Are these red flags?

I always feel so badly for the kids when I read these posts. The relationship isn’t going to work whether you leave now or not so that’s taken care of already but the real problem is that your poor baby doesn’t have a good…stable…loving home :sob: I just wish parents could put their kids first and give them a fighting chance in this crazy world. I’m praying for your baby tonight.


Be the good guy and walk away.
She :clap:t3: wanted :clap:t3: to​:clap:t3: leave :clap:t3: your :clap:t3: kid :clap:t3: alone :clap:t3: in the fucking car!
You need to wonder if she’s done that shit before when you weren’t around and that’s why she’s so sure it will be ok. If the car is left running somebody can steal it and abduct your kid. If the car is off the kid can cook in a hot car/or be abducted. What would she tell the cops “I left the 2 year old in the car while I shopped for strangers”?
She’s selfish and will always put herself first, obviously. That’s dangerous in a parent.

Your daughter comes first and your girlfriend needs to grow up. She doesn’t understand parenting. Get away from her.


Leave as fast as you can. Leaving any kid in a car under the age of 12 is so wrong. You have to put your daughter first and do what’s best for her.


Leave now… She can’t be trusted with you’re daughter!


You need to get away with your girl!

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Yes, get out now … good luck❗

I have been talking about this a lot recently with my co workers and we all agree on one thing especially - if you aren’t on the same page when it comes to parenting, it’s not going to work. It’s never going to be easy (not that being a parent is but it can be easy when you both agree on how to handle things, situations, etc) if you both cannot see eye to eye when it comes to raising YOUR daughter, please leave. It’s also a huge red flag that she would even consider to leave a child in the car to go into a store. That’s mind blowing to me. I’m sorry, but if she would do that… there’s other things she would do that would put your child in harms way whether you believe it or not. Your child is not in a safe space.


Please run before this damages your daughter. YOU know what is best for yourself and your baby and it sounds like you already know you should leave. Leaving your 2 year old in a car is abuse. Please be safe.


It sounds like she will end up mistreating your daughter for the sake of your child get the hell out of that house

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Why are y’all together?
I can’t see a reason to be together. :woman_shrugging:

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She sounds super controlling :sleepy: I would leave and not look back!

I’m sorry but you’re a parent, your child ALWAYS comes first. This relationship is not safe for her and that’s a good enough reason to leave. If your daughter woke up in the car and you weren’t there… that would be traumatizing for her. And sick nights comes with the territory. It sucks, but it happens. That’s when you have to step it up and become a saint for that little girl. She’s small and needs your love because NO ONE will love her the way her momma does.
Your girlfriend can say that she loves your daughter but actions speak louder than words. That’s not love. Get out now while your baby is young and hopefully isn’t affected by this toxic relationship.
I hope everything works out for you and your baby girl


So that’s called gaslighting and you need to say bye. Do it for your daughter. You both deserve better treatment and she deserves to see her mama in a healthy, happy relationship.


Omg!! I had to stop reading after the “annoying crying or coughing”……
You can’t be seriously still with this evil person! Leave her! The fact that she even touches ur daughter would be the first time I left! Such an evil witch spanking a 2 year old! :rage::rage::rage:
Leave her. Sorry but your daughter deserves better.


Your baby girl needs you more than your partner needs you. She is very controlling and idk. A lot of other things. She cant even sleep alone without you? Makes your baby girl sleep alone while shes sick and makes you feel bad about it? Uh uh. This is all bad. Leave and dont look back. Please. For you and your daughters sake. Mainly your daughters. This relationship is so very toxic. I hope we are helping to make that clear for you.


Why are you with her? Doesn’t sound like your daughter comes 1st. Do you allow her to spank your daughter? Why couldn’t she get off at the grocery store while you wait in the car with your daughter??? And why can’t she take her grown a** to the couch while you sleep with your sick child? She acts like the baby is less important than her. It’s gross and I wouldn’t tolerate it.


Leave her, she doesn’t deserve you or your daughter. Never stop putting your daughter first, you are doing a good job!!

C’ya felicia grab your daughter and run as fast as you possibly can!

Leave huge red flags

why would anyone want to leave a poorly baby on ther own just to get a better nights sleep not normal if you ask me xx

Definitely walk away…your daughter deserves the best

I heard some person in spanking YOUR child and suggested leaving a baby in a car by themselves and let me just say: I refuse to read more, your girlfriend is immature, irresponsible, and a POS. Your child is more important, so LEAVE.


Nope. Walk away now. No. Don’t even walk. RUN.

Eff her, leave her ass! TF she sounds like a total bloody nutcase! :rage: Can’t even believe she wanted to leave a 2year old in the car sleeping whilst shopping and then say her crying and coughing was annoying! If you leave It’ll prob be the best decision you’ve ever made! Fml… Your daughter don’t need no toxic person helping to raise her. All she needs is you!

Seek parental classes… counseling, etc. Spanking has been proven detrimental. Leaving your child in a car is abuse and could lead to losing your child and child endangerment charges… I have worked with the children’s ministry… supervising visits between children in care and their family members.

I’m just gonna say it,you’ve already chosen her over your daughter,that’s a bigger red flag !!


I hear more her issues than anything! Sounds as if you have somewhat chosen her over your daughter already! Please leave, she’s going to cause you to loose your child. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind knowingly leave a kid in a car? Child abuse and mental abuse…run and run fast!

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Your GF is not a good parent. Spanking has its place for some people but spanking in anger is how it turns abusive. Leaving a child in the car is abusive how CPS shows up. Let me guess she uses the our parents did and we’re just fine argument? I think you need to document and get out and go for custody. Demand that both of you take parenting classes and undergo psych exams. Your daughter can and will end up with anxiety from growing up in an abusive home. It’s pretty common but awful to deal with and I’m specifically taking about spanking causing it. But the never knowing what’s going to set off momma and walking on eggshells constantly. Seriously find a lawyer and make sure your in the clear to just take her. If she hits you report it, if she threatens you report it. Find your spine and protect your daughter.

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You need to leave and protect your daughter !
She is extremely toxic

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I’m sorry , not sorry!!! How many red flags do yo need???

I would laugh at her :rofl: there is no force on heaven or Earth that would 1) keep me from tending to my child the way I see fit and 2) would make me choose anyone over my child.
She is insane. Tell her to leave and don’t let the door hit her on the way out :v:


Ugh leave. Why would you stay?

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Are these red flags?


Run, do not pass go. This is a toxic person that should not be trusted with your precious child. Find someone who will love you and your daughter with no strings attached. Leave Now before you regret it. This situation is NOT good for your daughter.


For the safety of your child …. Leave !!! Don’t wait until something happens, it might be too late if you don’t. Men are not the only ones that can abuse or do worse to a child or you. Do it because you know you need to !!! Go to a place where abused mothers and children get help, NOW !!!


You wouldn’t be the ‘bad guy’ for leaving. You would be the good mum for getting your daughter out of an abusive situation. She sounds narcissistic, self centred and someone like that is highly unlikely to change. Leave. And don’t feel guilty, you’ll be doing the best thing for you and your daughter. Good luck!


Your number one priority is your child. Protection and care for her should come first. You already know what to do. Listen to your gut feelings and take action before your child gets hurt. Many red flags are in your face.


She sounds toxic and I would leave. It is most likely against the law to leave a 2 year old locked in a car while you shop. So that is a no no. Just try to find a new place to live. You won’t be understand her rigid rules and you will enjoy your daughter so much more.


These first years of your daughter’s life are extremely important. I agree with everyone else, start making a plan to leave.


Catch 22. If you leave, she will use your daughter against you. I wouldn’t feel safe leaving my daughter alone with her. See a lawyer first and see what your chances of getting custody is.


Is your kid right? Not y’all kid? Get out now! Don’t waist no more time on the gf. She’s old she has no kids and doesn’t have any empathy. Run run now


Your child was there before her. She will be there WHEN she is gone. Not IF. But WHEN. There is ZERO excuse for her to be disrespectful to YOUR daughter.

I have birthed 3 children, all grown now, but we have 7 in total. All amazing human beings, I couldn’t be prouder. ANY man I was spending time with dating, in the past, was always first to know that MY children are FIRST. PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION.


God trusts us with these little most precious gifts we call children. He not only entrusts them to us, to help them grow in love, faith, learning, but He expects us to protect them! Who else can, or will…

:triangular_flag_on_post:Red flags-RUN-DON’T WALK!:triangular_flag_on_post:

You got some big ones, but you can ALWAYS get out and be safe. Look into your daughters eyes. Remember she relies on you. For EVERYTHING.


It’s time to leave. Your daughter comes first and leave before something bad happens. Your girlfriend is not ready to have children around.


Setting yourself and your child up for a lifetime of misery if you stay, get out and away while you can, you will meet someone who deserves you.


It will affect your daughter negatively if you allow this to continue. I know it is hard but a relationship based on power tripping is not healthy.


:100: :triangular_flag_on_post:. This is gas lighting, and abusive behaviour, you need to leave. If she thinks leaving a toddler in a car to shop is okay what do you think she would do if you were not around?! You know what you need to do and as hard as it is to leave this is unhealthy for you and your child. Your child’s well being comes before your partners. I’m sorry she is a grown ass adult she can sleep on the couch by herself if crying and coughing is bothering her. You don’t need to change or do more for her. You need to make a change and do more for you and your daughter.


Hey get out of there!!! You don’t deserve to be treated like that and neither does your daughter. This is so manipulative. Get your stuff and go out kick her out and don’t let her come back


Ur child is ur priority and her entire life is in ur hands. It will only get worse if you dont put ur foot down and get out. Ur a mom, be a mom, and get ur baby out before it gets worse. You shouldnt even be considering ur cohabitants feelings over ur baby.


Why would you even question this? You are the the mother, never ever let anyone question or parent your child against what you feel is correct. Ever! Time to move on and live with your child and keep her safe.


Please move on. She is toxic for you and your daughter. It will get worse


Put your child first always. And never apologize for that. Sit down and talk with her. Bottom line you are the mom so when it comes to your kid what you say goes.


That door should be shut and I don’t give a shit how you feel about her. Your daughter is number one. Lock her in the car what the hell is wrong with her and I don’t give a damn what the hell is wrong with you if you have to have a conversation about this. The only thing you should ever say to your partner is you have crossed the line and get the hell out. Oh my word I’m so pissed.!!!


Not good. Car situation… illegal for one to leave child in a car. I never thought my children were annoying because they were coughing and crying. I would do anything and everything to comfort and be there for them. You’re right to guide and teach and not leave her in the car alone or at night crying and sick. She’s nuts having to ask you to choose to be with her. I would not feel my daughter is safe if left alone with her ever. If she’s in a bad mood snd you’re not around what could happen? I think this is not a good situation. Get your plans to leave in order (I wouldn’t tell her), get counsel maybe and choose a better life for you and your daughter


Omg leave her before your baby is on the news for dying in a hot car! Yes these are all RED flags! Anyone you are with should expect that your daughter comes first always! Never be with anyone that wants to come before your children. Honestly you shouldn’t need us to tell you this. Protect your child at all costs.


I don’t understand the question. She doesn’t know how to co-parent and has no real sense of protection towards your daughter. Doesn’t seem to be interested in changing her ways. It is time to leave.


If you don’t want your daughter to grow bitter and a bused get out of this toxic situation… and please in the meantime don’t ever leave your daughter in her charge or care … this woman doesn’t know how to keep a child out of danger… she might leave her locked in a car while she shops…


Please leave sweetie. These are ALL THE RED FLAGS. your instincts are correct.


Maybe you need to say it to her face. Tell her your daughter will always come first. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.


You say you will always choose your daughter over her. You are not doing that by staying.


She’s definitely toxic. Best thing to do is leave now before she gets worse yet it gets harder for you to leave the longer you stay with her. Do it for your daughters sake. You both deserve better.


These are TOTALLY red flags. I was in a similar relationship and it didn’t get better.
Do your daughter AND yourself a favor and get out.


I fear for the safety of your daughter if shes willing to spank a 2yo, and also leave her in the car… uhm NO. Have you ever left them alone together? I’d be questioning now what else shes done that she says would “literally be fine”


Honey, you already know what needs done :frowning: I’m sorry. She is older than you, but not more mature. You need to move from this negative situation as soon as you can. I fear this will only get worse. Do not EVER doubt your mommy instinct, actions, thoughts for one minute. You do what is best for YOUR daughter.


You know what you gotta do.
Your baby comes first.
Get some money together AND RUN


Your response with your daughter is the right one - explain, reason, protect and care for her - your partner sounds too narcissistic to be a caring equal parent.
Find a way to bring up hour daughter without your partner’s negative guilt trips. All the best xx


I would be afraid to leave my daughter with her for fear spanking could get out of hand, seems like she has to be in control, who needs that, dump her or I don’t mean this to sound harsh but dump her or shut up and put up with it , you are not the bad guy she is leave a baby in the car while shopping big no no to me, we all know what could happen. It’s not the wrong decision to leave, do you like how she treats you and the baby. You deserve better, remember that, I deserve better. Good Luck!


If she was willing to leave the child in the car that a no. Time to leave. You should not ever leave that baby with her she will do that when your not around. She can’t be trusted


Your child first, run! Having a child together means compromises and if you ‘love’ each other everything should be able to be communicated. Please get out of the relationship now.


So. Many. Red. Flags!!! Protect yourself and your daughter.


Your a wise girl with a mature head…your gut feeling is right…all your thoughts are right…get out now while you can and your daughter is safe …good luck stay strong…x


Leave as soon as you can make it happen, these are serious red flags. Invest in the well being of yourself and your daughter without a partner. You are young, take your time, educate yourself, and never commit to a caustic relationship again.


Do not be stupid. Ur child is ur life. U give birth to a loving daughter. Daughter cannot be replaced. Girlfriend can be replaced. All this is red flag. Save ur daughter bfore anything abusive happen. Be a mother a responsible mother. Be strong dun follow emotional so much. Yes cn have girlfriend but our daughter our children our own blood always comes first. Remember anything happen 5o ur daughter, blame urself bcos u never step in. Better be firm now then be sorry for later. Ur child respect u as a mother. So make sure u do everything to keep her safe.


Sorry but she needs to go as sounds like anything you do for your daughter especially when sick she will resent you ten fold. She sounds completely çhildish and is definitely 1000% irresponsible and selfish! Do what’s right for your daughter and you :pray::pray::pray:


Yes, these are huge red flags.

Get yourself and your daughter out as soon as you can.

These first years of your daughter’s life are so Informative and extremely important for her…


I did not real this entire statement, but I read enougrh. Your daughter is not her kid, so she does not have a maternal connection to her, therefore would be more harsh. Do not allow her to abuse your daughter. Lay down the law to your girlfriend, then start figurig out how you can live without her.


Your girlfriend is gaslighting you. People that do this are manipulative and controlling. Gaslighting means that the person makes you feel that everything is your fault and if you think it’s them, you’re crazy. The relationship is toxic for you, not just your daughter. It’s abusive for her. Your girlfriend is not mature emotionally either. You need to leave this person for good.


Sounds like she’s a narcissist love you need to put your foot down and walk away she will never change and I know you are hoping she will but what happens 5 years down the road and you’re still going through the same thing if not worse walk away before it gets even harder to walk away I went through this for 7 years before I finally said enough was enough cuz they were never going to change you have to do what’s best for your daughter and yourself I put my kids through a lot of trauma staying for that 7 years cuz I was just hoping I’m praying that things would change and get better because they love you but that’s not love honey


I don’t see a “fix” for this. Sorry to be rude, but she is not her daughter she is yours, and you have the right idea of putting her first, always. I would without a doubt end things now. Anyone who thinks it’s ok to leave a 2 yr old alone sleeping in a car while it’s running while they go shopping does not sound ok to me. Not sometimes would ever entrust mine or my child’s well being to.


I can not believe she was trying to convince you it was ok to leave a two year old in a car alone. Insane. She obviously does not have your child best interest at heart. She sounds very controlling and selfish. She cant sleep on the couch alone why? Hitting a child is just WRONG!!!


Run. It is not okay that she is decent with you both only some of the time. She needs to be kind, compassionate and always have the safety and welfare of your child as a priority. She sounds selfish. This a no brainer for me.

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Time to go. Your daughter comes first and this in not a healthy environment to raise her in. Go now! Good luck!


From my personal life of going through what you are for 20 years, and my kids suffering as a result, she sounds like she is bi-polar. She will do anything to prevent you from leaving, and then go back to her old ways. GET OUT! Save yourself and your daughter the heartache and damage that can be caused from this relationship. Kids see more then you think. Please think seriously before staying.


I am a lot older than you and have had two toxic marriages third one is right one I can honestly say your partner has a deep jealous ly of your daughter and never ever leave her with her I’m afraid all she wants is you to me its a red sign and I would be worried for your little girl so please think of your daughter and take her somewhere safe just the two of you good luck xxxx

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NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE should force you to choose them over your child. She needs to go, or you do. I wouldn’t put up with someone who makes me feel bad about taking care of my child. Run, don’t walk away.

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A good parent will never put themselves before their child nor will they expect the other parent to, leave before your daughter gets more attached. Your daughter will be fine with one parent that loves her, you will find the right person who is ok with your daughter being your number one. They’ll be understanding and will put her first too.

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I’m sorry but I don’t see that getting any better. Have dealt with a personality like that too and no amount of reasoning or arguing can change it. Find a new situation

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I would not leave a child with your girlfriend. Get custody and get away.


Life is too short to live with so much stress. Choose the highway, if not for your sake, for your daughter.


It sounds to me that she wants to be in control you need to find a way to remove yourself from that situation it’s not a healthy environment for you or your daughter. You can go to your local churches your community . If anything that I learned in this life you got to help yourself cuz nobody else is going to do it for you

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I think something wrong with her brain. She needs mental health assistance. Never leave ur daughter alone with her. Never know what will happen.

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I couldn’t even finish reading the whole post, remember that is YOUR child! Not hers so she don’t care like you do, and this is exactly how kids wind up DEAD, messing with significant others and their jealousy! You need to sit and think about what’s important, what does she expect for you to do with YOUR CHILD?!

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Stand Your ground it is your daughter and you seem to have the most logical sense of the two parents if conversation doesn’t change end it should be your way it’s probably time to MoveOn

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I’ve Been thru bad relationships and this one sounds very toxic. Your daughter is learning from this… please please for your daughter’s future make changes. My daughter one day shoved herself in between my boyfriend and me to defend me. She was 4… was heartbreaking…
It’s ok to choose you and your daughters happiness…

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Run don’t walk. You’re in for a life of hell. Things will never get better it only gets worse. I can tell you that when your daughter gets older she will be her next victim. She will degrade you and destroy you if you don’t get out but be ready to fight for your daughter because she will be next. I know because I’m living this situation

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You shouldn’t even be asking or questioning this. You need to leave and you know it. Do the right thing for yourself and your daughter. Walk away. Leave. Be an adult and go. If it is as bad you describe, then both of you are in danger. Physically, mentally, emotionally and financially.

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This woman is not parent nor partner material. She sounds like a selfish person, abusive person. If you are fearful, seek assistance on line or in person with a domestic violence advocate.

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You know what you should do…you are just needing a little push… Life is too short to spend it trying to… fix … Someone… Put childs best interests first… Sorry…it will hurt. You will heal.

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Get out with your daughter. Leave and don’t look back. Don’t sacrifice your daughter.


I hate your control freak girlfriend. Please leave and if you have to call the red cross or united way and just go. In the future, please seek CODA group near you. You need to grieve and codependency Anonymous can help you learn healthy boundaries from people like this. Your daughter will have a better childhood with a strong independent mother.

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