Am I wrong to feel this way when my son touches me?

I think you need to get help with this ASAP… Your son is going to grow up thinking you dont love him of your don’t. It is very important that you get ahold of this, for your sons mental health and self esteem…


No you are not a bad mom. I do not like being touched by anyone. Rather its my husband, my son, friends or family. I do not like hugs or much affection either. I still hug and show affection toward my son but I dont go over board with it. I have BPD, PTSD, social phobia and an anxiety disorder which is the cause of it. You should tell your son you love him but explain people need personal space sometimes and you do not always want to be touched on or cuddled with. Let him know its ok to hug you and want to cuddle just not all the time. I also cringe a lot when people touch me but everyone knows why because I am up front with them and they all know what I am going through. He is only 5 so he probably wont understand yet so just make sure you always reassure him how much you do love him. You should talk to a counselor or therapist about how you are feeling its not uncommon and they can help.

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People can get touched out. Especially when they have little ones. Being touched all day long can grate on you after a while. It happens. Take a half hour or so a day to be all by yourself.

Sometimes personal space is freaking great

He’s just little for awhile, He too has big emotions and anxiety too and the only way children know how to calm and comfort themselves is to be held because that’s where children feel loved, accepted, and safe is in the mothers/parents arms. I understand your feeling a certain way about it being overwhelming for you, but if you push him away too much, he could developed rejection issues and may not understand why mom is shutting off and pushing him away. I suggest maybe talking to someone professional to release your emotions, because that’s not your sons issue, it’s yours. We all need help and development in certain areas of our lives, but communicating with him, and maybe setting up a daily schedule for cuddling or hugging - say before bedtime is his time to fill his hug bucket for the day. For myself, My love language is physical touch so I’ve very cuddly with my kids and husband, and I need that to fill my love bucket a day. Good luck to you


I feel like you need to reach out for some help, for yourself AND your son. Your mental health issue is affecting your child and causing him to think it’s his fault even though it’s not. These are things that can stay with him forever. Please seek professional help. It will help you work through this.


Its called being touched out. Be gentle and explain to him that mommy needs some alone time or make it a game. How long can he keep his hands to himself. Throughout the day, start limiting cuddle time so you dont get that feeling. Its perfectly normal to want personal space. Start teaching him what that is. Teach him about personal bubbles. Say sometimes mommy needs time in her personal bubble or something. Try to explain it in soft easy nice words so he can better understand


I would suggest trying to explain it to him. Sometimes kids can understand more than you think. Just tell him your brain is different and touches feel different from how he is. That sometimes mommy needs you to ask. Then nicely remind him. But also you need to go seek professional counseling. Or talk it over with your provider. It’s disrupting your life so get the help you seem to want

Sensory overload and being over stimulated. My sons is a mommas boy and sometimes just loves to be all over me. He’s only 3 and attached to the hip. I definitely get in the moods where I’m touched out for the day as well, it doesn’t make you a bad momma. You’re human and deserve your space every once in awhile!

It seems like that you like to cuddle for the first four or five years of his life and now you’ve decided not to this could be a negative impact on him


I’d definitely say that you should most definitely go talk to you doctor and possibly go see a therapist I get about wanting space but my heart :heart: goes out to your son. a lot of kids at home don’t get loved  but I don’t think I could ever push my kids away. I’d definitely go get some help because by you saying that you don’t want any affection from your own child is definitely causing emotional damage and if you need a break then go get a babysitter and reassure your child that you do love him. He didn’t ask to be in this world :earth_americas: please go get your self some help 


Sounds like a sensory thing or potentially a trauma thing. This is a great place to start teaching him about boundaries and consent. Make sure that there are plenty of times where you consent to hugs/touches etc bc children need that, but also teach him to ask first.

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I get that way too. I tell my kids that mommy just doesn’t want to be touched right now and needs some space. Remind him that you’re not mad at him and still love him very much and just need some space.

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Just sit down with him and explain how you feel. It’s not him and you do love him ,but touching bothers you. I went to visit my brother and my nephew’s and niece were in the room when we started talking about hugs. I love them. I give hugs to my kids often all day. Then one nephew tells me he hated them and how he feels about it. I was surprised but made sure to tell him I love him and not hug him. I noticed he appreciated that when I left and that my words meant just as much to him as a hug would. He’s young and may not understand but try to explain it. Maybe seek therapy for both of you to help him understand or help you cope. God bless

Little kids don’t have boundaries and do not respect personal space , you are not wrong to feel that way , damn … I adore my daughter and sometimes feel annoyed as well when she is all over me for a long period of time.

Just explain to him that you love him but also that you need space sometimes.

Sounds like a sensory overload. Talk to him about it when it happens and Let him know what works for you and that right now mama can’t be touched. It teaches the kids respectful boundaries. I don’t think you’re crazy at all.


I get this way- im a mom of two boys and two dogs and a husband. I feel like I am constantly touched, needed, and doing shit and I sometimes would love to be left alone. I used to feel horrible about this, but when I realized how stretched thin I was, it made since!


Just explain to him you need personal space, and you have a bubble. It’s great opportunity to teach about consent !

What!!! Sorry, but yes. He’s 5! He gets whatever he needs to grow into a loving, healthy adult from you who chose to be his parent


My kids get like that and I am like you. I get really overwhelmed with the constant hugs and being hanged on. I have noticed though when I push them away (which I don’t mean or want to do) they cling even more. So now I try to hug them more and when they come and start being clingy I hug them back and then say I need a little space for a few minutes or try to play a game.

I want to add that I 90% of the time don’t mind the constant clingyness. But the 10% when I get overwhelmed it can be hard.

Maybe try counseling? Especially if it’s effecting both of you. Good luck :heart:

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Call a therapist for an appointment.


No you aren’t a bad mom or crazy! You need that individual time by yourself too. I tell my daughter “personal space remember?” A good time to show this is when you kiss his cheek and just keep kissing his cheek til he says no more or stop. You can revert that as an example and say, " you need personal space right? Just like sometimes mommy does." It will be a way to help him understand what you are meaning.


I hate to be touched. I hate it. I’m actually surprised I got pregnant lol I love my kids and my husband and would do anything for them. But when you count the hours you spent pregnant or nursing and rocking or holding or any of the above to your kids, for ppl who don’t like to be touched it’s A LOT. Most of the time I grit and bear it and direct attention elsewhere, sometimes though I literally catch myself like flicking a hand away or bumping away with my hip or flat out saying mommy doesn’t want to be touched right now. I’ve had to explain to my kids that just like they like to not be touched by others sometimes, that’s how mommy gets sometimes, and we need to respect everyone’s wishes with boundaries. Doesn’t make you a bad mom AT ALL.

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Honestly it’s normal. I have 3 kids ranging from 8yrs to 2 yrs. And I get very touched out as I call it. I’m always the run to for booboos, and cuddles, amd hugs, and although i love my kids and I love that they enjoy these moments, I also know I need my space some days. I started explaining to my kids that some times I just need space, just like they don’t always like their siblings close to them or on them, I feel the same some days. So I ask for some space, and they ofcourse can still be around me but I just don’t want them ON me. My older boys have grown up and now completely understand when I ask them to give me a bit of space. My 2 year old doesn’t really get it, but has been doing better and Wil be content if she can just sit next to me for awhile, I those touched out moments. Honestly I think explaining it was the best thing I ever did, because now I catch my boys explaining to each other and their sister that they don’t wamt to be touched right now, and to please give them space.
Also take time for your self! Even if it’s just a bath at the end of the day with your fav drink and show. It makes such a difference. Since taking time daily for just ME I have way less touched out moments.

I’m like this I have ADHD and PND.

I force myself to breathe through it but don’t be hard on yourself when you can’t. Explain what personal space is. When you can’t deal with being touched re check he remembers what personal space is and say okay, mummy needs some personal space please. X

Girl! You are not crazy! These kids have no personal boundries and even us mommas get sensory overload. Sometimes you just need your own space to decompress and there is nothing wrong with that.


Were you ever assaulted, sexually or physically? It could be a trauma situation you’re going through.

You should have an age appropriate discussion with him about how you feel. Explain and explain again it is NOT him, it’s a personal thing you are going through.

Also, speak to your doctor about this.


Sensory overload !! Try teaching him you need space for your body sometimes . It doesn’t mean you don’t love him. Perfect opportunity to teach him about his own body and how to set boundaries in touch. Make sure when you aren’t feeling this way you give him a ton of love and hugs during the day , I’m sure you already are - but make an effort of saying it out loud - I feel like a hug . Do you want a hug ? Teach him he can also say no !


Remember your showing him how to respond to affection. Your showing him to not be okay with showing how to love or be loved . Now if your feeling a certain way then you need to express that way he won’t go thinking it’s him your rejecting . Like say I’m hot right now please I feel sticky you don’t want to touch me then you’ll be all hot and sticky . Let him be the one to say no thank you . It’s not what you say is how you say that makes a big difference .



I get sensory overload, my therapist explained it is very common in ppl that have been sexually abused/ molested/raped etc. I use to love on and cuddle the kids all the time especially when they was babies newborn-3 years old. But I was messed with as a child from age 3 to age 10 so my brain automatically hits flight mode when a child older than 3 tries child/adult physical touching regardless. I’m working on it but I still struggle with it daily but assure my kids I love them very very much!!!

Crazy, bad, probably not. You do need therapy. Please get it soon, for your child’s sake

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Wow when I seen this I post I may look at things a little different than most. My 3 year old daughter passed away and would give up the whole world for just one more hug. Think about that the next time you shrug off ur 5 year old.


Totally normal! Being touched out happens and it’s okay! You’re a great mom but sometimes you want your own space and there isn’t anything wrong with that.

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It’s sensory overload… It’s pretty normal. Just seek help if it becomes to much for you.

All I’m going to say is this… I was abused as a child, and as an adult and a mother, it took me a very long time to be able to touch without me being the one to initiate the touch. I don’t think this makes you a bad mom at all. It takes time for your body/mind to understand not all unreqested touch is bad. I wish you light love and healing :heart:

You are touched out, and it happens to more people than you think. Like if your child was whiney all day, you wouldn’t want anyone to speak with you that evening, same thing with touch. There is so much our bodies can handle.

Not crazy and not a bad mother. It’s okay to not want to be touched all the time

If a child doesn’t get affection then he will turn out a psychopath. Kids need lots of hugs and love. He won’t know how to respond to relationship later on because his mother was cold and didn’t show love


Momma….stop what you are doing and sit down on the floor and cuddle him. Because if you don’t in 30 years you will wish you had.


And when you don’t have any more You’ll wish you had that time with him to hug him and hold him and love him when he’s gone it’s too late


Sensory overload is real. I get the same way with noises sometimes. There’s so much movement, and noise all the time that some days it’s just overwhelming. You’re not crazy or a bad mom. You’re a human. And that’s ok. Also. Just so you know, it tends to be more prevalent in neurodivergent people, and could be a sign that you have sensory processing issues. Talk to your doctor


Sensory overload, you’re not a bad mama :heart: hang in there

Your overwhelmed sweetie just talk to him

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Girl if you don’t go back there and love your son!!!


I feel so bad that there are kids who have to feel like this. Uh yeah! Something is wrong with you ! Bad mom. FOSHO.


I get where you are coming from. I get sensory overload too. Everything is just too much for me some days. Home 24/7 with the kids and hardly get out at all. Maybe have a few moments to yourself before the kids are yelling for mommy again. It’s normal, and you should NOT feel ashamed of feeling that way. Because at the end of the day, they are still taken care of and you still love the crap out of them.


Omg these posts are getting beyond it


It is SO normal to feel like this sometimes! Definitely doesn’t make you a bad mother.

Personal space is important and necessary. Sometimes others seek attention…actually “overseek” and it zaps energy. We all need space to replenish, it’s natural/normal. You’re okay.

Wow some “ladies” in here are complete Bs!!

The OP clearly feels bad and doesn’t need randoms making her feel worse.


Honestly it’s normal. It’s a sensory overload. It was fine before bc you had complete control of the snuggles now your son is getting a bit bigger and more independent you have less control. Maybe try introducing consent based snuggling that way you don’t get overwhelmed. Just bc you are a mom does not mean that your metal health and anxiety need to be placed on a back burner! Your feelings are important too! :heart::heart::heart::heart:

It’s normal. My almost 5 year old has no concept of personal space. He would chose to literally sit on us any moment he can vs sitting next to us. We are trying to work on understanding personal space. We adore him and his cuddles but sometimes moms and dads need time not cuddled, and that’s okay too. I’d suggest trying to explain love can be shown in other ways too, not just in cuddles. Some people are being really harsh on here…


This will be a core memory he’ll always remember


How terribly sad :cry: Poor little boy.

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You’re not a bad mom, some times you need just a little you time.

You’re touched out momma and that’s totally okay.
I love my sons cuddles but there are times where you just need space.
I’m the same way, I don’t like being touched, my son is the only exception but I get touched out.
I would take the time to sit down and talk to him. Sometimes he doesn’t want hugs or to be touched and people have to respect that, you’re only asking for the same. (I’m also very much a if he doesn’t want to give hugs or kisses to people it is not forced, that gets a lot of flack but I hated being forced to hug people)
I tell my son I need to reset and need some time and afterwards we’re both good. Sometimes he needs a reset moment from over stimulation.
10000 valid, your feelings, your “gilt” everything.

It’s normal I would try and explain that sometimes people do not like being touched and that is ok even for him to not wish to be.

If you’re in here talking shit to this mom u worst then her.

You’re not crazy and you’re not a bad mum, you have to fight through this though for your sons sake, it’s not nice and it’s not easy. Did you have a bad time as a child if you don’t mind me asking? X


Guess half the mothers here are perfect lol it’s called sensory overload and you have a right to some personal time/space, even if it’s just for an hour to read a book alone in another room or the gym or whatever it is you like doing. I’d say something to your SO that you feel burnt out and need some more help so you can have some personal time to yourself in order to be the best mom you can be


I’ve never liked being touched, I’m not affectionate. However with my kids i don’t mind at all. Kids need to feel love, and some kids(like a few of mine, i have 6), need that affection. It gets to be too much, because i have several… you’re not a bad mom…


Not a bad mother " as Zim experiencing this too we just ho through a fsze

He only 5yrs old for god sake give the kid a cuddle.Even if you don’t feel like it it’s obvious the boy wants his mam.Is he in school as that will give you time to your self.i feel for your son I wish I knew you ,kids grow up fast and he will remember what it was like.Believe me my mother never cuddled me not once.I am all for cuddles especially with kids.


Is there any chance you could be pregnant? I used to feel like this with my babies if I was pregnant.

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I think Mommy boundaries are really important or you do get overwhelmed and sensory touch overload. I would just try to work on how you say it and provide opportunities that keep him busy that don’t include you being a human pacifier. “Honey, I feel really hot and sticky right now and I need a little personal space, why do you ?” Then give him something to re-direct his attention. Also my caretaker had us each have 1 hour downtime a day. Kids napped or read but it was quiet time all alone.

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I also have the same problem and my son is always complaining and whenever he touches me I would shout him I don’t know why


you need a lot of help…


I just say “mommy doesn’t want to be touched right now” and I ask them to sit next to me without touching

It’s called overstimulation, and it happens to many people.


Get some help before you damage your child forever. Being rejected by a Mother might do a lot of damage. You will feel better too.


I think is normal to have moments. But if ita effecting your relationship with your child then definitely seek help from doctor. I felt this way for a little while when my youngest was an newborn/infant but mainly when my older kids or SO touched me. I was out-touched/over-touched. I just needed my body to be just mine sometimes.


I’m the same way, I’m over stimulated, and sensory overload is real in a home for parents too , not just kids, I just remember to take a big deep breathe and say my sons name and have him go get something kit look at something for that split second, it’s sooo hard but it’s not impossible

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Wait til he’s 16 and still a big baby :laughing:.

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You need to seek professional help. It’s one thing to feel this way occasionally from being over stimulated but clearly it’s happening enough to effect your child. If he thinks you hate him there is clearly a bigger problem


I think you should definitely seek some help…and maybe let your son join… So that maybe he will understand that it isn’t anything he has done…letting your children see you vulnerable and at the same time getting help for issues you may have…will teach them that it’s okay to not be okay. I think he will learn to understand your boundaries if he knows why they are there…and it’s not because you don’t love him. :heart::heart::heart:


Hes 5. I promise you will miss that when hes 25.


It’s called being touched out. Are you the only source he has for affection?


some people need to understand PPD can hit until the childs 7, thats a first sign of ppd. you should contact a dr for some help and meds! best of luck.

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Sounds like you may need to talk to a therapist about this. Not saying anything against you but to figure this out you really need to talk to someone who can really tell you or help you find out the reason. Not only for you but for your son as well. And the sooner the better. Good luck and I hope you get to the bottom of this. :two_hearts:


I could not imagine my life without my kids loving on their Mama! I would be happy to help by hugging your kiddo for you. Different strokes for different folks. I get it. My kids are grown now… I still get the love and from the grandchildren too!


If it’s an anxiety thing, maybe talk to a therapist for tips on how to work through those “anxiety haze” moments. I don’t get this when I’m touched but I get this way when I’m around a lot of people and expected to socialize. It’s okay for a little while but when my gauge hits empty I start getting shaky and have panic attacks. I’ll be fine but then I’m wanting to run the other direction.
You can’t help how you feel or how your body/mind reacts to being touched. Over stimulation is REAL and it happens to parents too. Sit down with your little one and let him know that it’s not something HE is doing. That is not his fault. Maybe take him out to do something just the two of you, have a fun time :slightly_smiling_face: Best of Luck momma!


You need some alone grown up time if your a SAHM. I feel this way when I haven’t gone out alone for a few hours aleast once a week. Being with your baby 34 hours a day 25 days a week is really overwhelming. Don’t feel like a bad momma just find time for yourself to be human again. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sometimes I just feel “touched out” and it’s usually when my anxiety is high. I’d seek professional help in dealing with anxiety/depression. There is no shame in getting help!


I go through this. It’s more like burn out. I’ve gotten panic attacks over it. Like I just need a moment to go to the bathroom by myself, just one second to sit by myself. Kids have no boundaries it’s so hard. But I feel you… by reading this comments I feel like not every mother goes through “mom burnout”.


Being touched out is 100% normal and you are NOT alone!! Some people just can’t handle touch all the time or at all and that doesn’t make you a bad mom. It could mean you have sensory issues. I get this feeling too and it’s hard, I feel the guilt you’re feeling. Talking to a professional is never a bad idea but please don’t take that as something being wrong with you. Maybe you can also talk to your little one in words they understand. Kids are so much more understanding than most adults.

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Have you considered psychological counseling. You deserve your personal space, and some alone time. A counselor could help you work that out without feeling so guilty.

Remember even though you’re a mother, you’re also still your own person… and its okay to feel overwhelmed and like you just need space, even from your own kids!


You need help if your son can’t hug. You HE Is 5 years old


Feeling “touched out” is extremely common and normal. It’s a sensory issue and nothing to feel ashamed about. It is ok. I like someone suggestion of therapy not to change your behavior, but so learn to not feel guilty about it. Everyone is different and that’s ok. Don’t listen to all these comments saying it’s bad or wrong. You are your own person and that is ok. Everyone has different boundaries and comfort levels.


i try to think like this no matter my problems or anxiety’s i never let my kids see it as i grew up around it and it made me the way sometimes you just have to pretend to be another person around them there like sponges they absorb any negative energy or anything they see and it does play a big part in who they will become


Sometimes we just need our own space. Maybe over stimulated or some sensory thing. I do think it’s normal to have these moments. Maybe try telling your son you love him but right now you just need some space. The way you are saying don’t touch me right now might be too harsh for him.

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He’s only 5? Talk to a therapist… get professional tools to make him feel loved but keeping your sanity.


Ummm… this sounds like a sensory processing disorder… which can come hand in hand with neurodiversity like ASD and ADHD or with trauma disorders like PTSD. Then again, it could also just be that you are human and as a human, sometimes even moms need their space. I only mention the neurodiversity or trauma disorders because you mentioned not liking touch in general outside of your kid as a rule going back to your childhood and women especially do not get diagnosed until later in life as a rule (i am ASD/ADHD and did not get diagnosed until this past summer when I was 32 and I am now 33, for example) so you could be very high functioning neurodiverse/ maybe some unaddressed trauma from your childhood or earlier OR you could just be touched out and actually NEED an actual break. I would suggest sitting down with him, apologize if you have left him feeling that you do not love him, reassure him that you do, but then ask him if there are times where HE, for whatever reason, just does not really want to be TOUCHED. You can include instances when he is angry, he is overwhelmed, he is sick, he is tired, he is hurt, he is just DONE, whatever, just times where it seemed he would be rather doing something else and explain to him that humans sometimes need a break from touching and being touched and that includes mommies. That it does not mean that you do not love him, but just that you need a break from it after a little bit and maybe come up with a code word where if you say it, he has to leave you alone and not expect touch for at least half an hour and only come up to you if he actually NEEDS something like a drink or a bandage or a snack or something like that and let you have some space to collect yourself and to just keep doing that (no more than two to four rounds) until you have gotten yourself to relax a bit.


Yup I have anxiety and also sensory issues and when both of them are high I feel touched out. My kids now are older at ages 15, 12 and 9 and are really good at asking if they can give me a hug or when I’m on the floor at home trembling because of my anxiety they will ask me if I need a hug. My 2 younger ones will just randomly hug me also. But when they were younger and I didn’t understand what was going on wit me and they would randomly hug me during one of my “touched out” times I would push them away and just feel horrible after so I learned to tell them sorry mommy didn’t want to be hugged or touched at that time but mommy can give hugs now if you would like. And then if they would say yes I would hug them and tell them I loved them and that I was sorry(when they were to little to totally understand all terms of feelings that people can feel like anxiety) when they got older I started helping them understand exactly why mommy couldn’t be touched at that moment and started using the word personal bubble when I was feeling overwhelmed and would put my arms out to show them my personal space. It worked also when I was cooking and they wanted to be held.
Now they even use the arms and personal bubble with their friends and their friends use it too.
I would give him hugs after and just keep telling him you love him and that your sorry that mommy can’t be hugged at this moment

So youre not a bad momma we just need to teach kids boundaries and why they exist which maybe if more people did we would have less creepy moments from strangers

Now in my case I went through trauma as a chikd so i have days I hate my own skin I honestly told my kids I dont like contact on some days and explained how this is not their fault or about them simply I have problems within and dong know how to resolve them

They are very sweet and caring kids and they seemed to have understood as best as they could

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Ppd can cause overstimulation is normal

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Just came to say that you are not alone. I get this way with my kiddos also and feel the same guilt you feel. I have a multitude of mental health disorders and being over touched or over stimulated causes me severe anxiety to the point of panic attacks and I feel so guilty 24/7 for it.

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Feeling touched out is normal. Tell him you love him but mommy needs physical space sometimes

It’s just sensory overload. I told mine about the invisible bubble around mommy. If I tell them I need my bubble space they are pretty understanding.


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M0re Info.

5 years old only and your pushing him physically away?
That’s Messed up!
:pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:for your lil guy​:broken_heart: