Am I wrong for no wanting my husbands mom to go on vacation with us?

No, you are not bad. You should be able to take a vacation and not take your mil. He should respect your feelings and tell her maybe she can go next time.

No it is a vacation for your family. Mother in law stays home! But that is in my case mother in law has no place in our family

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You are not wrong. It is okay to want time to relax with your husband and children. The fact that your MIL has invited herself along reeks off entitlement.

Maybe it’s a good thing u can use her as a baby sitter while u 2 get a break or relaxing dinner . Otherwise yea umm no period

No, not at all. Sometimes u just need the getaway with u, your spouse and kids.

No but I love my mother in law though. But no you have a right to say something to him about it

Maybe do your vacation solo but rent a cabin or something for you all another time.

Depends your tunings with her

If you don’t want take her than leave her son with her and take your daughter’s how would you fell if your future daughter in law does this to you think twice and let her go with you

no you are not wrong for feeling like that but you can’t exactly tell her she can’t come so better just put up with it unless you want to cause bad feeling

Not at all! Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for it either!

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Not at all. You are are wanting just you and your family. She has to understand

Nope. Not at all. You’re allowed to want only your kids & husband on your family vacation.

No that absolutely does not make you a bad person. Just be politely honest with her.

Get her own room let her stay maybe 2 nights then put her on a plane home

take her with you, the day will come that you will be the mother in law, show by example, so you will not be left behind

I dont see big deal! U jealous of herr? She is ur husbands mom. They need to be close

Not at all. It depends, it can make a trip memorable or stressful.

I was in the same situation with my ex mother in law. It wasn’t pleasant.

Depends on your reason rather than this statement. Simply not enough information listed in the post.

At first I was like no, don’t take her. Then I realized I AM that mother in law!:shushing_face:

I am truly blessed to have my son in law he invited me to go with them


Why would you take someone else along on a family vacation

No you aren’t wrong. You have a right to decide who goes with you on vacation.

Is it possible to do like two vacations. ? Do one just you your kids and husband ? And then one including your MIL

Absolutely nothing wrong with wanting that…

Bleck, this is why I hate in laws. No, you’re not q bad person at all. Say no. Set boundaries. Stick to your guns! I think in laws require boundaries. It’s super healthy to have boundaries, and make your voice be heard. Don’t ever feel like a bad person for doing what a best for YOUR family.

She wont be here forever. Do you not get along with her?

Let me edit my post by saying if in-laws on either side are INVITED on a family vacation that is different then the in-laws ASKING to be included on a vacation. Two different things.

Not at all…she should understand and so should your husband.

No you aren’t wrong at all and I’m a Mom of a Son :rofl::rofl:

No it doesn’t make you a bad person! Boundaries

Nope! Not a bad person at all!

No, but look on the bright side - it’ll allow you to have some quality time with hubby when gma watches the kids!

you are under no obligation to let her go with you,if she lives with you that’s different.but if she doesn’t live with you then she doesn’t have to be involved in your plans

No you are not wrong at all. You have your own family. Your mother in law needs to stay.

If your kids are along it’s a family trip. If it’s just you and your husband THAT’S a vacation. Know the difference. If your mother-in-law wants to join a family trip then why not? If you’re wanting a vacation drop the kids with grandma and get away with your husband.

Uhm… I don’t even know what a vacation is… No but really… I don’t associate with my in-laws whatsoever… There’s no way in hell… But if I were to go on a vacation it would just be me… Isn’t that the point of a vacation? To get away from the everyone needs me hype?

You’re selfish…remember you’re thinking when you are the mother in law…

I think they should leave you at home My daughter loved with her grandma was with us on a holiday One of the things she missed after she passed was no more vacations

After a year like this year, many have found time is not guaranteed. If she goes with you that gives you the opportunity for a date night and some great opportunities for the kids to make memories with grandma :heart:


Take her with you, I don’t have my MIL anymore and I wish I had spent more time with her.


Screw that-you do your family! Overbearing Mother’s need to get a life.

Can the MIL keep up with them on vacation?
Are they hiking? Swimming? Canoeing? Kayaking? Camping?
Is there an underlying issue that isn’t mentioned here?

No it’s not wrong just want you your husband and daughter to go

Nope. It’s for you, husband and kids. UNLESS you invite her yourself, she wouldn’t be welcome.

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Is it just this particular trip or are you opposed to all trips?

No your perfectly justified in wanting just your family to go on vacation.

What does your husband say?

She won’t be here forever…take her!


My mother-in-law went on our first official date!!! We were both in college and it was after a football game. He did the athletic side and I was in band. She had come down (after we planned our date) to spend the weekend with him. That’s great she sees her son, 100% support that. But she went on our date. I didn’t want to seem awful by leaving her there alone in his duplex but I also didn’t want her tagging along. So while I agreed to let her go…he should’ve told her upfront that we had a date planned and then not guilt me into leaving her there alone for dinner. To top it off, she had asked a question on the way there, 3 times (about the heater or something). He didn’t reply, so I politely answered. She said, “I wasn’t talking to YOU.” I about hopped out at the next stop. :roll_eyes:


I love taking my mom on vacation with us! #makingmemories

No!! I actually find it rather odd that she’s inviting herself!!


whatever you choose, you are teaching your children how to treat you when they are grown

I would be more than happy to take her with us. But that’s just me.

Nope, she doesn’t need to go with if you don’t want here there.

plan 2 a smaller vacation with her to go on

Do you not get along with her

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I’ll be the odd one out. TAKE HER WITH YOU. I say this because my last memory of my MIL was 2 years ago she was at our house (I think she was trying to over stay her visit) my hubby sent her home. My daughter (2 at the time) came in crying because she wanted her to stay. I had a off feeling. I even almost txt her to just come back because she’d left already. 5 days later she was found deceased in her home. She died alone and wasn’t found for over 72 hrs.:broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: we didn’t see eye to eye, but nobody needs to go alone like that. I will never forget it.


No. Go enjoy ur family vacation and leave her home

Treasure the time you have with her. Tomorrow is not promised.

No, it’s for you your kids and husband.


No you want to have your own family time and she has to understand

I can understand completely and think you have the right to your opinion! I didn’t have a solo family vacation for 14 years until last year, husband is an only child and his Mom is single so she went everywhere with us and is handicapped so it was always so much more work, which was always ok but her and my husband would team up and I always felt like the outsider, especially if there were any issues! The vacation we finally took without her was amazing and so family focused, I loved it!


The audacity of that MIL. It seems a bit intrusive.

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Not wrong. Tell her to stay home

Then its not a true family vacation is it?? Just saying!!

Should take her. Ur just gana have to let go of those thoughts turn it into a positive and accept that u know shes gana be coming hahahaha

Nothing wrong with you not wanting her to go. She should understand that you want it to be just you two & your children. Vacations with our family (my parents, in-laws, extended family) always leads to a stressful trip if it’s more than a weekend. If we make plans with family outside our household…it’s a 1-2 day trip max. Day 2 is always pushing it.

Our family will be going on vacation In this group will be my two daughters there husband and there children and grandchildren children .One daughter will have her in laws with her but we will all be staying at the same resort .My children always invite me and my husband ,But since he passed away I go with them and there in laws .We do what ever .And so far it has been great .

If u and ur MiL get along and she doesn’t cause issues I would take her along…but if she makes u miserable or is hard to get along with I would say no…but u have to do what make ls u and ur hubby happy as yall are a team…

Take her along and use her at a babysitter for alone time with your husband …shell think twice next time.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::wink:

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Listen, if she knew it bothered you to the point of blasting it out on social media, she wouldn’t want to go with you. Be a normal person and go sit down with her and explain that you wanted this to go a certain way. Then, be a good person and ask if she would go on a vacation with you in a couple months, her choice of location and the two of you will plan it together.

Have mom go and watch the kids. She will be gone one day. They need time with her and you can spend alone time out with your husband.

I’d bring her so she can watch the kids for some time with my husband lol.

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my mom could come but his mom could not :woman_shrugging:t2:

Nope not wrong at all. It’s ok to say no! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

When we were dating we went on a vacation with his parents. It was hard and it ended with my mother in law mad at me for years after that. This all happened when we were just dating. My in laws are intrusive and expect to be involved in everything. We do include them a lot but I will never travel with them again.

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I only had a grandparent go on one vacation with us. That being said, we’ve vacationed with and without my mom. My husband and she get along though. I’m surprised your MIL asked. My mom had never just assumed unless we were planning something together.

It’s all about boundaries!

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Nope, book the holiday for yourselves…

Then leave mom home and enjoy your trip

No you are not a bad person , there are times couples want to do things for themselves it’s not a sin . I am sure you include her at times it’s when people don’t give that thought that sometimes you would love to be at least invited that makes the difference .

You will miss her when she’s gone.

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I don’t think it’s bad to want to be with just your husband and children. Sometimes you need to get away from outside people. But I also think it depends on where you’re going. If it’s somewhere iconic, like Disney, I would take her along. If you’re going camping, or just to a beach somewhere, don’t take her. To come across in a way that makes you not seem like you “don’t want her there” you could tell her this trip is just for you guys but let’s start planning a trip with her for the next vacation.

It doesn’t make you wrong just selfish!

If you don’t want her there then don’t bring her.

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I wouldn’t allow it.


Yall can’t make her want to have his mama there! Yall don’t know how she acts. :unamused: let’s not forget, all mother in-laws aren’t nice or pleasant to be with on vacation.


Is she paying her own way? I probably wouldnt want my parents or in laws either. I get annoyed

Life is short. Cherish every moment you have with your loved ones and let her granddaughters make memories with her. Let her son have memories with her. How would you feel if some day your daughters turn around and do the same to you?

You shouldn’t feel bad at all!

Have two vacations. One with her and one without her.

A couple of suggestions:
Take MIL, bit, see if she has a friend who’s also like to go, and have a “them (maybe spa day) and you each only you hubby snd kids” day.
2. Arrange a grandparent/ kids day or night to give you and hubby time alone,
3, maybe a vacation evening when you and the kids are tired, let your hubby and his mom have dinner together.
4. Utilize a sitter service for the kids one day or night and have lunch or dinner for the adults only.
But, cherish the time, they e were int be there forever.
I’m grateful for the vacations with my dad, and our boys.
Smd my sins are grateful for both the ones with my father snd the ones with my hubby, who had passed on too.
The biggest regret my boys have is that my hubby passed when our first grandchild was only 2 weeks old, and they didn’t get to grow up with him around.

I wish my parents were still living; they vacationed with us for 25 years. Gave us time without the kids , kept them active and involved.

We did the vacation with my mil a few times (mainly being stationed in Germany she’d come over and we would go places) and I am so over it. Even my husband is against it. Constant nagging about anything not being like in the states, people not all speaking english, expecting food to be just like in the states (plain water compared to water with bubbles, hot tea vs iced tea, etc…)
Comment to my husband on what I fed my children (Müsli with yogurt (me) vs sugary cereal with milk (her), etc)
I can get some alone time in anytime, but vacation is supposed to be relaxing… not with my mil

Since you’re taking your daughters it’s fine and nice to take her along,

Just your family. MIL can go another time.

Not at all! It’s your family vacation. Not family vacation plus MIL.

No you don’t want your mil to tag along

What’s the big deal if the Mom tags along? If my mom wanted to go on vacation with us you better believe she’d be there!!!