Are these red flags?

Hell nah. Leave her ASAP. She’s okay with leaving your 2 year old in the car alone! What other neglectful and/or abusive things has she done when you weren’t around. You say your child comes first. Then put her first! There are plenty of fish in the sea. She can be replaced; YOUR CHILD CANNOT BE.

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Dont think twice. Pick that baby up and run to the nearest courthouse or attorney. Do NOT look back.

Run. Don’t walk. I’d be worried that her abuse towards your daughter will only get worse.


You should leave. I wouldn’t even be comfortable leaving my child with her. You’ve had conversations and obviously it isn’t working. Some people don’t learn until it’s too late

She needs to leave. Your daughter deserves better. Time to put words to action and put her first.

You gf has made it pretty clear she doesn’t like children and doesn’t care much about yours. So you will have to choose sooner or later: her or your daughter.

Crazy! The only decision is based on your child’s welfare. Leave!

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Forget reg flags……the bridge is OUT. Make a U turn/detour.

Either you do what you know you should now, while your daughter is young, or you’re going to do it when she’s older and asks more questions.
My daughter’s father was the same way. “My way or the highway” does not work when this is your child and she doesn’t respect your wishes as a parent.
If she is trying to do this irresponsible stuff with you, and trying to talk you into it, what will she justify doing when you’re not present?

Leave NOW. That child comes first!! What if she leaves her in a car when your not around?!?#?!

Major red flags!!! The fact that you’d never tell her to her face you will chose your daughter over her?! Leave now before you end up on the news because she beat your daughter to death while you watched.


Yea molly whop her then leave

If you DON’T leave you’re as bad as her. ENORMOUS RED FLAGS.
OMG you should be running from her as fast as you can.


Why is it so hard for y’all to choose your kid(s) over these toxic relationships and leave. I’m tired of y’all…bye :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Do not leave sweetie in the car. I had a coworker who did that. She just got her daughter out and the car caught fire. Follow your gut and your heart.

As I was taught a long time ago “when In doubt like that, throw it out” your doing the best for your daughter when SHE is happy and YOU are happy. If that hasn’t been at least at 80% than run. Your child’s welfare and happiness is what is most important and I can see you feel that, and trust your gut if it’s even a questionable red flag than you have answered even your your own question and just need reassurance that you are making the right choice in leaving. YES YOU ARE! Leave and within 6 mths because your daughter is 2 she will slowly forget her and it will make it easier for you after. Just remember your emotions about the relationship should always be separated from what is best for your child. Ignore the I should stay and try, it always gets worse! Hope things turn out for you and good luck girl

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If your daughter is that important to you like you say, if you wi always choose your daughter over your girlfriend. Then I think you know what to do, I don’t think you need to be asking any of these questions. It’s OK to ask them but I’m just letting you know, I think you know deep down what you need to do.

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Red flags all over the place. Kids come first, always.

That’s abuse, honey. If you can, start finding your way out. Unfortunately, she won’t chnage

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This is your daughter. Not hers. As much as I can see that you want to make this family unit work it’s obvious that yalls parenting styles don’t line up and that’s ohkay. It’s ohkay if you love somebody but you just don’t work out. For your daughters sake get out of there. Forreal. Saying you don’t love me blah blah because you won’t follow her parenting style is abusive. Run run run

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She sounds very controlling!! PLEASE leave her as it will get worse and your baby will ALWAYS be in the middle of it!! Good luck💕

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You are a mommy and she is a selfish woman who never grew up… actually a little bitch who throws tantrums. If someone makes you feel guilty for being a good parent, run. Thank goodness not both of you have the same personality as her. That poor child wouldve been lost.

I would leave your not happy .she shouldn’t be so controlling your little daughter should like you say come 1st always.i think you already no this not going to go away .so leave find your own home with your little girl be happy .be you .a mum you don’t need the aggro of a jealous partner .good luck do the right thing for you both while your little girl is still young start over again on your own till you meet meet someone who will really love you both

Couple therapy or get out for sure.

She sounds super toxic and actually stupid. You need to do what’s best for you and your child always. I don’t see this lasting.

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Hello, you already know your in a toxic relationship. You just have to get the courage up to remove yourself and your child. Your friend got to comfortable with feeling you won’t leave. If you have the money to do so, feel your worthy and the safety of your child could be at risk-- then a soon departure should be in your future. People don’t change.

This is an abusive relationship, get out now while u still can. It will only get worse especially if she isn’t willing to see things from your view. From experience I’m telling you to run don’t walk. before something horrible happens and u will have to live with it for the rest of your life. Get help from women in crisis if u need to or any of the agency’s out there that can and will help u. Good luck. Prayers for you and your precious daughter.

Buggur that I would leave no way would I have anyone says my child is anoying for coughing ect def not something to put up with sounds like she dosent like ur daughter much

I hope my comment is not to harsh but in my personal opinion yes these are red flags. I am not saying your gf is bad for you but I am saying that if you wish this relationship to work and if you wish to be a great parent you need to get some counseling to make it work. This is an unhealthy way to live for all three of you

Honey I’m 64 years old and I’m here to tell you she’s jealous of your daughter and you better wake up to the fact that your daughter is 2 years old and you have to be her voice and leaving her in a lock car that is the best way for you to get reported or for someone to see her and call the law and children services take her I mean this that is serious business you got to get your priorities right no one would ever spank my child unless I thought it was warranted she’s too read up on what a two-year-old is capable of and knows shame on you do you realize that your child is very vulnerable at that age and when your child was sick it was your place to be beside her not with your girlfriend I’m sorry this sounds harsh but this is the reality she’s probably secretly cruising to get children services involved or to get your daughter taken away from her so she’s out of the picture wake up sister we’re talking about a 2-year-old child


Good you SHOULD be choosing your daughter over her. My partner and I would choose our daughter over each other.
If anyone ever raised a hand to her, I’d call the police.
Wanting to hit her, and leave her in a car alone, being pissed off when the kid is sick?

Major red flags everywhere. You need to protect your daughter from this person. Immediately.


That doesn’t really sound like she loves your daughter like her own. It kinda seems like she tolerates her because if she came out and said she doesn’t want her around you’ll walk away too. Also leaving a kid in a car while locked at night? Yeah that could definitely be considered child endangerment. I think you should put your foot down and let her know that your daughter comes first and that’s not up for debate


That’s crazy so in my relationship im always the “bad guy parent” and my husbands the im telling dad and he calmly handles it parent but at no point have I ever suggested leaving a sick kid alone or leaving any of my children in the car while I shop because their Asleep we wake our kids up come hell or high waters we don’t care …u don’t leave a child like that or even suggest it…

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Run Hun this is abuse remember bruises heal but her words will always haunt you. There is a beautiful little girl no longer with us in my area because her mom’s partner beat her she kicked this beautiful girl around the age of 2 in the stomach along with many other things and even got the girls mom to help burry her the paramedics that were called to the home were sent away with a story one of the kids had been choking but was now fine both are in jail now there are alarm bells all through your story please hun save your daughter and yourself. The most important job of a parent is to protect your child. It will be hard but please find the strength ask for help do what it takes hugs momma

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Please know that you’re gut is telling you what to do. You typed this out, read it. Time to take kiddo and go.


Your child deserves better than this.
This is a clear sign of narcissism and she obviously doesn’t understand parenting or the sacrifices we make for our children. You need to re evaluate whether you TRULY would pick your daughter…because, imo you should have done that by now and removed yourself and your child from this toxic environment. (And yes, I know. Easier said than done)…but, clearly you’re unhappy, your partner mentally seems quite unstable and you seem “stuck”


Your girlfriend is very controlling and is going to end up hurting that precious child. If you don’t pack and get out of there you could lose her too.
What your girlfriend is doing is abuse.

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Number one she does spank your child!!! Never noone not even you spanking is definitely not necessary

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You and your daughter deserve better than that.

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Leave! Your daughter comes first and she can not be trusted with her! She knows nothing about parenting!! There are red flags everywhere!


You’re not being dramatic and you’re not crazy. I think you know deep down what needs to be done. You got this :heart:


She is YOUR daughter, not both of yours.

A lot of the decisions she mentions are incredibly dangerous, rude, and just harsh. The child is still a baby, she needs her mother when she’s sick and it’s not her fault (ever) to wake up in the middle of the night due to a cough.

I’d get rid of your girlfriend.

Walk away shes abusive ! Doesn’t love your daughter

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Get the F out now! Dont be stupid and keep on going thru this over and over! This is abuse. Been there done that!

A two year old should NEVER be left in the car without an adult. That is definitely a red flag. Also many of us were raised that spanking and all that is the right method of parenting, to get her around to the idea of gentle parenting try showing her research and evidence behind those methods. In the end your daughter is yours and while, as someone who is helping raise her she should get a little say, yours takes priority. In the end if the relationship fails she will stay with you.
Tbh I think she claims to see her as her daughter but doesn’t actually. I’m sure she loves her, I’m not saying she doesn’t, the problem is that she doesn’t seem to have a parent’s mindset right now. A true parent, no matter how tired, will always be there for their sick baby, even if there’s work at 6 am. (Or at the very least will sleep on the couch so you can)
I think if you stay, she needs a serious change of mindset (no more me vs your daughter and no more “you’re just being sensitive” she needs to take how you feel seriously) and possibly therapy for handling her anger. It’s one things to blow up, it’s another to take accountability and try to get better. If she can’t take accountability for her actions then she probably isn’t the best fit for you. (Or anyone or that matter.)

The only solution for your self worth and peace of mind is to get away from your girlfriend who is definitely not your friend.

You need to walk away. It wont be a mistake it will be you protecting your daughter.

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All I’m gonna say is leave. Leave NOW!!!

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She is abusing you and your child! Leave!

Okay no that’s a big red flag she doesn’t care about endangering your daughter that’s a leave so you and your daughter can be safe… that’s not normal behavior and if she’s not willing to give a little when it comes to a sick child she’s never going to. Sorry but it might hurt but it’s definitely the best to just leave

She is much to controlling! Not healthy for your daughter to grow up with…the child will have no ego, and she,too, will end up being in a controlled relationship, or be a controlling partner. Best of luck and love to you.:heart:

If you want to be happy-leave!! And you want your daughter to witness all this-stay…I’d leave …she doesn’t deserve you or your daughter …good luck

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LEAVE. …….She very Jealous of your Daughter. And she is a controlling person It will only get worse

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You’re Not being Dramatic. Leave… No Child SHOULD be left in the car without a adult no matter how old they ARE! Big RED flag!!


Shes abusive and your daughter deserves better!

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You need to put your child first and get her out of this situation now.


RUN ! and be sure you get help…controlling,jealous…counseling is what you will need to help you get back on your feet…Good Luck.

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From ur description, if it were me, I would start quietly and as quickly as possible getting ur ducks n a row, then take ur baby and go live ur best life. Y’all deserve way better than what ur getting. And u don’t want that baby growing up thinking that’s what love is, cuz monkey see monkey do. Kids go up looking for the kind of love that they were exposed to. U got this momma. U knew what was best for ur baby​:black_heart::black_heart:

These are red flags!
All of the instances you gave about your daughter and her opinion shows she doesn’t understand what parenting is and she is not ready to learn. Those are two very serious situations. If you had locked your daughter up in that car, she might have suffocated. A child who is sick needs an adult to sleep and watch over them cause they usually run excessive temperature at night which needs to be checked. You daughter is only two, she needs you and if she is always going to make you feel bad about looking out for her, dear put your feet down and walk! That relationship of yours will always get worst.
Finally, it is very wrong that you all have to sleep in the same room even if you girl sleeps in separate bed. You are exposing your daughter to sexual acts. When you both start being intimate, she might be watching. This is terrible.


Oh Momma, my heart hurts for you.
You & your daughter are getting abused, in my opinion.
Please, for the sake of you continuing to protect your daughter & yourself, it’s time to leave.


You need to take your baby girl and LEAVE! Your GF is never going to change no matter how long or how hard you try to make it work. Do it for your baby girl you’ll be happier in the end.Stick to your words and choose your baby girl!!

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So she sounds like a narcissist. She should not be laying hands on your daughter - YOU are the mom and you make the rules and she can either abide by them or leave - be the advocate your daughter needs and stop taking her side to keep the peace.
Leaving a 2 YEAR OLD ALONE IN THE CAR aside (that horrifies me that she’d even be okay with it), having ZERO compassion for a sick baby is just disgusting! I have a 2yo and I cosleep with her; she gets sick and has really bad allergies often. I would NEVER leave her to suffer alone no matter if I got sick bc of it or lost sleep.
I pray you leave that heartless woman now; if she is a narcissist like it sounds she is, it WILL NOT get better and she will NEVER change. From
someone who knows the devastation living with a narcissist can have on your life, leave now before it takes a toll on your mental and physical health and your precious daughters.

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U will not be making the wrong decision! She doesn’t accept your daughter as her own even she says that. Red flags everywhere! Run and never look back.

Take your daughter and leave! No one like that will change and I especially wouldnt trust her alone around my child. She sounds very controlling.

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Run she’s willing to put your child in harm with you there and thinks it’s ok who knows what she’ll do when she’s alone especially if she takes her anger out on both of you she seems needy and jealous of your child she’s a grown ass adult if she wanted sleep she could have went to the couch alone id be scared to be the next news story where the child goes missing and it turns out being the crazy gf/bf that did it

When she really starts taking it out on your daughter that’s when you’re going to wake up and it’ll be too late. Why are you still there? :roll_eyes:


She wants you to pick her over the child. She sounds narcissistic. Your daughter deserves better.


My guess is if you’re asking if they are red flags, you already know they are.

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Red flags just take ur daughter and get out now while u can.

My girl, you are not in a relationship, you are at a freaking carnival with all those red flags. You are letting your daughter get abused. You need to get out and give your daughter your undivided attention.
When I was a single mom, I stayed single for 4 years. When my husband met my son, the deal breaker was them getting along. Don’t put your child second, they didn’t ask to be here and deserve out utmost love and respect. Save yourselves :kissing_heart:

Get out! Your baby comes first and if she is like this now it will only get worse

Put your daughter first. Walk away. The minute she said spank her or leave her in the car , her ass would’ve flown out the door. No one disciplines a child besides her parent. I’m disappointed that you are still in this and writing this situation

Run! Gaslighting, Narcissist, Controlling, emotional abuser! She will indeed make you feel like your the crazy one. You walk on egg shells to appease her.
You and your daughter deserve better and WILL find someone better or learn to be happy on your own!:two_hearts: Do not allow her to do this to you any longer. Go! go!go! These people pray on weaknesses of others!
Leave a 2 yr old in the car. :woman_facepalming:t3: Getting mad( I would say jealous) if you slept in another room away from her. Who gets mad at someone for caring for their sick child?? She wants to control you. That’s not love. Do not make excuses for this person anymore! Pack your things and a go! There is a better life out there for you and your daughter! :two_hearts:


RUN. Unless you like dealing with the same old stuff over and over again she sounds like a narcissist to me

Why would you stay with someone who has no respect or empathy for your daughter? Just think of what she’ll do to your daughter when she’s alone with her … I don’t understand why this is even a question. Your daughter shouldn’t have to deal with a grown woman who is jealous of a 2 year old.


Ignoring the fact that the child has two “mothers” there has to be a compromise. You cannot reason with a two year old, but spanking is not the solution either. The word to use in an unwanted situation is “no”, just “no”, no explanation. Explanations will come when she is older and able to understand “why”. right now, at her age, she does understand the word “no” as something she cannot do. She’ll test you but stay firm. She will soon get the idea

Get rid of bad witch…

She is “gaslighting” you! And you are being manipulated! You are right to leave. This isn’t a healthy relationship for you or your daughter.

Yup as they are saying above shes a narcissist and you need to kick her to the curb!

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She is narcissistic and wants to be chosen over your daughter. She doesn’t love your daughter the way you love your daughter. Run!

I think you know what you need to do.

Sounds like a jealousy issue. She’s jealous of the attention you give your daughter, if she’s not willing to change I would deff leave before it creates a wedge between you and your baby.

Run as fast and far as you can and don’t look back.

You be a MOM FIRST, ABOVE ALL ELSE and you LEAVE that TOXIC crap. Your daughter doesn’t need to be with someone so INCONSIDERATE She’s a GROWN woman she could sleep on the couch by herself if she wanted to sleep, not blame a sick child for being “annoying”. she had a choice in the matter and she chose to be “annoyed” your child can’t help she was sick.

Leaving is the BEST decision you can make in this situation.

You are being manipulated. Get away from her

You are not a ‘bad guy’ for putting your foot down, aka setting healthy boundaries. Your partner sounds very narcissistic and codependent. It will not change and will only get worse and your child will be traumatized for it. So to answer your question, YES, these are huge red flags :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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Yes red flags get out now

Run, run now, and never look back

Leave her. Before she dose something to your daughter!


The fact that she’s got you feeling this way and you’re scared to leave sounds like she’s a huge gaslighter. I think you already know what you need to do.

Rule number 1 - Your daughter comes first!

Rule number 2 - Your daughter comes first!

Rule number 3 - Your daughter comes first!

Take her and leave! There is no reason why anyone should be putting hands on a 2 year old she is a baby and is obviously going through terrible twos. Please do not trust her with your baby girl. Hitting her at such a small age and wanting to leave her in a car alone and her mood swings is definitely a big red flag. God forbid she can blank out and hurt your daughter you really need to leave.


No no no
Anybody who feels the need to be physical with MY children is gone. Right then and there. Then. Trying to pin you vs the child. Red flag again.

Id leave. Sbe aint worth it

Your #1 commitment is to your child. You know what you have to do…

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Put your actions where your mouth is. You say you will always pick your daughter over her …THEN DO IT. Don’t allow your daughter to be stuck in the middle of this toxic “relationship” It’s not fair for your daughter to be treated like that at all!


Definitely red flags . You and your daughter need to leave

Well ßtayìng with someone whom you believe is putting ur child in danger is putting her before ur daughter, it’s OK for her to be mad at you, put ur foot down when u know in ur heart what’s right, and let her be mad she will get over it. I’m not saying u should leave unless u truly believe ur in danger all I’m saying is don’t let someone else dictate your every move. You be you after all that is who she fell in love with, the sweet innocent woman and mother you are. Be willing to listen to her advice without changing your morals k. Sometimes as a mom we can be too soft. And that’s OK :ok_hand:. Leaving anyone in the car while u grocery shop is a no no tho so there are certain things u just have to put ur foot down.

It’s time to put your foot down and go! It sounds like you guys just aren’t a match, or maybe she just isn’t cut out to be a parent.

Your kid always comes first. Let that be known, don’t cower to make her feel better. I share similar views on your type of parenting and it sounds like your significant other doesn’t respect nor honor your style. Bye Felicia :wave:

Your child comes first, if she’s even making you consider choosing her over your daughter that’s someone you shouldn’t be with. She’s older she should know better as a grown woman but with what your explaining clearly she hasn’t learned to grow up. Your child’s safety and happiness comes first. What if one day she takes it too far? Don’t take that chance you’ve tried and your gut is telling you to run.

As far as spanking I feel is only necessary if the. Hild does something to hurt themself or someone else for example running in the street, playing with a socket or throwing an object at someone