Are these red flags?

Leave 'for your daughter sake
She won’t change. Leopard don’t change their spots
For the safely of your daughter’s. Go

Leave it will only get worse and coughing at night could be a sign of asthma.

Move on she’s not a good fit for you or your daughter. N

You are right and she is wrong. Leave now and find someone that cares about you and your daughter not just themselves .

Do not allow this to happen. Your daughter deserves better.


Omg get out now it’s emotional abuse both of you don’t need that crap so get out now while you can

Run away! This is not good for you and your daughter!

Leave and don’t look back. You sound like you are an intelligent person and already know the answers. Get a game plan and go!

Get rid of your girlfriend! Sounds like she is jealous and I think she could be abusive to your daughter. For 31, she is very childish!

You are a great deal more mature than your girlfriend. And she is gaslighting you hard-core. The only thing that will remotely get through to her is if you walk away from the relationship. You don’t need to constantly be caught between a rock a hard place … girlfriend vs. daughter … and your little one doesn’t need to feel your partner has only conditional love for her and, quite frankly, for you. That’s not a secure upbringing for the little one. And not a good example of healthful boundaries seeing you trying to please your unpleaseable significant other.

The pattern is clear, and the dynamic set. You have to obliterate the pattern by walking away.

There’s a slim chance your girlfriend will decide to change her ways and be more approachable and loving, and less controlling. But don’t count on it. She has been this way much of her life and may just try to get around you, then just insist on her own way again.

Get away from her and if at some point she straightens up enough to warrant giving her another chance … do NOT live with her again for at least 6 to 12 months, during which she is in counseling for her issues.

If she decides to let the whole thing go, count your lucky stars you dodged a very serious bullet. And you and your daughter can live in freedom. Believe me, you’ll find love again. And next time you’ll be the wiser for all you’ve experienced.

Please don’t let her take your daughter with her. EVER


Run quickly, in my opinion you would be better off alone :pensive:

I would definitely get out .
She sounds controlling …

For the sake of your child leave!

Definitely RED FLAGS …my opinion that’s YOUR kid it should be your final say

U need a relationship with someone else or just be by yourself

Get out of that relationship as fast as you and your daughter can run!!!

Leave. Children are not safe with her.

Child over girlfriend. Simply as that. Put your child before anyone…

What all of you are missing is that she is possess with a demon . It will not get better on less she get help to get that thing out of her. Anyone she come in contact with, she will have a problem , it is what inside of her need to be put out.

Consider that baby first. She did not ask to come into this world. U grown, you can survive but you make sure that baby is first priority

Take the highway, NOW!!!

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Definitely put your foot down and walk away!!!÷

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It sound to me you are trying to hard to do both and you can’t you amd your daughter need to leave and live somewhere else and see her on the side

Your child first! If it doesn’t feel right, run!

Time to move on! Prayers to you and your daughter​:pray::pray::kissing_heart:

Where is the father and his help or lack there of is not noted. We are reading and commenting on a story with oneside. The other side of the story might shock us and change our opinion.

You 2 are two different generations of coarse you’re parenting styles are different

Leave, your an adult. You can see right from wrong.

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ur partner sounds horrible

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Run as fast as you can thus women b is bad news. Your child comes first.

Put your daughter first if she can’t accept it walk away

Go go go go go go go…… And go now. It will only get worse, I promise.

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Stay safe. You need to take your daughter and run and fast.

Why don’t you try a normal relationship for a change! Obviously, you have had one in the past. Teach you beloved daughter about male/female relationships … not lesbian behavior. Shame on you. Get away from this toxic and ungodly relationship … can you move in with your parents or other close relative? Get away from this lady … the sooner, the better. SAY NOTHING, JUST MOVE OUT … SURPRISE HER. (Incidentally, where is your daughter’s father … why don’t you look him up? — maybe he would appreciate getting to know his daughter … or do you know who he is?)

Leave asap. Do not think on it anymore. Don’t leave your child with her.

Dangerous situation, Its definitely a red flag, Its scary!!!

Your daughter should come first…She’s an adult…Doesn’t look like you’ve found you soul mate.

Bottom line she is a choice your daughter is always to be first choice and responsibilities. She is a grown up acting like a spoiled child.

No way dont hit. Dont subject her to that

Leave as soon as possible not good for you or your child.

She’s toxic and selfish. Leave now before something bad happens to your baby girl or you.

Run, run as fast as you can.

You need to walk away and live with only your daughter. No more drama

It’s my opinion that you already know what you have to do. She’s making you choose. Choose wisely.

Leave, don’t even hesitate, run as fast as you can.

Your gf is not going to change and it will only get worse. Get out now!

Sounds very toxic I would take the highway pedal to the metal

It will get worse
Leave and don’t look back forthr sake of your dsughter

YES, ALWAYS choose your child over ANYONE!! Lots of alarms here. If she lays a hand on your child call the police!!! It’s a crime, not just “more harsh”!

Every professional knows now that spanking is Abuse, even yelling, is abuse. Your daughter is TWO YEARS OLD, not even fully verbal yet. YOU are custodial (& birth) parent, she has NO say about YOUR child. Keep you & your child away from this dangerous & mean manipulative woman immediately, tell your doctor too & have your child checked.

ONE trauma is enough for a child let alone a 2yo BABY! I’ve been trained & worked in childcare & Family Development most of my life, I’m 73yo. I saw 90 studenrs/day in multiple schools. NEVER again leave her alone with this woman either. I learned if they act like this in front of you, behind closed doors is ALWAYS worse & abuse WILL “grow like mold”.

I was raised by two big “Christian” families, my mom believed the Biblical “to spare the rod is to spoil the child”. All my rural evangelical cousins still are & believe in harsh words & corporal punishments, even brag!! Horrible. Don’t buy it!!

So I’ve been in therapy most of my life bc of those “spankings” & disciipline though the first to go to college (not the first to finish), esp Anxiety. I’m no longer Christian like that, more non-violent practices fit better.

Omg omg read your own words Your obligation is to your daughters well being

LEAVE! Anyone who tries to place themselves above your child, is not the right person.

All I can say to this is, MOVE ON!

RUN!!! Take your daughter and leave!!! My opinion.

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Sounds like you don’t really love her so just leave her.

I would take my baby and hit the highway and not look back !!!

How is that you being the bad guy? Protect your daughter and go.

find your own place piece of mind is priceless

Leave that situation why question it you already know what the right thing to do

Get out now she’s a control freak

Your daughter is paying the price of you choosing a bad relationship. Leave the relationship or eventually in one way or another loose your daughter .

Absolutely walk out the door with your child and don’t look back. This woman is immature and not ready to be a parent. Your child’s safety and health, both physical and mental come first. Focus on being a parent and you will eventually meet someone who shares your interests and parenting style.

Very toxic please leave

I see so many red flags in this relationship. It’s just going to get worse.

Honey it’s time for you and your daughter to move. Children must come first.

I would suggest a change in relationships. She is going to bring you down. The baby is much more important.

How can u even question yourself on this, locking your baby in car was the only red flag you needed but your still there :thinking:smh

Do not walk, RUN as fast as you can.

Put her out and move on these are very serious red flags

Give her the highway I see big problems ahead .serious problems

Leave she don’t care about your daughter.

Really read what u wrote a time or to as if its from a friend what would u tell her to do. Dont listen to strangers

Run as fast u can, this women resents your daughter an sounds like a brat. Your living on egg shells.LEAVE!!!

Bad situation that will only get worse , take your daughter now and RUN

She sounds like a classic narcissist.

Things will not change. Leaving should be your only option.

Your daughter is the one who will suffer through this relationship. Get out ASAP!

You see the red flags, now pay attention to what your mind is telling you.

Pack your bags and go ,get your daughter as far away from your girl friend as you can

Your guts telling you waht to do. Go with that. You already know your answer.

Not a good relationship

She sounds like a two year old lol

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Run and never look back!

Leave her! She’s a selfish bitch who sounds like everything has to be her way! :rage:

Get out now! For your child’s sake.

Run do not walk to the nearest exit

Definitely toxic person! Run!

Get the hell out of the relationship.

Sounds like you shouldn’t be together

srry but from where im sittin you said you would always put your daughter frist but (open the envelope ) test show thats a lie cause you anit take your daughter an RUN

She is dranatic full stop

The fact that you had to ask shows you really know the answer and just want confirmation. Leave. Now.

kick her out. the baby needs come first.

It’s time to leave. No other way to say it, just LEAVE!!!

Not allowed to hit kids here atall

Leave it will never get better only worse especially for your daughter

Keep it simple.your child comes first. Tell her to leave or you leave case close.

Who wants to live like this? Leave before it ruins your relationship with your daughter and your self esteem……

Leave the Relationship there are major red flags