Are these red flags?

Your child comes first,you should protect her please lady just leave so that your child can have a stable upbringing without fear​:pray:t3::pray:t3:


Do NOT leave this person alone with your daughter! If she is willing to leave her in a hot car while you are standing there, you have absolutely no idea what she does when you’re gone! I’m terrified for your child and the fact that you’re allowing her to be abused by some random woman you are forcing on her! You should NEVER put anyone before your child let alone the child’s ABUSER. :woman_facepalming:t2:


Run away from this relationship! Anyone that makes you pick them over your daughter is toxic and abusive. Your little one will see this and think that is normal behavior and it will take years upon years to reverse any damage done. Please leave that relationship.


Sounds like there is a bit of jealously towards your daughter. It will only get worse.

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If you have to ask “are these red flags?” The answer is yes… before I read the rest of the post, I knew. That’s your gut telling you :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::bangbang: She’s toxic and sounds horrible & not ready for children
It sounds like you know, and it sounds like you’re ready to leave. Get out and be thankful you’re noticing before your daughter will remember how much of a “burden” she is to her

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All of this is disturbing :woman_shrugging:t3: you gotta go

Too much drama. Move on

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Girl take your baby and RUN. Never look back


Woah girl! I am so sorry you have to be subjected to that… you deserve more empathy and that person needs to grow up. People with no children are very different mentally… my bf is the same way

Your child come first ALWAYS. Leave that bully. RUN FAST NOW.


Pack now …dont let your daughter think it’s ok to be abused in any way


You aren’t the bad guy! She is. And leaving is protecting your child from her. Cut her out. You have so much more wisdom and are on the right track as a parent. She sounds awful, controlling, abusive. Please, get out!


She needs to know that your daughter is number one & she needs to come to terms with that. I think deep down she already knows this & maybe the reason why she’s acting the way she is… Also sorry but no one will love your child better then yourself.
Your not the bad guy for wanting to put your foot down! Do it for your daughter xx


Get your daughter outta there. Now.




100% your child comes first! She is acting immature for a 31 year old adult and very selfish!


Leaving a kid in a car is illegal , !!!


Walk away hun, yes it will be hard , yes it will be hard on your daughter but you both don’t deserve that an could get worse if you “ don’t do what she wants “ I would have left her when she said leave her in the car ! Can you trust her to take your daughter out and not leave her in the car. Your best interest is in your daughter. You are her voice. You are her postive example


Personally I say get out ASAP.


Definitely leave. The fact she thought it was ok leaving a 2yr old alone in a car is huge and she wants you to sleep on couch comforting her instead of comforting your sick baby is a HUGE red flag. I mean what is she doing to your baby when you are not around? She sounds selfish and immature, choose your baby and leave now!


and this relationship is wrong in so many levels! Leave now because your daughter gets old enough to
Understand and think that this is way to treat people


I think you already know what you need to do but I know it’s hard to make that leap. Do what is best for your child. Wanting to be in the relation ship is not enough if it’s not a healthy relationship. Expecting you to leave a two year old in the car to go shopping would have been my breaking point. I get the air would have been on but first of all if anything happened no on would be around like if someone broke the window to steal the already running car. Second what happens when the two year old wakes up alone in the car? How terrifying for her. And it’s not like 5 minutes. The sick thing bothers me too. If she was really that worried about her sleep she should have gone to the couch but for her to be upset that you stayed in the room with your sick child over coddling a grown woman is crazy. If you had chosen to sleep on the couch I don’t really see that as an issue either but the fact that she couldn’t go sleep on the couch herself is concerning. Huge red flags.


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:



Well seeing as you said the child is 2…:woman_facepalming: get your child out of that volatile environment. Never leave her alone with her ever .


You need to put your child first and leave her. She seems incredibly toxic and I wouldn’t trust her around any child by herself. She’s manipulating you into thinking your wrong when in reality you’re being a parent. Run while you can.


Your gf is younger than me, which is odd to still be packing the “whooping fixes everything” mindset. I was raised that way, did not raise my kids that way.
But ummmmmm your gf resents your daughter. And I’d be damned if I coparented with someone who was unwilling to learn better ways. She could kick rocks

What the hell are you thinking?! If your child really comes first get away from this toxic partner of yours and take care of your kid!

Ok, you already know she wont change. You said so yourself. Why fight?
Move on with life and enjoy what comes your way.


Why are you with this person? Put your kid first and leave


Protect your child and do what’s right

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Every time you threaten to leave and don’t, you’re validating her behavior. You’re showing her that she can act however she wants and speak to you and your child however she wants, with no repercussions. Leave, and don’t look back.


She sounds awful if we’re being honest.


Leave. Major red flags


I didn’t even finish reading this. If you have to ask this question, you already know the answer.


Sounds like she hates your kid. I’d leave. I’d never trust her alone with your child


She of f crazy to think you can leave your baby locked in a car. She doesn’t sound right in her head. You need to pick up your baby and leave her. She is selfish


You cannot beat bad behavior out of a child. Especially a 2 year old who is learning and curious, not bad! Your girlfriend needs help and you need to get out. You know the right thing to do.

also, my fiancé would pick our sons over me ANY day and I am so grateful for that. She’s a terrible person to put herself before a child, but you knew that.


It’s your daughter. She sounds narcissistic as hell. You should be the good guy and walk away!


Girl get out. Don’t let her abuse your child. Also, she sounds way too codependent. She could have gone in the store alone or slept on the couch alone. Why does she need you to do those things with her?


Take your baby and leave! Apparently she’s not ready for all the responsibilities that comes with being a parent? My 3 children come before my husband. If he was to say anything that she has said to my children I’d be out right than.


That’s a bloody carnival of red flags! Leave and cut all contact!

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You better protect your baby.

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If she’s making you feel crazy and second guessing your motherly instincts, you need to leave. It’s a toxic, manipulative and abusive relationship. Your child ALWAYS comes first and for her to say you’re choosing your daughter over her is a MAJOR red flag. The entire post was filled with red flags. Be on your own. Doing the right thing for your child is NEVER wrong, you are not crazy. You need to leave her.


what a dick skin who would want you to choose them over ur own baby and such behavior around ur child not acceptable thats abusive behavior a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: already you need to put ur child first and leave that woman she’s trouble, she sounds like she will harm ur baby just to get her way oh no id never leave before its too late she will nvr change

Telling you that you’re dramatic and sensitive is a gaslighting technique. Her getting you to take sides against a toddler is control. It’s also terrible parenting and the woman sounds abusive to you and the child. I don’t believe in spanking and have a well behaved child. There are other ways. If someone raised a hand to my child after I told them that hitting them was not tolerated, I’d be gone that day. That’s a deal breaker. That lady is not treating either of you with love. She may have her own issues to work on, but you don’t have to be the one to do it for her. I’d walk away.


I’d be gone in a split second with my child. I pray you never leave your daughter alone with her.

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She’s two. Spanking she’ll learn nothing. Explaining why she’s in trouble or time out etc does a lot. So she learns.

Get out leave beforesomething really bad happens

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Its a lesbian relationship but the girlfriend has a heterosexual mindset sexist she has been living alone her whole 31 years of her life if shes not ready to give up her life and actually join u in raising ur daughter she will never change until she chooses too.

She’s narcissistic and abusive love walk away


She’d be gone! She sounds very immature too! Especially wanting you to leave your sick 2 year old to lay on the couch with her lol ummm nope :-1:, they want their moms too when they’re not feeling well! She needs a wake up call :100:

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Get your daughter out of that environment!! You should like a good mom, your partner not so much.

You are being ran over and if you are certain the treatment will not stop leave before you end up having major regrets hopefully it never turns physical but sounds as though it has already turned into mental and emotional abuse

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Leave honey, get your baby tf out of that environment! Sorry not sorry.

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This truly sounds like a toxic relationship, regardless of the good times. Relationships work when people work on them, which takes lots of compromising. I wish u the best.

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When it comes to how YOU raise YOUR baby, you aren’t in the wrong. She needs to understand that you are the parent and that there are boundaries. Sounds like she’s the type of person who doesn’t seem to take any boundaries you set seriously and that shows a lack of respect. If I were you I would leave.

Oh no, you’re not the crazy one, or the sensitive and dramatic one, or the bad guy. She is!! LOTS of red flags!!! Do what you said you would, choose your baby girl and get the heck out of that situation! She sounds crazy and controlling.

Leave. Just that simple. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

If you’re asking the question, you know the answer! Leave her, she don’t give two fucks about your daughter. I’d pack up and leave and not look back.

Its time to go period.

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Leave. That’s not healthy at all. I’m sorry you’re going through that.

Leave now! Take care you daughter and show her you both deserve better

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You and your child need to get away from that toxic person she doesn’t love your daughter she doesn’t even like her no one in there right mind would think its ok to leave a 2 year old alone in a car and alone while she is sick and there is never a reason to spank a baby my ex husband whom is the father of my son spanked him one time when he was 3 I went crazy on him he never spanked him again if he did I would have really f*cked him up your girlfriend is being emotional abusive and is trying to manipulate you with emotions

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Trust your instinct that is telling you all these things are WRONG.

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Ok i personally would leave! Doesn’t sound like she is going to change.
But if you want to work on it.
Set ground rules! Write them out. Tell her your kid comes before her and she has to change or your out. Dont yell dont argue. Explain your view and leave it be. Watch self help videos ( less carter) and read up on how to be in a relationship with a narcissist. Learning to communicate in a way that they dont get triggered and actually listen is a artform. If you want or need to talk about strategy pm me I have a lot of experience in this .

Get yourself and your child out of this situation

If you read what you have written and imagine it was written by someone else, what would YOUR advice be to them???

I think you know what needs to happen, even if it isn’t what you want to admit to.

Good luck xxx


Your Girlfriend doesn’t have the maturity for a child the comments about leaving her in the car whilst you shop and sleeping in the couch to get away from the coughing noise are CLEAR signs of this . A nurturer doesn’t say or think those thoughts. I’d be leaving.


And don’t ever be hesitant to tell anybody your kid comes first they should know that up front

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Tell her to take the highway
I wouldn’t put up woth her

Your child over anyone else, period. Whether you consider them family or otherwise. Do not let anyone abuse your child. Stand up for her, be her voice, and BE the example of what you (and she) should expect from people. Don’t let her grow up thinking this is okay and normal. It will be your daughter walking on eggshells when she’s old enough to understand that her other “parent” is so selfish and easily triggered. Please get out of the relationship and leave… don’t walk… run! You can do better when it comes to finding a compatible partner who you don’t have to put above yourself and your daughter. And if you choose to stay single, you can be happy on your own too! You know what is right and what you should do. Don’t make excuses for your partner so they can continue to muck up your life. Set your boundaries and stick to them! Excuse yourself from any situation or relationship where your boundaries are not being respected! Your feelings are valid! If you need a show of hands to support your decision on leaving, you’ve got it from me and many, many others here! I’m not saying walking away from your relationship will be easy, but it will be worth it! Please save yourself and your daughter the heart ache and trauma before any more damage is done.

Girl that is toxic and very dangerous behavior. Please don’t leave that baby alone with her, she obviously has terrible judgement and is not fit to parent a 2 year old.


Okay I stopped reading at leaving your daughter in the car… um don’t leave your daughter with her ever! Get out of this relationship before she “accidently” leaves your daughter in the car alone and something terrible happens"


Show her the highway! Toxic!


SHE DOES NOT LOVE YOUR DAUGHTER. She tolerates her and is acting nice nice for you . Get out asa

Please choose your daughter and leave this toxic relationship. Sorry your going through this, but if you have any doubts or questions, deep down you know the answer.

Leave…leave …leave!!!

I would be like bye bye

With your head held high and a heavy heart, end the relationship with the girlfriend. You and your daughter deserve to live your lives in peace and with joy. It may not be the easy choice but, from your account, it’s my opinion that it’s the right one. The right person for you will come along when you’re not looking and will pass you by if you’re with the wrong one. Focus on loving yourself and your wonderful daughter. I was a single mother at 22 with an infant because I too had a very similar hard choice to make.

Take the time to make this a conscious decision and only act when your ducks are in a row if you decide to end the relationship. Don’t fear asking a loved one or trusted friend for help either, you may need support to facilitate the change.

I wish you the best of luck no matter what you decide.

If you really put your child first than this person would of been gone a long time ago :woman_shrugging:


The minute she suggested to LEAVE the baby in the car should have been an eye opener. Nobody in their right mind would even consider that ok. At this point who cares about how SHE feels. You need to worry about your child. She just showed she’s WILLING to put your child in danger. As far as the baby being sick and she didn’t want to be tired well then she can suck it up being tired comes with the territory of being a parent. Stop worrying about her and how she feels. Time to go before she becomes worse.

Take your baby and bounce. She won’t change her ways and who knows what would happen if you left them alone and she got angry or irritated about something.
She is so ridiculous

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Yeah she’s a c&$t and you should leave her horrible ass

Is this even a question?? Just leave.

Move protect your child, DUD

Please save that baby.

Emotional abuse counts as domestic violence. Leave.

What if it’s the wrong decision? You should already be GONE, go today.

You say you will always put YOUR daughter first. So out her first and leave.


Leave. She’s literally suggested leaving your 2 year old daughter in a car running…no. That’s child abuse and neglect. And if you have been caught by the cops, your both would have went to jail. She is very selfish and is not ready to be a parent, you need to go your separate ways.

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Sorry but she would never be alone with my daughter if she thinks leaving her In A car by herself is ok. Protect your daughter snd leave . She’s a danger to your daughter

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Why are you letting someone treat your child poorly is my question. You should have left awhile back

Leave and never look back this girl needs help

Leave now before her actions end up hurting your baby.


The absolute deal breaker for me would be the fact that she wanted to leave a 2 year old in the car alone. I’d be wondering if she’s ever done it in the past or would in the future.
A child relies on their parents to meet their needs. Why would she be upset if you wanted to stay close to your sick little one?
Regardless of how much you love your girlfriend, she’s not good for your child. She’s not going to change. It’s time to let her go.


I stopped reading after she had no problem leaving your child alone in a car do y’all can shop. Please don’t leave her alone in her care she doesn’t have her safety or best interest as a care. Just leave you will be happier.

Please take your daughter and leave! You sound like a good parent and my heart hurts for this poor baby.
I am not trying to scare you but what is going to happen to your daughter when this woman “accidently” does something to her?
I am seeing BIG RED FLAGS all over your post.

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She should’ve been gone when she got mad the first time over your child.

Leave ur girl it’s toxic

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Don’t let anyone judge your parenting skills