Because if it is then it’s only fair to put his name on the house in my opinion!!
Nope, absolutely not selfish!
It’s not selfish. You did what you needed to do for 4 years…he chose to waste his 4 years. You were the one planning for your future while he chose not to.
You two are suppose to work towards your futures as a team…yet, you did it on your own. He’s the one who decided not to do HIS part.
Idk why you’re staying with him…because you did what a single person/parent would do…that’s what I did as a single/just dating parent…I saved for 5 years before I bought my house… but that’s neither here nor there. One thing you have to always remember & do…is when you decide to remain with a man who isn’t on the same page as you…never ever sacrifice anything you’ve worked hard for to please him nor to make him feel like he accomplished something that he chose to not have a part in…that’s something many women don’t know, forget about, or don’t worry about because they believe their man or a man will do it for them or will help them when it’s time.
Ya never really know what men’s true intensions are and/or you never know when their minds/hearts will change…no matter what they say and do…their truths are where they are consistent at (good & bad).
All you can do (in the background) is make sure YOU and your kids will be fine regardless of anything.
He’s irresponsible, unable to lead, & don’t have his priorities in order as far as this situation.
Don’t put his name on there.
No you are not don’t put his name on any thing
Absolutely not selfish at all. Do you
Say good bye to him, take your kids and go buy a new house that u feel comfortable living in.
Each state has different laws…research your state
Not selfish
No girl not selfish at all! Married doesn’t mean you can’t have your own things. He didn’t help you purchase it than he doesn’t need his name on it.
No you shouldn’t. Keep what you had going in, and there is nothing wrong with that. People can change quickly, it doesn’t mean not to share your wealth though. People don’t change ownership of old car, bikes, boats, 401k, pensions. Ask a lawyer and they will tell you to keep it. They have seen enough marriages fall apart and watched how someone lost everything.
In a marriage it is a team, there’s no his or mine, but ours. Yes is does sound very selfish
This doesn’t even sound like a marriage to me! Why do you have ‘his money’ & ‘your money’? Shouldn’t it be ‘the familys money’?
Whatever happened to what’s mine is ours? People get married for no reason now a days. It’s your husband. He has a right to be in the deed just for that reason.
Why are you married?
I think you and him don’t get along well… You seem you’d be better off with a man as responsible as you
If there is already a prenup in place, than doing a postnuptial shouldn’t be an issue. Buy it and don’t have him on it. I bought a farm and my husband’s name is not on it…Soo…there’s that
But if the roles were changed here it would be a different story
Maybe im old school about marriage but we are a team. What’s his is mine and vice versa. Sounds like he doesn’t want to be a team so just throw the whole husband away
Well if when he sells the house he owns that you currently live in together and puts that money towards your new home. It should be in both names.
lose the loser and get a divorce …hide your money and buy your own house
Nope!! Making sure you and your children are taken care of is in no way selfish, specifically if you’re putting forth the work!
I don’t think it’s selfish. Yes they are suppose to be a team, They agreed to save money for a new house. He blew his money and she saved hers.
Marriage is a team but when your team member isn’t doing his part you keep on trucking. You aren’t asking for a divorce or anything you are getting what YOU worked hard for. I see no problem in it.
You’re right to do it how you see fit since you paid entirely for it but it sounds more like this is a parent/business relationship than a romantic relationship.
Lmao hes still ENTITLED TO HALF lmao
What a toxic, very unhealthy relationship.
Def not selfish. Why should you or your kids suffer coz he decides to gamble or waste his money. F that!!!
Your house end of
Nope I’d say not selfish…gotta look out for you and your children first!
That is a very smart decision. Your name only!
In Some states anything bought during the marriage belongs to both of you no matter whos name its in.
I would make a living will stimulating who you want the house to go too…
I think there is a lot more that needs to be dealt with in that relation besides a name on a house. Yes, I’m being blunt. Relationships are built on the foundation of trust, respect, unconditional love. Foundation is lacking if this is even a question.
I mean if it’s your down payment and you’re the only one paying mortgage then no it’s not selfish. But if the mortgage is gonna be split then… sorry… But it’s his house too
You worked your ass off to save for a new home while he did nothing but waste his money away,you are not selfish at all ! Do what you feel you need to and stick to your guns !
No not selfish at all
You realize a prenup is just for assets owned prior to the marriage correct?
Your hard work, time away from your kids to work and saving properly is not selfish. It’s responsible, something he clearly is not. I’d take my new home and leave him to figure out if he wants to be a man or a tenant.
I am the bread winner in my house…his name is on nothing
If you can’t be eqiul in a marriage then get out of it you say he spends all his extra money on boats casinos but I bet you enjoy riding in the boat and going with him to the casinos spending his money with him a marriage is equil
Depending on the state you live in half will be his anyways. However! If you get a mortgage loan in your name only and the deed is in your name only and you can prove you made all the payments the courts might side with you … Plus he can’t use the house as collateral
Your being smart. You have to deicide if you want to be in a parent/child relationship. You been the parent and husband the child
I mean tbh I don’t blame you. He’s not been looking our for your family. Why did you marry him? But he’s getting half regardless I’m sure.
Get rid of him if this is how you feel!!! Don’t plaster if all on fb - talk to the bloke!
Do you no shame in it. You worked hard and he did not.
You definitely should not put his name on it, make sure your kids get it
Doesn’t matter if his name is on it or not, it’s called “Marital property”…You bought the house while you are married, so he will be entitled to funds if sold
Divorce him then get your new home
Nope it’s not selfish, especially if there’s a prenup in place
The prenup is irrelevant since you are now married and talking about purchasing a new home while married. Feeling like you needed a prenup was probably your first red flag though
How would you feel about it if the situation was reversed? I’m the breadwinner, but every big decision is made together.
Well if he is paying on the house and paying half or any of the bills for the new house sorry but yes it’s selfish. Now if you are doing it all yourself then no. While he isn’t putting anything down on it if he is paying for it monthly or even bills like water, electricity etc then he should have just as much right to you.
Like she said🔝divorce first, then buy the house
Even if his name isnt on it, it becomes marital property if you divorce so hed be entitled to half the value of the new house.
If it’s a community property state half is his house no matter what you do.At least that’s the way it is in my state.Loan in your name only doesn’t matter deed in your name only doesn’t matter if it is acquired after the marriage.
Why are you still married ?
Well if u are married in Louisiana anything u acquired after marrying is yours and his regardless of who’s name is on it💁🏼♀️
None of yall know what a prenup is, and it shows. PS: if it is in her name only and deeded in her name, hes legally entitled to NOTHING. That’s like saying I’m entitled to my SOs car even tho the loan and car are solely in his name. Not how it works.
To be honest it I felt that type of way in any situation in my marriage, I wouldn’t be married much longer. Doesn’t sound very healthy.
No. You can still love someone who’s not as hard a worker as you. You have children. Definitely not selfish. He is for caring only for his personal need.
I don’t think you’re selfish, I think you are very sensible. But I can’t help but wonder why you married him?
If your married it’s considered both of yours regardless of who’s name is on it
If you’re married then he will have rights to it if you buy it while you’re still together. Get a divorce if you feel this way period.
I was legally still married, although separated for 10 yrs when I bought my house and I had to have a legal separation filed stating he had no rights to my house …so be careful and make sure your prenuptial agreement allows it
Our home is in my husband’s name & I’m 100% okay with that. He provides & busted his ass to get everything we have now. If you feel like that then why are yal even together?
Nope. That house should be solely in your name queen
Wow… why are yall married? Sounds like you don’t even like him.
First question is why are you married to someone you don’t align with and have different life goals?
Nobody’s going to mention that she lists razors as things he spent money on?? must be expensive razors!
So are paying bills at his house? Or have u just been collecting rent and saving ur money? While he pays the bills which is why he has no money saved up.
Not selfish at all…Smart
It depends on your state. Where I am from you can put it in one name but the spouses credit gets checked. Because we live in a duel state.
Even with a pre-nup, anything bought while you’re married will go to him if anything happens to you. And if you split, you’ll still likely have to buy him out of the house unless he agrees to you keeping the house in court. If you’re legally separated when you buy the house then you don’t have to worry about him getting it. I would get a lawyer and get things sorted with the lawyer before buying. But I’m willing to bet they will tell you the same thing. Prenups save what you had prior to marriage and can limit what they get in a divorce, but if you bought it during the marriage… he can still get it or part of it even if his name isn’t on it. Be very very careful and definitely get a lawyer if you don’t want him getting the house.
I wouldn’t put his name on it.
Depending on the state you may not have a choice, FYI
No it’s your money! You earned it!
Depending on what your prenump says be careful. After marriage things become martial assets in most states
Kick him out and enjoy your new house
Absolutely not! Smart move!!
No… Take care of you and yours
You would need a postnuptial agreement, anything after marriage is a marital asset.
No, I think that’s smart. If his name is connected to the new home, he could use it as coladrial in his gambling or anything such as a loan or credit account! Protect YOUR INVESTMENT! HES not helping you, you must protect what you’ve worked for!
It’s not selfish!
But why are you married to this guy? You sound like you don’t even like him
Do it!!! You need to kick this guy to the curb and move on to your new home and life!
I think you have a nice plan. Why slap his name on something he hasn’t contributed to? Married or not, it should’ve been 50/50 like a marriage. He’ll be pissed, but he didn’t help save for a new house.
Not selfish at all in my opinion! YOU worked for it, YOU do with it what you want… might I also suggest you strongly considering this marriage before too much more time passes… just sayin!
Nope. In fact you should probably divorce him.
I know for a fact In Pennsylvania even if their name is not on the deed or title and you’re married to them… half of it is theirs. Even things I had before I was married was now legally considered “maritial property”… unless you have a prenup …
Yes I think you are selfish,and setting yourself up for your relationship to fail.i am the one who makes most the money in my household,should I leave her name off because she doesent as you put it contribute as much financially.that should not even be a factor in a marriage.both should work together.
You do you and your children. Good luck!
Nope!!! Good for you hun!
Build Your Own Nest for your children…sounds like the trash needs to be left at the curb darlin JUST because he planted babies in you… DOESN’T mean he is FIT FOR THE JOB!!!
Its not selfish I wouldn’t put his name on it either
No, I don’t blame you as houses are an expensive investment.
I purposely left my ex off of stuff when we were together so if we split I wouldn’t be screwed over and have to start over since I’d have the kids. We did split up he had to move I kept the apartment and didn’t have to worry about things like other bills getting messed up because they were also in my name. Life is unpredictable I chose to do it this way with my current husband with some things also
Unless the house itself is included in the prenup then it doesnt matter who is on the deed. Marriage is 50/50. Dont like it then dont get married.
In CA 1/2 is his once you’re married. Everything is 50/50 so you would need a postnuptial agreement. Divorce him and then buy your new house. He sounds like a bad investment.
the real question is why are yall still together ?! move on be happy ya sound miserable
Nope and when this marriage goes south, don’t marry another one that doesn’t know how to properly adult. Or atleast find one that you don’t have all of these negative things to say about them.
You’d need this in an agreement before marriage. In some states like mine regardless whether or not the partners name is on it otherwise if it’s bought during marriage it’s communal property. We didn’t own any homes but the cars were always in his name and during our marriage he would throw it in my face the cars weren’t in my name. Then came the divorce and I was told if it was bought during our marriage it didn’t matter if it only had his name on them they were half mine as well and it had to be settled in court but because he sold them all I got were papers saying he owed me half blue book which is money I’ll probably never see.
Notice the only person to disagree is Tim Moneypenny and bet he’s the same type of man you’re married to. No, you’re not selfish and sounds like you’re succeeding just fine on own