Are these red flags?

I sincerely hope you never leave that person alone with the little one.


Walk away not only for your sanity but you and your beautiful daughter deserve so much better :sparkling_heart:

Read your first paragraph!
Run as fast as you can!

Shes the bad guy, walk away


Step parent should never over rule parent. Sounds a lot like my ex. He was great with my daughter, but once he was in a bad mood, he hated being around her. He ended up being very abusive, both mentally and physically. I would end the relationship now before it is too late.


Run away as fast as you can your daughter comes first and to be that upset over not sleeping when your daughter is sick shows she gives no fucks about her and wants her out of the picture, Run! Pack your bags and out!

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Massive red flags. Definitely leave please


Walk away as soon as possible


I feel bad for you daughter that your coming on here and asking instead of having her back and dumping this pos lady. You child deserves to have a mother who has her back and chooses her always.


Uh leave now. Your child wether she’s both of yours or not should always be priority regardless. If you’re too afraid to say that to her then there’s your answer right there. Leave before it’s too late.


Tell her to hit the road!

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Leave and go to a safe place with your daughter praying for the two of you :latin_cross::place_of_worship:


I’m only gonna say this.if u continue staying with your girlfriend don’t ever leave her alone with your daughter, which in the first place if I couldn’t trust someone with my kid I would be the hell out of there.


Leave. Quickly. Don’t allow her to force you to choose her over your child. The right person for you wouldn’t do that


She needs to grow up

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Counseling or parenting classes an option? Research narcissistic behavior and then make your own informed decision that you see best for your child and you. Be mindful that the relationships you endure is teaching your child what’s acceptable for herself in the future. Good Luck.


Shit the girl is 2, it not like she’s like 8-10 that being a bit harder is okay but she’s 2 and I’m sorry if it’s her way or nothing else it’s just not going to work, everything can’t be a one way street and she’s your daughter not hers in the end, you have to do what’s right your her mother so it’s what you say goes in regards to your child, tell her to kick rocks

Red flags, it will only get worse. Leave now.

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Walk away. Been there. Done that. The only way I would consider staying is if she legitimately gets help with or without you. But it sounds like she’s the type who never will. Don’t get further stuck in it. Get out while you can but I’m sure she will make it hell on you because you left her and she will never understand why and it will always be your fault. Don’t get sucked in to that trap.

Jesus that woman has all the flags.

Please walk away for yourself and your daughter, mental abuse stays forever.

:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:

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Run! Run away and never look back.

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Narcissism at its finest… run and fast!

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She sounds very selfish and lacks any maternal instincts. I have 5 kids and do believe in spanking, but at 2 they have to do something serious to warrant even a light tap. It doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship to raise your daughter in and if you don’t remove her from it then she will have issues later in life due to the fear factor. She will grow to hate or fear her and then possibly hate you for allowing it to happen. You will wind up having no relationship with your daughter during the time she needs the most guidance.


I’m not going to bash your partner but I would definitely get into some couples counseling if she refuses or it doesn’t help at all than I would let her know that this is pushing you to leave.

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She is the bad guy and you need to leave. You’re trying to take care of your child and she has a problem with that and sounds jealous of your 2 year old. Leave.


Don’t ever pick someone over your child. I think q conversation needs to be had about halting corporal punishment

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Run baby girl! Run and protect your child. Don’t stay somewhere your child lives with fear. Your child should respect you, not scared of you! This whole situation is a massive red flag. Protect your child! She is older and clearly trying to manipulate you.

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Wow I would be running sounds crazy af

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You’re being manipulated. And I can tell that you see the flags, but you feel stuck somehow. What exactly is holding you back? Nobody should treat your child that way and nobody should be telling you that if you don’t do this, it means you don’t love them. That’s manipulating and narcissistic. You can love someone all you want, but that person will always be who they are. And clearly, she has been showing you who she is.

Leave the relationship before it starts turning into something worse. They are red flags.

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If you aren’t happy, leave. Simple

Red flag central!!! Cut your losses NOW and leave


You are dealing with a narcissist. That is clear. You might want to look up narcissism because they only get worse. You are risking CPS taking your daughter if she continues her behavior with your daughter and or someone kidnapping your daughter. Any Foster parent, anyone who works in the doctor’s office or a daycare or multiple other things are called mandated reporters to cps. If one of them walked by your car while your daughter was in it they would have called CPS and they give you a choice you either remove that woman from your home and that child’s life or they take your child and put them in foster care. Run from her now!


You sound like an amazing mom and please keep being that for your daughter. Nobody should tell you how to raise your child the way you want to. And the suggestions she’s making, for a 2 year old, are completely far fetched and wrong! No you don’t leave your child in the car, FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME! And same with when their sick. I usually make a nice bed for mine in the living room and I stay on the couch all night to watch them, I just did this with my 15 (yes I said 15) year old!!! You need to tell your girlfriend that she needs to relax and chill out a bit more when it comes to your daughter, or you need to leave her. She’s asking you to choose your child over her own wants and needs, your essentially raising 2 children, and you seem to already know what your choice is….

That sounds like you should leave if talking isn’t going to work and if everything has to be her way that’s no relationship nobody deserves that

If its her way or the highway, you grab your baby girl and hit the road fkn see ya :wave: sounds like she resents your daughter and that is scary dangerous to me!!! Everyone knows the dangers of leaving a child in the car and she has no regard for her safety. Hard pass sorry thats a deal breaker.


Leave now your 21 live your life with someone that appreciates you n your daughter an want you want in your life…what if she leaves your daughter in car even locked n your not there an someone breaks in car an kidnaps her then what…obviously she doesn’t care about neither of you

Walk away your baby comes first these should not even be arguments your child should always come first she is a 31yr old woman she know better than to behave this way and anyone who doesn’t understand that doesn’t need to be in you guys lives and that is absolute insanity to want to leave a baby in the car alone idgaf if the air is running and the car is locked I won’t even leave my 13yr old in the car alone this world is crazy you can never be to safe when it comes to your kids

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Sounds like choosing to remove your daughter away from your girlfriend is the answer. It isn’t your job to raise your girlfriend. It is your job to raise your daughter. I would be afraid to leave my daughter alone with her. Why would it be ok to leave a child in a car alone? Huge red flags are being ignored

sounds like a toxic relationship to me . i would not let anyone spank a baby , you need to leave

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Ummm I would have said goodbye at the let’s leave her in the car … and ran out at the she’s being annoying for crying and coughing while she’s SICK!!! Wtfffffff!!! She’s gotta goooo!


If this were a “typical” male/female relationship your friends would tell you to run before the violence escalates.
It is no different because she is a woman. Run away! Now. Her way or the highway. I am on that highway with out my clothes. This is bad enough i would escape when she is at work.
Do your usual, when she leaves for work pack whatever your daughter can’t live without; her favorite toy and blanket. Grab your photos, birth certificates, phone, and a charger and run! Escape as fast as you can!


Please either kick her out or find a new place. My kids are older and we all left an abusive relationship about a year ago. What she is doing to your child is not okay. How she is treating you is not okay. You can’t force someone to change love. It’s really hard, it is, but you and your daughter deserve so much better. Hugs

Leave. First i wouldn’t let her take my daughter alone to the store knowing she’ll lock her in and it will be okay (or leave alone at all with the gf)… what … people break into vehicles everyday!! Second she clearly expects you to choose her over your daughter… not okay! It will only get worse.

Run thats the best advice leave as soon as you can,nothing will change ever

Throw in the towel, your child needs to come first and this type of abuse and control only get worse. I know first hand, I put up with it for 14 years.


Yes red flags. Always pick your baby over anyone or anything.
Wanting to leave a coughing baby to sleep is awful. Run baby girl.
Good Luck

You ALWAYS put your child first. Period. My husband and I try to balance communication tactics as well as the occasional spanking if communication doesn’t work (we have 2 boys) but boys are also hardwired differently than girls and that’s what works for us and our children.

Your gf sounds like she gaslighting you and that’s a huge red flag since that’s one of the biggest characteristics of a narcissist. Same with the “my way or the highway” mindset. My husband and I struggled with that too sometimes, especially, since he lived in a home with very narcissistic parent, who was also an unmedicated bipolar disorder individual with an infidelity and reoccurring drug problem. If communicating with your gf isn’t working then it might be a good idea to start looking at other options. It sounds like a rather toxic situation and imo, it would be in the best interest of not only your daughter but yourself to leave that situation. I know you want to make it work but it’s not worth your mental health or your daughters. She needs to see you in a healthy relationship so she doesn’t fall into the same pattern. Sending love and positive vibes :blue_heart::heart:

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You’ve been in a relationship for 2 years and have a 2 year old? She sounds like she has issues just protect your daughter and walk away. Like why couldn’t she do Insta cart by herself? Or sleep on the couch by herself? She’s jealous of your daughter.


The question is why are you still there. Anyone that tries to come between a parent and child is definitely an individual you dont want around.


The second someone ever tells me it’s ok to leave my two year old in the car while we shop!? It’s game over, bye bitch

Run sis. Red flags all over the place. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and cut all ties for him yelling at my daughter to shut up. Verbal abuse is still abuse. Your daughter will learn by your example and how you handle everything in life. Run and don’t look back.

Definitely red flags

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Been there and done that and you sound very much like me and your girlfriend sounds very much like my ex! It never gets easier or better etc… trust me!


You are an amazing mom.
A women who thinks you should leave your daughter in the car while shopping or let alone thinks a sick child is annoying should not be a mother…

Kick her to the curb, You & Your daughter will be fine without her.


After reading this, I wouldn’t even feel comfortable leaving her with my daughter unattended or alone smh leave


This is not a relationship at all . She wants control over everything . My advice - take your child and run for the hills !! It’s only going to get worse . Frankly , i don’t think i’d trust her with my child .


I would never allow anyone to spank my child. For her to even suggest leaving a 2 year old alone in a car is alarming. I would never leave my child alone with her. Why would you stay? Why put your child through this? You say you will always pick your child but you already allow her to spank her, which you don’t agree with, just to keep her happy.
Honestly I wondering why you haven’t left already. The relationship is toxic and your child is the one who is gonna get hurt the most.
Run :running_woman: now. …



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Leave her! She’s not good for you and she is not good for your daughter. Your daughter comes first.

Girl you better leave this woman ASAP because those are HUGE red flags n if I was you I would never leave YOUR daughter with her alone whatsoever. She’s a narcissist too n you can never win with them no matter how hard you try. She’s jealous of your daughter too. Leave this woman now before it’s too late.

I would of walked out the second she said to leave ur kid in the car n lock the door!! Does she not see how many children die from that sort of behaviour… damn I don’t understand how your still even there :confused: shes not healthly for you or for your daughter this is absolutely disturbing and disgusting!! U need to leave

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I don’t think you two are compatible. And she doesn’t know how to be a parent. If you stick around it will just get worse as the child gets older.

It sounds like she manipulates and gas lights you, and she was mad you didn’t leave a small child in a vehicle unattended?! Someone could take that sweet baby and that is the most terrifying thing. It’s so much better to be a single mom and struggle than it is to walk on eggshells all day everyday… you’re daughter will see your strength and you’ll both be happier not bending to someone’s idea of how they think you should live and act. It won’t be easy but it will be better. I know from experience. And if she’s not willing to talk things out or try new things to make the relationship better, you’ve done all you can, no shame in caring for yourself and your daughter and loving your significant other from a distance.

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No she clearly doesn’t respect you or your daughter. Leave.

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When you said you’d pick your daughter over her anytime…. You’re not tho. You’re continuing to let someone emotionally abuse your daughter and yourself to a degree. If you were picking your daughter over her, you’d have put your foot down a LONG time ago and not let her treat her like that. Stand up for your self and your child. I honestly can’t sit here and read this crap of parents letting someone treat their kids like crap and have any other thought than you’re just as bad as they are for lettin it continue. Leaving her in a locked car? Saying she’s annoying because she’s sick? Seriously. Wtf is wrong with you for thinking that’s even remotely ok?? Do your child a favor and start choosing HER mental health over a narcissistic jerk.


Yep it definitely red flag

You’re never the bad guy for sticking up for yourself or your child. If these behaviors are not acceptable to you now (and rightly so!), you’re only going to feel worse about them as time goes on. If she can’t/won’t compromise now, she won’t in the future. Most importantly, what sort of example do you want to set for your daughter about what a healthy relationship looks like?

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Well, it’s okay to leave your child in the room while she’s sick. You just get up with her to comfort her or give her medicine if she wakes up. Do you guys really NEED to sleep together every night? Lol. She can have her couch, you can stay in there. Kinda weird.

The car thing, if someone sees that shit, they will call dfs on you. Get your license plate. Call the cops. I would! I would smash the window in, and make sure that child is safe with me until someone came and got them. Absolutely no way in hell would I leave a toddler in the car alone while shopping. Tripping.

Tell her you’re not putting up with it anymore and that everyone parents differently and she’s going to have to get used to it or she can hit the road.

Honestly as much as she see her as her daughter she’s not. And if she can’t even put her feelings and wants aside when she’s a little mad or in a bad mood … I could only imagine how she treats you and your daughter when she’s really angry. It all sounds sketchy honestly. Cus yes that’s your baby so end of day it’s your decision but if you can’t agree on parenting (which is really important) then I really don’t see it lasting. After a while you are going to resent her and dislike her. Which is going to lead to more problems. Your daughter should come first and tbh if she thinks she doesn’t then I don’t think I would want to surround myself with a person like her. Hope it gets better with whatever you decided to do. Maybe try parenting counseling or something? Idk good luck.

That would be the day anyone treat my child like that


She sounds like a narcissist, while your the empath. Always good to reach out but also good to research about behaviours.

Why are you even asking advice your a mother put the child first and get rid to many red flags ffs


Those are enormous red flags!!! You need to take your daughter and leave.


I would never let someone treat my child like that or talk about them like that, I would most defiantly leave.


Gotta let go b4 it gets any deeper.for ur kids. Js

Run. Take your child and :running_woman:


I’m just gonna leave this here​:woman_shrugging:t4::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
Hope this helped. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Take your kid and leave. Anyone who tries to make you feel guilty or like you have to choose between them and your child is toxic af


This is weird, she sounds controlling. Why did she need you to go in with her to do the instacart. One of you could have went and the other stayed in the car. Same with the couch why does she need you to go with her. Things are definitely not right here and her attitude is very bad. I would leave. You are not the bad guy for getting yourself out of a bad situation.


Leave!! And personally you shouldn’t leave her alone with your daughter! She’s controlling and manipulating you. Know your worth, know your daughter’s worth and run for the hills!!

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It’s respect. I’d you came into the relationship with your daughter, you are the boss a d what you say goes. My s/o is allowed to discipline the children I entered our relationship with, but he loves them and is respectful. Also, he won’t spank them. I wish he would, just once, they’re 12&13, but he doesn’t believe he should, since they aren’t biologically his. Sometimes children need whoopings. If the bring harm to themselves or others, I don’t feel it’s uncalled for. I will reason with a child all day long. Sometimes they need that reset button hit and they’re better. Whatever works for each individual child. I’d tell her respectfully to respect your wishes or y’all need to bounce.


She sounds narcissistic and I would run,you and your precious daughter deserve so much more.prayers you have the strength to get out.

You don’t want to be the bad guy? Um you’ll be the good guy in your daughters story.


Sounds like a lot codependency going on. Not a healthy environment for anyone.


The biggest red flag is “she tells me I’m dramatic and always so sensitive” that is very abusive language, signs of narcissistic tendencies. The biggest thing to take from this is YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID! Even if others don’t see it as such! YOU get to decide what makes you feel and how to feel! Period. Never let anyone tell you how you’re feeling is invalid. And I can promise you, even in the “best” of love. Not seeing eye to eye on parenting is a big issues. It’s not a “sweep under the rug issue” you know what’s best for your daughter and what she deserves. If you’re unhappy she will sense that, and it will effect her. Even if we think we aren’t showing them. They know. This is a tough situation and I hope you find the answers you desire.:heart:


You can try counseling and parenting classes but I would not like my child growing up in a place where she was fearful of being hit and where if she disagreed with someone or expresses an opinion different from ome of the adults in her life she would be automatically wrong and belittled.

Get the hell outta there. Its not a healthy its toxic.

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Sounds like a very toxic relationship that will just get worse with time. You need to think about your daughter.

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Be the bigger person and walk away your daughter comes first

Sometimes you have to find not only confidence for you but for your child too x You are a mum and girlfriends can come and go …your child is yours forever x Safeguarding your child comes before anything…literally …whether that’s clothes food or mentally …your child comes first x You are strong and capable to say no to this relationship and care and give yourself some self love x Behaviours do become comfortable …but you are responsible for you and your child. If push come to shove and your family
Girlfriend lost the plot …and hurt your daughter and you…x You need to find the courage to tell herto go x

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Grab your child & get the hell out!!! It’s gonna get worse!

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How could leaving be the wrong decision when you’re indirectly putting this awful person ahead of your child? You’re allowing her to spank a two-year-old, be mean to a child? You don’t need strangers on FB to tell you what’s right. Just take your child and move away. She is abusing you too!

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Wake up and smell the coffee!
Run for your wellbeing and the wellbeing and safty of your daughter!

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There is alot of red flags here. Major one is leaving a child alone in the car. As well as the others. It’s your responsibility to keep your daughter safe. Being a single Momma is hard but being in a controlling manipulative relationship is worse. You should pack your bags and get out of there.


Leave. She sounds so controlling, and don’t leave her alone with your daughter, any person who wants me to choose them over my kids, is gone!

She’s being abusive! Leave!


Being in a relationship with a woman like that is no different than being in a relationship with a man like that. Especially at her age! She is 10 years older than you and you’re the more mature partner in the relationship. I would suggest couples counseling, but if she has the mind set of “my way or the Highway” that may be unsuccessful. You can try it, but if she isn’t willing, I would say it’s time to put your foot down and walk away. No one should have to walk on eggshells in their relationship. The whole leaving the baby in the car to grocery shop would have been a wrap for me.

She’s older than you and more established with her beliefs. You should find someone your age

That sound really toxic. You are being verbally abused while your daughter is being physically abused.

I would leave. I would never stand by and let my kids be hit by someone who isn’t blood related.

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Holy crap awful. Leave a two year old in a car while you shop?!?!
I would never speak to her or allow her alone with my child because she clearly does not have her safety in mind.

There is no other decision but to :scissors: her out, absolutely not heathy for you and your child.’