Are these red flags?

It’s YOUR kid!! At the end of the day, YOU are responsible for her. You can play house with anyone you want but sounds like your little girl is the one who is suffering. Poor kid and she’s only 2?!

Your daughter comes first always

Honestly you are in an abusive relationship call and get help and talk the safe steps on getting out with your daughter.

read your post back to yourself, you’ve answered all your own questions and doubts … now you have to figure out how to move on … children will always come first and so they should.

You need to be with someone who shares your views on parenting or it will never work!

Fck that. Child always comes first

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Please let us know what u decide…?

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If this was happening to your sister or friend you would tell them to run for the hills please don’t stay with anyone that will not put a child first any child not a person that you can trust please take care of yourself and your child :pray::pray::pray:

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You’re not crasy, just get the f*** out of there!!!

I didn’t even have to read it all. She’s toxic, leave.


I didn’t have to read beyond how you wouldn’t “dare tell her you would pick your child over her” … I expect my husband and vice versa to always choose our children’s well being, safety and emotions over our own!

That’s what being a parent is and if she won’t compromise or fails to see your point at every chance than it’s not going to work out and will be detrimental to your child’s growth and emotional stability.

Not only are the flags red but they’re on fire!!! Omg! RUN!! She wants to leave your 2 year old alone in a car, that right there shows she should not be parenting with you and is selfish and set in her own ways! Leave before your daughter gets hurt or worse!!!


You need to leave. Our babies always come first. Get out before something serious happens

If you stay is the fight worth it, if you stay do you want your daughter to grow up and have a relationship like yours. Your daughter had a cough and she make a comment about her crying and coughing? Because she didn’t get sleep hello kids get sick they need to feel loved and cherished. What if your daughter grows up and she hears the stuff your girlfriend says ,it will hurt her trust me I know about that one. But in the end it’s really about how you feel can you see yourself 10 years with nothing changing? You should put your foot down she is a grown woman your daughter is a child. Your child needs you more than your girlfriend does.

Your feelings are valid. No matter what anyone says. Parent the way you feel is right. Do what feels right in your heart and gut

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Anyone that doesn’t understand being a mother comes before all and anyone isn’t the right person. Your child depends on you. You are their safe place. Anyone that doesn’t understand that won’t understand it no matter how much you try to tell them or show them


Leave! She is extremely toxic and everything you have stated is totally red flags.

You and your daughter both deserve better.

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She doesn’t like having a child around. Pack up and go

Yeah I say leave, especially after the “just leave her in the car” incident. She seems pretty toxic just from what you are saying now.

Leave and get your child out of there. If CPS is ever called you will be in trouble too because you know what is going on and not getting her to a safe place away from that situation.

Oh my goodness, narcissistic gaslighter and she still asks for advice? I’d be long gone long ago!

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She’s trying to control you! Get out now while you can before it’s too late. They are absolutely red flags and if you have to ask if they are deep down you already know the answer. Love should never cause you pain. Please think about the irreparable harm this will cause your child. They are resilient but also very impressionable and this could cause her to have all kinds of problems later in life

Whoa are u hearing yourself, YOU are not the reason this relationship is not working, read that again !!! You are in a very manipulating relationship, your partner should NEVER make u feel bad for always putting your child’s needs first, you need to be healthy so your daughter can be healthy, do u feel me?! Please reconsider this toxic situation you are in, be well and stay safe :pray: :heart:

Her thinking it would be okay to leave a two year old in the car alone is scary enough. Leave her, with the air conditioner on

You not crazy, leave, she damn crazy… telling you to leave a child in the car, don’t sleep with her when she’s sick, this mother f***** controlling she’s 31 she had more experience than you and taking advantage, it’s not love leave…

You should not put your foot down… put your foot in Dat ass :crazy_face:that bullshit and that is real talk coming from a real woman I keep mine…:100:… walk out now it will save the little one pain and you both misery… greedy ass lucky I don’t know her if i did know her I’d put her f’kn place!!! #Ihaterudebitches #BUHBYEFELICIA

She sounds like a danger to your daughter!. This sounds awful! why are you with someone who is like this with your child? Please leave for your daughters safety!

You already know what to do.

NEVER OKAY TO LEAVE ANY CHILD IN A VEHICLE ALONE. DAMN… is there jealousy? If they’re the ones that have to get up so early in the morning then sleep on the couch by your damn self…I get what you’re facing. I go through it also. Especially about rules. With " Will not be tolerated in this house" and yet acts out and displays the same or similar behaviors that will not be tolerated. I really don’t understand that one. Anyway, your not alone. We should never be put in a situation that causes us to feel like we have to pick and choose a side. You would think that us adults would be able to find a happy medium with how the kids are going to be talked to reprimanded or anything else nowadays the spanking and stuff is just really out and unfortunately so many people feel that the behaviors of the teens today is due to that lack of. I have mixed feelings about all that. Especially when mental health is a factor whether it be in an adult or with a child or both. Sure is difficult adjustment when people have a feel the need to tell them something and yet make us feel so uncomfortable to talk to them about anyting that’s another issue

This entire post screams :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: to me. yes you should leave her in the dust an not look back. She got mad u didn’t leave ur kid in the dam car?? Is that a fkn joke?? Oh hell no she does not love YOUR daughter I’m sorry that’s not love. Annoying cry’s and coughs?? Wow just wow. She sounds narcissistic telling u ur dramatic etc. no you’re not she’s weird af an doesn’t like u pointing it out… If your not comfortable with how she’s “parenting” ur daughter tell her to stop. Period. It’s your daughter not hers. your her mother an her protector.

Your child comes first. If that was my child and I had a partner like her I would leave.

Wtf. R u ok or what??? That’s your child . She needs to fit in with you guys not the other way around

The defnition of ADVICE: When you already know what you want to do but you need to hear other people say it. You already know the answer and what to do. You’re daughter comes first…period.

So sorry, I couldn’t read your whole post. By the second paragraph, it was clear to me you should save some money where you can get your own place for you and your daughter. I currently live with this type of person and I want to save enough to leave my home of 15 years and leave them to it. If they can’t listen to a full sentence without interrupting you with their version of what happened, then you need to leave. They will never listen or understand where you’re even coming from. (God forbid they have to understand your perspective). They actually believe they are God’s gift and that their presence in your life should be taken as a “gift” and you should be grateful. But, by God, please have the courage to evict them from your life. Or kick them out! These type of people will always make it seem like it’s your fault things didn’t work out or whatever. This is their go-to, always. They don’t want you to recognize that your life will be better without them in it. This ALWAYS means that your life WILL be better without them. Always! Please be wise and think of all your options before staying with someone who doesn’t appreciate who you are. :hugs:

This shiit is wrong on both sides in so many ways. “OUR” daughter🤔 so she adopted the baby? Smdh…

LEAVE!! Ur daughter is and will always be more important than ANY other human.

My soon to be ex is diagnosed BPD and this sounds just like him. Run! Don’t walk. It’s not worth your child feeling neglected by you over her. I fight everyday to make our children #1 but the older our oldest gets the more he fights with her and me for my attention. Leave.

Do you have somewhere to go with your daughter. If you do, LEAVE!!!
If you can/have to go to your parents, GO!!!
If neither of those are an option, save so you can LEAVE!!!
Leaving kids and animals in cars can get you arrested in AZ, or people just break the window to rescue them.

Get out now. That is unacceptable. The fact that you’ve tolerated it so far is ridiculous. Your daughter can feel these things don’t expose her to that. Smh.

You shouldn’t need to ask this question your daughter should mean everything and that’s enough said

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You should have already been gone instead of taking time to write this post! YOUR CHILD comes before ANY OTHER PERSON I don’t care who they are! God gave you that child to love and protect. A partner comes and goes a child is FOREVER! so before you take the time to sit down and read all these post saying the same thing GET YOUR BABY AND GO! afterward you can read all these post get your baby to safety!

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Take ur daughter and run

Man U said it yourself… you will always choose your daughter… go. You have her you don’t need anyone else. You will not be alone you have your child for life not someone who will treat you both like garbage

Sound like she is very jealous of your relationship with your daughter

Girl, you need to leave YESTERDAY before she hurts YOUR daughter. She clearly sees her as an inconvenience and in the way of having you to herself. This is a tragedy waiting to happen. She may not be a violent person by nature, but I’m telling you that something isn’t right with her because no sane person would think it perfectly fine or “literally okay” to leave a 2 year old child unattended, in a vehicle, in a parking lot, sleeping or not. But it was a rational thought process for her simply because it’s what she wanted at the time. She’s showing signs of jealousy and research will show you this is a recipe for disaster. I know you love her, but you love your daughter more (or at least you should) and for your daughter’s own good….you need to get gone and recommend your girlfriend seek professional help.

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I law is you not to spank the children any age very nasty lady take your daughter go get her on your side won’t dad see some one about it get an order so she can’t get her hope it works

Not just red flags; you have hit the red wall. Toxic relationship.

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I don’t usually comment on same sex problems but, I can’t help but believe that if it happened between you and a guy, you would have been gone long ago. Maybe it is somehow different when it is between two females, but I view warning signs as neutral. The sex orientation is of no consequence.
Your first responsibility is to your child. If it was just you, follow your heart. When it comes down to your child’s best interest…move!

No you never leave a child in the car alone. Why couldnt one of you shop and the other be home with the child. Why couldnt one of you go in the store? Being that that is your child…she needs to better come to terms with your parenting style. Thats not going to happen and you know change isnt in the future. It ia time to go.

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Ditch her this will never work out believe me💯

If she has no child of her own she does not understand a mother’s love. She sounds very self centered and if she is “playing” the role of a parent she is influencing your daughter. That child is being hurt emotionally if not physically.


Get rid of the girlfriend.

One word after reading the part about… Leaving a 2 year old in a car while you shop. :rage: LEAVE…

The best advice I could possibly give is: Kick her out ASAP…

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Run run and then run some more,this is a bad environment for you and especially for little one.

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She sounds like a narcissistic asshole! Dump her!


Leave! She only cares about herself!

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The child comes first in all things and my thoughts are you are being controlled by fear and that is abusive, this will carry over to your child and if it were me, i would get out of this relationship for yourself and especially for your child


Your daughter needs more than this. This woman is unhinged. you need to leave with your daughter now make her safe


For your daughter’s safety and your mental health please GET OUT! Your spouse is gaslighting you. You are doubting your self because she’s constantly telling you that you are wrong. Your child should always come first. And if your spouse cannot understand that then they need to go. It will only get worse as the child gets older and can verbalize her own needs.


What happened to”judge not lest ye be judged”?

Definitely a red flag just take your daughter and run for the hills

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Don’t walk away. RUN. This will not get better. Ever.

Are you waiting for her to throw a brick at your child ? You’re letting the fact she has a vagina blind you to the fact she is abusive, never leave your child alone with her.

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Total red flags! Get out now


Daughter first. Leave her. She won’t change. And this my way or highway. Well tell her to take the highway.

Fuck her. Tell her to kick rocks🤷🏽‍♀️
Your daughter is just that, YOUR daughter. She should have no part in the disciplinary action, that’s on you. Spanking is my last resort and I hate that I sometimes have to do it, but I would never allow anyone else too, not even their father. We do what we can to communicate but that and time outs don’t always work with our daughter.
As for leaving your daughter in the car by herself, homegirl sounds like she has some screws loose upstairs. NEVER is that okay!! It’s already been this long with no change, sounds like she ain’t bout to now. This whole post infuriates me! When a child is sick, they just want their mom, and this B had the audacity to get mad cuz you didn’t wanna leave her in the bedroom by herself? She needs to grow up and you and your baby need to bounce✌

Get out but please take ur little girl u care sounds like she doesn’t.


Sounds like she’s gaslighting you a lot which is making you doubt your parenting, empathy to your child and own sanity.
She doesn’t seem to care for your daughter with comments such as leave her in the car and being more concerned about herself then the child’s health.

I would leave as it sounds like things are increasingly getting worse, she isn’t changing and blaming it all on you.

I’ve got two kids and I walked away from my toxic and abusive relationship 10 years ago, it was the best fucking decision of my life even if it was a scary one. My kids were 1 and 2 at the time.

Seems like there’s more bad than good.

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She sounds like a narcissist by devaluing your feelings. And she definitely doesn’t have love for your daughter as if she’s her own. Her actions and and resentment towards your daughter show that. I don’t know about you but I don’t appreciate being gaslit and manipulated by someone who is supposed to love me. And I sure as hell would not be able to leave my child alone with her ever, for any reason. Thank goodness you have the the awesome motherly instincts to not leave your baby in the car. You’re not crazy, over dramatic, or sensitive. I’m sure she loves you hun, but she does not love your daughter. Not fully. Not whole-heartedly. Not unconditionally. Just enough to make it seem like there’s love there. She will become more resentful of your daughter and your duty to nurture and care for her. And will probably one day walk out on y’all. Leaving you no choice. And that’s speaking from experience. I had a man who we were in love and everything but we would argue about how I didn’t spank my kids. He would be a dick to them if I wasn’t around. And then he ultimately decided he wanted out. He admitted that he wished I didn’t have children. And was jealous that I put them first. So I’m sure you know what you should do at this point. But don’t fool yourself and don’t let your gf fool you.

She is TOTALLY in the wrong. Follow your common sense, those are definitely red flags. She sounds selfish and self- righteous. I’d say goodbye


Take ur little girl and leave.U are a mother and ur child should always come first.

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They are you kids. Do what you feel is best

She’s low key bothered by your child it’s gross. Red flags your daughter deserves better from you. Don’t feel bad and walk away. No fkn excuses if your child feels sick you should be there right next to her because she needs you.

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Also don’t trust her alone with your daughter.

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Everything you’ve been saying in regards to your ‘girlfriend’ has been a red flag waving violently in the wind! Honey I noticed that you said that you would never say it in front of or within earshot of your partner that without doubt you would always choose your daughter however it’s clear that without perhaps even meaning to but you’re already have been taking sides with your partner over your little 2yr old daughter & I feel like it’s probably so you can simply keep & try to maintain the peace but it’s obvious hun that your little girl would be picking this up despite you believing that maybe she might be too young to do so. This ‘girlfriend’ is NOT the one for you or more importantly NOT THE ONE for your little girl to have in her life. Sweetheart, seriously do your daughter & yourself a huge life changing favour & either leave or tell her that the relationship just isn’t working out for you anymore. Goodluck with both yours & your precious little daughter’s future. Hopefully you’ll make the correct choice for your happiness & that of your little one.


Girl if you love your daughter you need to leave

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Protect your daughter … that’s your job

She is the one that is wrong. To me she is only thinking about herself not you or your baby she’s selfish I would leave never never put someone first before your baby

Run don’t walk. Your girlfriend is a control freak. She is sending so many red flags. Anyone who wants to leave a two year old in the car by herself needs to go. You don’t leave them by there self anywhere. Always pick you child first.

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I’ve never commented on these posts but please get away from her as fast as you can with your daughter she sounds horrendous and a control freak you child’s needs should come first always forget her and move on !! Best of luck

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Now you have gotin your answer I totally agree ! I hope you have packed up and got away from this women !

You shouldn’t even be there writing this letter.
Get medical help for your daughter. Leave with your daughter and encourage your woman to get mental help

Red :triangular_flag_on_post: definately leave.

U know the answer already!!

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She’s a narcissist!!!

Your children always comes first!!!

She would be straight out my door in seconds. How horrible!! For the sake of your little one, I think it’s best you leave her as soon as possible

Please leave this is so toxic and unhealthy for not only yourself but your daughter too. Don’t explain yourself, don’t justify your actions to anyone just please please get both of you out of that environment

leave or stay either way this relantionship is not what your daughter needs to think of as love …

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Take the baby and leave it
Won’t get better

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Leave… right away. No contact.

Leave asap. It will only get worse.

Leave with your daughter not healthy for you are her. A child isnt a burden they are a gift.Change is scary but then again you both will be at more peace rather than walking on eggshells around someone who seems to want to control everything including your inner peace

Your daughter doesn’t need to grow up thinking this is how relationships should be. Putting your child first is NEVER the wrong decision. Also, missing someone after a break up does not mean it was wrong and you should go back. It’s normal. You know the right answer.

A swat on the butt got your attention and made you think before trying it again.

Either you and your daughter run like he’ll or move her out, she’s just nasty, nasty, nasty

Time to show her gaslighting ass the highway then…!
Also - read your entire post again as if your best friend/family member has written it about their own situation and take your own advice that you would give back to them… :two_hearts:

First of all, if she is willing to leave your baby in the car while your there she will do it when your not. That right there should be reason enough to leave. Who does that??? What kind of person leaves a 2 year old in a car by themselves that my dear is child neglect. Flipping nuts why would you even want to be with her? OMG