Are these red flags?

Seriously? This is a question? You KNOW what to do. Run, don’t walk away from this toxic relationship.
You sound far more mature than your partner.
Stop “threatening” to leave and do it! Now.

Get a backbone and put her in her place. She’s childish and selfish. If she’s so worried about a child waking her up because she’s sick, she needs to go. She’s a grown ass woman that can sleep alone for a night. How can 2 adults sleep on 1 couch together comfortably? It’s illegal to leave a child in a car alone, she won’t get in trouble since she’s not the bio mom, you would. Talk to her about your feelings, stand your ground and follow thru. Good luck

Why are you wasting time writing this. If you’re as good a mother as you think you are, try finding a safehouse. Any church knows of one and will help

Take your daughter and leave . Even suggesting leaving your daughter in the car is crazy ! It is also illegal! Get out and stay out now !

From what’s being said, this relationship doesn’t seem very healthy on a lot of levels. For everybody’s sake, I think it’s time to end it.

Seriously, red flags ??? Do Not walk, pack up your child and Run ! Anyone who would even suggest you lock your child in a car for even 2 minutes is not to be trusted!

Make a safe plan AND LEAVE!!!

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Your Daughter is the most important person in your life she needs you to love & cherish her always & one day she will be there to love & cherish you because You PUT her first . Your Partner is Nartistic please get away from her your worthy of so much better .

You need to find a way out of this relationship, fast… she is toxic and that little girl is paying for it. Just go. Don’t look back.

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Well I don’t know if my opinion will reach you but as I’ve read the other comments I agree 100% you need to leave her now okay I know you have feelings but leave the kid in the car no way I don’t care if I’ve run in it I don’t I wouldn’t leave my child in the car for one second okay sleep on the couch and leave your sick child in the bedroom by itself no way I don’t care no way no way no way sounds like you have a very selfish partner so I would think very very hard as I’m packing my bags I know it’s hard to leave someone but you’re not going to change her you don’t change people that old saying you know if you love me you know I won’t change you love me like I am and if that’s how she is and I’m sorry baby leaving it’s the only answer

Get out right now. Find someone who is more like you. Opposites do not attract for a reason. If you believe that opposites attract, try putting the opposite ends of a magnet together. They push each other away. Find someone you are drawn to.

Age gap/generational gap; core values… You two should have talked about these things before bringing a child into your relationship…

Narcissistic personality!
These types of people NEVER, NEVER change.
Leave before it gets even worse!! Because it WILL!!

Give her the “or else”
decision, and if she acts like it doesn’t bother her then you know where she stands. You can always get another girlfriend, but you can’t get the “same daughter” you have now.

Seems to me you need to reevaluate your living situation and your choice of a partner. You never lave a child in a car and by the way, your child your rules of care.

I would of left her so fast the day she told me to leave my child in the car alone . Hello that there is a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:. Who in the right mind of a grown ass woman would tell anther mother to leave her child alone in the car knowing something could happen to that child n one don’t she know that would of gotten ya both into trouble with the law big time . Duh I think I’d pack my shit n leave with my child

God made Eve for Adam, please allow your child to know what a real family is, Go is not pleased with that lifestyle…

Sounds like the girl friend is jealous of the baby. That will never change. Best to exit that relationship before the child is old enough to recognize the conflict and understand it is over her.

If you want to have your child taken ofyou leave hearing locked car if she is sick you should be by her side not some selfish girl friend get out of there

Run now and don’t look back. To many red flags. I would be worried if I had to leave my child with her. What if she goes to the store and leaves her in the car because other not there to stop her. Get out now.

honey look at this picture…she is 10 yrs older so having much in common is questionable. this is YOUR child NOT HERS. I sure hope she isn’t putting her hands on your child. Walk away NOW. yOU WILL SURVIVE WITHOUT THIS PARTNER.

I would leave her if she is likely that. I wouldn’t trust her on her own with your daughter who knows what could happen. Put your daughter 1st and yourself and then you can be happy again :slightly_smiling_face:

Run…you are right in regards to your daughter. You both deserve better

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If she’s wanting to leave the kid in the car with you there, what will happen when you’re not there. Time to walk.

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That woman don’t care about your baby. I would get out of that situation. I would never want her alone with her. You don’t know how she will treat her when your not around.

Run away and protect your daughter. Her safety and mental health is your first priority.

Did you read what you wrote . If you were reading this and it was not you what would you say to that person. Go with your instinct if it feels wrong it is .

She’s a baby (2yrs old )her needs will and must always come first,if she’s sick I’d definitely be sleeping with her or have her near enough to keep an eye and ear out for her and they usually like some extra cuddles and comfort ,if I was your gf i would have slept on the couch on my own and let you handle the baby ,or slept In the room and put up with whatever you have too tough luck ,being a parent is all that sleepless nights ,putting kids needs before your own especially when sick ,ps I wouldn’t leave my young child in the car either too risky so much could go wrong

Leave her!!! Your child needs you more than she does. When children are sick they need the love and attention to get better. Your 2 year old will always want her because children want to be accepted and loved not because your girlfriend is nice and loving. Your baby will only be a child once. That woman already lived enough to know what’s right. Leave her! You can’t force love out of her that’s what you are trying to do.

I believe she wants to control you not a good relationship to be in, leave your daughter or daughters are more important.
Never hit a child. At 2 it’s the terrible 2’s.

You read daily how a child is abused by a step parent sometimes they kill. Get you and baby OUT. Never put anyone or anything above your child.

If you want your daughter to grow up with a healthy mind you should get out now, otherwise your daughter will grow up thinking abusive relationships are normal

Leaving a 2 year old alone in a car is neglect and can and does result in lost custody and CRIMINAL CHARGES. RUN away from this woman.

That’s abusive. Get the hell out of there before she starts abusing your little girl.
These are more than red flags, these are “run from here” flags.

Get rid of your girl friend, she sounds toxic and thinks everything should be about her, and what she wants, move on.

She sounds abusive and controlling. I would pack up and leave

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First of all suggesting to leave your daughter alone in the car to go shopping. That would be it for me period!!!Sounds like she’s self centered. I’d definitely be leaving.

Now you know you didn’t have to come to fb to get the answer you already know what it is you don’t need validation from fb. Leaving ain’t easy go with your gut.

Leave. She is toxic and jealous of your relationship with your daughter. Do what you have to to protect you and your daughter

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Walk away your daughter your decisions she sounds selfish anyway good luck

Run now! This is not at all ok and you need to do what’s right for your daughter. Your gf sounds like she’s jealous of your daughter and sounds very immature, the whole won’t sleep on the couch without you bs is ridiculous

Take your child and get out of that mess! Your child should be your priority. You can’t change a grown person but you can and should protect your child!

This is HER daughter, not " their’s" together. READ, folks…

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Dont walk…RUN!!! This is a very abusive pattern and will only get worse! Ive been there!

First of all your in a sinful relationship. Leave and raise your daughter yourself before there is permanent damage to her mentally.

Sorry, your child comes first! That’s what moms are for… protection, guidance, love, support. If the other person doesn’t feel that way. … then walk. Yep, it is going to be hard, you’ll question if you did was right. You did the right decision. If all else fails look up the law for protecting your child

You know you should leave , if you didn’t feel like this, you wouldn’t ask the question. The answer is your 2 year old baby, i would not trust her along with my child. Maybe she doesn’t want you to have a child, she just want it to be you and her.LEAVE NOW, leave while you can.

Yes she no idea how to approach a small child watch your child for any signs of being afraid to be alone with this person

Choose your child, this situation is only going to get worse.

would she leave your daughter in a locked car? worry about that…it can only deteriorate …get out!

You are a mother and your job is to protect your child. You are not protecting your child in this toxic relationship. Think if your child first and dump this person!!!

Run, Run and Run😠 before something drastic happens to your baby. She isn’t worth it

You have no clue what she does to or how she treats your daughter when you are around. Think of how she is when you are. Why are you still there? This isn’t love. This is abuse. Get out before both of you become a headline.

She doesn’t care about your daughter at all, I can tell ya that much with of how she’s talked about her and the rude comments

Walk, for your daughters sake, WALK AWAY

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My first question is why do you have to do everything together? Why not one of you go inside while the other stays in the car? Why do you both have to sleep on tbe couch? Why doesn’t she sleep on the couch & you stay in the bedroom with the child?
Second, the mere fact that she thinks its ok to leave a child alone in a car raises serious questions about her parenting skills & lack of safety concerns.
You 2 need to sit down & agree on how to parent her. If you dont, the issues between the 2 of you will only grow & eventually your daughter will learn how to manipulate both of you to get what she wants.

You doing a great job being a dad keep the good work . You need to take the child and leave

So many red flags - run!

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She sounds like a narcissist…
You cannot change a narcissist…
It will always be your fault…
They will gaslight you, everytime
You must leave.
A narcissist is never wrong. And will never admit to being wrong…

This is a lost cause.

You are not the bad guy for doing what’s best for you and your child! Leave her!

Leave while you can protect yourself and most of all your little she does not need this toxic environment

It’s deff not a good inviroment for ur daughter or u , get the f—-k out ASAP . U deserve better, she could’ve slept alone while ur daughter isn’t well & needs her MOMMY … sounds selfish of her …

You appear to be an intelligent woman who knows what to do but you are allowing your love and emotions to cloud your judgment, Just read all of the RED FLAGS and reasons to leave that YOU wrote. You should be concerned about her being around your child since she is not open to change. You don’t have to wait for her to hit your daughter or harshly punish her. She has already told you how she feels that children should be raised. You are right, your 2-year-old is a baby and cannot understand what adults do but this lady has a thick head. She could care less how you feel. The fact that she felt that you should leave a baby in a car unattended makes her dangerous. This lady has some serious mental health problems that she needs therapy for. She is jealous of your baby and wants you to choose her instead of your child. If you disagree with her, then you do not love her. No rational person would place your child in the middle like this. Make you choose between her and your baby. This lady is also controlling which is a form of domestic violence. You don’t have to hit anyone to emotionally and mentally abuse them. You must ask yourself do you deserve a home where you do not have to fight a person who will not change? Fighting is not a healthy part of any relationship. MOST Importantly, how much do you love your child? Doesn’t she deserve a parent who is open to understanding children and disciplining children in a less abusive way? You and her could take a parenting class to find common ground but I am not sure she would be open to that. She has much deeper issues, not just about your child, maybe her own trauma from her childhood. Just because she might have been raised this way doesn’t mean it is right. You must ask yourself WHY do you remain in this relationship? Do you love her more than you love yourself or your child? Are you dependent on her financially and feel that you would not have any place to live? If so, there are agencies that can help you. Good Luck and please understand that you deserve better.

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If anyone ever says my way or the highway to me. I always take the highway. Why stay where you have no say and no chance of making things better.

It’s against the law to spank a child today. It could end up with her in jail or removal of child from yours. Think carefully.

First off, that is not her child, then why is she laying a finger in her to disaplne a two year old who doesn’t know any better? If I was the mom I would of put a stop to that BS right away and confirmed to the girlfriend that hell yes, my child comes first not her. When she told you to let the child sleep in car, all by herself I would of moved out and told her where to go. I would not trust to lead my child alone with her. You never know if she will get into one of those mean streaks and hit your child so bad it could hurt or maybe even kill your child.

U can have as many girlfriends but u can’t replace ur child . Prioritize ur child , coz she is ur flesh & blood , love & take care of her because when she grows up she will love & take care of u too . What u plant u reap !

I think you’ve made up your mind. Its time to pack up and it’s definitely in the interest of your child’s safety and protecting you.

This is a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: leave your daughter more important than any relationship ! :roll_eyes:

Fear is temporary as regret is forever…
If you’re questioning this situation, you already have your answer.

Pack up and get out. Do not raise a child in a toxic environment. You have your whole life ahead of you. Find someone who gets you and your child.

You are not crazy. There are red flags. Have you considered couples counseling? If your girlfriend is unwilling to work on things with the help of a counselor, I am not sure how far you will be able to work on things given her my way or the highway interactional style. Trust your instincts.

Time for you and your child to leave.
Your girlfriend doesn’t sound like ‘parent’ material, in fact she sounds very immature and selfish

You n Dota,run, run,run… sounds like the evil step mother

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If you have to question whether or not to stay then you should definitely NOT Stay! Intuition can be a great gift!

Run! Run away very fast! Narcissistic people only get worse! RUN, don’t walk, to a happier place.

For your safety and your daughter go and don’t look back please, praying for you both :pray::pray::heart:

You say you will always choose your daughter - you might not want to hear this, but at this time you are not. Choose your daughter, get out of there. Fast.

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No one should ever make you feel like you need to choose them or your child in those situations especially when your child needs you

Get out with your daughter. She should not ve around your child. I fail to see love or any respect in this relationship

Unfortunately u see the red flags/warnings run to the nearest exit, it will hurt like hell but it’ll make room for the right type of love for ur daughter

She has to fit with your daughter and not your daughter with her!
Leave her :kissing_heart:

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These are big red flags. These issues will keep coming up n u will always be the one that apologises to keep peace wether rite or wrong her way or the hiway is for spoilt people that have control issues I had same was married thirty years it never changed so if u want to save urself some grief kick her to the curb she not thinking of u as a family she thinking she in control of wat happens in ur shared house good luck the outcome is enevitable just depend how long u want to be treated like this grow a pair n put urself n daughter first for a change

You need to go. This is a very controlling person and it won’t get better. Get the hell out!


Why are you even thinking about it!!! Controlling coercive behaviour get the hell out before your daughter gets seriously injured.

Run before this lady hurt your child. You don’t know if she will leave your child in the car and your child wind up dead run run run and don’t look back

Get out now! So many red flags! Do not raise your baby girl around this woman!!!

Take your child and run, you owe her nothing. She is trying to control you and using your baby as leverage. Get out fast before something happens to your baby.

Walk away! Shes trying to control you…your daughter comes first…Leave! Narcissistic behavior!

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She sounds like a narcissist. She will never be wrong and nothing will ever be her fault.

I think you should leave if your partner refuses to be more understanding and sympathetic.

Time to leave she’s a controlling self absorb person. I don’t think she loves your child at all who says stuff like that about a defenseless 2 yr old OMG no lady please get your child away from that woman leave the child in the car at night WTF

You shouldn’t have to even tell her your child comes first because any adult worth their oxygen would already know that.
She sounds like a child who throws a fit when she doesn’t get what she wants. (But I bet would be super pissed if the actual child pulled that right?)
Assuming this child is yours from before this relationship and there’s no legal paperwork giving her any rights to your daughter that she could fight you on, then hell yes GTFO…now.
If there IS paperwork that legally makes her the other parent, then please go see an attorney or even a few and see what your rights are and what your best course of action would be.
These are absolutely red flags and it concerns me for your daughter that you’re not sure about that. Please do not get into another relationship until you learn some healthy habits in a relationship and how to create boundaries up front.
Please know I am not saying this to put you down, I was in a very toxic relationship for a long time and I had no idea what a healthy relationship looked like to even know how to get myself to that point. It’s damaging for you AND your baby girl and I just don’t want that for either of you. Ever. :purple_heart:

Well said, you sound like a very calm ,good soul person. Every step you are doing to your daughter aswel as trying to communicate to your partner about handling your daughter shows you are a man with good loving heart. Your partner needs to look for help to better herself if she loves you and daughter dearly. Communication helps if you share your thoughts and ideas to better what is wrong why yous always have ups and downs.

What? Are you serious right now?? Why are you there? Why do you have your daughter around this abusive person? Your daughter should be your number one priority! Get out and dont look back! SMH

I would suggest you read and re-read your own words…that answer is quite clear!

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Listen to what 96% of what other women are saying some have been there with men are a women they get crazy . Please leave she can not change , can you get help from your baby’s daddy or your state. Now is the time to call on friends or family.

They ARE definitely red flags! any sane mother would always take their daughter shopping, you’re girlfriend apparently wasn’t aware a baby turns into a 2 yr old, perhaps she never really planned on being a permanent fixture of your family. Too many times these types of situations turn to child endangerment or at the very least, phycological development problems if not now, later on

Two year olds are flexible socially, if you leave now, she’ll adjust within a year’s time at the very most.

The repeated arguing is verbal abuse, as well. You’re the only one who can protect your daughter from that.
Are you financially able to move to other housing, on your own, until you are don’t make the mistake of announcing your intensions.

Have Child Services help you to relocate if need be.

. Speaking from experience!


You need to leave. Pray for guidance and direction on what God has for you and your daughter.

Walk away. You don’t know if she would harm your child when you’re not there. She doesn’t love your child and I bet she doesn’t even like her. Get away quickly