Are these red flags?


Why would you allow this??? I feel sorry for your daughter. You’re supposed to protect her. She’s being abused by this idiot!!!


Take your daughter and leave.


Take your daughter and RUN.

Take your daughter and leave!

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Please do not allow your child to suffer this treatment These are her formative years and this is Unhealthy and (borderline illegal wanting to leave her in a car!!! HUGE RED FLAG) YOU know as a mother what’s best for your child… don’t be a selfish mom and stay in this home just for yourself… do what’s right for your child. They’ll be plenty of time for you after she’s grown up a bit .

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Your daughter number one priority

You need to ick your daughters side.

Take your daughter and leave.

Leave. Major red flags. Your baby comes first.

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: all the red flags!

Run run now!!! Before it’s too late.

she sounds like an ass

You need to take your daughter and leave

Don’t sacrifice your daughter for a relationship.

Get out. U deserve better and so does ur daughter.

U already know the Answer :thinking:

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I’m sorry but she is all about herself. To even suggest locking a child of 2 in a car is horrible and illegal! Go now. Go. Run. Find help and not from her.


This abuse that your child suffers at this point in time is not your girlfriends fault. It is YOUR fault! TAKE your child and RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

You already know the answer.

Why are you still there.

I forgot why are still there?

RUN ….don’t walk,unless she’s open to family or personal therapy
She sounds like a selfish narcissistic control freak.
And you NEVER EVER leave a child alone in a car especially in the evening!
Establish yourself in your own home or apartment and raise your daughter with confidence and love. If you’re working you must find daycare but it’s better than not being able to call your soul your own.


Consult a therepist or get out s as nd get your own place.

Take your daughter and leave

Dump her ass and kick it to the curb.

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This is uncalled for,
It’s emotionally & mentally abusive for you and your daughter. It’s wrong To put your child into This situation. Sound like you need To decide who is more important her vs your daughter and yourself.
A two year old only wants to be loved.
I hoping You decide To get rid of The Girlfriend. She sounds controlling.
Get some Theorapy.
Good luck to you and your daughter.


If you need advice from facebook you are the problem.

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My sister was in a relationship with another woman who took it upon herself to beat my niece with a yardstick (my niece was about 7). When my sister found out, she threw the other woman out of the house and took her off the mortgage - not a cheep thing to do.


Get the hell out of that relationship asap ! It will only get worse & violent ,. She is not rational so nothing you can do to try and make it work , it’s not you ,she is the problem, please be careful,keep close eye on your child don’t leave your child alone with her.take your child and run , you will def.get custody.

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Leave, even though it’s tough.

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Run and don’t look back.

Can’t believe you need to ask!!


You have answered your own question. The child comes first. You dont hit another human being. You absolutely dont leave them in a car. You make sure they are safe. Especially when suck. Shes wrong and would have to go if she couldn’t figure it out . That’s YOUR child’s life .

Get out. She sounds like a selfish person. If your daughter is living with you then its apparent you have custody of her so she should be your number one priority. If the girlfriend refuses to change she shouldn’t have children. How can you possibly love someone like that or live your life always on the edge. You need someone more mature and closer to your own age.

Run, your daughter is your first priority. If she loved your daughter she would always put her health and safety above her own.

Ohhh please please take it from a mom who’s been there an my biggest regret in life is not RUNNING!!! Love your baby enough to choose her, every single time.

100% you should be picking your daughter over her and if she doesn’t get that bye bye

grab that baby and get the heck out of there! This is going to end badly and your child will be affected. Very possibly your baby will be scared for life. Please leave! This person should NOT have children in her care.

I agree with Cheryl your girlfriend sounds a little selfish. Always put your child first. relationships come and go and you’ll be glad you did when you end this one.

You should leave it’s not a good situation

Thats gaslighting 101, huge red flags.

Also, why is it necessary for 2 people to go into the store. One could have easily stayed with baby and the other can go in. It sounds to me like she’s upset that you’re giving more attention to your daughter than her… which is absolutely 100% how it should be.


Time for you and your daughter to leave!!


Get you and your daughter out of there or have her leave. She is going to put so much fear in your daughter it will forever change her and you. Do whats best for you and your child and get rid of that negative, harsh individual. Its only going to get WORSE. Your child comes first always no matter what or Who.


Not a good situation, leave and don’t look back, don’t even think of staying with her, not good :neutral_face:

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You put your daughter first and move on… she’s not the right one for you

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Always choose your daughter and what’s best for her…and you. Walk away. It will not get any better. Walk away. You will feel better afterward.

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find a man or a woman who love your daughter more than he/she loves you… that’s the moat important

if i were you, i’ll grab mg stuff and my daughter and leave that house. i hate her mindset. imagine she wants to leave your sick baby alone? for what? for her? no way! fuck herself… im sorry but it makes my blood boil!


I’m sorry to even have to say this, but it sounds as if…no I’m not sorry… let me be clear, your girlfriend could care less about your precious baby!! Get out now before she harms your child or kills your child. How are you going to live with yourself if you knowingly put your child in harms way just by leaving her with your gf & something happens? Children need love & understanding & to be cared for & nurtured…your gf lacks all of the above.


Run while you have a chance to raise your daughter into a decent, independent young lady. Don’t look back, because God will give you the supportive woman you and your daughter needs.


You already know the answer. Leave before it gets worse.


Please get out of that relationship. I’ve always talked to my children on everything. Please don’t hide anything from them. It will teach them life! I talked & explained everything to my children & even asked their opinions about things. My girls are & have always been real responsible with things & life isn’t complicated for them. Always put your daughter first in your life. You’re doing a great job keep it up. There’s all kinds of help out there. You can do it!

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You’re not the bad guy if you leave. You’re the healthy one, trying to create a calm environment for your child to grow. I married a man who was angry and would lash out when he was in a bad mood, which was way too often. When I left, it took a while for my children and me to relax. But we did, over time. I’ve never had any regrets.

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you and your daughter deserve better… Get your daughter to a safe place.


Run don’t walk… you are in a toxic relationship… your daughter will pay the price if you stay.


Relationships should be 50/50. Apparently you do more than 50% of decent parenting. Children first always! The dangerous suggestions concerning your daughter should tell you, your partner doesn’t think and feel the same way you do. Please don’t leave your daughter alone with her for very long.

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Well.ur child is 1st,you you should not be hesitating as to what you should do,you are legally obligated to protect this child or suffer conseq


If your daughter were in your situation with her boy or girlfriend, what would your advice to her be? Now you know what to do yourself!


Listen closely…when she leaves to go to work have all the locks changed


You already know the answer. You just are not ready to wrap your mindxaround it and accept it. It will not get easier. There will always be one excuse or the other for why not is not the right time. Unfortunately, the person who could thoroughly satisfy you in every way could be passing you by. Wasting more time with this person is not in anyones best interest. Good luck.

Child first.
I’d throw my hands up and keep on walking

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Sounds like jealousy this is how children end up dead. Mom keeps around someone who is not always kind and one day they snap now your baby is gone. Please be safe and never leave her alone with your child. Good mama or not when she’s not upset the moment she is upset things could turn for the worst. Goodluck


Get out NOW this is how murder documentaries begin…


She’s bad news, get your daughter and yourself away from her NOW!
I speak from experience, she’s a narcissist and a gaslighter, and no good will come of staying with her.
If you stay, I promise you will regret it.


Girl, you need to put your walking boots on! It will probably be the scariest and hardest thing you have ever done, but wtf! Sending you positive vibes!!!


:v:t2:she cares about herself and her actions and things she’s saying prove it. I wouldn’t feel safe leaving my child alone with her if she’s putting her hands on her and ok with leaving her in the car alone who knows what she would do if in a bad mood and by themselves. You need to take your daughter and go.


Please seriously consider couples counselling to both learn better communication skills and conflict resolution…even if you seperate you both have a responsibility to your child so will need these skills.

Children should be raised in a loving, caring home without constant arguing if possible. Go


The health and wellbeing of your baby should always come first no matter what. If you feel it’s wrong, it’s probably because it is. I would consider having a discussion with your partner and if things don’t change, send her on her wayv

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Just makes one wonder… if you don’t leave, what does the future hold?

Is she seriously asking a question?

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First off leaving a 2 year old alone in a car can get that child taken by Dept of Children’s Services!! Or kidnapped! It is sending big RED FLAGS!!

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Flags don’t get redder than this!! You both can do better…


Leave. This is abusive. Just the “come here-go away” dynamic for your daughter will make her crazy. Find a partner who enjoys the same things and has the same parenting style as you. Get out now while you can still do that.

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Your daughter should always come first!


Do you really need to ask… you have a child … so you should leave for the sake of your child


Get out now. She is controlling and selfish. She may be “good” to your daughter (fyi, not married, no adoption, not her daughter) but, I’m not hearing that. I am not against an occassional light spanking if warranted, but not all the time and a child should never be left in a car and mama bear knows what is needed when their child is ill. This woman is not parent material. Better to find out now.


Get out now. Your child needs you and your gf is not good for your daughter with that kind of behavior


I’d run for dodge as they say before you 2 get pregnant because it sure as hell will get worse and so not fair to your 2 year old trust me she listening to you too argue constantly. Your right your Daughter always comes 1st well stand by that and protect her Daddy it’s just gonna get worse leave a 2 yr old in a car like wtf imagine whst she will do if she has your child and your not there every Relationship needs trust how could you trust her not to wow RUNNNNN


I cant believe their is a question here. Your partner sounds very controlling. The fact that she asked you to leave a 2 yrs old in a car alone is just sick. You will be fine with just your daughter. Go.


Too many and very obviously NOT the right person in your and your daughters life.


Don’t walk away…….RUN!!!


Your baby comes first. You can’t trust her with your daughter when you are there. What happens when she makes poor decisions when you aren’t there


RUN…do not walk…out!!!
Your daughter is who is important, not her!!


Run, don’t walk, your daughter must come first. I majored in early childhood development and taught for many years…rest assured that your views on raising your daughter are sound.


Imo I think u need to just leave and get away from her that is so abusive to your daughter it sounds like she want you all to herself if she was willing to leave her in the car why u all went in the store who is to say what she may do next get out now if u love your daughter then u do what’s best for her


it would be the highway for her, sounds a jealous selfish woman, not her child so love isnt the same, get rid bet she’s a sly one aswell, just get your daughter and go lots of help out there you dont have to put up with it


Ur with a phyco bitch and u need to get out like yesterday


A change goin’ come and now is the time for you and your daughter to go!


Leave. U have reached a point in ur relationship where u KNOW it’s not right and u and ur daughter r being “punished” for wanting to parent YOUR daughter ur own way and for being unwell?? MAJOR red flags, Girlfriend!! :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: RUN…run away fast! She’s not going to change her ways, u have already asked her repeatedly and u say it ends in a fight and u feeling bad. Take this as a sign that it’s time to go, for ur daughter’s sake, if nothing else. :roll_eyes::thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


When in doubt, GET THE HELL OUT​:+1:soon your daughter will feel the bad vibes and could wind up afraid of her. Baby comes first. You want a partner who is not a selfish ——————:-1:


The two factors that she wanted you to leave your child alone when she was sick and leave her locked up in a car alone (which is illegal as all hell by the way) should tell you she either knows nothing or doesn’t care about raising a child. RUN away with your daughter in your arms cause this woman is tryi6to make you feel guilty for giving a damb about your sick daughter when she easily could have gone and slept on the couch by herself. In no way did you do anything wrong there! And in no way did you do anything wrong by not leaving your daughter alone in the car! When someone constantly tries to make you feel bad or guilty it’s also a form of abuse. You need to leave.


Your daughter is your main interest sounds like you need to worry about her she is your main love

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I’m pretty sure if you read this you’ll have your answer.

Your daughter comes first. I wouldn’t trust this woman as far as I could throw her. Sounds like she is jealous of your daughter. Too many red flags. If somebody wanted me to spank my baby they would be out that door straight away.

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I’m sorry but where is the actual relationship in this??? She is an emotional vampire and too immature to be a parent period


MOVE ON-you and your child always come first.

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Follow your gut instincts always ! Since you are asking , you know the answer ! Best of luck ! Find your peace, good luck !

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Pick your baby up and run weather you love you partner or not your daughter has no choice but to be were you are so go for your daughters sake anyone layed a hand on my son I would onistly punch them straight in the face no matter who they were bye staying and letting it happen weather you realise it or not your picking your partner over your child

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