honey, you’re smart.
Not selfish at all considering you both had a deal and you held up your end and he’s done nothing! Now if he held up his end of the deal and this is what you were doing that be a different story.
I have no idea.
What a dilemma! I guess I would want to know in what ways you would provide for him in the event of your death, or if his spendthrift habits are enough for him to be out of your will altogether.
And then talk to him about that and be open about it, see how he feels. The discussion itself might light your way
Your married, thats supposed to be a team effort. You are not an indentured servant. Your money, YOUR HOUSE
Are those things in your name if not then no he has no reason to be on the deed. If you share those things then yes he should be on the deed.
Maybe you need to look at your marriage first. Not being mean, just realistic. A marriage should be sharing everything. On the other hand, you may want to talk with a lawyer about marital property. Just because it’s in your name, doesn’t mean he can’t get half if you get divorced. Just something to think of. Good luck
Is your name on his toys and vehicles. There’s your answer.
Not selfish at all, he had 4 YEARS to contribute and chose not to.
Nope it sounds like a good plan to me
If he was doing otherwise why should you include him now. It is not selfish
Nope. Never rely on a man.
No. Not at all. If he doesn’t understand then… well that speaks for itself. You’re owed your due in equal measure.
Dont do it your not selfish my advice stop doing his he should do it
Not at all selfish! I’d do the same thing!
I don’t know what the laws are in your state, but I think that you are being practical, not selfish.
What kind of razors can you spend serious money on?? Just curious!
Talk to an attorney first depending where you live
Before you even worry about this decision you should get legal answers. I’m pretty sure that if you’re married he has to be on the deed. Regardless, unless you amended your prenup it would be considered marital assets. As far as the relationship, it’s understandable, but it also sounds like it’s causing problems. Probably something that needs to be addressed asap. Good luck.
People are out of there god damn minds… smfh…
Definitely not selfish of you. But with that being said maybe you should reevaluate why you want to be with him. Seems like dead weight to me.
No. He had no interest in putting any money into the house, so why should he gain from it, he s a lucky boy…sorry meant man to still have you
Nope and especially since he hasn’t helped nor did anything!!!
No its not selfish. Family Wealth begins with a house passed to children who niw habe something to build their futures on.
On top of that. It ensures mo homeless episode
Totally not selfish at all but responsible. I would do the same if I was in your situation.
No not at all. My dad passed away 3 years ago. I got the house, the same one that I grew up in and my great grandpa built. I remarried 4 years ago and everything is in my 2 boys name ( house insurance, taxes, etc). So if something happens to me, the house goes to the boys all they need to do is pay the taxes and the up keep on the house, the house is fully paid for. It has been in the family to long to have someone else get it. I might add I also spoke with an attorney and they said that yes I could absolutely have the house in the boys name.
I don’t think your selfish at all. I think he is selfish That’s your house
You’re not selfish at all. In fact your smart don’t change position on this because you seem to already see a opening coming IMJS😉
Absolutely not. If he did work to put money to wards a home he shouldn’t be on it.
Not selfish at all girl. I’d say your wise move
(1.) Everyone telling you to leave the marriage is small minded and exactly what’s wrong with marriage in today’s world. You don’t leave a marriage over this. People telling other people to leave a marriage over a financial situation that HAS a solution AND them not being the ones to have to deal with the broken heart fallout, the cost of divorce, and then dating again in today’s world is more selfish and crappy than your husband not holding up his end of the deal.
(2) Not putting his name on the house and making sure it goes to your kids isn’t selfish. Just make sure you’re the one paying for every remaining mortgage payment and home repair to be fair. (He can pay utilities, groceries, etc) because l know I’d be pissed if I were paying $1,.000 a month on a home that was going to go to someone else. You’re not being selfish. You’re being smart. Although you already have a prenup, you may need to alter it depending on the state you live in as you’re purchasing the home within the marriage. You found a solution to the problem and a way to protect yourself… Now go live life and get off of the internet where shallow small minded people are telling you to divorce him over this.
If you divorce him in the future his name on that house or not he is still entitled to 50% ownership of that house by Court unless you make him sign prenup.
Not selfish at all. Very smart. If he is not contributing anything, do not put his name on it.
Nope. You are real boss bitch!!
Absolutely not selfish!
Do you live in a community property state? If so, it’s half his if you divorce.
No you’re not selfish. My name is not on the deed or the mortgage because of my student loan debt we were afraid that they could come after us eventually. We live in New Jersey so I’m still protected should we get divorced I’m still entitled to half of the house but we just wanted to protect our assets. I don’t think it’s selfish of you at all
No, he made his choices, so should you
No, put it in your name only!
No, it’ smart decision
Enjoy his toys and let him provide the fun while you provide the nice house! Divide the “inheritance” up between him and the kids.
Absolutely not. You worked hard for it. You agreed to save money to buy a new house but he preferred to spend it on other things. He didn’t contribute to the new house so his name shouldn’t be on the title.
In most states, any property purchased during the marriage is considered community property and would have to be included in any divorce settlement or probate court. Also, in most states, all assets would automatically go to the spouse at time of death unless there is a will. Then it would have to go through probate court.
Divorce him, then buy your house
Not selfish at all !
Not selfish at all…. You worked your tail off for your dream home and he didn’t help. Tell him later down the road if he helps with upkeep and taxes and yard maintenance you can always add him. You and your kids come first.
I want to be with you on this…I really do but the only thing I’m torn about is the fact that you rented your house out while you lived with him, which created passive income and I’m sure made it easier for you to save money for a down payment . If you all were to divorce, I bet you’d want a boat or a razor!.. In truth it doesn’t sound like you’re fully invested into the marriage!
No I think that’s very responsible of you to think about your future and your children because who’s going to take take care of them when you’re gone you have to look for the future of your children I think that’s a very responsible decision
Not at all. Only way is if he was home taking care of the kids and stuff not earning a pay check while you worked. Otherwise don’t put his name on the deed. Is your name on all his toys?
Not selfish at all. Your with a man child not an equal. I honestly wouldn’t take him with me. He’s never going to help you, why waste more time on him?
Put it in your kids name then he can’t touch it
Not at all. Please see a lawyer and get proper advice as to the legalities etc… it is not what’s mine is mine, depending on the law. You have children… you’re not being selfish … you’re protecting your children’s future interest… Marriage and family breakdowns and death bring out the worst in people. Make it as iron clad as possible now. There are ways… trusts etc. Your lawyer will advise the best way to protect your children’s future interest. It’s too complicated for fb… but to answer your question … you are not selfish. Go to a lawyer.
NOPE! You’re only protecting what’s yours
Get an attorney…every state is different.
No but be careful about thinking it being in your name only means he can’t get it. Marital property laws would apply depending on your state. Typically only 3 things are not considered marital property but could become marital property. Those 3 things are inheritance, personal injury lawsuit awards and gift. This is not legal advice.
Very smart decision to not have his name on the house! I’ve been with someone that sounds just like your husband and it doesn’t get any better.
If married, I believe it has to be on there depending on the state. It sounds like you should be thinking about whether you want to stay married though
why in hell is his money his and yours is yours…that one fucked up marriage!!!
Make an appointment with an attorney before you do anything. It’s tricky.
So will you expect him to pay equal bills in YOUR house? If not then go for it. If you eoll expect him to contributes then he needs to be on it. That’s only fair. Also it would seem with you renting your house you have extra income he does not. Your mortgage is being paid through outside money. His is not. although it may not meet your standards he obviously doesn’t mind the home your in now.
Does a prenup cover something you bought after the marriage occurred? I am only speculating but I’d think even without his name on it he’s entitled to half since you were married when you bought it.
You are not selfish. You paid for house, it is yours alone.
Not all the way selfish but a little…just sounds like your marriage isn’t working for you and if something happens you want to make sure you get everything…Love is more important than material things so if you really loved him and wanted to spend your life with him then he would matter more than making sure you get everything…Also maybe he needs to try harder or maybe he doesn’t want a new home…Maybe a conversation between ya’ll to see what each other really want? If not the same then maybe you need to move on without him
Depending on the state you may not have a choice since your married.
Nope! Fairness in marriage, business, financials, and law.
Speak with an attorney before you do anything. Trust me I worked for lawyers for years.
I think the bigger issue is do you want to continue to be married to a man that does not put forth the effort? You both had a goal and he didn’t fulfill his part of the bargain. To me that’s time to take a look around and see what’s worth saving or time to move on.
Not selfish but not quite “for better or worse” either. Also, when you move I assume he will sell this current house for some money to be reinvested in any new property. That won’t make him more reliable, but that was something to be considered before the wedding.
If you’re asking for opinions, I think everyone is in consensus with NOT to put his name on it. However, this is DEFINITELY a situation for legal counsel. Good luck!
Did you enjoy the things he bought? Go out on the boat? Play on the Razor? Go to the Casino with??
It’s ultimately your call and no one else’s opinion is going to change your mind, you will feel vindicated or attacked. Do what works best for you and your conscience… You have to live with what results.
He won’t change. Boot him to the curb before you buy a new house. And give that money to your parents to hold or he could get 50%.
No I do not. Check out your rights with an attorney.
Not selfish. Do not put his name on it!
If you need a prenup theirs probably a problem in the first place. And they’re called marital assets for a reason. Just because his name isn’t on it doesn’t mean he isn’t entitled to at least a percentage. Sounds like what you really need is a divorce.
You sound very responsible, educated on the matter, and doing whats best for kids is always my go to
Nothing in this post resembles anything marriage should be…. Just my opinion
Not at all! Smart move for you!
You already know the answer to your question
You are sensible. Your children first
Sounds like you should be living in the new house by yourself
No ma’am! You knew the answer already! Take care of yourself!
No you worked hard for it. Your are smart you want a house. He wants boats and other shit well that doesn’t put a roof over your head. Be careful some people get dirty and think they are intitled to it even though they didn’t lift a finger to contribute. Good luck…