Are these red flags?

Put your child first always.

Gtfoh of that relationship

Too controlling… I’ve been through this, things only get worse, to the point where my ex would have my daughter by the throat! Get out now!!!


She is toxic. Choose your daughter. She is only 2 years old. Don’t let someone ruin her life.

I think you know the answer already. Anyone who would even suggest leaving a 2-year-old alone in a car in a parking lot while you shop is an idiot! She also sounds like a control freak. Get your daughter and get out of there.

Get gone x narcissist

Omg leave now!!! Don’t wait don’t threaten anymore your daughter does not need this kind of person in her life nor do u

Narcissist. Take your daughter and leave. It will never get better! I was married 18 months to a man like this… it nearly broke me- and my poor son… he paid a huge price!!!

Take your kid and leave

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Why would you even let her spank your daughter? I’d hurt someone for touching my children…and leaving her in the car? That’s illegal. You need to leave now!!!


You are a mother FIRST.
YOUR CHILD should come first before anyone or anything on this earth. If she doesn’t, then your wrong. Get away from this woman. She is not good for you or your tiny precious 2 year old baby. You are very young, still. I understand that things are scary and hard for a young and single mother. Please get out of there. Your little girl deserves better and so do you.


Like I don’t have to finish this. I got like a paragraph in. You need to leave that person immediately. Like right now.

That’s toxic, unhealthy, and harmful to your child.

You need to go


Did she adopt your child? Not sure you explained if you had the baby before you met her or how the baby came about. That makes a huge difference in if you can leave and deny her visitation or rights. Also what state u r in


Please get rid of your girlfriend


1 children come first, always 2 you’re not being dramatic or mean 3 she is a walking red flag 4 leave and never look back


Only advise I give her slap likes she hits a daughter it’s only way

You know they’re red flags! Of course you should leave!! She’s an idiot & given half the chance she be really mean to you both!! You should take your your daughter & forget her!!!

It sounds like she has common Sense & isn’t from the new HYPERSENSITIVE PARENTING technique that DESTROYED this new generation of spineless worms.
She’s from the OLD GUARD… That’s how they USED to do it and EVERYBODY turned out ALL RIGHT and produced a PERFECTLY GOOD WORKING COUNTRY

In the 70s “LOCK the door when you see SOMEBODY COMING I’ll be out in a MINUTE”.
DEFINITELY put the kid in a DIFFERENT ROOM so WE CAN get some SLEEP and go to WORK…


Time to get your daughter and run far far away!! Do not allow her to go anywhere alone with your daughter because with her mind set your daughter is not safe. She is a very selfish person and she will NOT change. RUN NOW

Every single sentence was an additional red flag on top of the previous red flag. Although it started with a 29 year old being interested in an 18 year old, honestly. The discipline issue ABSOLUTELY should have been discussed before you had the first kid together, because disagreeing on THAT topic in and of itsself is grounds for relationship termination…

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Get your daughter out of that. You put her first. And if she was a good parent she would put daughter first over herself. She does not love her as her own. With those actions people don’t change if they don’t see a problem with themselves.

I would pack up and go she’s really selfish and you certainly don’t leave children in a car or alone when there sick

Not good. Lots of permanent damage being done to your daughter at only 2! If I were your mother, I would take her from you until you are living more securely and without your partner.

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If she loved and thought of your daughter as hers she would also put your daughter first. Is she doing that? I do understand she’s grumpy cause she needs sleep. Parents don’t get sleep period and it is toxic for one if them to lash out at the other or child. If you want to stay family therapy would be helpful. The two year old in car thing is simply child abuse

Its only going to get worse and your daughter will be the one to suffer for it. She is jealous of your affection for your daughter!! I would not trust her alone with her!!! You need to leave her now!!

Ummmmmm leave her. She is selfish and your daughter deserves a real woman willing to be a real mother !

toxic! get out. she has no business raising a child and is treating you both terribly

LEAVE!!! She’s not going to change and your daughter should come before her ALWAYS!!

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Get out as a mother its your job to protect your child from people like that

Your gf is a immature selfish person. Please get out before she starts hurting your child.

Lady you all ready have the answer. But you too dumb and blind to see the truth.even if i told you what too do you would not do it.because you want attention yourself. Lady. You have common sense and you have a heart.follow your heart. You followed your heart when you didnt leave your kid in that car. If you had left your kid in the car and she died you would go to jail. Then where would gal friend be???out with another woman. Lady wake you. You got 5 senses please use them.that lady is not for you and your kid. Watch you never know she may want your kid next
A lust demon will have sex with a dog or any other animal. The truth lady. You and your daughter need to run FOR YOUR LIVES. JUST A SICK UNION. RUN LADY RUN.THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. PS. YOUR KID COMES FIRST. CALL DR PHIL.

Kick her the hell out. If your with someone who dont realize your kids will come first in a heart beat then shes not the one for you.

Get out before you do more damage to the child

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Take the highway!! Run as fast as you can.

Kick her to the curb now, your daughter comes first

HIGHWAY. Run really fast, your “Partner” is a selfish self centered narcissist.

Red flags? Hell smells of bipolar,
anger management, manic disorder. You better nip it in the butt before you live to regret it.
Either counseling or get out fast.

Dump her silly ass!! She’s 31 years old and don’t have 31 cents worth of damn sense!!

The highway sounds like a good choice.

The child comes first before a stubborn selfish , dangerously so, mate.

You’re asking a question that you already know the answer to…

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She is plain toxic…take your daughter and run…

Find another girlfriend

Leave her . End of .

Toxic Narcissist…Run!

If you have to ask if it’s a red flag, you already know that it is. Leave.

Throw your girlfriend out!!!

Don’t let no one hit your kid

Your girlfriend is a narcissist. Selfish and mean. You already know the answer to your question. Your child comes first. this women is not good for your child. Period. You know what to do, just do it.

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She is selfish and you should take your Child and leave .

Leave this girl NOW. She is a narcissist.

She’s toxic just leave multiple red :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: an she takes her frustration out on your baby no no move or kick her out

This is a bad situation waiting to happen. I couldn’t even finish reading this is so horrid to me. Your daughters safety and happiness comes first, be very careful with the people you invite into your life. Not all will have good intentions, it’s the most important job you will ever have.


If you have to question if it’s wrong…it’s wrong!!! Pull up your big girl panties and get the he’ll outta there before that child pays for the others bad parenting!


For one I hope you don’t let her take your child anywhere because there’s no telling how many time’s she’s left her in the car. And two I would have left as soon as she said leave her in the car.


Leave hun, so many flags!!

Get out of there pronto!

For your daughter’s sake LEAVE

Your daughter should come first l

Take your daughter and go now

So so many red flags.

You said you pick your daughter over her anytime then pick your daughter, and kick that bitch to the curb!

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach

Don’t think! Use the door, NOW!:no_good_woman:

I think u know the answer :point_down:t2:

I thimk you need to lrave.

Pack lightly and get the heck out!!!

Why are you still there? Get out now :bangbang:

Get out while you can. Your daughter comes first

You’re an idiot for staying. How do you KNOW your ‘girlfriend’ isn’t abusing your child.

The excuse that you have nowhere to run will fill your heart after she hits that kid.


Now tell me again how you have nowhere to run to.

Get your daughter and get out.

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Leave put your daughter first

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You need professional help. Are you Gay?

Get out now its for best for both off you

Get out on your own.

Leave! Take your daughter and go!

Pretty sure you already know the answer.

Daughter comes first!

Please take that little angel and run. Please, please, please.:broken_heart::flushed:

so many red flags truly scary

If it ain’t working leave

God. Did create man and women not gay repent and get out of your situation god forgives what are you doing to your children

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Get out now while the gettin is good!! Get your child away from this toxic immature person!

Walk away…quickly! It will only escalate

Why are you asking this? You know the answer.

RUN! For your daughter’s sake if not for yourself!! You KNOW this!!

Put your foot down and RUNNN FAST!!! You don’t want your daughter around a horrible person like that, specially if she wanted to leave your daughter in the car while you were in the store!!! That’s a HUGE red flag in itself!!! Ditch the B***h!!!

Pack your stuff and get out

Are these red flags ???

You need to ask.Realy :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

You need to take your daughter and leave

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Tell this dumb bitch to go kick rocks leaving your two-year-old kid in the car while you go grocery shopping she out of her mind

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You need to find another friend!

Get out while u can!!!

Leave,run don’t walk.

There sure are Red Flags.

Leave and don’t look back

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U need to get ur daughter and get out as fast as u can.

Daughter comes first

Run away Forrest, just run away.

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