Tell him there’s fast food places hiring all over. If he loves his car he can make money driving it by doing Uber eats or some shit. It’s not your job to lose everything so he can have what he wants. I feel bad for you because the fact that he even has the audacity to suggest that shows he is not ready for a kid at all.
Not selfish at all. Tell him to pound sand, grow up and provide for his family like a REAL man should. You will have to start sacrificing for your child but no way in hell you start now for your man. He needs to figure it out and now!!
Imo: a car isn’t 100% essential. At least most places have a bus system. No, it isn’t as convenient, but it will get you around.
I think having a conversation about his job hopping should come before you selling your self care items, especially something that you’re not going to get a whole lot of money out of…
I’m sorry but this post is a train wreck if it comes down to your kids needing things then sell the fn switch maybe I’m reading this wrong. If I am I’m sorry but being a parent kids come first
Sounds like your both out of work, sounds like you both need to sit down, grow up, and have a serious conversation about values, ethics, and finding a stable job, and the actions that got you both in this situation. It’s not easy but 90% of the time our woes are caused by our inaction to fix our own problems
You’re grown and pregnant…if you’re still carrying around and worried about carrying around/playing on your switch, you’ve got bigger problems than this!
Time for him to grow up. You are not selfish. I would definitely not have anymore kids with him.
He needs to step up and become a adult. He’s having a child that will depend on you both. No time for either of you to be selfish.
Also don’t take advice from spiteful women who’s first response is to take advantage of him and the system.
What happens when it’s gone ??? You gone! Don’t sell shit of yours screw that pawn store if you don’t have the money now what makes you think you will have it later ??
Get rid of him. Find yourself a good man that will love respect you…
Dont you sell your switch…he needs to man up.
Absolutely not. It starts with selling your switch, then you end up completely supporting hin. If he can’t sell his own stuff, then move on. Hes a bum. He refuses to find a stable job. He should keep a job long enough to pay his car.
It’s not your responsibility to pay for his car🤷♀️
That’s not selfish it’s his car he should keep a job long enough to be able to make payments on it
Break it off with him, sell your switch and take care of you and your family
No don’t sell it he needs to sort his shit
Absofuckknglutely not keep your switch and buy yourself a new game while you’re at it. And congrats on the baby
Screw him.tell him too go sell his stuff and not urz time for u too move on u wouldn’t be paying for his car payment hes gonna get use too u paying it
I would becarful ur gonna sleep or something one day Nad his gonna go and sell u things I would start looking into things for urself cause nope sounds to me like he wants someone to pay for his stuff and be having a 50s wife and not do any working for it
Honey you’re not selfish you take care of you and them babies that’s all that matters !!
He needs to get a JOB!!! or LEAVE & Don’t look back!!!
Um…no the switch is yours. Tell him to sell some of his stuff if he needs to come up with the rest.
I agree with you. He’s using you
I think you should get rid of his ass!
You should get a new boyfriend.
Not the asshole! Move on from him. You will eventually be totally supporting him.
Keep your switch. Ditch the bitch. Hope he’s better with child support than he is with his car payment
Girl you need to get out immediately, he’ll never grow up and be responsible if you are pregnant and he’s expecting you to sell YOUR stuff? He’s a horrible boyfriend…
You seriously need to think about leaving this loser…
WTF You staying with him for ?? He sounds like a complete loser… you have a 7 month old and are expecting another baby ? Run girl run …
Don’t sell your stuff.
You’re in a relationship with a selfish child, and with child. You should move home with your family if possible. He’s toxic
And you are having another baby?
Not your fault he cant keep a job
I would keep it cause fuck that
That’s not selfish. HE’S BEING SELFISH
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am i selfish for not wanting to pawn or sell my switch?
Do not sell your switch to make his car payment. And are you really letting your 7 month old go without because of him? If so please be a mother first and stop allowing that. Your kids should come first since you both chose to have them.
Why should u have to pawn or seek your stuff when he is lazy and dont wanna work to pay for his car. Tell him get a job and pay for his car himself
Not selfish at all! Eventually you guys won’t have anything left to sell then what? He needs to man up and keep a job!
Hell no. You need to get rid of the guy. That is not a man. That’s a child.
Stop breeding with him ffs:woman_facepalming:
Personally I don’t think you should sell if. You already helped him out with money when it could of went to pregnancy stuff. Why can’t he sell something? Donate plasma, ask his parents. Ect.
If he can’t afford his car he needs to get rid of it and get something he can afford. It’s not someone else’s responsibility to take care of his debts. And it’s not fair to your child if you’re forever helping him when your child has needs that are getting forgotten about.
Your not selfish at all. You stay home with the baby. Thats your only escape. You helped him the first time around. Now he needs to step up. He needs to pawn his things. Stop putting all the pressure on you.
He can’t pay his car payment but you expect him to help pay for diapers, wipes, food, clothes, furniture, etc for the baby? What a world we live in. You shouldn’t pawn your things but you should think about is what kind of situation you’re bringing your child into
I agree. Have him sell his blood if he needs money. You should not be supporting him he should be supporting you and the baby. My husband would Never Ever even have suggested such a thing. Sell the expensive car and get a car that he can afford.
Get him an electric scooter… and have him pay for the electric bill to fuel it up! Zoom zoom zoom! Little boys drive little toys!
I think it’s time to do a lot of reflecting. You’re going to have a baby. That comes with a great added expense.
HE needs to man up and go collect cans, mow lawns, apply for better work…and maybe get a more affordable vehicle. We should work as a team with our partners. But selling YOUR things is a no go for me. If you sell your things…that money should buy you or the baby things needed. But the way, what size is baby wearing? I bet some followers have hand me downs available
Sounds like y’all both need to grow up n have an uncomfortable conversation about a few things
He needs to get a job and stay there to make his own money to pay for his car! It is called being an adult! And you aren’t married so this is HIS problem. I wouldn’t sell one thing for him. He needs to grow up!
You’re selfish for keeping him around… If your current child needs something- sell the switch. It’s called adulting
If he can’t afford it, trade it in and get something more affordable…
If his credit score is good, take out a loan and pay for it…
Umm… don’t pawn anything. He job hops, so hopefully he hops into a good paying gig and pays everything off. For his sake.
Nope. I let my ex’s 9mm go on the pawn shop when i saw his car at the strip club. Priorities. Don’t raise a man child
Nope! Youre not selfish at all. You’ve done more then enough
It sounds like you both need to grow up. You shouldn’t be in a position to have to sell things with kids. A Switch is not a necessity, your child and a car is.
You need to get rid of this guy. That behavior of job to job unfortunately rarely changes. You can do bad on your own, he’s just another thing holding you back, Kinda like another child.
Don’t sell it not worth it he needs to learn to step up as a man for his family
Nope let him pawn something of his own…he got behind on his own he needs to deal with it and be more responsible…he will never learn if you bail him out all the time
I would of said hell to the no!!! He will not make it if you are enabling him to not get a job…
I personally would have dumped him for even suggesting I do so.
I’d probably get outta that relationship. That’s beyond fucked up he’s even trying to make you sell your shit. He can go to the Sperm bank or sell blood. Wtf I’d gonna happen when it’s his turn to buy formula cause y’all on ya last can, what’s gonna happen?! Id definitely be thinking bout shit like that
Do not walk…run. this man is using you and will never change.
I think you need out. It won’t get any better.
No if he wants to sell thing he should sell his own or get a better more reliable job.
Why can’t you apply for your own car??
You need to leave him!!! Major red flags!! Please leave before it’s too late things will just get worse
Hell no if he was your husband and you shared everything then maybe… a boyfriend, no!
Sounds like a loser with no morals and no responsibility
Not selfish at all! He needs to man up and find a reliable job.
Tell him to sell his stuff. It’s his car he pays for it
You aren’t selfish at all. Relationships do involve compromise & supporting each other especially in times of need but how much is he really gonna get for a used Nintendo switch? $50 maybe? He can find another way to get that, maybe borrow it from a friend or family member, or he can offer to do odd jobs like mowing grass, cleaning/painting houses, doing some small household repairs for people, donating plasma like someone above mentioned, washing/detailing cars, yard work, stuff like that until he finds another job. If you guys have stuff laying around that neither of you use/want anymore maybe have a small yard sale for some extra cash.
Get rid of the boyfriend and keep the car.
Tell him pay his own debts! He needs to be responsible.
Get your kids out and run, at least give your kids a better life
Keep the switch, throw the boyfriend away.
It is in no way her job to pay for his car. Keep the Switch and everything that belongs to you. I would never have paid the amount that she did pay on his car.If he cannot afford to pay for his car and keep it insured then he needs to give it up and get himself a bicycle. He does not need a car if he is not going to work steadily.
No hes an adult his problem not urs. He pay off his own car and sell his own stuff. What the actual cheek of him.
That guy needs to step up. You’re going to need so much more than just a car. I hope he realizes he will need a second job if that one isnt enough. Good luck momma.
Not selfish at all! If he can’t afford his stuff then he doesn’t deserve it.
You are both selfish for bringing an innocent helpless child into this immature foolishness.
You better tell him to start collecting some cans … gotta find a hustle some how sheeshhhhhh
Hell no! Tell him to pawn HIS stuff!
- He should have said something the 1st payment he was behind. It’s a lot easier to budget and pay for the one payment than I am assuming 2 or 3months worth of payments and late fees. Ignorant.
- If you have 1 child and now having another with a man that only brings home $103 per week…how do you realistically expect to provide for not only yourselves but now two children? That won’t even cover diapers/wipes and formula for the week. Never mind rent, utilities, food…he needs to grow up like yesterday. He could make more than that working at friggin McDonald’s!! Mind blowing.
- I HATE ultimatums but if there was ever a time for one…it’s now. I’d tell him he’s got 1 week to get a stable job with decent income or you’re out. Play time is over. Dude can’t make a fucking car payment as an adult lol come on…
I think you are a darn fool. Get outta there and spend what little you have on yourself, trust God and he will do the rest. For sure. Been there.
Not selfish at all tell him get off his a** and get a job and pay for his own shit
Get rid of him now! He will never grow up, take care of you or your children, or be adult enough to provide what he needs to provide. You and your children will be better off without him around to leach off you.
Your leaving a lot out…you don’t have your job? How far along are you? Do you live together? Do you share rent, utilities? With what you’ve provided…yes your sefish…you need the car too…help or take the bus sister!! Help your man, grow up!
Sounds like you need to find a better man and leave his lame ass
What the hell is he even doing if his check is only $103? Everywhere is hiring. Tell him to man up and get a better job.
Sell the boyfriend. You might not get much out of him though.
On a guys side of view I agree with all the ladies drop dude out of your life. He’s lowly asf.
Drop this loser. Why in the world did you pick this guy to be the father of your two children?
Please be a mother before a woman leave his. Bump ass
He should find a job and keep it. You’re going to have a baby.
Ok…first don’t sell anything for the irresponsible child you are dating …you paid his car note instead of buying your baby stuff ?? Also a no let his stuff get taken I’m sure ppl at your job would get you for work etc …plus your pregnant by him again?? He needs a hard reality check cause he’s nowhere near the dad those kids need …sorry but u gotta put those kids first
Find a new boyfriend
Get a new BF. Your current one is a loser.
You chose incorrectly! You and your baby MUST come first. Baby Daddy is very irresponsible
Tell him to sell his own crap
He shouldnt even ask that of you