Am I teaching my kid too much too young?

It’s a body part. And honestly. Knowing the correct terms for parts is a GOOD thing. Maybe talk to him about when to say those words lol. But it’s no different than him saying penis. My kids have gone around “boys have a penis and balls. Girls have a vagina!” :rofl:

No I don’t think it’s appropriate,if a child is molested I’m sure a adult trained in this can figure it out when the child shows where someone touched her with out all the technical terms. It sounds stupid from a child that age,and a little creepy. I’ve all managed to keep my self covered when my child is in a stall w/me.

I had a 2 year old go, “OUCH MY PENIS!” when a cold wipe touched him down there.
I plan on teaching my daughter the proper words, I say them as I clean her up. I tell her why we need to do it at each change too. She will be 9mo on the 27th.
I dont think it’s inappropriate to know about our bodies, there are just inappropriate times to talk about certain things.

My son is 2.5 years old and knows the words “penis” and “vagina”.
I think it’s super important that he knows body parts and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about :woman_shrugging:t2:

Talk about everything and anything. My children knew how babies were made, grow and are born in the multiple ways from when they first started to follow me to the toilet. Arojnd aged 2.5-3yrs old. They knew early that I have periods and bleed etc.
Early words for the genitals were- vag= vaginas, pen-is- penis =penis, boobs/breasts/baby milk holders :blush:

My 3 year old girl knows what a vagina and a penis are! Teach them young so they know the proper terms if they ever need to tell u their being molested or raped

We’ve always taught our kids the proper names for the body parts from when they begin speaking. Really even before that. We never call him anything but the proper names.

I don’t have children, but I see nothing wrong with teaching your kids what their “parts” are called at a young age. Obviously, I know he’s a boy.:rofl: But I’m assuming he knows what his are called too. God forbid something ever happens to that sweet baby, you’ll know exactly what he’s talking about if he speaks up, & any other adult for that matter too. Other adults, like teachers for example, won’t know the little “pet names” other families use in their household & more than likely won’t understand what they’re trying to say. My mom always had those little names when I was younger and I hated them but I was too embarrassed to call it what it was. I was embarrassed to even use the word she did because it was so weird to me.:woozy_face: I felt like it was “bad words” growing up. You’re doing great momma!

I mean, what SHOULD he be calling it? That’s the correct term for it. Just because he learned it young, it’s still correct so, good on you mom.

Nothing wrong with teaching but along with that we remind them what is appropriate to say when and talk about and around who.

He should most definitely know the accurate names for body parts. God forbid anything ever happen and he not be able to express what’s wrong or where it hurts because not everyone knows the “cute” little nicknames everyone gives them… knowledge is power, empower your child!

It’s most important for kids to know the proper names for body parts as soon as they can. It’s also a matter of safety for them to know and learn privacy.

Wouldn’t you rather him know the scientific name and understand that there’s a difference between them. My son still says “mommy’s penis” but I don’t think I would be embarrassed if he said vagina :thinking:

It’s never too young. One of our twins who just turned 2 is noticing mama don’t hang like him :rofl::rofl: 4 boys( 8, 6, 2 and 2) and this the one who wants to know what I have never had this happened before

I think you are teaching him the appropriate words as you are teaching him the difference between him and a girl. I see nothing wrong with it

Everything has it’s time and place. A toddler don’t need to know what a period is. But nothing wrong with showing him the correct terminology of the human body parts.

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Using anatomically correct words for your body builds confidence, some might give you a hard time for it but, he may have a daughter one day who will have questions just like his. I completely agree with using anatomically correct words

I think it’s important they have body knowledge and awareness while learning boundaries, modesty, etc. :heart:

Teachers and schools prefer for your child to know what that is by the name of penis or vagina. I think it’s normal I’m also very open with my kids

My 5 year old son has always been curious. When he asks questions we give him accurate answers and don’t lie to him. My son knows about period and anatomy of both males and females.

I got my kids the book Belly buttons are Navels when they were that age and my son went around telling everyone his sister has a vulva and he has testicles but that they both have an anus that was fun to explain but I didnt see anything wrong with teaching them the proper names instead of made up nick names for body parts. My thoughts were that they are proud of their bodies and differences. It’s not like I told them how babies were made at that age or talked about sex at all just body part names.

I think children should grow up knowing basic male and female anatomy. There’s nothing shameful about body parts and functions. People acting like there is something shameful about body parts and functions is part of why so many kids don’t report sexual abuse.

Also, I’m so glad you’re teaching your son about menstruation! So many men don’t understand how the menstrual cycle works and think that it’s “gross”. Men are better able to be a supportive partner and father to girls when they understand.

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It’s not a bad thing to teach him when he’s curious. It’s better for a child to know the actual names of body parts, rather than the made up cutesy names.

Honestly its something kids should know. God forbid someone ever touched them it would be easier for a case if they knew the correct terminology.

These words aren’t sexual in nature. It’s anatomy. It’d probably be cool if it wasn’t his favorite word though…lol…maybe readjust the focus to his anatomy. Give him a new body word every couple of days and make it a game. It won’t take long and he’ll be over the word vagina until his teens :sweat_smile: Privacy might be a good subject now as well as good touch bad touch. Goes right along with the ABCs and 123s.

I think it’s a wonderful thing that kids know what their private parts are called and knowing the correct names. It is very important for them to know so they can tell you if anything is wrong

Vagina is not a bad word, and should not be treated as such. Its important that children learn the correct words for body parts.
Don’t be embarrassed about being a good parent

I think it’s normal and important for kids to know the proper names. The newness will wear off and he won’t say it all the time.

I’ve got boy girl twins that will be 3 in November. They definitely know that they have different parts, and we’ve always talked about it. We talk about it no different to arms, legs and all other body parts. :woman_shrugging:

Penis and vagina are not bad words. Basic anatomy isn’t wrong and there’s no such thing as anatomy being “age appropriate”.

My son is 4 and knows penis and vagina :woman_shrugging:t2: never to young to teach proper anatomy. I don’t see what makes people uncomfortable about it

I don’t think he’s too young. I also applaud you for teaching him the correct terminology. As a former childcare teacher that is so very important. My daughter is 2.5 & knows that girls have a vagina & boys have a penis. :woman_shrugging:t3:

There is nothing wrong with teaching correct anatomy. My 3 year old has walked in on me mid cup change before and asked me what the stuff in the toilet is, no sense in lying so he knows it’s blood and that it’s normal :woman_shrugging:

My mother would say it’s better to teach and use proper terms than other’s.
I told my very conservative Grandmother I was breast feeding my baby( doll) around same age. The look she gave my mother…ill never forget. :joy:
I still survived

It’s so important to teach proper terminology of all body parts early! No shame in it. Good job!

Be honest with your babies!!! Teach them the correct words when they are curious!! It’s when you lie, redirect, or make the words sound more “nice” that can cause issues. Just let him know it’s not a word to say anytime. But your doing good mama! Don’t be ashamed for teaching him the correct words.

Its a proper medical term, i taught my son to use the word “penis” as he has one, i see nothing wrong with using the proper terms for our body parts. Like Victoria has said in a previous comment, if a child as been taken advantage of, the person/people that child has told will know immediately that something is wrong and the situation can be handled by the proper steps.

My 5 year old knows not to call them something else I was hurt at a young age and and I want her to know that she can say those word with out it being in trouble

Personally it’s always good to teach them the proper words for their privates and others so if they ever need to explain it to a doctor or law enforcement if someone did something inappropriate they can understand. Our pediatrician said the sooner the better it’s only a dirty word if we make it that but it’s a medical term you should be proud he listened to what you taught great job mama!! I tell my son to not use the word unless we are speaking in private about any body issues

No its not my oldest is 10 and don’t even say anything about stuff. I’m a single mom doing it on my own. We live in the same house all his life and you just don’t normalize some things. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: he knows what is what but basic rule we talked about it a long time is privates are privates no one can touch left it at that.

Never too young to learn anatomy. Our 4 year old is also very curious and we taught her her parts around 3. She knows that she and I have vaginas and she knows that i have breasts (that one was taught while I was breastfeeding our youngest). We look at all body anatomy the same. Just as you would teach head, shoulders, knees and toes. You’re doing great and dont let anyone make you feel embarrassed or ashamed that your child knows correct parts of the body!

Considering the fact that many parents are allowing their children of similar age to choose their sensuality and gender…you are fine…every child should know what their serial organs are called for safety if no other reason

A lot of doctors say to teach your kids the real names as opposed to nicknames. Or privates. My kids made up their own names so we go with that. But that is your child and your choice. Don’t worry about anyone else.

A child is never too young to know and use correct anatomical terms. Vagina is not a bad or dirty word, geez…

Naw. Vagina and penis are just regular words like elbow, knee, eyes, nose, etc. It is adults that make them into naughty words. All my children have been taught the proper terminology for private parts since they could speak. Plus may the gods forbid something ever happen their would be no doubt what they are describing because they use the proper terms and the perp will be convicted.

Children should know anatomy. You teach your kids about arms and legs when they are small. Vagina, vulva, penis, testicles are all just body parts.

It’s the human body and it’s never too young to teach basic functions and proper names. It should be normalized

All kids that age grab onto words. It will pass. You’re doing fine mama.

I always called it a hooch and a pistol… that way things said in public were irrelevant. Real vocabulary words are important a little later, 6 or 7…when they have a better handle over their mouth filters :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My 3 year old knows “penis” and “vagina” although he does just say “gina” :see_no_evil: I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. Better to teach them the real words for things so they aren’t running around calling it a wee wee or hoo-ha or whatever.

Use appropriate language for all body parts that includes vagina and penis. These are not inspire words. Children are never too young to learn them. Children are never too young to use them.

Just as you should teach him everything and correct terms, you should also teach him about appropriate times to talk about it and explain that not everyone is comfortable hearing those at certain places/times. It’s a great time to incorporate learning about people having boundaries and the need to respect them

It’s never wrong to teach the proper names of body parts. My 3 year old boy will tell anyone & everyone that Momma has a “ji-no” & that he has a penis like his Daddy. :rofl::woman_shrugging:

Sorry to see your husband still has illusions about what your child “should be” doing. Kids have no filters and they imitate EVERYTHING their parents do. It sounds like he’s just experimenting with words and how to say them - working his tongue and lips together. Tell him it’s a private word and don’t make a big deal out of it - or he will too. He may not understand ‘private words’ now - but he’ll get there.

Children of all ages are curious of whats happening around them. Being hobest and explaining things to them correctly is a lot nore beneficial then them finding out the wrong information from someone else. My 9 yr old was curious when i was pregnant with my son, about how babies happen and how they come out. So i explained it to her (minus the adult play part)in words she could understand.

I can’t believe there would actually be anyone against this. Kids need to know proper terminology just in case something happens to them.

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I think its important to teach them young because if anyone tried to teach them something inappropriate you will know.

The more natural and not a big deal you make it - the better with learning terms. Teach young and don’t make it a big deal except when it comes to no one except
Them should touch those areas!

You are doing great. It is better to teach them the correct names from the beginning. They will be able to talk about those things later with you and be comfortable talking. Great job

Teaching proper terms for body parts is important- if they’re interested at a young age, then why not teach them?

I don’t see anything wrong with it. But if he’s overusing the word in public, maybe try to talk to him about how they are private parts that he should only talk about with mom & dad. I have a 2 yr old son & although we havent talked about proper terms, he knows that his ‘bootys’ are private lol

Children need to learn the proper terms for body parts.

My son is 5 and is the same way. I was raised that if I was old enough to ask a question, I was old enough to get the truthful answer. My son was with me in the bathroom a few months ago while I was on my period…bc ya know we forfeit our rights to privacy when we give birth, lol…and asked why I had blood on my pad and I explained to him it was my period. Girl, he waited about a week and then came to me when he had a tummyache and loudly announced that he had his period. I talked to him about why that can’t happen for him and now he understands. I hve also talked to him about appropriate topics to discuss with people as opposed to what he should only talk to family/friends about. He is surprisingly smart for his age and don’t talk about personal things to anyone but my fiancee and I.

please don’t be embarrassed that you’re teaching your child proper terminology. what’s embarrassing is giving nicknames like “birdie” or “cookie”. there’s nothing shameful about a human body.

My son will be 3 in November and I’ve taught him that girls have vaginas and boys have a penis and testicles. I want to be sure that he learns that the human body isn’t gross to talk about

My son doesn’t say vagina yet but he’s 2 1/2 and says penis. He knows we have different parts but doesn’t say it since right now he is learning his own anatomy

A spade is a spade. You don’t teach your child that a spade is called something else. Kids at 7 and 8 years old these days experiment already. Not like in my days where 14 or 15 was the normal age to start getting curious. I am also teaching my son the correct and proper terminology at a young age. If someone doesn’t like it, I’m not forcing them to be around me or my child.

Your 3 year old is old enough for you to tell him bathroom is your private time UNLESS it’s a public restroom. Knowing about Periods is too much at 3 in my opinion

He should defiantly know what those words are! God for bid if anything happens he will be able to tell you properly

I am all for using the correct terms. The less silly names people use the less it will feel like a silly game to a child being abused.

However, my son is 8 and he has a general idea of what a period is but he’s never seen me cleaning up or changing during one. If I had to use the restroom with him, he was usually told to turn around so I could have privacy. I would mention that I was doing something personal but everything was ok. I don’t want him completely blindsided, but he doesn’t need to physically see it either. He has 3 sisters now so he needed some facts.

Never too young! Don’t be embarrassed. Teach anatomy with the real words is important.

Correct terminology is incredibly important. The younger they know it, the better.

Better to be learning young than not being taught anything. Seems a lot of kids learn from friends cuz parents don’t take the time anymore.

He definitely needs to know the proper terms just because your husband isn’t comfortable doesn’t mean he shouldn’t know. It could help someday if he ever gets touched inappropriately. Seriously. Keep teaching

I think he is too young. And you taking care of your menstrual needs in front of your child is a bit disturbing. That’s disgusting.

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You should absolutely 100% teach your child proper names of body parts!!! Good job mama

My kids know the correct terms. Don’t let any one make your feel weird for teaching you kid real words instead of pet names for their genitals.
As far as using the words around other people, what is he talking about around grandparents?
You could just say to him quietly “we don’t talk about our private parts, vagina and penis, when we are around other people. If you need to talk to me about it, tell me in my ear.

I see no problem in teaching them the appropriate names for body parts, at any age.

My kids were taught the scientific terms and I always said the only people who are bothered by it are the ones guilty of knowing about abuse and turning the other cheek

Maybe check with ur pediatrician about what is age appropriate…

Teach them! It’s ok! It’s normal! It’s vital for kids to know the difference and to be able to tell you things. People who are triggered are the only ones offended. Since my daughter started learning to talking we always use proper terms for the body.

Proper terminology is so very important. All children go through phases where they learn a “new fun word” and over use it or use it improperly. That just means you have to correct them and teach them time and place. You’re doing nothing wrong at all. It’s a body part. It’s only embarrassing to talk about, if you male it that way. My 8 year old still randomly blurts out penis to get a reaction :woman_facepalming: lol

shoot… think I should tell my 4yr its not “minge” then… can imagen her when she goes to school and the teacher trying to correct her :rofl::rofl: and also that a bopbop is actually called a penis :sweat_smile::rofl:

My kid, now mind you is special needs on the autism spectrum, but he is 19 and walks around saying it for no reason but to say it.

Its great that your little boy knows the proper word and what it actually is. Teach him what his own parts are called using proper terms.

My daughter has been saying penis and vagina since she could talk. It’s fine!

I have 4 sons. All learned at a young age what a period was bc well, let’s face it, we cant ever go to the bathroom alone. Especially with clingy boys and well, sometimes we need someone to get a pad or 2 for us and my son’s were curious as well so i told them what it was and explained the names of private parts and what they are and my boys are now 9, 8,7, and 3. And they havent ever had an issue even though of course little boys think everything is funny. We just do not make it a big deal and they understand it is a natural bodily function. If they know its a natural thing and not just some odd thing, Just imagine what genuine great helping men and husbands they will be towards their future gf, daughter,and or wife. It wont be something odd to them and they wont be grossed out and will treat a woman respectfully.

Nothing at all wrong with that. Thank you for teaching correct terminology for body parts. The worst thing ever is giving private parts goofy names.

It’s better for kids to know the real names of body parts…I’ll be teaching my daughter the proper names once she starts asking.

He knows the correct word for something. That’s normal and healthy.

In my opinion, it’s a body part just like any other body part. There is nothing wrong with kids using the medical terms for those parts.

It’s a word for a body part. Don’t make it into a bad word. It’s better that he learn these things from you.

It is never too young to learn proper body part names and their functions. It’s a body and everyone has one. However, I would start teaching him about privacy.

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Little kids need to know what the anatomy of their bodies along with what the difference is so if god forbid something happens to that child they know the proper words to use instead of the "cute"names people come up with

Nothing wrong with anatomy education.

All my kids know correct terms for their body mommy and sister have vaginas and the boys all have a penis. They range from 11 to 1. Every diaper change my 1yo points to himself and laughs and says my penis. :person_shrugging:

My little boys is curious like yours and when I change his sisters nappy he says “Elisa has a willy” I correct him and say “Elisa has a vagina” I think it’s important they know the correct terms x

Never knew if I was right on this one by any means :woman_shrugging: But…

We just go with “privates” or “private parts” in our home until they are school bound… then we get into the more specifics of body parts having different names. I want them to know their bodies but there are just a few words that seem kinda cringy to hear from the mouth of a babe. So they are taught privates are just yours and noone touches you there and you keep them covered (mind you that means my kid is running round the house in only panties- because well, things are covered!)… it makes it easier when they get a little bigger to explain- boys and girls are different right? So different parts have different names, and well boys and girls privates are different too so your old enough now to learn what yours is called… but they are still private to only you! It has worked for us so far. We have 3 in school and 1 not quite old enough for that yet. Youngest is 4 and says privates, next up is 8 and he calls them privates but knows the technical terms for all his parts and knows woman have a vagina.

No!! THEY NEED TO KNOW! Especially proper terms! Kids are Never too young to educate.

Vagina isn’t a bad word so there really isn’t an issue. It’s not like he is walking around saying shit. My kids know anatomical terms.

It’s fine my boys know more about reproductive system of girls then girls their age do inform and educate and screw anyone that says different !!! This also teach a in future about pregnancy how why and what happens to make it possible. U can teach and not be vulgar