Am I wrong to think my husband may be cheating on me?

I guess you should be happy he is not going to the bar until 2am every work day. Has he always drank? Maybe he is an alcoholic and his alcoholism is progressing. The ring, may be pawned to get more money.


Definitely cheating why don’t you follow him when he leaves if you catch him he can’t lie out of it

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I feel you already know the answer hun. Having strangers reassure you only makes you hurt more in my opinion…

Definitely get your affairs in order and make sure you take care of you and any kids involved

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You know what you need to do. Trust your instinct.

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He is cheating. I woulda booted his ass already

Let him produce broken wedding ring so what kind of work does he do that could cause ring to break ???

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See if you can get someone he doesn’t know well to tail him after work & take pix surreptitiously, so you have the evidence. Talk to a lawyer & women’s center on the sly to plan your escape from this nightmare. Be sure you have all your ducks in a row before you ask for a divorce, especially finance- and safety-wise, though he may just roll over once he is confronted with the evidence. Excuses about his wedding ring are classic cheater moves.

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I’d say he is cheating for sure. In addition to getting a plan set for the day that you’ll need to leave…I think you should also journal or do something that reflects on the good things about yourself. Find peace and happiness within yourself. If you end this relationship remember it is very common to feel worthless and depressed. If you take this time now to acknowledge the good in yourself you will be one step ahead. I hope this makes sense. I know what I’m trying to say just having trouble finding the correct words. :grimacing:


Don’t mess around get rid of him

He needs out if it was me

Even if he’s not cheating which it sounds like he is, that’s disgusting and not husband behavior. I would leave his ass anyway.

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Just read what you wrote and you’ll get your answer…

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You already know. If you’re looking for confirmation. The wedding ring being broken or lost was enough.

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If you have to question it, there’s your sign.

Be prepared.
Pack his shit in garbage bags and leave them out side.
In the mean time, start looking extra good. Get your hair done , go out with your girlfriends…

First of all what husband goes out every night till midnight and then on the weekends till 3- 4 in the morning do we really need to tell you what he’s doing🤷🏼‍♀️


I had 1 off those for 23 yrs I was so stupid

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Sure doesn’t look very good at all🙁

Those are definitely the signs off cheating. Gurl do u go out yourself with your friends

Flags every where. An what a couple people said. Get them ducks lined . Put money away. Please dont let him break you down. You already know!!

Start going with him to his friends house, just arive there, make life uncomfortable for him to cheat then dump him


Wedding ring broke :roll_eyes: he is not only a cheater he’s a liar aswell


Sounds like he’s cheating or wants to live the single life. I wouldn’t put up with that crap

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A lost ring was what started with mine :woman_shrugging:t4: 10yrs & 2 kids from another woman later, I say YOU KNOW what it is already, you don’t need to look for further clues.


Cheating. I recognize my ex in this.

Girl he don’t give a f"*& no more , neither should you! Move on and be happy no use in hurting your self trying fix that I promise! been there done that … no worth your sanity!

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The answer is so obvious, sorry you’re going through that. Time to move on and make a better life for yourself


You already know the answer


I’d say he’s definitely cheating. Something is definitely going on.

I think u said everything u need to know


I’m sorry but this screams ‘warning’ to me. That is very suspect behaviour and I personally wouldnt stand for it if this was my partner. X

Boy bye :call_me_hand: he belongs to the streets!!!

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Oh hun he cheating…divorce!

I think you know the truth tbh. Now you need to decide if you allow him to keep doing it or show him the door x

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Follow your gut instincts. Don’t let him fool u with his lies x

Yeah I agree he sounds like he is living the single life, in my experience he will carry on until you stop it!

They always swear they’re not cheating :joy: You already know he’s doing it trust your gut. Soon as I confronted, he swore he wouldn’t, but the fool didn’t realise I knew all the truth as I’d seen messages courtesy of his ex. They will lie about it until the cows come home but its obvious that this guy is having it away.


Follow him without him knowing and see for yourself but It sounds real fishy to me.

Hes soooo cheating get a private investigator


You’ve typed that whole story but still haven’t picked up the truth yet? The answer is in your story


I would just like to state that screams cheating to me… but there is a small chance he’s not.

Go out with him when he goes. See how he’s acting.

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This is painful to read. I can only imagine how painful it feels. I suspect he’s cheating. I’d ask to join a night with his friend group to see how that all take to you. My heart goes out to this fan, no matter what happens.

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Definitely cheating my husband wouldn’t be out that late every night though or going to the bar every weekend I don’t think that’s acceptable


Sounds like he’s well and truly cheating

I’m tired of running round looking for answers that I already know…
Blaze Foley, clay pigeons

One thing Iv learnt is your gut instinct is always right. Your statement screams he’s hiding something.
I’m so sorry your going through this I’d suggest seeing how he reacts if you ask him to stay home for once or offer to go out with him… his face will say it all
Good luck xx


I went through this same thing 28 years ago. Sorry to say he’s defintley cheating. All the signs I had are the same as what your saying you have. I also ended up having female issues during this because he would still sleep with me on occasion. Dr. Confirmed the only way for the issues was multiple sex partners. End it before something happens my friend. Thankfully my issues were minor. Good luck I understand the not knowing and the pain. Exspecially if there’s children involved. But I can tell you I’m stronger because of this. And I did end up with a amazing man.

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That screams cheat. And if he’s not doing it, then he’s looking to do It. He wouldn’t say no. Even if he wasn’t cheating why would you want to be with a guy who does not ever want to spend time with you. Either way, leave him x


If it acts like a duck quacks like a duck walks like a duck I would say he is a duck

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Wake up and smell the coffee! Signs most definitely point to it!

Leave. You already know the answer. Why do you need a 2nd opinion???

You already know the answer or you wouldn’t be posting… I’m sorry, yes hun he is cheating.

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Don’t let him have his cake and eat it too. Of course he’s cheating on you. Hire a private detective and catch him in the act. Put a tracer on his car and try finding him.Take him for everything is worth make him pay for that new peice of ass.Your better off without him know your worth

Run he’s cheating. I’m not sure how much more evidence you need but just being out all the time is a sign.

You already know the answer. The signs are everywhere. Get his bags packed ready for when he comes home at midnight. Leave them outside and get the locks changed. The trust has gone. Move on.


Yeah … good luck… my husband did the EXACT same thing… he was sleeping with the secretary at his job … oh I bought the ring was bothering him too … til I spoke to this woman and she said she asked if he was going through a divorce why he still wore his ring, and so he removed it … unless he was home … Yeah I’m good on alllll that … im not sayin he is cheating boo… im js good luck .

Definitely cheating

Omg please just like find the evidence without him knowing get the divorce papers change the locks and when he rings his old door bell at 4am hand him those papers. Can you believe the audacity of him acting like this? I can’t but I can. Even if he wasn’t cheating he’s never home acting like he’s young and can go party. He doesn’t deserve you or your home. Please see your worth and how he is betraying you. He takes his wedding ring off. He is gaslighting your while cheating. He may not have ever hit you but he is abusing you.


He’s most likely cheating and he has checked out of the marriage. I would leave him.

He said his wedding ring broke… does he have the broken pieces? I don’t know, hon, but it doesn’t sound good. Did you come right out and ask him if he’s cheating? You have to use your instincts on this one, I’m afraid.

I think it sounds Like he is teething. Hopefully you get the concrete proof but if not, and you’re going to work it out I would set some ground respect rules. Of course you don’t want to control him but the way he was acting is not like your husband. I will tell him what you are comfortable with example I’m not going out during the work week early once and staying home on the weekend or think I’m gonna work week and maybe go out once on the weekend. If he gives up a fight, that would concern me and make me reevaluate the relationship. I do want to say what you allow will continue.

Definitely cheating, kick his but out!

Something is definetly going on. You have every right to approach the situation. Im not saying he’s done anything wrong but the signs are there and I would have it out so to speak and get to the bottom of it. Does he leave his phone laying around? Another sign is having his phone on him constantly just incase you see something he doesn’t want you to see. If nothing is going on then he won’t have anything to hide

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If his turning off his location and adding random chicks on his snap chat… I think you already know your answer. You should ask hin to see his ring since he claims its “broken”. Take ur wedding ring off and go out clubbing. Taje it off right in front of him and tell him it’s uncomfortable. Also just letting you know a lot of women these days like the idea of a married man because there just trash like that. To many ladies are thirsty when they see a man that’s married.


1st secure your future. Hire private investor and get evidence. Goto phone provider if your name is on the account they can give you his call/text history. Get a portable GPS and stick it under his car, closely monitor all bank and credit card statements. Once you have everything go to a lawyer and nail his ass to a wall. That way you can get alimony and health insurance. Men like this only respond when you hit them in their wallet so make it sting good. When your ready to kick him out get a big burn barrel throw all his things in it and burn them, change the locks and get a guard dog. Change your number and move on in your life. Good luck.

Theres just no treatment or cure for stupid

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I don’t even have to finish reading this to answer your question. Send him packing!

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The slim chance he’s not cheating his behavior is unacceptable. I’d leave him


If he swears he’s not cheating then he needs to start bringing his butt home every day after work and stop staying out till three or four on the weekends. He’s a married man. It’s one thing to have a little fun with the guys occasionally but making it an every night and every weekend thing, somethings not right.


He’s cheating, file for divorce. Gather all evidence


My husband did the same thing shortly after we got married and I got pregnant, I don’t believe he was cheating at the time but shortly after that he began hitting me, I stayed with him for the next 10 years for my kids sake (or I thought) and one day my little boy said “Mama I love you and I love Daddy I just don’t love yall together.” So I ended the marriage and try not to look back on what I put my children thru…


Go with your gut instinct


He’s cheating… turn ur location off and go out


Dude leave that man!!

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Something not right go with your gutt its never wrong x

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the only way you will ever know, is to follow him, But if you see, what you think is happening , you have to decide just what you are going to do about it. Fighting isn’t & won’t change anything. So leaving him, will, So unless you plan on leaving him if it’s true, then follow him, If you plan on staying & ‘working things out’, don’t bother following him & keep quiet.

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My ex husband did this partied all the time coming home all hrs of the night, going out with so called friends, not wearing his wedding band, always denying cheating. We have 5 kids together and we’re together 17 years. Found out he was having an affair for over 2 years with the same girl, but was sleeping with many girls that I had found out about after we separated and divorced very lucky he didn’t bring something home to me. Been sperated almost 5 years and divorced 3. Leaving and moving on with my kids was the best decision I ever made. Now I am happily remarried to a wonderful man who treats all my kids as his own. My ex husband has nothing to do with any of his children. Go with your gut not your heart!


Liable to pick yourself up a lovely std if he’s not being careful. Think of your health and protect your heart. Leave him

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It kind of sounds like you already know what’s going on. It’s time for you to sit the boundaries about what’s going to happen from here on out.

Ask yourself some hard questions like what am I getting out of this marriage and what am I not getting. Also remember that you can’t change him, you can only change how you react to his behavior.

Hell no. Cheating for sure. Divorce.

Run like hell does he need it tattooed on his forhead

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Always follow your gut. That shit doesn’t lie to you

Even if he’s not cheating he’s being a very selfish partner.


Believe your gut instinct. All the signs are there.

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Oh hell no my sister caught her boyfriend cheating she put a tape recorder voice activated in his vehicle she caught his ass they’re not married or they’re divorced now I told her I saw him and he tried to lie so she wanted to believe him and I told her get a voice acting recorder stick it up underneath the seat and watch what happens you’ll catch them

If you are married… why are you never involved in his nights out? Are you invited? That should tell you your answer :blue_heart:

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Definitely cheating!

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Hes cheating. Dont let him persuade you otherwise. TRUST YOUR GUT AND HEART


Time to hire or become a private detective. Follow him, my girlfriends and I were very very good at it. The only times I ever snooped on my X husband,I found exactly what I already knew I would. Sorry Hon…oh and it wasn’t women it was gambling. Illegal poker games… same outcome.Constant lies,evasive behavior and lots of money unaccounted for🤷‍♀️


Honey, you know in your heart and soul what is going on. Find someone you trust ( family member, brother etc) to follow him a couple of this and take pics. It would be e en better if you could.afford a.PI . Protect yourself in court and whatever you do act like you know nothing. He already thinks you are stupid.


While he’s out take his stuff put it in boxes, set them outside (rain or shine) change the locks and let one of his “so called friends” take him in! Respect yourself enough to be smart and not “think he’s cheating on you” but “know that he is cheating on you”! Then hire yourself a good lawyer! Life is too short to be crying and fighting over a man who doesn’t value his wedding vows!


If you have kids, have someone come watch night he goes out and go and find out for yourself what he’s up to. He’s not gonna come out and tell you if he’s cheating or not. That way if you see it, then you can leave him. If he is just hanging with his guy friends, then you need to give him some ultimatum.

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sounds like he’s definitely cheating.
or he doesn’t want to be around you anymore.
either way sounds like an asshole to me.

Smell the roses and move on

Trust your instincts! He’s cheating!

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Girl he is cheating and lying!! Why don’t I give him a dose of his own medicine n see how he likes it??!!

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Hire an investigator and catch him. I can guarantee you he’s cheating.


Scandalous ass. He is no man…

This one’s a give away