Am i selfish for not wanting to pawn or sell my switch?

All I’m gonna say is…sounds like both of you got your priorities mixed up!!


Definitely not selfish

$462 on a car payment?
Expensive game systems?
Baby and another on the way.
$100 a week…smdh.
The thing the most f#cked here is both of your priorities.
Time to grow up


Tell him to Be a man and handle his shit or hit the curb!

Btw doesn’t matter who’s name it’s in… you use it too you clearly stated you need it , soooo…. Ya share that bill. I wouldn’t be hocking my stuff though… time for better jobs or 2nd jobs:

I think you’re with a

If you need a ride then help with the payment it’s only temporary until you get your switch out of pawn, don’t sell it. Can he get a payday loan?

Not selfish at all he should be getting a new job my fiance had a car only in his name he got behind pretty far but we caught it up we have 2 cars we both work we did sell what we didn’t use like our Wii u sold it for money we got rid of the games controllers but we never really played it but no you’re not being selfish at all if tell him get off his ass get a better job you have 1 baby and one on the way. He tried to get rid of my PS4 i was upset like no I play it but after about a year I was okay with selling it with all but one game because I was gonna get a new one. I drove his car for maybe a week but he paid for it we have an understanding about our cars

Stop worrying about gaming systems and start thinking about the children you created together. You and he have a responsibility as parents to provide for those babies, THAT should be the priority.


Your man needs to get another job!


Hell NO! Bye byeee :v:t2: I’ve done it all for the dudes. Like all of it lol. Cars. This, that, you name it. Doesn’t sound like he’s working too hard. I’d be hustling on my own for my babies. After my ex husband left after 13 years, when our kid was 3 months old, I hustled the hardest and ended up better than I ever was! (He now owes me $42k in child support and I still help HIS ass out, happily).

I guess I’d say if he ain’t contributing in regards to your bills and finances, at least make sure he’s contributing to your relationship and family in some type of way!

Your bloke needs to learn to stand on his own 2 feet


Nope tell him he thinks he’s grown enough to lose his job he’s grown enough to.lose his car go ask family and friends admit he fucked up and learn the hard lesson or he will keep doing it.

Absolutely not, do not pawn anything make his ass get and KEEP a job or kick him to the curb

Your looking after 2 kids and he can’t keep a job nope not alright and not reason enough to sell your peace of mind nope


He needs to figure it out. What are you going to do when the baby is born? You might have to let the car go


Kick him to the curb, and time for you to grow up and set some good examples for your little ones.


The children are the most important things here, not his car or your game console. If you can’t keep up with the payments on his car maybe replace it with a cheaper one that you can actually afford? And no your not selfish wanting something for you, but from a mother of 3, you won’t get much time to use it when the baby gets here anyway. And what’s more important a car so he can get to work, so you have some money coming in? A car so you can get to the grocery store easier with 2 babies, or get around to families houses for some much needed company when times feel so hard you want to cry (babies can be hard work, rewarding but hard)? Or a switch that you can buy back cheaper in a couple years when you have time to play it again. Both of you need to grow up, put the children first and get your priorities in order. Either that or stop reproducing you obviously aren’t ready.


I’d sell it to pay for the things your kids need or your pregnancy doctor

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No U Not Being Selfish He Is!


Hell no don’t pay that.


If I was helping to pay for his car, you best bet he’d be putting my name on it or he can pay it himself. how dare he take money away from your child.


Time to send the guy packing. He should be holding a good paying job ($103 check!?! Does he only work 15 hrs/wk or something!?!?!).


WTF happened to buying a used car.?!? It’s so much better!!! Leasing cars is a trap!!


Sell the car and get something with payments he can afford…


If he’s current with his payment then he can ask for a deferment and also ask for covid related deferment programs ( you have to ask for the covid related program, they won’t offer it) as he’s been borrowing and such from his pregnant girlfriend. If the first representative won’t work with him then call back and speak to a supervisor. I’m a former bill collector. Even before covid people usually qualify for a deferment if they’re current when they ask so they avoid being delinquent and it would turn your, for example, 60 mon term to a 61 month term while he gets stable gainful employment as your going to need to stop being stressed out and need support after baby comes so he may want to start exploring some options other than his pregnant lady as an ATM. I’m sorry you’re going through this Mama.:heart:

One word run get the hell out of that relationship

Good bye friend don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you lol

Absolutely NOT selfish. Why the hell are you with this ‘‘man’’? My man would sacrifice his shit before he tries to sell my shit. So selfish.

How do teenagers get themselves in these messes?


I’ve been in this sort of situation before.

Don’t sell your stuff to pay for his ineptitude. It’s his problem to fix. Sounds like you’ve already been more than generous and helpful.


Don’t do it it’s you stuff so keep it he needs to find a better way to pay his bill’s because he can’t afford to pay doesn’t mean that you should

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How do you except to have a healthy family if your partner thinks a car that hes already ducked up the payments and responsibly for is more important then your pregnancy, then asking you to sacrifice more. I honestly feel bad for you because you’ll be doing it with someone who acts like a child himself in the face of responsibility, meaning alone with or without him. I e seen where this could lead if not addressed and corrected quickly and it’s bad, I saw my mate go through hell down to having to pay the baby daddy back for every cent of his pay that had to go on anything other then his Bill’s and needs. She paid him back even buying nappies because his money was always “needed” for his priorities, sold her stuff to pay his way with the kids because hes already spent his money, refused to work at so.e points, refused to change jobs if being extremely underpaid and required a allowance to survive and still had to correct if she needed something important, everyone in the environment ended up with ptsd, like this can snowball so dam badly but only you can decide if it’s all a dealbreaker but he needs to take responsibility for his money and choices and look at his narsistic traits and any you show yourself that you dont want your kids to have and work on them now, or walk away with a fair custody agreement before it could get lots worse.


Find a new b/f or live the single life :+1:t2:


I’d be getting rid of the boyfriend not the stuff


His responsibility. Not your stuff you should be selling.


Keep the Switch. Get rid of the boyfriend!

Coming from someone who dated and later married a guy exactly like this, it’s not going to change!


Tell him to Pawn His Own Shit, Narcissist will always leave you with Nothing

Sell his stuff!! You best be praying he straightens up otherwise you need to leave.

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With the money you already sank into a car that you have no legal rights to you could have gone and gotten you at least a cheap car for yourself to get you and your baby where yall need to go instead of making his payments on his car that he cant afford. I saw someone said for you to have him put your name on the car do not do that then that legally makes it your responsibly and if you’re 7 months pregnant with an unreliable immature baby daddy that cant hold a job then when you’re not able to make the payments anymore thats going to mess up your credit. Best advice anyone can give you is loose the dead weight…meaning the deadbeat baby daddy. Take care of yours and your babies needs. If he refuses to hold a job to take care of himself do you really think he is going to hold one to take care of you or your baby. Sorry girl he is showing you who he is and what he is going to be like. Its gonna be super hard being a single mom with a grown ass man child leeching off you too.

You earned your switch. Keep it he needs to man up and figure this out.

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Do not sell your stuff. He has a child coming time to man up and pay his own bills.

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Get out of that relationship asap! It will never get better, trust me!


deeper issues than a switch here. if he cant pay his bills now what will it be like after your child is born? he should sell his car and get something cheeper.

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Get rid him. Sell him lol. Don’t sell your stuff. Keep your switch sell your Xbox and keep the money

His car his problem. He wants his car done he pays it himself and earns the money himself, don’t give in to his wants and needs he needs to figure it out himself!


I think you should drop him on him mean lazy arse. Get away hes toxic

Girrll noo don’t sell your stuff, you have given enough.

Boyf won’t change! Get out while it’s easy

You are not his momma. He needs to get a second job or something. Gahhh this is irritating.

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Get rid of his lazy butt and take care of yourself

I don’t think either one of you are ready for a baby.


What about next month? I mean sure you could go above and beyond and sell it to pay the car note, but next month you’re right where you started with the exact same problem.

So no, you’re not selfish. It’s yours and it doesn’t even solve the problem at hand which is the fact that he’s irresponsible and jumping from job to job and not making sure he can pay his bills.

He’d better grow up, there’s a baby on the way and baby can’t go without just so that he can pay for a car he obviously can’t afford.


Hell no he can go sell his stuff.

He needs to take responsibility for the payments on the car not you, you did the right thing refusing him


I would think twice before going on in this relationship. He should make you and the baby a priority. It seems like he’s getting you under is problems and, you are his umbrella :closed_umbrella:. I would think if this relationship would be what I wanted for my future.

If his already like this now, it just gets worse with time.
The thing that is bothering me the most, it’s that you had to use your own money to pay for the car. When you need to start buying stuff for your baby. He needs to grow up ASAP, otherwise it will ruin your relationship more than on a financial level.

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That Xbox is worth more than the switch. He needs to man up and you need to stop paying for his bills


Think you both need to grow up, put your games aside and take care of your kids!


HELL NO! sounds like he might have more issues than not keeping a job!! Girl we live today ti take cate of ourselves not depend on another
Get rid of this guy bringing you down! Yes, he is bringing you down

I wouldn’t have paid for it the first time. Yall are about to have a baby and he can’t even keep a job. I would tell him man up or hit the door.

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Reverse it. Would he sell it to help you? There’s your answer besides these bitter people


I wouldn’t be putting all my money on a car for anyone over getting my 7month old clothes that he could use he would have had to figure it all out and let the car go back and get something he can save for and pay he would have to figure that all out if it came to getting my kids things or a bill he got behind on nope sorry I choose my kids :woman_shrugging: this is why me and my husband have always had cheap vehicles they get us where we need to go and don’t put our kids on the back burner when they need things I would sell the stuff to get my kids clothes though I would not sell it for his car :woman_shrugging:

You are not responsible for paying for his car. Keep your stuff. Tell him to work for his own shit

As a man he should be thinking of another way to get by . Not pawning or selling ur things


Don’t lose the only source of transportation. Car prices are sky high right now and won’t get lower anytime soon.


He sounds like a real winner.

Sounds like you need a new boyfriend


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am i selfish for not wanting to pawn or sell my switch?

You are not being selfish. Hes being a jerk for not working to take care of his car payment. It’s not in your name. Keep the switch.


Tell your bf to find a stable job and quit being lazy. And for you… You should have used that money for your children and their needs not your boyfriend’s!! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: :rage: He can fend for himself. Them babies can’t. So you’re selfish for not putting your kids first!! And he’s selfish for having you pay his bills.
Jesus. I pray for them kiddos !!


You’re not selfish at all!!


I mean this respectfully, but absofuckinglutely not. His car, his problem. Especially if he’s not budgeting correctly or is keeping HIS stuff and only wanting to sell yours. No ma’am, no ham.


Sounds like your his mother. He needs to grow up and get a better job!


Temp jobs pay daily. That “man” should be working. Not selfish to not sell or pawn your stuff.


No you’re not. You might wanna go man shopping because he sure doesn’t sound like one. You need to do what’s best for you and your babies. Keep the switch,you’ve earned it.


Why can’t he sell his stuff?


Why can’t he sell his shit instead


It sounds like you need the car though as well but my advice would be to get your own car that way if he can’t pay for his own car that’s on him and doesn’t effect you and the baby!


That’s not selfish at all. You shouldn’t sell your stuff to pay for his.

Nope you sure aren’t. Tell him to quit job hopping and figure it out. You have to have your down time and you need your money for doctors etc since youre pregnant.


Dude can get a job and keep it. He needs to step up, be a man and take care of his responsibilities.


No. You’re not his mom. He needs to grow up and figure it out, if not oh well. You have kids to take care of.

In this world today especially, everyone needs an outlet and it’s not fair of someone to try to take that away. Or force someone to do so. There can be other means to make things work and it should be your decision to do what you want with your belongings.

Man needs to get a job and take care of his responsibilities


Tell him to sell his car since he can’t afford it. Use public transit.


fuck him do what u need to do for u and yours


I think he’s a loser and you need to find someone responsible.


Fuck that shit… I would NEVER sell my switch (I’d find any of my other things that I never use and sell that)

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Sounds like your dating a boy and not a man. He needs to own up to his own responsibilities. You should of never used your money to pay for the car. Your babies should always come first no matter what. I would end that relationship real quick.


No no no I have done this bs do not do it im sure he is trying to make u feel bad also tell him to ask his mama lmfao

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Sounds like you have bigger problems, pregnant and unable to afford to live. You will be selling it soon to pay for your child, kids are expensive so he will probably have to sell the car too


odd person out here but both wrong you said you need his car as well so just because it’s in his name doesn’t mean you shouldn’t help, yeah he wrong for not holding down a stable job but you wrong because a relationship not always 50/50 y’all should be picking each other up when ones down plus the baby need a car more then you need a switch… on another note if he always been like this and it’s consistently you should leave


You need to find someone with better priorities. Don’t sell your things for his irresponsibility!

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Honestly, I think he needs to man up and start taking care of his family. Also, sometimes, if you’re desperate you may have to see some things like Nintendo’s and Xbox’s… just my personal opinion tho

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First of all how long have you two been together? You said you need the car, if you’ve been together for a while you two should come up with a plan together to make up the money for it as a team. Thats what relationships are about.


I had an ex try something similar. I told him the car was in his name it was his problem. I was sick of using all my extra money to pick up on his shitty money management. He made more than me between having more hours and just a higher base pay but was always begging for money because he spent his paycheck on stupid shit he didn’t need before he even bothered to look at bills :roll_eyes:.


Can’t he go do a side job for some extra money? Mow lawn? Handyman?

Hold you ground sister. Do not give in. Best wishes to you.


I mean, do y’all share the car? Use it to take the baby to doctor appointments? Seems like that would be more important than a video game…


I’d sell it but not for his car but for you & your child. Sounds like you probably should be looking for a job if he’s only bringing home $103/week. That’s not enough to support himself let alone you & a child. I definitely wouldn’t be depending on him to help you financially with an income that low. Time to step up & support yourself & your child. You got this & can do it!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: