Am I selfish for not wanting my husbands name on my new house?

Depends what your prenup says. I’m in South Africa here we have with accrual and without prenup. If it’s without accrual then you can put it in your name and it’s yours. If the prenup is with accrual then half is his either way. And no not selfish

Congrats on the house!

Get you a whole new man while your getting a new house


Your killin it girl :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts: your not in the wrong at all you worked your booty off to have a nice house it’s all you girl

Nope not selfish but in all honesty I think you should divorce him tbh cause you don’t seem very happy at all

I mean, isn’t a marriage about sharing everything? Sounds like you might need to find a new husband if you can’t even trust to have his name on the house as well. :woman_shrugging:t3:


I agree if he dont want to contribute his loss. Lucky he gets to live there

I see your point but to be blatantly honest it sounds like you two aren’t right for each other. Not on the same page financially, living condition-wise, or what you seem to want for your children/future vs each other. I’m glad you have a prenup since this relationship sounds rocky.

Sounds like the ultimatum is he either has to accept your house is legally your house only, or if he can’t accept that he has to leave. Sad but true :woman_shrugging:t3:


talk to an attorney make sure you do it right. with u being married he will still have it if not done right

I sold my house to get one together with my second husband and regret not keeping it since it was almost paid off.

Sounds like a you have bigger issues than whose name is on what — y’all need to talk!


You getting the house AFTER marring him, so if someone is to happens to you he stays with the house and if you guys get divorced half of the value of the house is also his.

Sounds like a smarter move than marrying your self centered husband.

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No, do not put his name on it!

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Before I pass judgement or offer advice, have you benefited from the things he’s spent money on? Have you enjoyed boats and casinos and whatever else he’s been frivolous on? Because if you have, then it’s massively unfair to hold it against him.


Personally, if I was in your position, I’d get a divorce first. Then I would get a house in my name.


Leave him, nothing is going to change just because you move into a new house with your money. That’s not a partnership, that’s parenthood :confused:


Not at all, protect your babies

Unless your prenup says that what you acquire during the marriage is yours then it doesn’t matter, your legally married therefore the house is both of yours.


Will a prenuptial cover something bought after marriage? I wouldn’t think so. But idk how you stay with him.


Does he pay any bills into the house now … if so then I would look at it like if he wasn’t pay x,y,z bill then you may not of been able to save as much as you have tbh

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Not selfish at all. You’re buying it / it’s in your name. Period.


no dont put his name on it since it sounds like you are going to need to make all the repairs on it…and he just buy’s whatever he wants seems he wasnt interested in purchasing a new home with you

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if you are that miserable get a divorce…


If thats your thought towards him , id just get an divorce .


Dont do it girl
U know ur guts telling ya no. So it’s a no

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Just because you don’t put his name on it doesn’t mean he isn’t entitled to it in a divorce or your death. It was bought with marital assets, money they you acquired while being married, doesn’t matter if you only contributed and he didn’t. Part of shared property.


Why are y’all even married?


As long as you can prove that all the money came from you for the house you should be fine. Don’t put his name on anything. Just update your will to include that house specifically going to your children.

He shouldn’t get any say on the new house plans … once you move in your new house … sell his house and take that money to pay on your new home .

A prenup won’t cover this.

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Why are you even with him? You sound so miserable just leave him


Why are you even with him if you think of him like this


I would consider a divorce first.


Unless your prenup says what you buy in the marriage is strictly yours then it’s not going to matter.

Sounds like u not happy if u not then just divorce and then buy ur house Dosent sound like he will chance when u buy the house

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How about a divorce instead why he married then.

No, it is perfectly acceptable.

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Nope. I sold my family home i built and purchased another cash. Its in my name and not because I don’t love my husband or am miserable. Quite the opposite. Just had bad experiences prior that I didn’t want to happen again. Its to ensure my kids are taken care of too. I will probably eventually put my husband and son on there but it just gave me a little peace of mind originally.

Divorce him before you buy the house.

Not at all… he is being selfish if he did nothing and expects everything!

Few questions…

  1. Was he paying on old house that you both where living in. Did you pay any Bill’s or live for free
  2. Did you also enjoy trips in boats/ casino etc.

It doesn’t matter if it’s not in his name it’s marital property. If you divorce he still gets half. I would divorce him if this is the way you feel.


Not selfish at all. He obviously wasn’t interested in buying the house or he would have saved up some money for that purpose. Sounds like instead of spending his money on luxury items he should have been fixing his house. Obviously that wasn’t a priority to him. He has his house and you have yours.

Nope don’t put his name on it at all
He needs to learn to be better with his money

I don’t know what state you’re in, but I know in Texas it won’t matter bc you’re married.

My husband got deeded two acres of land that we put a house on. My name isn’t on the land, bc his grandmother didn’t want it on there. If we were to divorce it would still be considered my property as well, because we acquired it while married.

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Nope i wouldn’t, if he wants to be financially responsible eventually, then you can add him to the loan!

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Depends on if you live in a community property state. You have to have a damn good reason to exclude him. I am with you on your reasons though…he’s not good with money! Good luck!

If you are going to Pay cash put in in your children’s names

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Nope you do not sound selfish at all. I was married to my husband for 10 years but was together a total of 16 years. I didn’t want my name on anything.

Not at all. You do you

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Even if you live in a state that has community property laws you can have him sign disclaimer deed! Please get with an attorney so they can advise you what’s best to do. Goodluck and divorce this “man!”


Not selfish at allll. Protect you.


Do you expect him to contribute as in up keep and repairs and payments and ins.? Or is he just a house guest? Geez. Something is a tad off. Nothing wrong with buying a new hone but it should be both of yours. That’s marriage.

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No girl I think that when you buy your house you leave him behind


Buy it and put it in your momma name or if you got a grown child their name… Then he really got no claim on it. But for real if that’s how you feel you prob should just get divorced…

Sounds like you already see a divorce in your future. Lol

You do you, go ahead and leave his name off. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Not selfish…SMART!!

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No very good go for it for yourself. He is a loser

Depending on age of kids, put it in their names or in trust if them

In most states property bought inside the marriage is equal property regardless if he’s on it or not.


If he’s not helping pay for it no I wouldn’t put his name on it

Don’t you know what’s right he doesn’t deserve it

Not selfish at all. I would walk away now, if that’s an option.

It won’t be easy, but you will be more stable


Definitely your name! He’s already shown you He’s not invested at all.


I’d be careful. What does the prenup say??? You do not sound selfish at all. I would spend the $250 and pick an attorney’s brain over it for an hour. Since you are married anything purchased after the marriage could very well automatically be 50% his property as well should you divorce, whether his name is actually on the deed or not. This is why I say it depends upon the prenup.


Depends on your state on if this even matters. Where I am (TN) there are spouse laws that state your spouse is still considered 50% owner even if their name isn’t on the house (loan or deed) because yall are married.

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Not selfish at all! Smart move!

Sounds like you might dread bringing him in the new house too


Depending on the state you’re in, doesn’t matter if his name is on it or not, it’s marital property, unless you have a pre & post nuptial agreement

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I would check your state laws first. In some states regardless if his name is on it or not it is equal property.


Check laws for your state. In my state anything bought when married belongs to both, regardless of who bought it.


Absolutely not selfish🤷🏼


Not selfish. Put the house in your kid’s names and give yourself a lifetime right.

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I don’t think she’s being selfish, I think it sounds like she married a loser and should get divorced :joy:


Honestly sounds like you are better off without him, keep hustling Mama and get it all on your own in your name :muscle:


You better check the laws in your state regarding purchase of real estate when you are married. I believe some states consider your spouse as an equal owner anyway. It would be better to figure that out first. Good luck.


Check your state laws! Most states property is community propert period… maybe speak to a lawyer of buying it ans it being in the kids estate from get go


Even if there was a prenup, it only covers prior to the marriage, not assets aquired during the marriage. Divorce, then buy.


Before I bought anything, I would divorce him.


I don’t think it’s selfish at all. Definitely check with an attorney. Is the marriage really going to last?


Sounds like he isn’t going to change and you may be better off buying the new house and leaving his ass at his shack of a house.

Not at all selfish! He’s the selfish one.

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I’d leave his ass behind!! This my house you stay at yours. I’ll call ya when I’m horny bye!! :wave:

I agree with u. Leave it under your name solely. Very smart. Good luck.

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Selfish vs Financially Responsible… seems you’re the only one who will have to live with the comfort of the decision. Being a grown up isn’t for the weak

Not selfish AT ALL!! Men are very quick to do the exact same thing to women. You take care of you. Don’t you put his name on your house when he’s already showing you his patterns of how careless he is with his own property.


Fair play to you, not selfish at all. Take care of you x

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Not selfish… protect yourself always.


Nope not selfish at all. He’s shown you what he’s not going to do. If he didn’t take care of the other one he’s not going to take care of this one. I might suggest you talk with an attorney. My daughter and her boyfriend of 16 years are building a house and she has went to an attorney because the land is what we signed over to her to build. If they split up the the house stays with her and her daughter,if she passes before him it goes to her daughter’s.


Put it in your children’s name not yours just you pay all the taxes ect. Then he can’t take the house if there was a divorce


No you got rid of your old house now the husband and your sorted sounds like a WASTER …

Not selfish at all. You’re thinking of you & your children


Not selfish at all. Good for you actually​:clap::clap::clap:

No… I think it’s probably really smart to not put his name on it. It would also be really smart to file for divorce.
Guy must be REALLY good looking, cuz he’s not much of a partner :person_shrugging:


Not selfish as u put hard earned money into it shown commencement and he’s done nothing so unless he’s halfing the cost then your not being selfish at all u paid for it and its yours x

He can sign a quit claim. You really need to talk to an attorney whose expertise addresses this issue. Best of luck.

You should not be married to him.


I have one ? did you and your children use the boats razor and stuff with him or did he just injoy them just himself?


I think you are thinking smart.marriage is suppossed to be a partnership but he obviously isnt being a partner. Get the house in just your name. Name your kids benaifactors on your house deed for if you should pass.