Am i selfish for not wanting to pawn or sell my switch?

Sweetheart you have bigger fish to fry. You have a 7 month old and one on the way with someone who is very IRRESPONSIBLE. You’re asking the wrong question. You should be trying to see if anyone can recommend a way out for you and your 2 babies. Instead of worrying about a game you should be trying to find some type of subsidized housing for you and your babies. Priorities honey, priorities.:woman_facepalming:t4:


Hes a leech. He needs to grow up and get a real job


Time to get rid of the whole man child


Tell him to kick rocks and sell his own stuff!


I think you’re better off by yourself at this point. He’s a lot of extra baggage and will be of no use when the baby gets here. WTF?


If he can’t hold a job down & is already having trouble keeping up car payments. You need to get out. Your babies come first & he seems like he won’t put them first. Do what you need to do in order to get by.


I think two people making babies BOTH being selfish, is a bad omen for those kids.


Drop him . He’s not putting you or you’re family first . If he truly wanted to he would . You’ll feel so much happier without carrying that baggage around .


Get a car u can afford ur not him mother don’t pay for his car lmao :rofl: it will fuck ur credit if yall get married u don’t know how far he actuly is behind

Nope don’t do it. Once it’s paid off n he feels like leaving then you’re stuck with nothing n he still has the car you paid for…. Nope

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Yeah, not selfish.
But y’all really need financial planning help. :woman_facepalming:

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It sounds like you both have a lot of growing up to do all while trying to raise a baby. Priorities are a thing. Look at getting a better career, right now EVERY place is hiring, so finding a job isn’t that hard. Start saving money and buy yourself your own car. It doesn’t have to be brand new, just something that gets you from point a to point b. The good thing about his car being in his name is that when it finally does get repossessed that it won’t hurt your credit. The car is a small example of what your life is going to be like. What happens when you can’t make rent? What happens when you can’t buy food? Step up or step on but you have a baby that is counting on you.


You don’t owe him anything. It’s not your fault. You don’t owe him anything. It’s not your fault.


OK here’s my opinion it may be harsh,so don’t come for me but I feel like you both should get real jobs and get your priorities together…you have a baby and another one on the way! just maybe y’all should stop making babies and get a job also you said you “Need “ the car well girl go pawn/sell that switch or whatever to pay the car note so he can go look for a job (if you decide to stay with him). And if you leave him and you don’t have a job or car; how is that switch and Xbox going to help your baby? Come on now! I’m just saying…


Get rid of that “boy” .
He is weighing you down from your Best life hun :two_hearts::pray:t4::partying_face::butterfly:

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Well… a true serious relationship is a partnership… but this one to me sounds like he’s a lazy bum. I mean baby on the way, can’t hold a job and has his PREGNANT girlfriend paying bills. I’m sorry yall what the crap happened to boys turning into men. I mean I’ve been down to rock bottom, I’ve had a repossession, and a foreclosure and not a bite to eat and was literally scraping change for gas money to give for a ride to the store. But hard work and dedication pays off and we are no where near where we were… and it’s sounds to me like this boy has none of that. You may not want to leave, understandable. It took me 5 years going back and forth before I finally left my 13 year marriage. And it was very hard as my youngest son was 2 at the time. Luckily I had my mom to help me and I paid really expensive day care fees and I worked 2 jobs but I wouldn’t change it for the world. If he’s this irresponsible now, imagine in 3 years… just sit down and think. If you’re already asking should you leave, you know the answer deep down. I wish you the best. And idk what state you’re in, but there are pregnancy centers that will help you as far as getting to your appointments and helping pay your medical bills related to pregnancy

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You need to get your priorities straight. You got kids you do whatever you have to for them. If this is his to work then it either sell it and him go work to take care of the family.

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Tell him step up and get a real full time job and stop hopping job to job !
Keep your stuff let him figure it out , you just bailed him out

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Tell him to be a man and pay for his own shit . Then I’d leave his pathetic ass .

He needs to grow up ,stop bailing him out Run

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:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: Jesus, ok… 1- Fuck that guy! 2- Umm you’re pregnant, and have a 7 month old…no job. He has no job either and we are prioritizing Nintendos and XBOXes. Like I said, Fuck that Guy with a prickly pinecone. You’re better off alone but material things can be replaced. Your kids come first. You can’t put a fuckin video game before your kids. Both of you are selfish. Get urself a job and a car and put ur kids first.

You have a 7 month old and you have time to play video games? Anyhoo…When my husband lost his job and we were struggling to make our bills I sold my jewelry for the sake of our family. But we are in a committed marriage and at that time we had been together 20 years. If you are really going to make a life with this guy then I’d say yeah sell the Nintendo. But something tells me this relationship won’t last so maybe keep your stuff and move back in with your parents.


I know it sucks BUT the vehicle is how you get you and your kids around… plus back and forth to work so your bills are paid. If you rely on the vehicle just as much then you not pawning your video game is selfish to your kids. You having a video game to play is not going to feed your kids or keep a roof over their head, but having a vehicle to make it to work and make a paycheck is :woman_shrugging:

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If you don’t wanna give up your switch then sell the Xbox :face_with_monocle:

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Tell him time to grow up.

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Don’t ever pawn your stuff bc of no man

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HELL to the NO. he made his bed let him live in it

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Wow, what a douche.

You sacrifice for the kids. Get rid of what you dont need so that you can provide what they need.

If he cant pull his shit together, you’re going to have to. Whether or not you take him with you is your choice. But dont let the children go without because of selfishness on his part, or yours.

No. Don’t sell anything else. He’s a looser. Get him out before he drains you dry. You’ve got kids to think about. He needs to man up and find some day labor pronto

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Hell nah!!! That is HIS problem, not yours!! Dude sounds like a lazy bum who wants to be taken care of.

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What a loser He needs to grow up and take responsibility and get a job and stick with it others depend on him


He can get a job and provide for himself. You aren’t married and he needs to act like a father and provide for his child.

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i think you ate crazy for staying with that lazy pieice of shit

Fuck that why even waste your time?!

If you need the car also, sacrifices… sounds like y’all are having a baby together. You’re in this together. You’re switch days are going to get less and less seeing you’re going to be a mom.
You can always buy a new one down the road when finances allow.

Surely you know this man isnt going to be supporting you and that baby so what are you going to do?

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Do not sell your things. Let him go get another job or two.


Why is it just the guy has to work? She just quit her job and they are really low on money… there’s programs out there that help you get kids into daycare or preschool even at 6 weeks old. They both need to grow up and prioritize! Zero maturity both ways. I’m at a loss of response. If my boyfriend even loses a day of work I ask my boss if I can come in and do extra hours and I have a 4 year old I take care of. Not sure what is more exhausting the loss of wanting to work or the “I’m not giving up my Nintendo for a car that takes me places I NEED to go.” Wow. Just. Wow.

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Honestly I think you are an idiot!


Honestly sounds like you both need to grow up. You have a child and you said that you rely on his car for transportation, you both need to make sacrifices.


You’re pregnant and having a child, you don’t need two child…he needs to grow up or get out.

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I think you need to finance yourself a vehicle & drop the whole boyfriend off at his mamas


Dont have much of a leg in this race as a dad but I can say this much. Never once. Not in my wildest dreams, would I EVER resort to selling my significant others things for my shit ability to manage my money. There are hundreds and thousands of employers paying sign on bonuses and decent pay, tell his ass to go pump some gas or flip som burgers. Pick up a second job, use that car to drive for Uber or Lyft literally anything besides selling your things. If he wont do that? I hate to tell you this but you got with a deadbeat who is going to be a more useless role model to your kids then he his with his finances, get out before he takes you down to his level and beats you with experience my friends.

I think you need to replace that boy with a man


Make him sell or pawn his belongings!!! He needs to grow up!!


If you have a bub at home and pregnant again you have two options , he can get off his arse and get and keep a job or you can get a job till you have baby , if you’re not too far along and if not you might have to look at other job options from
Home that you can do . It really becomes a team effort when you have kids and live together but I get everyone’s experience is different depending on partners etc . When you become a parent your priority is your children . If you need that car and have nothing else to sell then you need to make that sacrifice that’s what we do as parents . I do think he needs to support you all more and clearly doesn’t have how priorities straight if job hopping . Sorry to be blunt . Perhaps you need to have some more open communication about your exceptions when it comes to him keeping employment to support the family. My ex husband and I use to do different shifts and my kids went into care sadly but it’s what we had to do to survive . If you have the luxury of being home with the kiddies and that’s what you both decided he needs to step up and take care of his end of the deal . Good luck .

Next it will be selling ur child stuff

Sounds like you are both heading up shits creek, and with a baby on the way. Good luck.

You both need to grow up for sure. Idc what it is, if my kids need things a gaming system would be the first to go so I could buy things for them! Also you rely on that vehicle as well, what is more important? A car to get you places you need to go or a stupid gaming system that can be replaced? If you can’t answer that correctly than girl you’ve got some priorities to get straightened out. But with that said, it shouldn’t be just your things getting pawned. His needs to go as well. You need to get a job and he needs to get a steady job and keep it :woman_shrugging:t3: you both need to get your heads out of your butts and learn to prioritize and make it work. I sold all of my cricut stuff and crafting things that I had bc that’s what I enjoyed doing on my down time but I sold it to pay the electric bill this last winter. I didn’t want to but I needed to bc bills came first.


Tell him to sell some of his shit to make the payment.

The fact that you’re asking here shows that you are both extremely immature and need to do some serious growing up and prioritizing before you bring that poor baby into your sad lifestyle


Keep your switch,Get a new boyfriend.


Hell no he is a user get away from him

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Run as far as you can from this deadbeat.


Never pawn your stuff


Set some boundary now he stops playing his games and you stop playing yours get your own car and make him pay his own bills and if you don’t work cause you can’t he needs to step up .belive me I know all about this seen it first hand your kids need both of you to be grownup

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Throw out the boyfriend


Why are you guys having more children if you can’t even afford the one you have?


You both sound like a mess. Do better


How old are you two? You both sound very immature.


Get. The. Fuck. Out. Now. He isn’t going to change. He will run you into the ground and you’ll never see a penny of YOUR money. He’s a child, he’s immature and he’s an idiot.
I get you don’t want to leave and have a broken home. But is it better to have a “broken” home or live in a home with broken people.

New boyfriend. Is this how you want to live the rest of your life?


Hell nah. Sell his car

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His car his responcibility. Sounds like he needs 2 jobs


First of all if u can’t let go of a “want” so that u can hold onto a “need” then u are selfish, secondly he needs to get himself a stable job as u have a baby on the way. Lastly u are both immature and if u guys are fighting about something like this now, how will u raise a child together when the baby is born. Wow I can’t understand this situation at all.


Get a new boyfriend.
Keep the switch unless there is no other way to get your baby things he or she needs then sell it to get money for that.
Priorities, priorities, priorities…


I think I wish that’s the kind of problems and stresses I had lol


Nope. Throw the boyfriend away and keep the switch for sure!


Pawn your stuff for a downpayment on your own car before you even think about saving his


Ummm no. At the end of the day that’s his car and if anything happens he’s not going to leave you with that car even if you have his baby. She can go donate plasma he can pick up temp jobs during the times he’s not working at temp agencies.


Sometimes I wish I didn’t know how to read :woozy_face::woman_facepalming:t2:


It’s in his name - it’s his problem - kid he wants to sell you stuff - sell his first


So you have a 7 month old that you cant afford to buy the things it needs and you both thought it was a good idea to have another child too? Really to me both of you need alot of growing up to do. You have an xbox. Bought a switch. Games for both as well i asume. The money you spent on those game consoles could have went to both babies or household bills and what not. You both need to grow up and get your priorities straight!


I think he needs to get a stable job! The heck!!!

If it is in his name only you don’t owe him a thing. He needs to be more responsible and make the payments himself. If you keep bailing him out he will continue to use you and your money. Invest in your own car even if it isn’t a new one .


Omg! This guy is a con artist. Please walk away. Stay away. This is not safe for you at all.

Nah you don’t have to sell your stuff to pay for his car. It sucks but he knew what his payment was and when it was due… If he didn’t wait til last minute alot of times they will work with you or even defer payment for a month or 60 days in some cases. Does he have nothing to pawn? He can get creative: shoes, clothes, electronics of HIS, any collectables, guns, portable DVD players. He can sell it on marketplace for more probably. I sold a ps2 for a lot of money a few years ago it’d bn just chilling in a tote since I was 13 :joy:

$103? His many hours of work is that? Sounds like he needs to pick up some shifts ASAP. You know your monthly payment, so you know the time it takes to pay it and he’s being lazy about it.

Who is supporting whom? Sorry but you should not be footing the bill alone. He needs a job to make payments

Sell the switch and get out more. You are being selfish. You use his car so there for help out. Yall have a kid together with another on the way. You think about your family them you. Ypur family doesn’t necessarily mean him hut if your driving his vehicle them sis help out. Your priority isn’t your video game! It’s your child and you getting around and since you don’t have a vehicle of your own yeah you best be helping with the car. Everyone saying get a new boyfriend is basically saying use him as a bank. Otherwise you do what you need to for your family.


Girl you need to leave that little boy… If he ain’t providing for his on the way child he is a piece of shit

How bout you sell your toys and take care of your kid…if you need the car then pay for it

You are not selfish I went through almost this same situation and now both of us regret selling it

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I think you should leave him and get a real man :woman_shrugging:t2: you don’t owe him anything :hugs:


He can get 2 jobs if one Can’t take care of his bills


Adults fighting about game systems over bills.


He should get a job that pays more, budget and pay bills, you both should have planned better
Soon to be two kids and selling game systems for car payments. That’s just nuts

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If anything, since you said you don’t use it as often, sell the Xbox and keep the switch. I’d also tell him that since you’re the one making payments, the car should be yours. He needs to get a job to help out more, like I understand not having big paychecks, I do get that, my most recent paycheck wasn’t much more than his, but he needs to find a better paying job or get a second one. If you’re on maternity leave, he’s gotta help out more with bills. Being a mom doesn’t mean you can’t have a stress reliever like a game system. Ive had to sell stuff too to help with bills and I have 2 kids and game systems. Just because we’re parents doesn’t mean we can’t have something for ourselves, but I do also believe that if it’s not being used, there’s no point in having it. So like I said, sell the system that isn’t being used and keep the one you do use.

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Leave, honey, I’m sorry but if can’t keep a job for his car and wants you to sell YOUR stuff so his car doesn’t get reposed with a baby!!! Heck no! He needs to grow up! What is he going to do when the baby is sick and you’ll have a $6k doctors bill? Sell the baby furniture, the fridge? No, you and the baby deserve much better than that.


I think time to leave


Pack up your things, sweetie. He doesn’t value you OR your treasures.

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If you use the car then if you don’t help the car may be gone. Think about that. You both need to mature. Of course we all love fun and games l, but bills come first. In my opinion when you decide to live together it’s not his bills or her bills it’s our bills. He needs a steady job.

completely honest opinion, i think both of you need to get some priorities straight… he needs to find a job, and be dependable enough to keep it. you need to prioritize bills over gaming systems… even if it is his car, if you need it, you can pitch in too. maybe that’s a personal opinion, but i stand by it. it’s not just him, it’s not just you, it’s clearly both of y’all. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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No ma’am you’re not selfish. He is!! Don’t you dare sell your stuff for his car payments. He could walk out and leave you tomorrow and you’re left with nothing!!


Ill put it nicely…hes gotta go! I learned my lesson! Believe me! U do it now…u mite as well keep doing it & he will not appreciate it…been there done that

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Dump this train wreck

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Tell him to do door dash

Karina Donaldson idk man…as a mom who really needs some things to make me happy thats not really on her. Also just fyi. Selling a switch wont make even remotely enough to make a car payment. It also really really depends on why he is late too. Like if its legitimate then maybe ya its something to consider selling but if he was irresponsible with his money she shouldnt be responsible. Thats not on her. Maybe the switch is her only release from momhood. Ill tell ya right now…we moms need that shit…like our identity isnt just a mom. Our mental health and happiness matters too. Because a sad mom will struggle a lot more than a mom whos needs are met.

Just because video games arent your happy place doesnt invalidate it. She doesnt have to pick up his slack constantly thats not fair. Shes already paid a lot to help him out. To some video games dont matter.
What are your passions or hobbies? Things that keep you grounded?im sure you have them… She not once said she was using him as a bank…
People are already struggling enough right now and mom depression is real. That switch aint worth shit compared to what she paid when she got it…

You cant judge someone so harshly when you arent in their shoes. Saying video games dont matter is really harsh. Because ya they dont matter to me or you but they may matter a lot to her

We arent just moms we are people with external things that we love to do and devaluing it because its not your passion isnt it.

Like…he aint working much at all if his check is 103 alot of people are hiring and if hes not getting full checks because of covid or (like us) smoke then he qualifies for unemployment. He needs to be doing a hell of a lot more if that car is only in his name.

No. End of story. Do not pass ‘Go’…No!

You can do bad by yourself.