Are these red flags?

Huge, huge, huge red flags. Get out.

Red flags all over the place !!

Your child comes FIRST ALWAYS! PERIOD!

Leave for your child’s sake!

Get out and take your daughter. Sounds controlling

Don’t walk away …RUN, RUN, RUN!

Time to leave. This just won’t end well. Sorry.

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Hard to stand up to some 9ne like that at 21. Leave. Best thing u can do for both of u. NEVER LET HER TALK U BACK TO GETTING TOGETHER AGAIN EITHER. .SHE BEI G OLDER THINKS SHE COMES 1ST AND THE BOSS. DUMP HER NOW!!!

Sounds like a narcissist to me.

It may be hard but GET OUT NOW!!

You need to do what’s right for you and your daughter

You already know what the best thing to do is why are you hesitating

Get out NOW! Before it is too late.

Are you putting your desires ahead of what’s best for your daughter?

Get out of that relationship… it’s not healthy for u or ur :children_crossing:

Think you know what you need to do just by writing this :frowning: xx

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Find a good man and dump the female

Get out of this relationship it’s toxic!

Major red flags. Leave before it’s too late

Hey she sounds like a Leticia stout

Err, Bye, bye is the only sensible response to this yuk

How many more red flags do you need

Yes !!! Lots of red flags

If you leave it would be best

Your child comes first. Leave

See ya! Leave. Do not waste any more time in this relationship. Period.

Yes they are. Get out now.


Take the highway!!! NOW…GET OUT

So very many red flags in this relationship put your big girl panties on

What advice would you give your daughter? Say your daughter is the one in this situation and not you. What would your mommy heart say and feel, what would you tell her? That is the advice you bees to take. You know in your heart and your head what is right. It sounds like you Re looking for confirmation on what you feel? that you are acting correctly and not just line a momma bear. The cR situation is a very scary situation. One thing I am unclear on is your daughter yours? And she is. step Prent or is your child the 2 of yours? Not that that makes a difference on the ouf come. But it could make a difference with courts and also maybe on the way your gf feels about the situation.
Have you spoke to your girlfriend about this? Do you guys just have totally 2 different parent techniques. your kiddo as she gets older will figure out how to play thT in her favor as well. I am not saying the girlfriend is right. It sounds the opposite but we are reading it fron your point of view how would your gf write this same thing up? Just playing the devils advocate. But in the long run your daughter comes first her health (mental as well) and safety. aging look at shT Dvice you would give your kiddo. BecUse by staying you Re also teaching her it is okay to be treated this way. So whens he gets in relationships similiar as she is use to being treated this way, and seeing you treated this way. Will she take your advice. Live by example and teach your daughter what the right way to be treated is.
Maybe have a game art to heart with your gf as maybe she is not seeing what you are seeing. maybe it is just 2 stressful for her. Maybe you 2 should step back and if not cut all ties live separately and take it slow untill you are on a common parenting path? or just cut all ties completely only you know your true situation. But think about your daughter. She is not old enough to mKe the decision to get out on her own. until she is. It is your job as mom to keep her best interest at heart

You should leave or you wouldn’t be asking!

Get out of this while you can! Leave now.

Leave just leave there is no working this out!!!

U hv all the signs u needto remove your child frm her

You can do better than her. X

Girl bye. That’s all.

Dump the women and move on

Leave with your child now.

Your child is YOUR FIRST PRIORITY! Leave your girlfriend!!!

explain to her why shes getting a spanking

Hey mate you have it tell her to get a grip or f off mo 9

You leave as soon as you can!!+

Think you already know the answer! Do you need a moving truck??? :grinning:

Get a lawyer. Document everything. Video if possible. Get out.

Leave your BABY in the CAR??? Do we really have to tell you to RUN?!!

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You need to get the fuck out of there your babies come first no matter who the fuck she is. I would do anything to have my son back but his relationship drove him to kill himself. If you’re not happy how can your daughter be happy It’s time to walk away babe seriously walk away

Giant. Red. Flag. Get out now!!

Honey, this is an extremely toxic person. You need to get out of this relationship fast before she does something horrible. Take your precious little girl and get out and go somewhere safe.

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Stop threatening and realize it’s time to LEAVE

You need to leave for your daughter’s sake. Not even about your guys relationship, because even if you didn’t have a daughter, this sounds like it wasn’t going to work out anyways


It seems as she wants to be in a relationship and be a parent when it is only convenient to her. As soon as something doesn’t go as expected she threats and wants to use fear as a tactic. She is TOXIC!!! Get out from there. Nothing good will come out from a manipulative person. If she cannot undestand that parenthood is stressful, tiring, sometimes you run thin with only one hour of sleep then she isnt ready to be a real parent. It is not what she vocalizes but what she is willing to do and show for you and you guys daugther.

Your child comes first! Your gf is a narcissist and will never change. It is about her and always will be no matter what! You and your daughter will be much happier.

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Pack it up, take your daughter and RUN!!! Do not subject your child to anymore abuse from this self centered, narcissistic person, trust me when I say that it will be the best thing you’ve ever done for your daughter…and yourself :v::heart::pray:

Shes a control freak. Leave her, keep yourself and your baby safe.

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Absolutely red flags are flying everywhere! She doesnt know how to be a parent. Who in their right mind would want to leave a child alone in a car? That’s illegal! She is bothered by the child being sick. She wants you to choose her over your child and is super jealous of your child. The jealousy bothers me a lot. People who are jealous of their partners children most likely end up hurting/abusing them. Then you have her anger on top of all of that? Girl, take your baby and leave before your baby gets hurt or worse!

It’s narcissistic and toxic. That is emotional abuse towards you and your daughter. She can love you and your daughter all she wants but that doesn’t mean she will stop being a narcissist. Read up on a narcissist, she fits the description very well. I loved with one for years growing up and even dated a few. I had a baby by one… If she is making you feel like you gotta choose her over your own daughter then that right there is already a red flag. She is manipulative and trying to control you… RUN

I think you already know the answer to that one xx I didn’t even need to read it all and I know what I would do if this was my children ? You will probably find that not just your daughter will be happier but you also ? :blush: as atmosphere will be more relaxed and not toxic ? Your daughter will be picking up on all of this xxx a happy mummy is what she needs x hope you do the right thing . I’m sure there is someone out there who your meant to be with ? Not this woman xxx

There should never EVER be an arguement about putting your child first . If she cant handle that , she needs to go. Nobody who cares about you or your daughter ,- would even ask you to make that choice . Say bye before its too hard and you dont feel strong enough , shes already doing that to you…shes just going to keep wearing you down

Not her child, walk away! She is not worth the headache and will continue to add to the heartache! You are correct, in that you don’t leave your child in a car alone, EVER! And you should have your child close when they ate sick especially one that young.

This is a very toxic relationship. There is no love here( from roommate) only domination and threats. Run do not walk! away as fast as you can and take your daughter with you before she is seriously harmed.

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Good gosh, get out. You like being in a controlling relationship? Think of your daughter and not yourself. Not good environment for her. Why and why do folks have to be told what to do. Grow up.

Honey…listen carefully. SHE IS A NARCISST! You need to google that. Google it now. She is not going to change, but she will get worse. DO NOT LET YOUR DAUGHTER BE RAISED BY A NARCISST! My father was a horrible Malignant Narcissit and my mother stuck by him and stuck up for him…no matter how ridiculous and cruel he was. I am now 64 years old and only NOW starting to come to terms with what happened to me during my life. GET OUT OF THIS RELATIONSHIP!

I have zero problem saying something that is going to be harsh- this type of personality is the type that ends up murdering their significant others children. People who are so callous towards a baby her age, when sick especially, inwould never trust. I wouldn’t trust this person to be in the next room with my child. That isn’t just red flag behavior- that is get the **** out now behavior! I’m sorry this is the situation you are in tho but please take your baby and go.

It sounds a bit like the two of you are trying to enforce your own ideals in the relationship and I fear the child is and will continue to suffer the consequences. To get a spank on the behind for everything is as counterproductive as merely talking to a child, especially when they’ve done something that could harm themselves or someone else. There’s a middle, and appropriate, ground here that the two of you are going to need to establish BEFORE you try to raise a child.

I’m sorry but you need to leave that woman alone… She was willing to lock your child in a car and go into the store… Absolutely never…

The second she suggested leaving the baby in the car…


Make sure when your running your child is on your side running too. My fear she will take you leaving out on her…protect your daughter… It sounds like this is how she was raises and maybe no one showed her how to be a loving mom…but my mom says always watch who you have kids by…

Good grief! Find a NEW girlfriend!! In any event, get rid of this one! She is toxic!

You’ve already noticed the red flags. Life is short- find a way to get you guys out of that toxic environment. She resents your daughter. Even a 2 ye old can sense the disharmony and negativity and it’s not fair to either one of you to live where you are simply tolerated and not celebrated- I don’t think a conversation with God would hurt. He works in mysterious ways if you’re open to see and listen- Go where you both can shine :heart::two_hearts::heart_eyes:

Leave! You can’t stay with someone you can’t trust with your child.


Sounds like she is competing with the child. I would be done with her at suggesting leaving the child in the car to some things you just don’t do.

Answered your own questions lady. Run

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I have tried both types of parenting. Historically it was “my way or the highway”, while my wife is more of a pacifist. I now do a hybrid of both styles. My oldest child is 24, while my youngest is 5. This gave me 2 different generations of kids. I have evolved as time went on. Now I believe in redirection, with spanking being a last resort. Only for Capitol crimes, and not after 8 or 9 years old (when spanking a kid becomes awkward). I was spanked my whole childhood (daily) and deserved most of them. I believe I am respectful and courteous as a result. I am glad I was punished this way.

Yes…huge redflags…run for the hills. The hallmark of goodness is how we treat those who can’t do us a thing. That woman is a witch and a devil…she wants your daughter dead.

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If as you say your daughter comes first, then pack you and your daughters stuff and run… There are so many RED FLAGS here.

Leave her she is not fit to be a parent, leaving a two year old locked in a car or upstairs alone when sick. WTF!! She should have slept on the sofa. Run…

Yea thats very bad, gotta go

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Leave leave leave leave leave leave for your child’s safety first and yours second ! The whole relationship is a RED FLAG ! Don’t be sorry later when she’s hurt your daughter ! Leave IMMEDIATELY !

A combined parenting is usually frought with issues… 1.) “do you love the child more than me? 2.) a lengthy discussion on parenting styles should be done BEFORE moving in together… the birth parent will always side with their child before their friend/lover/mate, etc. that is a given often overlooked when the relationsip is new… Unfortunately since your child rearing practices are divergent, it sets up a power triagle wherein the child can maipulate and turn one parent against the other. the way children “should” be raised needs to be consistant and unfortunately one’s beliefs are almost impossible to change… a willingness to respect the difference and refrain from judgmental commentary will help the relationship… I highly encourage you to get family therapy… I highly agree that a child (or a pet) should NEVER be left in a car… who sleeps where does not have the potential consequences as leaving a child alone in a car… Picking ones’ battles is important… the bottom line is “blood is thicker than water” … any persons entering into a relationship whether roommate or romantic parnership must wholeheartedly embrace that truth and have enough self confidence to deal with the fact that the non biological parent will always be #2, and have the self esteem to deal with that fact… again… I highly reccomend a good family therapist. Goodluck to both of you !

I’d be gone ,hun u and ur bub deserve so much better truly

Just run as fast as you can before your daughter is hurt

You need to leave that situation

And I wonder what she’s done to your daughter already when you weren’t around

Time to actually leave don’t threaten it leave!

Leave! Seriously my sons father is like this… I had to walk away

Take your girl & Gap It ASAP don’t get stuck because of her guilt trips Ruuuuunnnnnn

Girl leave her ass alone

Get out ASAP. Listen to yourself. You already know the answer.

Please leave.

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You are living in an unhealthy relationship, period!!

Who did you say was more important she’s a narcissist run

Leave her she is crazy

Listen to Susan Akey. She is telling it like it is.

Are you asking if somebody who thinks violence against children is a red flag. Really ?

This woman seems extremely
Immature&Selfish minded!
Everyone knows Children always
Comes first!!! That woman needs
To “GROWUP” u need to explain
To this person,things have to
Change or else

Get away from that woman. She is toxic for you and your daughter


She is toxic. Run do not walk with your daughter. I promise if you stay your daughter will hate you if you manage to keep her. More than likely, she will be taken by DCS, due to the girlfriend. She is already trying to convince you to do things that result in losing your child. Run, don’t walk away

someone should spank her ass and see how she likes it…your right talk to you child this child is only 2 or for get about it…that’s child abuse.

Leave. She is a narcissist and you’ll never change that. Your daughter is receiving mixed signals and is suffering for this. You’ll be happier in the long run.

Leave and never look back this woman is a mean and nasty uncaring individual. You know better or you wouldn’t ask. If you stay shame on you. Please take your child and run.