I don’t think there is anything wrong with this. I mean if your really think about it it’s just a body part, like would your husband be angry about your child saying “arm” “knee” “ear”?
It’s a word, it’s a body part, totally normal. The problem is people teaching kids that body parts are bad words.
They need to know as soon as they can string a sentence together! If they are touched inappropriately then they can express thst to you!
My husbands mom did all of this with him. He knew what a period, vagina etc etc etc was and because of this he has no issues if I ever bleed through the sheets, he’s the man that starts the shower and says nothing and helps clean everything up. He’s the man that asks if I need products and genuinely cares and is knowledgeable about them. If we have a daughter one day and god forbid anything happens to be, I’m so happy in knowing she can still go to her dad for these things.
Also it’s important for kids to know body autonomy. You’re doing the right thing mama
By getting angry at him repeating a normal word for a body part, that in of itself creates shame associated with the word. That is the core reason it is seen as a “bad” word for children to say. It can also create mixed feelings and shame later on in a child’s life if they are taught to view the word as bad, so the body parts must be bad too.
Girl from the age my kids could talk they knew what a penis and vagina is. It’s only embarrassing if you make it embarrassing. Nothing wrong with young kids knowing correct terminology regardless of how uncomfortable it makes people. I rather my kid, go forbid something ever happened, be able to go to court and without a doubt clear as day day he touched my vagina instead of he touch my whoo whoo or some ridiculous nickname
My son is 3 and a half, and he knows the correct terms.
My whole thing is your child is 3 he doesn’t need to know that your on ya period … Proper term for our body par to s is fine. To each it own.
Definitly using the correct terminology is the right thing. And if its made normal then he won’t be embarrassed to talk to you about personal things
teach privacy and the no touch zone, as well as proper names. I will probably get crucified for this, but not sure a 3 year old boy needs to understand periods and vaginas yet. I think it is okay to teach him about modesty and your privacy as well. Let him learn naturally, but watch overloading him with adult information. I used to tell my son what he wanted to know, but was really tuned in to when he was satisfied with the information and would stop there and save it for when he was ready. For those who disagree, keep scrolling and I will do the same for you.
waiting for someone to throw a tantrum and tell me what a jerk I am….
Its appropriate for children to know what body parts are. And using the correct terminology is fantastic.
Nothing wrong with them learning the correct terms for body parts
Children will always repeat what they hear.
Not at all. Ever since my kids were old enough to point & say “what’s that?”, I’ve answered their questions age-appropriately. I want them to know they can come to me about anything.
Nope you are always supposed to teach the actual name for body parts don’t feel bad Mila just talk to him and tell him we don’t say it for fun
As long as you’re teaching the proper names for things then I think it’s awesome!
Vagina isn’t a bad word and it shouldn’t be treated like it is.
You have a vagina. That’s what it is and there’s never a wrong age to learn the proper terms for our body parts.
Children knowing correct terms for anatomy is also very important to help them voice if someone is abusing them. Never be ashamed of teaching your kids stuff that’s beneficial.
Something between u n ur husband. Everyone has 7their own style of parenting. Compromise.
I just told my son what was up in a biological sense. So now he’s no weird about either. We can talk about it with him and he doesn’t get grossed at all. Make teaching biology fucking normal!
My boy is 21months and knows penis and balls I’m quite happy for him to learn. He doesn’t get to see his dads penis often so he doesn’t quite understand that mommy and daddy are different, and he’s like daddy… but I’ve taken him in for a look once or twice when my partner is having a shower:joy:
as for vagina… it’s a word… and it’s anatomically correct
The word vagina is fine for a 3 year old to say….the word pussy would be too much
Its a body part. And no matter what you call it hes gonna say it. I believe its nothing to be ashamed of.
Teaching children the correct terminology can help protect them from predators
He shouldn’t be saying those words, he is to young!
I’ve always used the proper terms for body parts with both my kids.
My son will know proper body terms . He’s only 3 and a half months old, but when he starts asking questions I’ll tell him
Normalize it. My children by age 2 knew the proper names of their body. Penis & Vagina are not dirty words, they’re the correct words to use. No nicknaming them. Why? In case anything were to happen to them sexually at a young age. Horrible thought I know. Sexual abuse & assault does happen to young children though. What you have explained, it is not too much and it is normal. Some men think of males talking about periods or vaginas is a taboo. It is not.
Definitely at 3 they should no the names for penis and vagina/vulva just like they learn, arm, foot, knee etc
Teach your children the proper terms even at a young age. Cutesy terms wont hold up in court if they are abused.
I think it’s normal and personally will be teaching my children the anatomical names for their parts.
No he’s not too young. Young children should know the appropriate names as well as start learning about privacy at that age. You’re doing fine mama
Um… it’s nothing different than saying elbow or knee. It’s a body part. Your issue is that you feel insecure with the terminology in general.
Body part appropriate words are never a wrong thing to learn. Also it’s good for him to know about periods at a young age as it will give him more understanding of women when the time is appropriate. You are doing well. Teach proper context and when to use the words. Not all education is formal
My two year old boy points at my vagina, calls it a penis and starts giggling. Not to sure why anyone would have a problem with proper language usage.
Penis and vagina are NOT bad words!! They are medical terms! I mean… I’m not sure about a 3 year old knowing the word vagina but not penis, I can see how that’s a bit odd to some. But no, they’re not bad words.
If anyone complains about him saying that word just tell them you are educating him on proper terms to ensure he will know the proper names for body parts. This can help kids avoid and even let adults know when there is sexual abuse going on so know these names of body parts is great.
Uhm its a body part. Do they rather you call it a flower or something to make them comfortable??
Theres nothing wrong with it. Hes only 3. As he gets older you can teach him to not throw the words around Willy nilly.
No it’s good for them to know the right names for things. If people don’t like it that’s their problem.
A clued up child is a protected (to some degree at least) child. Sounds like your husband needs to use the NSPCC website to get a bit more clued up on why teaching children to talk about bodies is important.
Your child knows that thing on his face is called a nose right?
I fail to see the difference.
This antiquated belief that parts of our bodies are shameful needs to stop!
Yeah its normal penis and vagina are fun sounding words, plus you want them knowing the correct terminology but that’s where you start implementing what privacy means and remind them it’s best to talk in private about it.
My son just turned 4 in July. He knows all the parts. Periods, vaginas, vulva, penis. The whole shebang. I guess I never saw anything wrong with learning about normal body parts.
Kids need to know the correct names for body parts, it is very important!
Teaching a child anatomical body parts is in no way wrong and should actually be the normal.
There’s nothing inappropriate about toddlers labeling body parts or understanding normal human body functions.
I think it’s good to give them the knowledge. Maybe try sitting with him and discussing in a way a 3 year old would understand that those are private words and we only use them at home in private.
We call ours a bird. So that’s what my girls call it. They know the real term but it’s just how our family calls it
I’m a daycare teacher and you’d be surprised at how many parents teach their young children the actual words to their private parts. It’s your preference
My daughter is 2 and she is very smart and independent for her age
IMO, it’s a lot easier to teach proper terminology from the get go, then have to go back and teach why a “peepee” is actually a penis, etc.
percent normal!!! And let him say it. He needs to know the real terms of those parts just in case of the unthinkable. Better to not make them taboo now.
Said too much. Somethings should be private. He’ll learn all that on his own time.
Explain there’s a time and place to talk about body parts and perhaps grandma and grandpa is not one.
U r being too free with a wrong person. For God’s sake he z a child and should be sheilded from certain things
I only allow my kids to say proper terminology. It’s direct and nothing to be ashamed of. My boys have never known another word for a vagina.
It’s just a word and a body part. If he was talking about noses, you wouldn’t be embarrassed. It’s a good thing that he knows the parts of people
First of all, a vagina is a body part. Would you be asking this question if it were the word “elbow”?
They’re body parts. I would much rather hear a kid say vagina and penis instead of weiner and cooter or whatever dumb pet names people use.
My oldest is 4 and she know boys have penis and girls have vaginas she knows girls get periods. And she know that when she fet older she will have boobs. I’m extremely honest when she ask questions.
In my opinion, if he knows the word penis, then it’s ok to know the word vagina.
Our 2 year old knows that girls have vaginas and boys have penises.
My daughter knew what a vagina was at 2. She’ll be 4 soon and she just recently asked me what boys have because she saw her little brother in the bath. I told her it’s a penis. She also know what a period is because she is also always in my space in the bathroom, she asked me what it was and I told her. I don’t see anything wrong with It, I’m not going to lie to her if she asks me these things.
Honestly I think it’s good for kids to know all body parts the right terminology. There’s nothing wrong with it at all
Absolutely it’s ok! Vagina and penis are not bad words. It’s awesome you are teaching him the proper names!
Every child should start learning body part at a young age. He’s saying it because he learned a new word. Him saying it will pass.
No I think it’s important that they know what a vagina and penis is and use the correct terms for it every child should know also due to legal things
3 year old are sponges… educating them is awesome but watch who you have around and what they say… my 3 year old herd the neighbor boys arguing and now knows several nasty words and now says them at school…
It’s great he knows so he can properly inform anyone if anything bad is going on (being touched on or flashed ect)
My boys ( 3&4) know the correct terms and know what a period is as well.
Vagina isn’t a bad word? It’s a body part.
It’s the female anatomy. I think it’s perfectly fine for him to know, as well as the term (penis). :)) nothing to be embarrassed of.
My 6 year old runs about shouting penis. They are very curious about things.
Nothing wrong with littles knowing the correct anatomy words for our bodies.
Yes, this is normal. I taught Kindergarten and children would come in talking about their penis and testicles after doctors appointments. Keep up the good work!
We have to tell our children the truth. No one else is!
My 2yo boy knows what both boys and girls have i dont see an issue. Both my older 2 (boy & girl) do as well this is stuff they need to know!
Since my nearly five year is currently playing a PS3 game meant for ages 18 and over, I think I best keep quiet
You’re doing great! The correct terms should always be used!
It’s a body part , and it’s good for kids to know the proper name for things.
Why would one not teach appropriate words for body parts?
It’s a good thing. It de stigmatizes the body part. It makes prosecution easier in cases of assault. It also makes diagnosing medical issues SO much easier because they can use their words to indicate EXACTLY where the pain is (UTI, vs scrotal issue vs et al)
Vagina is the term for the internal part (aka the birth canal); VULVA is the term for the external part. I’m only correcting you because accuracy is super important.
I think it is good to teach them the proper terms for our parts.
If he can say “leg,” “eye,” or “knee,” then he can say “vagina.”
My 2 year old calls his penis a penis and he knows what boobs are we haven’t gotten to vagina but I’ll teach him proper terms all my kids use proper terms
is he allowed to say elbow or foot ?
Teach your children to use the correct words to describe the human anatomy…
Would you rather he said “pussy”?
100% normal lol they will say everything you dont really want em to BUT its better they call it the legit term vs a by term
Your husband is angry?
I have 3 boys and never had anything from them. If a child his curious then they should be taught.
Can he learn penis first?
I think this is great. I have taught my kids body autonomy.
Omg My Grandson just turned 10
He’s asking many Questions now! We Give the best Answer giving his age:shushing_face:
I personally think they are smarty farty little sponges & am quite impressed when they are that young & know big words like that
I am a firm believer in always being 100% honest with your kids. If they ask a question, answer it honestly. Also, don’t ever ever EVER teach them to call their genitals by “pet names” like “Pee-wee” “pee-bird” “cookie” “monkey” etc. Because if god forbid anyone ever harm’s them sexually, if the child doesn’t clearly say “that person touched my vagina” it’ll be thrown out in court.
My best friend’s son was molested by his stepmother and they threw the case out in court because he told the police “she touched my thingy” and wasn’t specific. Had he said “she touched my penis” she’d be in prison.
So no, you’re not teaching your child anything wrong, and it’s NEVER “too early” to teach your child the correct terms for his own, and other people’s body parts. In my opinion, “penis” and “vagina” are just as important to learn as " head shoulders knees and toes."
I think you’re doing an AMAZING job being honest with your son. If I were you, I wouldn’t care what anyone says or thinks.
It’s great he knows these things and the proper names for them.
It’s not like vagina is a bad word good for him knowing the correct anatomical names.
I would rather my child know the right terms for private parts instead of nicknames for it