Are these red flags?

I didn’t read your whole text but I did read enough to feel you need to part ways with her. I don’t think you’ll ever see eye-to-eye on a lot of issues because she puts the guilt trip on you. That’s not love, that’s manipulation and intimidation. Oh btw tell her that it’s against the law to leave a child in a car. I don’t care if the doors are locked and the air is on … it’s illegal and she’s an idiot for even suggesting that stupidity. Idk if your daughter is your daughter or if she is both of your daughter. If she’s your daughter, take her and run. You are much too young to be in an emotionally/mentally relationship.

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Leave and do it now as soon as possible your daughter is in danger

I would leave. I would be afraid to leave my daughter alone with her, because she does not care about her safety and she is an imposition to her.
Your girlfriend needs to be the center of attention and is manipulative. It’s needs to be you and your daughter as a family unit.

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Leave. It won’t change it

LEAVE. ASAP. Before your dtr becomes another statistic for a supposed / so called, " accident ".

I would def leave ! I cant believe she thought leaving a 2 year old in the car was ok. What would happen if she was home by herself with your daughter and she pushed her last button. I wouldn’t trust her.

When you’re a mother/parent. your child comes first… period. Follow your gut. Time to have the harsh conversations.


She will get worse…easy for her to be harsh. Not her child…not that same love. Red flag…get ready to make changes before she hurts your child.

Your daughters safety and well being should always be your first priority.


LEAVE before something happens to you or your daughter. She sounds like a really loser with a bad attitude.

Time to get out of your dangerous relationship. The child Psychiatrist say never hit a child, all you are teaching is abuse.

Do it leave for your daughter’s sake…she is already suffering

Dude, run. This woman will never treat you or your daughter with respect. Red flags. She doesn’t love you.

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Never be afraid to leave when your instincts keep telling you this isn’t right. Sounds exhausting to always have to defend your parenting and values as well.

See a Attorney . Get advise and run with you child

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The situation isn’t going to get better. I lived through some of these situations as a child. Don’t let your daughter live in this type environment.

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Leave…if she’s like this all ready…it’s only going to get worse


She is narcissistic, abusive and manipulating. These are definitely red flags. As your daughter gets older you won’t want her to see you being treated like that. Protect her from this environment.


She better hit the highway.


Get out now! She will never love your daughter like you do. Protect your child. Please leave.


Get rid of girlfriend. She is toxic for you and your daughter

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Leave or this will ruin your daughter and your life.


I have been in the exact relationship, that you are in now. Get out this is a controlling relationship. Get your daughter and leave now


Yeah get out take YOUR DAUGHTER and leave your toxic ,self centered,narrastatictic girl friend,PERIOD.


Both you and your daughter deserve better. Pack your things and go. Safety first of your daughter is your priority. Praying for you and your daughter to have a greener pasture of life without your selfish partner.

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Red Flags :triangular_flag_on_post: for sure & i’d move out with your daughter she doesn’t seem to have yours & your daughters best interest at heart … imagine leave your 2 year old daughter in the car … that’s a big No ? And her to think she’s always right … bye bye Felicia, you definitely don’t need her move on with your daughter Good Luck

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Lol what I find funny is you are the younger woman and sound more mature than your girlfriend :wink: sounds to me you need to get your own place bc she is just tired of having a kid around

Major Red Flags she is jealous of your daughter and sounds dangerous


Your instincts are right on the bullseye - keep listening to them


Don’t walk away ………RUNnnnnnnnn!!!

Run, don’t walk get your daughter out of this toxic situation…

It’s already over. Don’t prolong the agony. Why settle and struggle when the right person is out there for you? Decide who’s leaving and start packing. Protect your finances and personal belongings by making it quick. Not up for discussion, decision made no BS

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Be a good mum & not a “bad guy” and RUN!

Pack up take your daughter and get away from her she is not what your and your daughter need she sounds like a very selfish you finish what she is .

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Hell no, #1, when you heard those words come out of her mouth about leaving your daughter locked in the car just to go grocery shopping, you should’ve grabbed your daughter and flew out of there.! You are making too many excuses, no parent on their right mind leaves any child in a car, let alone a 2yr old.! You will not be the bad guy if you leave, just go.!!

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Grow up you idiot. You wouldn’t know the right thing if it hit you in the face. Encourage your Daughter to find friends with value.

Find a good gentle man,who believes in God. A little girl needs a good daddy.

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To spank a child is a real
Red flag snd other things you said . Putting the needs of your daughter first was the right thing to do .

She is full of a lot of anger . You need to move out of that relationship immediately., god the safety of your child and yourself. Askdrsears is a great source of great information. He is world reknown Pediatrician. He has 8 children anx 3 sons are Pediatricians as well . Your child is a baby . You don’t want her to damage her emotionally.

You need to protect your daughter from this person. NOW!

When it comes to MY child I’d be sending her for a hike!!!

Run!! Don’t walk out. Run!! It only gets worse. My daughter was in a similar situation and it was extremely challenging getting rid of the narcissist!! If you can’t leave for yourself, leave for your daughter. Did you birth her or did she? Is her name on birth certificate? Pm me if you want to talk.

Major red flags. You need to leave.

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This is very real and dangerous, a student in my class got involved with a horrible woman. He should have left her with his child, she was the mother bit no good. She killed their baby(3years old) and put her in the trunk. You probably could use parental counseling to give you confidence to do what’s right for yourself and child. Nothing to be ashamed of, just ask for help.

Run Run Run and DO NOT look back!!! Major red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: You will NEVER change her way of thinking no matter what you say or do! You’re the mother and your job is to PROTECT your daughter at all costs!! Leave while you can and DO NOT listen to her excuses for you to stay(all the promises in the world to change etc.) will NEVER happen! You can find a healthier relationship/Love elsewhere! Trust me! Gods Blessings.:pray::heart:


She’s a narcissist sorry & the behaviour will only get worse. They are all about me me me. Run, run fast. Your daughter is at risk.

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Get our as fast as you can, she’s trying to control you. She will not change, I’ve lived with a controlling husband for 12 years. They never change.

She doesn’t have your daughters best interest and seems to be neglectful.

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Time for you to realize that you need to move on. You are not in a relationship you are in hell.


Please take your daughter and go. Hugs and prayers


It appears clear that she is a danger to your daughter,…and may harm her or worse…she is jealous of your daughter. And the time U spend with her…this woman is bad news


This is not a good situation for you or your daughter. I would take my daughter and be on my own. It won’t be easy but in time you will find happiness :heart::heart:There is help out there!!!

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Your baby comes first!!! Run…


Your children should always come first. Obviously she isn’t the parent type. It’s time to move on and focus on your daughter!


Those are major red flags. Get out now.

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In her eyes you will always be worry no matter not less you kiss her ass you better watch your kid HELL YEP IT’S RED FLAGS . DON’T LEAVE YOUR CHILD BY IT SELF YOU GO TO JAIL

Please :pray: Please take that little girl & GO!

If this happened to me, I would see the red flag and know right away that it’s time to get out! I wouldn’t have to ask for someone else’s opinion. How blind people can be!

Hon you and your child to to rub as fast as you can and Don’t look back. Something is very wrong there and one or both of you will be injured before it’s over with or worst. Be strong and protect your child 1st good luck.

She is a toxic narcissistic person who will continue to drag you down and always turn things around to make you think it’s your fault, run, your daughter deserves so much more and so do you :heart:

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Run as far as you can protect your daughter and your self


That would be a bye for me,and don’t look back. Your baby is first no matter what,and the fact she was okay with leaving her in a car alone to shop is very unsettling

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Just 21. Get out as soon as you can!!! So young to be living miserable!!!

Abuser patterns of behavior.

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Take your daughter and run!

IT IS very illegal, you should never leave a child in a car alone! Never. You run now as fast and as far away as you can. She is very manipulative and is a danger to your child and you. Boy, young man I should say, be very careful, she is not going to do anything for you or your daughter. Be strong and leave for your child and you.

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It looks like you’ve already identified many red flags. This is not a conducive atmosphere to raise a child in. Believe me, life is toooo short to be miserable with someone. I could be just as miserable alone. Make your move​:pray::heart:

I’d still would pick your side. Especially if they r to young to understand. Explaining should come first

Get out now! Your daughter deserves better! Your daughter has to be your priority now and always. Your partner is displaying immaturity…at 31 she shouldn’t be saying that you love your child more than her!!! Leave!

Yes these are red flags, she sounds like more of a child than your daughter is

Run girl! run! And never let someone put hands on your child, especially if you don’t agree with it!

Red flag, do not trust her with your daughter! Your gut is right, always listen to it! Do you know how many kids are harmed by a parents boyfriend or girlfriend. Your job is to love and protect and care for that baby. You need to move on!

She is your daughter and now in an unnatural relationship and your worried about discipline.

First of all. You said. “ you don’t dare tell her your daughter is always first”. Why not ?! She should be ! Please never leave your child with her. She doesn’t have and never really will have the connection and level of love you have for your daughter. Please be careful staying with this person. My best to you and your daughter. Be a Momna first

Say bye felica, you don’t leave a 2 year in car and you stay with your daughter when she is sick

Get rid of her. You are responsible for your child and she evidently doesn’t care enough to be the responsible adult and put the child’s needs first and foremost. She would be gone in a flash. Babies need to be loved, nurtured and taken care of and this fool is too selfish and ignorant to put this babies needs first.

It’s time to start saving up for a place for just u and ur daughter ur girl friend sound s like she wants to be the priority

Abusive man. Abusive woman. It’s the same. Leave.

In my opinion, RUN! I’m a mother of 3 girls one 16, one 15 & a 1 year old. The first mention or slightest hint of someone saying to leave my HELPLESS INNOCENT PRECIOUS BABY IN A CAR ALONE THAT WOULD BE IT & I WOULD BE GONE. EVERYTHING else included however with that suggestion, that would tell em I can never leave my child alone with that person for fear of what they might do and not tell me especially with that child not being old enough to fully and properly communicate to inform me everything that happens. The sky comments towards you and your baby girl she doesn’t view her as her own or respect you as an equal, a person or a mother.

Sorry I don’t know why you are even writing this frist time she but a hand on my baby she would be on the floor and baby and I would be gone

You sound like you’re doing a terrific job raising your daughter, but i feel as though step parents do not hold the same respect to discipline children. God forbid my hubby and I don’t work out and I get into another relationship that person will be taking a back seat with letting me handle certain situations how I see fit. I feel you know in your heart what is best, sometimes the hardest decisions turn out to be blessings in disguise. Good luck to you and keep putting your little girl first :heart:

Sounds like my dad when I was little. Keep that narcissistic asshole away from your child. The first 4 years of life, children are learning everything they need to know about life and how to react to it. Get out, get her and yourself therapy and PROTECT YOUR KID.

YOU’RE CHILD CAN BE IN DANGER! Her safety and well-being COMES FIRST! Your baby girl does NOT deserve that. Leave. Other partners will come, but don’t ever put your child in that situation. Ever!


I would leave. She is definitely not mom material! Anyone that thinks its ok to leave a child alone in a car should not be around d children. Sure she would probably be ok in the ac. But even a locked door won’t stop a predator from breaking. She sounds very controlling and has anger issues. I wouldn’t allow my daughter to be raised in such an unstable environment. You both deserve better! Best of luck!

Girlfriend you can’t reason with crazy, walk better yet run as if your life depends on it, it may


And you’re now packing to leave I hope


Always listen to your intuition. Leave


You would NOT BE THE BAD GUY FOR LEAVING. this IS NOT a good environment to raise your daughter… she sounds like a narcissist and those are the worst types of people, it never works with them. Your child needs to come first.

sounds like she is jealous of your child dont let know one tell you how to raise your baby i wouldn’t trust her with my baby

A collection of red flags will earn you nothing. It’s time you stand up for your daughter and walk away before it gets worse.

Put being a Mother first over being a woman. Then you will have your answer


The day she thought it was a good idea to leave the baby in the car I would of left her stupid ass. Leave and don’t look back.

I think you should pack up and leave with your daughter before something happens to you or your daughter. I think your girlfriend is very Controlling and selfish. Leave before it is to late


First U R THE PARENT not her second get her some books about parenting third YOUR CHILD not hers take charge set ground rules for behavior,spanking is not the answer


Run for the hills! She sounds toxic


She’s a narcissist … you need to get your daughter and get out…… you will never be enough and she will feed of you untill something better comes along…… I don’t know your partner but I do know the pattern

Get away from her now

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Making the choice to put ur kids FIRST will clear that confusion AND someone with empathy would understand, ur baby needs you!

Think of it like this, do you want your daughter to grow up thinking thats how her partner should treat her. You both deserve so much better. And ik its hard, but it will get easier and you will be so much happier and be able to look back and know you made the right choice.

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You’re not crazy b. Pack your bags & run with that bby

Your girlfriend is jealous of your attention being taken away from her by your child’s needs. Your daughter is learning hate and she can feel and sense the resentment your girlfriend has for her. I don’t care what rights she thinks she has but she needs yo keep her mouth shut and her discipline ideas to herself its not her child period this woman and you can play house all you want but its your girlfriend not your wife. You must do what you say ASAP put your daughter first and that means above your own person needs, you are in a toxic relationship with a person with anger issues that you can’t have talk with. Sorry but the girlfriend must go for the well being of your daughter, and I hope your daughters not being left in the car when she is out with your girlfriend. Beware your daughter is not safe alone with your girlfriend