Am I wrong to cut off my friend for having bed bugs?

They are worse than lice!


I’ve been through this paid for an exterminator and it didn’t do any good. I took care of it myself. It took a year of hard work. Tell them to go to home depot get the goodnight bed bug spray, diatomaceous earth and I moved all my furniture out of the house everyday sprayed, put the DE down and what I could stick in plastic bags in the attic curtains. Sheets bedding very hot dryer. The DE has to stay down. But she needs to find the nest. Also tell her to caulk all baseboards and windowsills that’s where my best was in the windowsill.


I dont blame you at all!! Bed bugs are the spawn of Satan!! I hate them with everything in me! I lived in an apt complex, at one time, and ended up with them. It’s been years and I’m still traumatized! If a certain spot on my body is itchy, I’m paranoid! I’m checking it and making sure there’s no welts. I’m checking mattresses, couches, etc. Those little SOB’s are the worst!! I’d cut off family, friends, coworkers, I Dont Care!! Did I mention I hate the lil bastards?! :woozy_face::rofl:


I just came here to tell you I’ve done the exact same thing! Screw that! My ex knew his parents had them and invited them to my house without informing me… (he didn’t see it as a big deal) long story short, it was a fucking disaster and I put my foot down. That was the last time they were in my home. They’ve since given them to more of his family, probably others I don’t know about as well considering how BAD they had them… It’s unfortunate for me, because he’s also my child’s donor, so there may be a potential for it again down the road :tired_face::weary: I literally have ptsd from them, it traumatized me. After almost 6,000 dollars to get rid of them, while raising a newborn, with literally zero help from him; absolutely not. Never again. BYE!


No you are not wrong. Bed bugs are the fuckin devil. They never die, also can lay dormant for up to a year. :flushed::flushed::flushed:

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I have an intense phobia of bed bugs. I completely get everything you’re saying. You have to do what’s best for you.


I dont blame you we let friends in transition stay with us for 2 weeks it took us 2yrs to get rid of the bed bugs they brought with ! Very expensive had to get rid of all furniture 2xs !!


Are they good friends? Would u want any one of ur friends ending a friendship over this as u are trying so hard to get rid of the problem. Do ur friends mean anything to u? Treat others how u want to be treated. Some things in life cant be helped, however they are trying. Do u actually think they want this disaster in their life? Do u? Is it worth giving up on a good friend? Do u want someone to give up on u? Think about ur choices, thoughts, think about if it was u!


I’m having this same issue but with family. Last year they got them and didnt tell us and brought them to our house we got ate up and didnt even know what was going on by the time we realized it we had a serious problem. My landlord paid 1500$ to get the house clean and we did all the steps and we got rid of it thank gosh. But that family member lives in appartment and they keep getting them. They even house sat for my sister and didnt tell her they had them again and slept at her house on the couch, futon and guest bedroom! She went over to there house a few days later and saw them and was pissed that they house sat without telling her they had them again. So obviously I had to write them and say they cant come over here and even uninvited them to my sons birthday and they were mad taking it personal and still keep saying things about coming by for this or that to where I have to reiterate it again and again. It sucks and I feel bad but we can’t go through that again. I told them they need to move and get exterminated again first. But I’m not risking that if they always keep getting them.and dont wana tell people. I’m completely on your side if you’ve had them you never wana get it again!


It’s not worth the risk of getting them. #ProfessionalAdvice


I don’t think your over reacting at all I moved into a house that had bed bugs and didn’t know until about 3 weeks after moving I never even knew about them I kept thinking we were getting mosquito bites but then one day I felt something crawling on me on the couch and I grabbed and looked up what it was. My landlord treated the house for us but it was so infested they were dormant in the walls so they had to treat out house 3 times my kids stayed with my grandma because they were terrified I couldn’t stand the fact of something crawling on me and sucking my blood while I was sleeping so I slept in my car a lot and I had one friend thy let me stay a few night with her but I made sure I took all the precautions drying my clothes before putting them on I didn’t take my purse in the house. It was a nightmare for about a month and it definitely traumatized me I wouldn’t wish bed bugs on anyone and if I found out someone had them I wouldn’t let them come to my house either unless the stripped at the door so I could throw their clothes in the dryer and I wouldn’t let them bring any bags with them. You don’t know how it is until you have been through it.


You can always fumigate and flea bomb your place after they leave. Perhaps burn sage and sterilize the toilet too. Because if they’re that contagious you’re in grave danger every time you face the outside world.


You are not wrong. Bed bugs are hard to get rid of and will travel


Yes. You can get rid of them on your own. An you being cautious is just fine… Its what everyone was doing to make sure they either didnt get them .or made sure others where not bring them in.How ever i have pissed my bf off a few times.cause he was letting ppl in his when i would get in i would either get eaten up by the fleas or would find a bed bug on me from his i was not trying to be mean.I told him that who ever he had in his car had flea’s or had bed bugs. Please be carefull of who u let in ur car. He got pissy about it because he thought I was cracking on his friends but that’s not what I was even worried about like dude I’m highly allergic to flea bites and bed bug bites they will itch the f*** out of me until I scratch myself Raw. Just because he doesn’t know they’re in the car doesn’t mean that I don’t I find them the minute I get in there but they’re attracted to me or some s***. Do something or i can’t be in ur car.oh an if he was useing mine. Yea thats a hell no .no one is aloud in my car. I don’t beed flea’s. Or bed bugs

I mean, I feel like that is hard… they are going through a hard time. I would be pretty upset because sometimes pests live in one single pillow case and come back. I had lice as a child because someone gave it to me and I would cry if someone said they didn’t want to be my friend over something I couldn’t control. I think maybe insist they don’t come over until it is 100% gone, but I would not unfriend someone because of that.


My niece got bed bug from a hotel she stayed in never knew it till her kids started to get bit. She had them so bad. They brought a team in to clean her house. Got rid of all her furniture carpet and all they where in her walls. Took almost a year for her house to bed bug free. They ended up cooking her house to make sure they where all dead. To this day she has very little in her house don’t go no where and kids can’t say no wherr and no friends in the house. It’s sad

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I was a housing officer for a local authority many years ago. I had to go into a house with bedbugs just as I had bought my own home. I literally stripped off at my front door and had nightmares of bringing them home for ages. I can really appreciate your caution. That house was fumigated 7 times but they were lying dormant in the walls and we had to ensure that it was vacant for years so that we starved those little fuckers out.

If they threw out the furniture they may be bed bug free. But if they didn’t, then don’t get close

Don’t blame u one bit! They r to hard to get rid of once u have them!!

Had same issue with my family.

You have to have boundaries. Explain why you feel that way to your friend, like you did here. They either Will emphasise with you and understand, or they won’t. If they don’t understand, then I would consider them am acquaintance and not a friend. Boundaries are needed for all. It’s called self love.

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Def not overreacting. Ive had this happen and its not just the physical aspect, its the mental too. Especially if the bites get bad. I had them all over my body and face and it was hard to remain strong. I wouldnt take the chance ever again. We just went through a pandemic where relationships were kept up through video and phone calls. Theres no reason you have to put yourself or your family through that when you can be a friend to her in other ways. People have best friends that they don’t see for years. Schedule dates with her over video but own your decision. Let her know you cant take the chance but you want to make the relationship work. If shes a true friend she’ll understand.

My best friend picked lice out of my hair and I have for her. I mean I understand your fear of getting them but I would think if you really research them you could actually be a part of the solution and help her. If you aren’t willing to do that then I don’t see why lunches out wouldn’t be ok? Most of my friends and I do that anyway. However my best friends we would take care of the issue together for sure. We are family.


Bed bugs are really hard to get rid of, its a lot of treating and vacuuming. What really works is a high heat for a few hours to kill all stages. Cutting off your relationship with them isn’t going to do anything but bring embarrassment and anger.


I can understand not wanting to adopt someone else’s problem. I think the best thing you can do is help figure out how to treat them. I used to clean out houses and had to treat them a few times so i suppose that’s why i sound so confident that it’s an easier process than people realize. You might help make their life 5 times better by doing so.


I mean being leary is one thing but cutting a friend off over that is drastic. If any of my true friends had bed bugs i would be there helping them get rid of them if they asked.


I got rid of bed bugs TWICE completely on my own. You literally buy the spray, get rid of everything you don’t want or use anymore, wash every single item you can in hot water and dry it, replace your mattresses and couches, and vacuum 40 million times (including corners), and you should be good. I spray preventatively once a month and haven’t had a problem in over 2 years. I live in an apartment building so I feel like they can travel through walls.

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I had bed bugs before and had to pay thousands to get rid of them after 5 treatments every 2 weeks. My anxiety was at an all time high when we had them. I still have PTSD from it and it has been over 4 years. These bugs changed my life. I don’t want people over my house. I don’t want to go over other people’s houses. I don’t like staying at hotels and if I do I literally tear the bed apart and looking with a flashlight for them. I’m also flipping mattresses over. If I’m in a public waiting room or on public transportation I look for them before I will sit down. I shake all of my belongings when I get home. So I don’t blame you at all.


I think cutting them off is a bit extreme. Those things are a pain to get rid of, doesn’t mean they aren’t trying or are dirty. And I’ve had them and didn’t use a professional exterminator. Some people can’t afford that. It is possible to get rid of them without hiring someone. I found a product that worked like a charm and haven’t had an issue since. If you could so easily cut off a friend over something like this I would have to question how genuine your friendship was in the first place.


The problem is is most people are trying to treat with chemicals they can not be treated with chemicals it take heat to treat and if its and apartment you have to heat treat the WHOLE apartment or they do not go away.


I don’t blame you. You cannot spray bed bugs away the way people claim. It is an expensive process that can only be completed with an expensive heat treatment etc-and still isn’t a guarantee. I’m leery and honest. I’m not bringing it home with me if I can help it. I would refer them to proper pest control and steer clear for a while. Most people don’t take it as seriously as I do; I suppose because I have seen people keep reinfesting because they will not handle the issue properly and quarantine for a while. I wouldn’t dare invite you over knowing you could take them home! That’s just good friend etiquette to protect your home as I would my own.

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They are hard to get rid of but I don’t blame you for protecting yourself and home

I would do the same , I would explain your fear. Everyone that’s saying here that you are exaggerating I am sure never had to deal with a plague (bed bugs are one of the worst). I would just being honest with them

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Been through it. They were brought into my home. The financial and mental burden getting rid of them is no joke. I love all my friends but… not that much lol :woman_shrugging:t3:


Must not be much of a friend if you are considering cutting them off over this. Think of how much the friendship may affect you. You can get rid of bugs and you can prevent yourself from having an issue by using anti bed bug spray before she visits.


I feel like the people that are implying you’re a bad friend have never had bed bugs.


I mean if you have to ask are you even that great of a friend? Crap happens bed bugs does not mean they are dirty how do you know the house didnt have them before they moved in? Go ahead and cut them off they dont need a judgy friend like you anyways :woman_shrugging:


If you are so worried about some one having them. I hope you know they can also come from clothes at a store or any where you buy things.

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Man… I had bed bugs once :grimacing: unbeknownst to me, I moved into an already infested apartment. Ughhh… they were everywhere, but by the time we noticed, it was too late… we tried all the chemicals. Im not even joking. Bombed the place time after time to no avail. We ended up getting a steamer, Stam mop, and hand held steamer… Killing them with heat is 1000x better than chemicals. We didn’t stay there past our lease, and didn’t take anything with us that may have had the bugs on them. I never saw them after that, thank God. It’s been over 7 years now since that crap. Good luck to your friend :+1:

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Only meeting for lunch in public places is not cutting off a friend. I don’t blame you for not having them over or wanting to visit their home. Do what you need to do to make sure that your home stays bed bug–free.


Sweep and mop all the floor… Please don’t be mean just help them clean out everything for they have peace of mind too


Oh my goodness…they wouldnt come to my house nor ride my car or vise versa…they hide in clothing and expensive to get rid of sorry but no visits for now…and only thing next re they prob wont let you know…


You want to cut a friend out of your life over something everyone here agrees they can not control ??? Like they have some infectious disease ??? During this time were we have lost people and visits & family dinners / holidays over a pandemic ??? Doesn’t sound like YOU are a friend worth keeping then. Meet them at a park…sit in the yard.


Please don’t cut them off. It’s humiliating as it is. Trust me. However I’m going to retract that first sentence. You’re a crap friend if you’re willing to cut someone off over this. They will be better off if you step out. Just don’t be a bigger turd and ghost them. Let them know about your personality flaw openly.


Well it a bad and long time to get rids but people’s even clean people’s get bed bugs it yr throw ing stuff out

I think it is completely reasonable. I myself will not go to my mothers house due to bed bugs. They have paid thousand of dollars to get rid of bed bugs. Had to throw all furniture out, basically everything. They still have bed bugs. This has been over 5 years and They just can’t get rid of them. I could not take the chance of that happening to my house. :woman_shrugging:t2:


i had a few family members who had them(at no fault of their own, they were very clean people) and it was a long process, its hard keeping up on these little critters they had exterminator after exterminator, heat treatments two to three times and nothing got rid of them. we were told baby powder or any kind of powder or 97% rubbing alcohol. (the rubbing alcohol only kills the bugs if you spray it directly on the bug) but the baby powder i put all around their baseboards and under mattresses and also in a bowl under every leg on their beds and they said it killed more bugs then the exterminators did. even if you are leery of going to their home to help them maybe you could pass this along to maybe help them. also if they have carpet put powder all over the carpet and leave it on there because they live in the carpets as well.


Just be honest with your friend. Let them know of your fears. Offer help in any way they allow.

Help clean all the house. Wash all there sheets. Even wash there hair so they get the point to be clean


No you are not crazy. Bed bugs can be extremely time consuming and expensive to get rid of especially if you are in a house.

Girl! Don’t let these people make you feel bad. Do what you have to do. You don’t have to cut her off but be honest with her

If I was that friend…I would cut you off🤷

I have a coworker that lives in a hotel. They have bed bugs. I stopped picking her up on my way in now.


I would not use that as a reason to cut off my friend. Geez. Stuff happens. Actually if she is your friend I would offer to help her to get rid of them.

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I would be the same but only I would be honest and not make an excuse. I would straight up tell them that until their bedbug problem was completely gone they wouldnt be stepping foot in my house and I wouldnt be going in theirs either.

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Yes you are wrong, you are terrible friend. Help them i get your scared but imagine being them.

I recommend crossfire. Its really good stuff…

Bed bugs are no joke

There’s a difference between cutting off contact and cutting off a relationship. Bed bugs are not about cleanliness, but a concentrated effort must be made to eliminate them.

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I get it but as long as you don’t go in their home and they are not visiting with luggage I think you’ll be fine I dont think they travel on humans dont feel bad either thats a big problem just like fleas or lice to get rid off so being cautious isn’t a bad thing Also idk about bed bugs but certain smells deter lice and fleas maybe use something like that

Why aren’t any of you telling her these MIRACLE PRODUCTS you claim worked so she can suggest them to these friends to help them out??

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How come your friends all have bedbugs ?? Lol


And it could be scalies to

Bed bugs are terrible, and so hard to get rid of. Stay far away from those who have them! The only way to truly get rid of them is to burn the F#@$ing house down!

I’d just be honest about the fear and your experience. I knew someone who had their house professionally heat treated THREE TIMES and still had them. Has to get rid of virtually all their furniture etc. I was terrified to go over there for a solid year lol…it’s a legitimate concern and your friend should be understanding

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A really good method I’ve found for treating this problem is pinesol. We had to clean a rental we were going to move into that had this issue and within days the little bugs died. This is because straight pinsol sprayed directly on the bug and in infested areas causes the bug to explode effect killing them quickly and ridding the problem. I hope this helps you and your friend feel free to share this information with them and hopefully they can be rid of their problems once and for all.

That would be a no go for me

Nope. They’re despicable creatures very difficult and expensive to eradicate. Who would blame you? Not I.

I remember someone came to stay with me and didn’t tell me that where they staying it was infested with bedbugs took me 2 1/2yrs plus never did I get help replacing lost my couches 2 beds plus all the money I had to spend it cost me over 8 thousand

Sorry, but I’m not choosing a friend over my kid. There is no way in hell I’m going to hangout with someone knowing they have bed bugs and risk bringing that to my kid to be ate tf up. Nope.

I’ve had bed bugs in the past and they take a lot to get rid of. You have to get an exterminator and our exterminator had to come back a second time. However, if you are true friends then you will help them in any way possible to get rid of them or to help them raise the money to get an exterminator. You dont just shrug them off. That’s not a true friend.

I got my friend this spray and wash shit when she had them I knew you couldnt afford it so I helped her

Wow just don’t be my friend EVERRRRRRRRR :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Just live in a bubble.

Cutt them off find new friends honestly plenty of people without bed bugs you do not need that shit in your life !! Idc what anyone says

What Brandie Blevins said :point_up:

Wow! Dont you sound like a good friend to have :joy::joy::joy:


Keep them at a distance

You can literally bring them home from a department store school hospital and motels I would be more like hey girl let’s kick these little fuckers to the curb lol that is what a friend does not run when it’s not something convenient for you I get being cautious but you are not nasty to get them but you nasty if you keeping them as pets lol I say go to your friend and talk to them and see how you can help her

Other people’s feelings aren’t more important than keeping yourself free from parasites. You’re a smart girl!

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Girl no don’t feel bad. I let my nephew live with me and he gave me bed bugs and it took forever to get rid of them and he is no longer allowed at my house

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I wouldn’t cut them off because of it. Just don’t go visit over there. It’s an embarrassing issue to have (i used to have them) until i spent the money for an exterminator

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My sister got bed bugs from her next door apartment so they travel

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No because bedbugs are extremely expensive and HARD to get rid of. My family is in property management and whenever a tenant gets them (usually from going to yard sales OR traveling) it’s a HUGE ordeal. I wouldn’t :stop_sign: being her friend but make sure the problem is :100: cured. It runs where I live about $2,500 to get rid of them but can go much higher if more than one treatment is required.

HONESTLY you can get them anywhere. We got them from stuffed animals my ex sent over with my son from his mom’s house. Took me months to get rid of them. Its crazy

So your headline asks is it ok to cutoff a friend? But then you mention you are still seeing this friend for lunches, to me cutting someone off is no contact whatsoever? If you are still meeting her for lunches than she should understand why.
I moved into a townhouse where the previous tenants had them and was never told by the landlord, it started a whole 6 months of legal trouble, embarrassment, frustration, anger and we ended up moving. If you can’t even meet her for lunch though than it doesn’t sound like you were a very good friend to start, my friends knew that I just had a shitty landlord and that I was not dirty, and neither was my family or my home. Trust me what she is going/gone through is way more traumatizing for her than it is for you and it’s nice to have supportive friends even if it’s just through a phone call.

Read an article couple years ago about a library getting them. Totally shocked me

Yes you’re wrong… you don’t have to visit until they’re gone but to end a friendship is Asinine

I don’t play when it comes to bed bugs so no I don’t blame you for not wanting them in your house or car

I don’t think you are overreacting they suck. My husband and I once had them at our old apartment lucky me myself and I actually got a bunch of stuff and managed to get rid of them pretty quickly… I guess you can call it luck.

I would tell her exactly what is bothering me. All feelings aside. Fact of the matter is! You have a bed bug infestation. You need to thoroughly clean and exterminate your home. Wash everything in hot water. 3 times said at least a month. Or we can’t keep hanging out 🤷

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You are not wrong. I let a friend that i didn’t know had bedbugs do their laundry at my house. I ended up having to get rid of alot furniture bc they were just too bad. It sucked big dog poop but it was best. I also had to have an an exterminator come several times. Most people won’t do the work it takes to get rid of them.

I used to work at a hotel and these guests brought bed bugs but after wiping everything down and bombing the room just once they went away. So you definitely can get rid of them on your own.

Ok you are not overreacting. My hubby and I had bed bugs. Transferred by my parents. When we found out we had bugs, we cleaned everything and severely decluttered to avoid dark areas they could hide. Then when we found out it was from my parents house, because they admitted to bed bugs, I stopped visiting them and asked them to stop visiting us. We told our landlord and they immediately started spray treatment on all the borders of the inside of our apartment every week. Our lease was ending soon with the place we were staying at the time, so we decided to throw away everything. Clothing furniture books and so on. Like starting new. The few items of clothing we did keep we washed in hot water and dried on high heat. It was a lengthy process. I still refuse to invite my family inside our current place, if they visit we hang out in the backyard. And I don’t visit them, because I have seen bed bugs in their curtains, and if it’s that bad, I don’t know how they sleep at night. This was 3 1/2 years ago and my parents still have bed bugs. I never want to go through that 3 months of hell ever again. Just typing this to tell you how frustrating it can be and that I’m lucky to have escaped the bugs quickly. Only because my husband and I were financially able to restart at the time. So no you are not overreacting. I have distanced my family because of bed bugs.

My best friend since children moved in with me gave me bed bugs so I dont trust no one!!! Cost me almost 2 grand to get rid of them I wasnt happy my friend did not offer to help with expenses so I got screwed with the whole bill!! No nope never again

Say the same thing you did here… id stay far far away myself

do you want to shell out a lot of money to get rid of them ? do you want them in your house ? then you tell them no.

Sometimes you have to be honest…explain your fear to them but also let them know its not personal. I have an irrational fear of people in my personal space and constantly have to explain to people why i dont invite people over

Nope you’re not in the wrong. Talking on the phone or texting is one thing. Hanging out and giving rides, nope, nope, nope.