Am i selfish for not wanting to pawn or sell my switch?

Is this real life?! :rofl:


No your not selfish at all


No. He sounds like a bum


leave that brokeass man


Drop him, you’ll save $ and lots of headaches.


as a guy, he needs to man up and do whats right, that baby and you soon to be new baby should be what matters, keep car and go from there, he needs to find a better stable job, there is plenty out there


If he isn’t going to work and help take care of the family, you need to move on. I always said if I’m gonna do it on my own, I’m gonna be on my own! I’m not gonna keep a man up!


Tell him to go pawn something of his own and support his kid …he’ll have to walk to work simple as


I think you both need to grow up, get jobs, quit video games and pay your bills and get on birth control.


You need a new boyfriend , as ifffffff some “ man “ is gonna tell me I need to pawn anything I own so he can keep his car. Tell that bum to go get stable employment and hop on a damn bus. Do NOT pawn a damn thing for him.

Time to leave him you need a man not a boy.


Maybe he is doing something ,he shouldn’t be doing,if he is not paying bills


I wouldnt pay for his crap, unless he actually lost his job which I think is impossible in this year.


U need a man not a boy


No! He needs to man up

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No you’re not. He is. It’s his car hot yours. It’s his responsibility not yours.

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Sounds like both of you shouldn’t even have hern bringing any children into this world and need a huge amount of growing up to do!


Sell his car and get him something he can afford the payment on.

My husband would chop his arm off before asking me to sell my stuff. Lucky for you he’s only your bf so pack his stuff and kick him out


Take ur money and everything else and say bye boy. Gotta raise a baby now not a man


Not wrong BUT I see that you say u “NEED” his car then you can help pay for it. You both need to grow up a bit and learn financial responsibilities.


I have sold s*** to come up with bills now I’m 33 years old and I don’t own anything of value. And I still want my s*** back. Don’t do it

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Throw the whole man away :no_good_woman:


Sounds like y’all need to let that car go, that’s quite a payment to be in between jobs


Sounds like he needs to find a job a good one man up and take care of his family instead of wanting to hop jobs and sell tour shit

I wouldn’t sell it. You helped him already he needs to appreciate that. Why can’t he sell his stuff? If you lose the car oh well. Guess you all just gonna have to by a cheaper one without payments. Take a bus to your appointments. Get a man not a boy.


Wtf :flushed: he sounds like a big fcking baby. What are you going to be changing his diapers soon too? Like it’s time to grow up and forget about the video games.I think your going to be raising your child on your own,without a bum Father.


Tell him to get a job and dont quit it :roll_eyes:

I think you should leave him, what kind of life is that, there are plenty of companies hiring right now, he needs a steady job and you need a reliable partner which obviously he is not! No you are not being selfish! Let him handle his own bills, you are not married you don’t owe him anything.


Why isn’t he selling his things for his car? He could donate plasma and get some cash, pick up and actually hold a job, etc. personally I think you should work on making sure you and baby are ok with your own transportation. He’s not even adulting enough to keep a job when he has a whole ass human and another on the way whose about to depend on him. I hope your paycheck is going somewhere separate so you can stockpile cash so you can get what the babies and you need.

Ditch this baby run girl :man_running:

Run sis, run!!!

In my experience, when a man is making you sell your stuff for his sh*t. He’s just looking for someone to take care of him and he is not ready to be an adult.
Dealt with that for over 7 years (and two babies) with someone. You don’t need that. He either needs to figure out his own finances, or y’all need to separate.


Sounds like you need better jobs or need to downgrade. Are you on a bus route you can take a bus for now?


Get a better boyfriend


If hes not in steady employment he shouldn’t take on credit.
If your living in one household that makes you a team. All income goes towards everything bought.
Personally no…I wouldnt sell your switch…id sell the car and clear the debt.
Cant afford something…dont buy it


You might need to sell his ass.

Do y’all live together?
Is that car y’all only Vehicle?

You said you need his car in one line! And now you don’t?

I mean if it just his car you should need it for any reason what so ever!

Also sounds like he need a car just for him that has a cheaper payment.

And then you can buy a car just for you!

Prime example of people living beyond their means!!! No one has a permanent job and have a car payment over $400!!! Wow just wow!!!


He should man up and take responsibility for his actions. He bought the car, his debt to pay. He should start by getting a full time job instead of thinking it’s ok to sell your possessions. I hope that you realize you’re better than this and stop accepting his bad behavior.


Keep your stuff. Get rid of his bum ass. With a baby coming it will only get worse financial y .

My wife pays for my truck payment but I pay for everything thing els so if he not will to get a job and do his part I would leave him

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I think you shouldn’t give him a dime and in fact should disentangle yourself fully and find a safe place to chill until you have baby. Buy yourself and baby what you both need and fuck that guy who is a grown ass man who can’t take care of himself, let alone a woman and a child. You’ll be better off without the burden of an ungrown ‘man’ whose ass you’ll have to carry every day you’re with him. You can do better. Much better. He’s not even completing the basics here. Good luck!!

I think the dude is an idiot tbh. You aren’t responsible for his car. If he needs money for it, he can sell his stuff.


If you have children, the vehicle you share needs to take priority period.


No…donot sell anything of yours …make him go away

My ex did this :person_facepalming: i had gotten a controller and games for us to play together right beforebi got pregnant.he couldnt make the rent a center payment for his xbox and big ass flat screen so he sold my controller and my games. Then when i was oregnant he sold the christmas gifts i had gotten him so he coukd keep his xbox.

Sounds like your better off pawning him.


I think if you’re grown and you have bills to pay you need to sell any gaming device that you have. Bills come before entertainment. I also think he needs to man up and get off of his ass and get a job and support his family.

It sounds like neither one of you are mature enough for children. Gaming systems, pawn shop and babies all in the same breath. Good luck.


You have a child. Both of you need to grow the fuck up

Sounds like you’re both being childish. He needs to keep a job and support himself, but if YOU need that car like you say then its absolutely your problem too. Yall have a baby, a car is important if it’s your only means of transportation.

My car is in MY name only and my man has never complained about having to help me with a bill because I was behind…because even though it’s “mine” we BOTH need it


Bye to him he a child not a man

Nope don’t sell ur stuff

You shouldn’t be paying anything for the man.

R…U…N… like, last week…


Omg what a bum, dont you sell any of your stuff and dont pay his bills, tell him to be a man and get a job.

He is not mature enough to be in a relationship if he cant keep a job. I would look for a better job so you can afford everything you need use family or a daycare. If both of us didnt work we wouldn’t be able to afford anything.

If you’re using the car too then does it really matter whose name it’s in? You guys should both be making sure you have a family vehicle. What’s more important your video games or having a car? And he needs to stop quitting jobs and be responsible


Well for one throw the whole lazy man away and 2 stop living beyond your means you have kids to worry about not just you and him these kind of people drive me nuts :woman_facepalming:t3:


Dump his ass!! He should get rid of his unnecessary stiff it he wants his car. Or get a cheaper car.

Throw out the boy and go get a man.


Why doesn’t he sell his stuff since he can’t hold a job?


You are not selfish!

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Sounds like he needs to get his act together

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He would be sellin his shit not mine ur gonna sell ur switch for what because next month gonna be same thing nah the car in his name he cant keep a job so thats his problem keep ur switch n get a cheap car for urself marketplace sells cars id get something off there till i can get something else better dont sell or pawn ur stuff because from what ur sayin this is gonna be every month good luck

Sell him. Tell him pimping aint easy😂


Nah you’re not selfish. But you’ll need to work out transportation for yourself when he loses his car.


Nope. If he was a regular hard worker then yes. Help out. But with a history of this …nope.


You care about him, the only problem is y’all don’t make enough money. He needs a better paying job,you both need a car to get to work. Sacrifice everything unnecessary, no games ,no new clothes,go to yard sales. Sorry you’re having so much trouble.


I think you are both very you and dumb. How do u have a $400 car payment and only bringing in $100 a check!? You both live wayy beyond your means & it totally shows in this post


I think you have a manchild that you need to toss out :upside_down_face:


If the payments aren’t made, it will get repossessed. Maybe he could sell it to you for what he owes on it. If you can get a loan you should have lower payments. But he is using you. And as long as you are the one working and paying the payment he will continue to do so. Get yourself a car and let him lose his. And then when it’s gone it’s his problem. You can do it! Remember, where there is a will there’s a way.


Why are you even with this man child? He can sell his own crap. Lol


Hell no your not selfish. He can take his ass to the corner and sell his own shit. :rofl:

So, you paid 460 towards his bills and now he wants to sell your things… mmmmm. Nooope. Tell him to quit yo yo-ing around and figure his shit out. What are you gonna do when this baby comes ? And needs diapers? Wipes? Anything? Nope.

Tbh I would be getting rid of that boyfriend and be finding a new one… sounds like you’re raising more than just your 7m old


Before I got pregnant with my daughter, I worked 3 jobs to keep everything going bc my boyfriend (who would become my husband and finally ex-husband) couldn’t keep a job. I honestly don’t know or remember having sex to get pregnant bc I was so tired all the time. But shortly before I got pregnant I stopped paying his car payment. I was paying my car payment, his car payment, rent, all the bills, buying all the food, etc. and I was tired of it. His mom called and lost her sh*t on me (she had co-signed for his car) bc I wasn’t willing to pay his car payment anymore. His parents ended up paying off his car. Fast forward to a little over a year later and I had my daughter. During my pregnancy I had slowly dropped down to one job bc I couldn’t handle more than one. My boyfriend became my husband and had various jobs…and then I lost my job. It was 2008 and I was laid off like so many others. I ended up loosing my car. I used my unemployment to pay my car payment but it was never on time or all at once…(I found out later it was actually illegally repoed when there was a lawsuit I became a part of). But all that to say that when I needed help he didn’t step up. We eventually divorced (thankfully!) and while I have 2 amazing kids money is still an issue with him. He doesn’t like paying child support. All that to say that, things never changed with him. He is still all about him. Someone pushing you to sell your stuff to pay his bills will always do that. It won’t change or get better. He will always be about him. Think long and hard about that. I wish I would’ve. Could have saved me years of stress and heartbreak.


yeah he would be what I got rid of


I hate it when people say stuff like “lose the boy, get you a man” like okay great, just ignore the fact that you love him enough to make babies…toss him aside and start over. Then they bitch about multiple baby daddies :roll_eyes: ANYWAYS…I was in a very similar situation when my first two were born. Their father and I were married, fairly young, and he was still pretty freakin immature. Job hopped like no body’s business. He was a musician and had the potential to be huge but didn’t realize in-between chasing his dream and stardom there was real life. A wife, a baby. We lost multiple cars, lived homeless, I pawned so many personal possessions and lost them all because he wouldn’t work. Our story ended tragically, he finally started getting his shit together and taking care of his kids about two months before he was killed in an accident four years ago today. I’m not going to sit here and tell you to get rid of your man, but YOU hold the power to help guide him and encourage him to be a better person. If it doesn’t work out between you two in the long run, at least you can say you helped shape a good father. And no, don’t pawn your game system. Definitely been there and done that, you have to draw the line somewhere. If you have insurance, a lot of them will help you get your OB appointments (in the US anyways). Good luck :heart:

….so… u could do better…

Let the car and the man go, buy a bus pas for public transport and focus on that baby. What’s next? He can’t afford the payment so baby doesn’t get diapers or formula? No ma’am.


Girl just leave him and get your own car if youre already pretty much paying for his you can afford your own


Let him get his car taken back and get your own?

Mmm its HIS car. Why doesnt he step up and sell his stuff or get a better job :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


I learnt this the hard way back when I was 19 & had my first child. If he isn’t willing to get a better job and to do better for his family, then he isn’t worth keeping around. Pawning stuff and losing it in pawn was a common occurrence when I was with my ex. I lost so much stuff in the two years we were together. If he doesn’t have a push to change he won’t. It is up to you on how you handle it from there. I say all of this based off of personal experience, while there are some that do change it is a very slim chance that he will. When you have a child you have to grow up and make sacrifices on both ends.


Don’t do it. I have gone above and beyond for ex’s who just took and took and took. Once I said no, they left me. Don’t trust someone who can’t hold down a job.


Absofuckinglutely not. He can sell his stuff and be without.
You need to take care of you and that baby. Let him go be a trainwreck somewhere else.


You are adults…why you playing games…


Sounds like you got a winner. :roll_eyes:

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Wow! Your in a mess. Pregnant as well.
Get out. Don’t sell your stuff. Run! Don’t look back. No contact. Yep. No contact not even w the baby. You’ve got yourself a looser. He will always go job to job. You’re his supplier! Learn from the lessons out of this relationship, they will help you down the rd.
Boyfriend is a Narcissist. I’d bet he isn’t close w his family. Tells story after story how everything everyone in his life its ALWAYS NEVER his fault. Your guy, has no empathy. I’d bet he enjoys making life miserable for you.
Take the advice.
Stop paying his bills! Stop trying to turn him into a grown ass man. He will never be the provider. Help w the home. Or bring in a steady check.
Your in for a life of misery, stress, & tears staying w him.

Tell him grow up and keep a job so he can keep the car he went to the dealership to Get. What’s he gonna do when it’s due again sell the baby


Nope keep your stuff but just know that car is gone cuz he’s a lazy boy

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You aren’t married. No, don’t pay his bills! And don’t sell your stuff to help him out!

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Never give up your happiness for someone who isn’t willing to do the same for you. Tbh he seems like the selfish one. You are pregnant with his child and he can’t be adult enough to keep a job and handle his life appropriately? Passsssss

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Sounds like you both need growing up to do… You have one child and another on the way and you are worrying about selling your game


7 month old and you’re pregnant?

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No way are you selfish. He is. Kick him and his car to the kerb.


I think ur his sugar mama :rofl::rofl:

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I have never heard so many women complain about their" boyfriend’s" . No security in a relationship is time to give it up. All these men are just shirking their responsiblity and you are letting them.


Do not put yourself through this, girl. Since you’re already doing everything on your own, don’t be afraid that you “couldn’t do it by yourself”. Believe in yourself, because YOU CAN. There’s a reason he can’t keep a job and there is help out there for hard working people like you.

So, what’s gonna happen when the switch is sold? What’s next? This is the beginning of a bunch of problems, because you’re letting it happen. My sons father was job hopping and selling our things when my son was 1.5y.o. Long story short, I left him. Fast forward to 8 years later, he is in and out of rehabs for his addiction problem and my son could care less about him. Not saying it’s happening to you or anyone else, that’s where all the problems started for me.

Be selfish. Selling your things isn’t a solution.
Good luck.