Am I wrong to leave my relationship?

How about a good psychologist who can remain objective and help you through this? Usually, when the stress of work, raising children; maintaining a home; etc lessen,then a couple can find something better. Try a cruise. Save up. and best wishes for the future.

You may love him. But
You cant make yourself in love with him. Dont waste your life on being unhappy. And miserable. He’s not going to change. Go be happy enjoy your life.


If you’re sure it can’t be salvaged make a plan and I know several couples that are roommates and date other people, they don’t bring them home

You know what you have to do. Tilt your head up, adjust your crown, and OWN IT. Walk away, take ahold of the life YOU deserve.


Leave, start a new life for yourself, old dogs don’t learn new tricks


You only live once. Life is too short not to be happy. It sounds like you’ve made a decision that will bring a smile to your heart . God does not want your heart to bleed. Especially if he is unfaithful.


Dump that jerk! And smile when he leaves for good!!


Run sweet lady make your self happy. And don’t look back. Best of luck you deserve to be happy :two_hearts::pray::two_hearts::pray::heart:


Go to couple counseling first. Relationships change over the years. How will you support yourself if single? Start stashing :moneybag:. Everything you got to the store get cash back. Safe as an emergency fund. You may be entitled to his ss. Definitely research more.

He’s not trying. He wants to have his maid and his gf. As soon as you accept his apologies he’ll go right back.


I just left mine are you sure we didn’t have same man lol I was married 25 years I’m 60 now. Was a good move for me. I was alone living with him alone now but it’s different now.


Sounds like you’ve poured all of yourself into your marriage and family. Eventually our cups run out, and he should’ve put forth that effort long ago… not pull a petty card and messaged another woman, no matter what his excuse was.

You don’t deserve to be treated like you’re only worth the time when you verbalized leaving. What you deserve is as much as you put towards someone else.


No you’re not wrong for leaving. It’s not fair to either of you if you no longer love him.


Leave you deserve a happy life

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Life is too short! You’ve given him more time than sounds like he deserves. Find your peace and happiness even if it means being without any relationship again. Find YOU💞


They always start “acting right” when you are done. And numb to him. When you are indifferent about leaving…. You’ll know it’s time. Life is short and you deserve better. Run!


You’re not wrong!! He chose to neglect his family and give other women his attention. He’s a narcissistic pig…
I’d leave! Hopefully, if it’s what you want, you’ll find someone who will put you first and make you feel special! Don’t let his TEMPORARY actions change your mind/guilt you into staying. He had 30+ years to do right by you. If you ask me, you gave him way more than he deserved. Go enjoy your life without feeling guilty.

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I’m so sorry it took this long for you to even consider leaving.

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You need to find out why you feel sick when you think about leaving him. If you won’t miss him and are just apprehensive about starting over then it’s time to go. If it hurt your heart when you read those messages to another woman you may still have unresolved feelings. If it’s the latter you need to work through that and figure it out. Then if you do decide to leave you will know you did everything you could. Don’t stay in a relationship that hurts you solely for your family’s sake. It’s not selfishness to choose happiness after giving a relationship your all. You have. If that happiness can only be found in a life without your husband then so be it. You gave it 36 years. I wish you the best! :heart:

do what makes you feel good


Why would you waste your life being unhappy?? Do things for yourself it’s time to focus on you….do what makes you happy….sounds like you have spent enough time doing things for everyone else!!


I believe the love bombing is a stalling tactic to stop you leaving and moving on with your life. Maybe his side squeeze has not made any commitment yet

Nope, you’re not wrong at.all.

That man realized what he had too late and doesn’t want to lose the person who literally does everything for him. Give it time. He’ll revert to his old ways once he thinks he has you. Go and be free. Find yourself and take care of you for once. Drop that sack of potatoes and don’t look back!


Is this even a question?! I would have left years ago!


This is your time to be happy now, take it, do what you want to do, he’s had many years to put this right, I think you’ve given him enough of your time, you life! You are not wrong, you deserve to be happy :blush:

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This is not going to be a popular answer but the way I look at it, it’s how much you take your vows as truth. If he’s willing you may see a counselor before jumping to closing the door.


Sometimes you can’t fix your heart. You can’t neglect something forever and it still be the same. You’re feeling guilty but he had already stepped out for what seems like the entire marriage.


He’s trying, honor your vows. Get counseling


They always want to change when you have had enough.Leave anyway.He did not deserve you and he still doesn’t deserve you.


You answered your own question. “But I just don’t love him anymore and I never will” is a powerful statement. Spoken by a woman that deserves better. We were not put on this earth to survive. God put us here to live, and you are so young, leaving will hurt, and it will be hard, but I promise you it will be the best and most freeing thing you’ve ever done! Please, please don’t waste anymore time on a half love, when you can move on and love yourself so much more than he ever could! And when we love ourselves, we are teaching others how to treat us :heart:


They only do what you allow
They did you wait so long?

Girl leave. He had his chance and is only doing this bc he really does know what he’s losing. Give yourself a new life. Enjoy your life. Sad truth is you never know when you’ll take your last breath…enjoy your life being free from someone who only cares now that he won’t benefit from you.


Get out now! If u give in he’s only gonna go back to being a jerk.!


Go and find someone who loves you from the min he sees you not 36 later when your ready to leave. Do t waste your life honey Know your worth. Good luck.

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Woman please. Get yourself a sugar senior and call it a day.
Bye boy bye

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Sounds like he’s trying too late in the game. If you don’t love him, then leave him. You deserve happiness, too. :people_hugging:


Leave. You’re still young

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Move on The shit he is saying now sounds like too little too late Live for yourself There is no guilt in that Time to be happy

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No love, no reason to stay… PERIOD! Live your life :muscle:t2:

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If the thought makes you sick, try counseling. If nothing else it’ll bring you closure. You’ll know you’re completely done with the relationship. Leaving the relationship with any doubts cam make it hard to move forward. I’m not saying it’ll fix anything, but you’ll have closure for your own piece of mind. You deserve happiness. And any doubts can hinder your future happiness. I wish you the best of luck. Moving on is emotionally draining, even when it’s what’s necessary for your happiness. But everyone deserves to be happy.


Nope time to move on

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Leave. Rediscover yourself as a single woman. Life is too short to spend it miserable.

Stay and you will only be his slop jar


Follow your heart and leave

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Life is short. Sometimes people can leave but would be homeless so they stay. If you are not in love and can leave do it to just find yourself. Then you can go from that point


Idk y you would consider even staying married to him 20 years ago. Kids are better off with 2 divorced parents that love them than them seeing n hearing how deplorable he treated u. I’m saying prayers for your family that God gives the Strenth n Common sense to leave this abusive asshat!!!

Listen he had his chance for 25 years and he is only trying to “fix” things now that he knows you’re actually leaving. He may change temporarily but it won’t last. Been there done that. You deserve happiness and to be treated like a priority every damn day of the week. Don’t settle! You’re 52 years young. :heart::heart::heart:

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I’m only 31 and know that once he thinks you’re not gonna leave, he’ll go back to his old ways. They’re only good when they think they’re losing you.


Do what you feel is right . Get counseling for yourself and marriage counseling for the two of you if he’ll go. Lay it all out; say everything you need to say t ok the counselor. get a separate checking account/savings account. Decide what is best for YOU. Think about how your feelings affect your kids negatively. Can you walk away? Only you know what you can do.


He’s a liar, a cheat, and not supportive. Why would you stay?

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Lets focus on the “message” from another girl, the fact that you saw it is the only reason you know about it tells you everything you need to know, get tested and get free of him


Sounds like your done… too little to late on his part

Girl bye…you already know what you want so go for it, life is what you make of it so go make the most fun :heart::kissing_heart:

It’s time for you to go! Your young! Still lots of life to live to be happy and enjoy your life!

Everyone saying honor your vows should be ashamed of themselves. This is why I don’t believe in marriage. NOTHING is worth spending your short time here on earth being miserable and or in a loveless relationship

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There is nothing wrong at all if you leave, value yourself more than you are, you should be happy and it doesn’t sound like you are. Take it from someone who has almost left a few times in 31 years, do it and don’t look back. If you both can get along afterwards and co exist for your children and grandchildren, that is all I’d focus on. It’s been over 10 years since I last wanted to leave, and things got better. I wouldn’t hesitate one bit at this point lady. Life is too damn short to not be happy more times than not.

Nope but do sit him down and tell him what you’re telling us

Should’ve left 25 years ago, but better late than never.


Get away from him . I was married to someone like that . They don’t change .

Just leave him if you not in love with him

25yrs 2 late is what id tell him. Lifes 2 short to be miserable❤

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Your literally saying u don’t love him u never will no matter what he does and then u ask social media should u stay I mean I’m really questioning if this page is real or not smh do u want ppl to say u should stay in a loveless relationship r u looking for attention I don’t get it :woman_facepalming:

You should absolutely leave! You only get one shot at this life, don’t worry about how he treated, you worry about how to have self-love and happiness. Finally, for once live life on your own terms.


Go girl! You have done enough! He’s not trying, he’s lying! It’s called guilt! He will treat you the same old way once he knows you can’t leave. If you don’t love him it’s all on you to dissolve this! Be strong enough to face changes. If you think you still feel like there’s a chance for love it mostly falls on him. Do you really think he can become the man again that you originally fell for. Your dilemma is as old as time. The under appreciated wife who falls out of love. Do you put really want to spend your remaining years in the same boat with this man. Life is short…

You have one life to live. Seems he just waited way too long to do right by you. Honestly, if it were me after 36 years I would put myself and happiness first. If he truly loved me he would’ve gotten himself together a long time ago. Don’t feel guilty, hun. Go live your life. He will move on, it’s not your responsibility anymore.


Just leave. It’s the hardest most rewarding thing to do. Life is so short and you deserve to be happy!!


Maybe he should have tried for the rest of your relationship instead of only starting when he knew he was going to lose you. Do what you need to do for you. If you don’t love him and there’s no chance of rekindling that, I think you already know your answer.

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Leave and dont feel bad

If ur asking If you should leave you already know the answer

Do whats best for you

Leave sinking ships behind!! And fly high to a better place. This message brought to you by a woman living a single happy life for 12 years now after 2 marriages w/ loveless husbands.


I would’ve been gone

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Counseling, if that doesn’t help, separate, then if you decide, divorce and don’t look back.

Oh wow, I feel like you are describing my own parents. Except my father was also physically abusive to her. Please, please leave him! I guarantee this remorseful behaviour of his is only temporary. I wish my mother had the guts to leave him. Good luck my dear :heart:


You are not wrong! Your age doesn’t matter you have a right to live your life and be happy

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Go. Don’t look back.

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Ppl who break up after being together for 20+ years and continued on with the relationship are just plain lazy when they say oh I touched it out for so long. Please no you didn’t if you actually put effort into it and tried you wouldn’t be so easily giving up and throwing in the towel. No one ever stays together that long and not be happy with what they have. If there’s a problem talk to each other. Go to therapy. Put effort into it. If you didn’t actually love him you wouldn’t still be there with him.


Kick Rocks Buster !!! You wasted too much time that you will never get back ! Move Forward !!! Look Forward !!! Be Strong !!!

Leave and be happy… now he’s sorry foh

No, you’re not wrong. He doesn’t get to take you for granted and treat you like shit for 36 years, and only decide to treat you right when he realizes his actions are going to finally have consequences - he’s changing for selfish reasons, not bc he cares about you.

I’m proud of you for finally standing up to him. Please do not fall for whatever he’s saying, please permanently leave him. Even if he started treating you wonderfully now, I can almost guarantee that eventually things would go back to the way they were. You deserve so much better. You deserve to find happiness and real love. :heart:

That’s a long time of taking his shit and he got too comfortable with it. He probably thought you would never leave so he kept being the way he was. Good for you for finally realizing your worth and you deserve happiness. People do fall out of love when treated like this for many years and I don’t blame you. It’s his loss so don’t feel guilty for his bs. You sacrificed and gave all those years to your marriage, your children are grown and you deserve to be happy. Go live for you now, put yourself first, you deserve it.

Leave if you can, get out of there.

You both need to go to marriage counseling, from there if you part you’ll both feel a lot better. You don’t throw in the towel without that step

If you feel bad then there is love there still

He is doing all the things he should have been doing for years. Once you say okay I will stay he will be back to his old self. It sounds like you are ready to leave so go for it and find your happiness.

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When enough is enough, you get to this point! Don’t look back mama, you deserve the world, even if you’re 52! :yellow_heart::sparkles:

Kind of off topic but I’m a store manager at T-Mobile at a really busy location in east Texas, the majority of my customers are 50+ and I just love hearing the stories how some of them are newlyweds, they tell me they’ve never been more happier and have never been treated better! You deserve this too :blush:🫶🏻

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So what he is trying? He spent 25+ years of YOUR life making you feel worthless. Time to start living if you truly don’t love him anymore.

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Run as fast as you can and build a new life where you are respected and loved!

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I only stay because rents r rediculous gov doesn’t help.

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Don’t waste your time no more … you deserve better … Leave & be happy…

And btw, don’t listen to anyone who is saying you need marriage counseling before you’re allowed to throw in the towel. He’s treated you like crap for 36yrs. You don’t owe him shit. Leave.

find someone who treats you the way you deserve. or choose to not have someone else in your life till you are ready. either way, don’t stay with someone you don’t even like. your mental health needs to be your priority


Just what he wants!!!

Go live the rest of your life happy and free from him!

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Leave and be happy while you’re still young enough to enjoy life and freedom. Don’t wait.

Be true to yourself! Be happy with your choice… don’t let anyone influence you… it’s time to live …

That’s what gaslighting is. You don’t love him anymore and he’s only trying now because you’re leaving. Keep on going out the door cause as soon as you back down he will too, and will stop trying thinking now you’re staying so why keep trying. Good luck!


Find someone who loves you and makes you happy.

Shes just an attention seeker! If she has to ask this question on social media, she ALREADY knows the answer!

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Time for you girl … leave and live your life

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