Are these red flags?

You should already be outta there. Nothing and no one is more important than your children.

Run don’t walk! She sounds very immature. I would worry about leaveing the baby girl it’s her.I hope you get out of this situation!

Leave she doesn’t know how to love you or your Daughter leave now

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Your girlfriend is very self absorbed. At the end of the day, she is your daughter and you are her mom. It is your job to protect her.

What part of “She’s willing to lock your daughter up in a car alone so you can shop as a solution to the problem!” Really!!! What are you telling yourself to make this ok? She is and has been telling you over and over WHO SHE IS!!! You need to believe her!!! Your inner Mommy voice should be screaming at you that this is NOT healthy for your daughter, and you too! LEAVE!!!

That’s a real hard “good bye”. You are getting a slight taste of what the future will be like. And god forbid your girlfriend gets a cough.

Definitely get out before it’s too late.

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While she is at work, pack up you and YOUR CHILD, and leave…NOW!

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This is narcissistic behavior that will
Only get worse. Throw the whole girlfriend away

Girl you are so young and a mom . Choose to be a Mom and leave this toxic relationship. Your daughter should be and always be your number 1. Take it from a 66 year old Mom of 3 married 2 times to my second husband and father of my 2 . I to him from the start my kids come first alway . Take or leave it. I love being married to my husband. He loves all our kids the same and knows that my kids come first always m if your partner wants you to leave a child alone for any reason beware you my lose the most important part of you and your partner will be long gone. GOD BLESS YOU AND HELP YOU Mke the right choice in life . Blessings :raised_hands: to you and you dear child :heart:

She sounds very jealous of your daughter! Sounds like your instincts are right. Time to get out of it!

That’s awful. Leave and find a kind man for a husband. Just think what your daughters future is. Not good.

Leave, for the safety and well being of your child.

It’s time to leave but take your daughter with you. I do believe a seat on the butt is okay if she keeps doing the same thing over and over. But leave a 2 yr old in a car is a complete no-no. That part is why I say take your daughter with you.

Definitely not a relationship to be in

Go .
.she will always treat her bad. She has no love for your daughter

Go far, far away from this person. She is DANGER for your child.

The only thing you teach a kid by spanking them is to use force to get what they want

The number one thing wrong is YOU need a man!!! Not a woman that is like your mother
Taling you what to do all the time.
Give your life to God let him gide you and get a man to be your partner in life.

For me there is nothing to talk about, your priority is your daughter and her priority is herself.

Counceling, then split if it doesn’t help or I’d she refuses

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If I was your Mom and that little girls grandma she wouldn’t be in that house in this situation.
Hon your daughter is learning this behavior and is at the mercy of this woman. Iam positive your little girl loves this woman because 1. She doesn’t know this is abusive behavior.
2. Your child loves someone who doesn’t have her best interest at heart.
3. Who in the hell leaves a child locked in a car?
I would never leave my child with someone who can’t see that this is not going to ever happen and it’s against the law.
4. As a woman I would never treat a child this way and your child is a baby… this is NOT a healthy relationship for you or your baby girl…
Run… grab your baby and run…don’t look back and do not go back she will never change

I had a step father he always left the correcting up to my mother they got together and talked about it first I knew wat right from wrong

Goodness me wake up and accept your responsibilities one of which is to take control of your home and sort out what can only be called a bully in your midst.

Id leave and get a no contact order for you and your daughter. Sounds like she has to fiqure some stuff out. Acting that way towards a 2 year old is a big red flag to ignore. Please get you and thst baby out safe

Take your daughter and run.
It doesn’t make you the bad guy. It means you are a responsible father.

Your girlfriend has some control issues. That’s a baby she talking bout. You’re not crazy she is. No compromise move on to the next person.

By you staying.
You telling your daughter this is how she should be expected to be treated. You are teaching your child this type of behaviour is normal.

IT’S NOT. What lesson do you want to be teaching your children?

Take your little one and WALK AWAY as fast as you can!

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You need to journal everything! It will come in handy for court. If you leave you must take that precious child with you. Do you have family that can help you?

Just read what you wrote. If it sounds ok to you then YOU need help. Get you and your child out out of this “relationship” now!!!

Go to therapy to help boost your confidence. You know the right answer to your question.

Your friend does not like children ,it seems.The child must come first, and you are her only mother.

Take the highway might bring her around if not she didnt want it anyway

People engaged in homosexual likestyle often seem to have a lot of issues. Your partner seems dangerous to me. I would encourage you to get out of this arrangement asap. Find a Bible preaching church and examine your life choices.

There are so many red flags there you could have a Christmas bunting! You have two choices at this point. A) councilling for your partner (and you) or B) walk for the safety of you and your child.

There are a lot of red flags. This woman needs some serious help. Why are you letting her spank her all the time. This woman doesn’t have the patience and two year olds can be very trying. Has she ever heard of the terrible two’s. Stand your ground. Both of you need some counseling to conquer this situation. By the way you never, never leave your child in a car alone. What is the matter with this woman anyway. Leave immediately.

Get ur kid and get out of there for god sake

No to spanking, no to leaving them in the car.

But I think your Chica needs some attention from you… I did this to my first husband … basically the kids were born and I didn’t give a ratsass about him… nor did I have time.

You have the 2 year old in the room with you… that means even your bedroom is not sacred to the relationship. No pillow talk and no fun unless your sneaky and super quie

I can’t help but wonder if she’s exhausted.

I mean if she wasn’t always like this… then dig deep to find out why.

If she was always like this… prepare for a life of misery. When you love someone… you bring out the best in each other.

You are in a toxic relationship. Daughter comes first…no matter what.

And she could’ve gone into the store to pick up the Insta-cart herself. Sounds controlling or she constantly needs u to prove u love to her over and over. Or wants to see if u will pick your daughter over her.

You didn’t need to ask. You know what’s right


Get out of that relationship as soon as you can

Hi is your partner jealous of the bond you have with your daughter? Perhaps try counselling for you both or just call it a Day. Hope this helps x

Red flags all the way! You and your daughter deserve better.

Say thank you and exit, this is not a healthy relationship

Girl i am not one who usually gets on here and tells people to leave their relationships, but omg girl fucking leave!!! Runn!! Fast!! She really needs to re evaluate her life…
She doesnt give a crap about your baby. She is definitely the crazy one in the relationship!! You and your baby need a wayy better environment!! Smh please get away from her.

Leave!! Too many red flags. She sounds very selfish and only thinks about herself

You better walk,now that you and the child are still alive. She is a gaslighter

I had 4 kids and I don’t think she knows what being a parent is just she not watch news on how many babies die being left in car.

It’s going to get worse and ever get better get your daughter out of there you’re getting the right vibes

Get out of that house now!! I and you should not care if you even have to go to a shelter. Did I spank my kids no, but a couple of times got a pow on the bottom ( running into the street, climbing the antenna tower etc.) My daughter’s dad once picked her up at 2 and spanked her so hard her legs were flying around. I siced my dog on him grabbed her and me her and the dog left right then. Never ever went back. Once that happens it will only get worse for the child. He wasn’t allowed to see her by court order until she was 12 and he completed anger management and was seeing a psychiatrist for his anger. Up until that point there was no anger. He just snapped.

Life is so fragile!Don’t ever leave your child alone under any circumstances. You are responsible.God gave her to you to take care of.

She sounds narcissistic to me. In my opinion you are completely right and your daughter comes first. Red flags everywhere.

Time to leave. She is toxic for you and your daughter. You sound like a great mom. Good luck.

Run for the hills. She won’t change.

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Leave the toxicity and find God and He will make a way for you. No fear just faith.

You said it yourself, “you will always pick your daughter over her” as it should be.

Just by reading everything you ready know what’s best for you and your daughter…Run Forest…Run!

Leave Your GF, Your Baby Should Come First As For Your GF She Dynamite Wanting to Explode Stay Safe


Abuse is abuse. Get out, both of you.

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Your daughter isn’t safe, leave now. No one in 2021 would think it’s ok to leave a child in the car.

The red flags are now a raging fire. Run for your life and you daughter. Isn’t leaving a baby alone in a car against the LAW?

Shes not respecting you, tell her please leave, that it’s time.

She doesn’t have a heart if she can’t feel for a baby that’s sick. You are her mother you must always choose a baby over a girlfriend! Run don’t walk this isn’t going to get any better. Find a partner with half a heart or you’re going to be sorry in a big way later.

Get out now listen to your gut instinct

Leave, is only going to get worse for the both of you…meaning you and your daughter. DON’T LOOK BACK!

Huge red flags!!! She may be into you but not your little girl!!! Run do not walk out that door with your sweet baby girl!!

time to leave or do counseling.

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Oh you lovely mummy, I think you know your right, I hope you find the strength to leave and live peacefully on your own. In the mean keep doing what you’re doing!

Move out and move on. It really sounds as if there are too many differences

You need to take your daughter and leave or put the girlfriend out. She sounds like needs her own space away from a small vulnerable child.

Yes you must leave before someone gets hurt she sounds like a manipulated person so you will be a lot happier with your daughter I have done this

Walk away NOW. Save your child and yourself from a lot of mental health issues.

I’d walk out that door with my daughter in a heartbeat.

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Its no diff than having a man like that.always put your child first,period

I will never stay with some one who don’t put my child first get

Run right now. Be a mother first. She has issues.

Leave m.j ot she will never change do what’s best for you and your daughter

Your children always come first. Period.


Get out your a good dad for putting that baby first

She’s your daughter you set the rules an no you don’t hit a child leave her don’t like what she’s doing to you an your daughter.

Toxic for all, leave before something happens

You need to get the hell away from your girlfriend for yours and your childs own safety sake.

The very fact you are asking these questions should clue you in to the right route to take. I think you have already answered your own questions.

Red Flags :triangular_flag_on_post: for sure! It’s all about her…

Don’t ever leave ur baby in her company alone ur baby is at toddler age crying is their way of communicating seems like she is very short patience

Those are very big red flags. You should never choose anything or anyone over your baby. Either your girlfriend shapes up or she can ship out. Stop making excuses for her and compromises.

Get out of the relationship. She’ll only get worse.

I’m confused is this your child together or yours from a previous relationship.

Get as far away from her as possible!!

Run, don’t walk out. Get her away from your child. You are her protector & that’s what you need to do.

Leave now. No one should ever come before your child - not even your partner

Your child is your priority.Get out of the relationship it’s not going to change.

Get out now ! And it is illegal to leave a 2 yr old alone in a car.

You don’t need to even ask this question. Get rid of the toxic female ffs. She is irresponsible

Get out ASAP!!! Don’t let her gaslight you…you got this

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I agree. It’s a toxic situation

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If someone treated my baby like that I’d be gone

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Why do u even have a girlfriend.
Marry a guy when u have a daughter…she will have a father then.

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