Get the absolute fu*k out of there.
If it’s the “my way or the highway” type of person. Choose the highway. Each and every time.
You were a parent first an that 2 year old DEPENDS on you. Your girlfriend she’s a big girl and can take care of herself. I would say it’s time to move on since she doesn’t know the word compromise
The fact that shes ok with leaving a sleeping two yr old a locked car is the sign to run. Shes not willing to compromise on anything. RUN. leave. pack up you and your daughter and restart your life when your ready
Walk away, ive told my bf and he agrees luckily that my kids come before him no matter what and he said if i didnt choose my kids first he would leave me coz no one matters more then the kids
Why are you still there? Run away…fast…NOW!
Leave her. She’s toxic and close minded.
Don’t walk run fast as you can
First of all you are with someone who is 10 years older than you, who has had a bit more time to grow & learn but considering the fact that she is willing to say & do all that you have said implies that she has not grown up, that in reality she has no adult mindset & is in fact a ignorant person that will never change. Life is ups & downs but not enough to stay in a toxic relationship. The child that you birthed & raising comes first above all including your significant other, If she doesn’t understand that then honey she’s not for you. She is a huge red flag & you need to do what is best for you & your daughter & honestly that means leaving that person in your rear view mirror. Find someone who is actually an adult with the mindset of an adult that will treat you & your daughter right. Be A Strong Independent Mother Who Fears No One & Bows To No One.
It doesn’t get better hun. Leave while you can. You and your daughter don’t deserve that.
Please listen to all these people responding. This is a VERY toxic relationship. She clearly makes you feel guilty. She’s making you feel like things are your fault if you don’t do it all her way? HELL NO!!! There’s a little girl that YOU grew. She’s solely your responsibility. Ask yourself this, if you saw your daughter in a relationship like this, would you approve? I’ve raised 3 daughters and a son. I’ve seen them go through very bad situations with bf’s/gf’s. She honestly sounds like a narcissist. It’ll never get better. Run honey, run. Take your daughter and get the hell out of there. How can you raise your daughter like this when she will grow up fearing? It’s better to be alone with her than to subject her to another day of this. It is NEVER ok in today’s demented society to leave a child in a car while you go into a business. Thank you for not doing that. Stand your ground. You don’t need her.
Get the hell out of there girl
Run please run now she’s a narcissistic abuser in the making or just in the warm-up stage it’s going to get real bad real quick please leave
I hope you never leave your daughter alone with someone who is okay with putting her in danger. I would’ve been gone!
You are not crazy and your daughter does not need to be in that kind of negativity. I’m sorry but I feel it is the best for a child to be raised in a better environment than what she is already seeing. Patience is what helps a child thrive and that baby needs to see that you wont stand for that kind of treatment so she will not stand for that kind of treatment as she grows. You can NOT leave a child in a car, no matter what. You know these are red flags and they are shining in the light GLOWING. Walk away. I know it’s hard but would you rather feel pain for a few days weeks months or watch a child begin to thrive in life? My opinion I wanna see the her thrive that will then help you thrive. You will be so much happier.
Time to go ! She’s a potential danger to your daughter …what if were somewhere else and she had your daughter and just left her in the car to run in to the store …you’d have cps on you quick if anyone saw her and you could lose your child and she’d be charged as she should be ! Prayers !
She’s gaslighting you trying to make you feel like YOU’RE the crazy one. She’s trying to put your child’s safety at risk. No question about it. Run.
You need to kick her ass to the curb, first leaving your daughter in a locked car is a crime and you could go to jail, your daughter could die in a hot car, your girlfriend is a fucking asshole, and is jealous of your daughter you need to lose her, and if you let her hit your daughter you don’t deserve to be a mother just saying
Leave what is your girl friend thinking we pick are children over us! You need to leave fast so sorry you can do this don’t look back you have your daughter
This has more flags than the 50 statea
Yeah, No. That aggressor mindset isn’t going to change. Definitely can harm your child’s mental health.
Walk away, you’re in a toxic relationship
You already said you will choose “Your” daughter over anything. Start choosing, the fact that you came to social media with this tells you , its time to leave. You will be fine Diva and your heart will start smiling again
Keep that idiot away from your kid
Sounds like she doesn’t really want kids and this will just get worse as the child gets older.
Walk out the door and slam it shut behind you. Your in a relationship with a narcissist!
You need to get your baby and yourself out of that situation and fast!!! Seems like it’s all about control. She could be a serious threat to your daughter, especially if she sees her as competition. There’s no way in hell, that she should want you to sleep with her while your baby is sick. Tell her old ass to kick rocks, and you and your daughter move on.
Toxic… controlling… manipulative… leave! You have got to out your daughter first and you deserve better.
Leave leave now before she gets your daughter taken away! She would have definitely left your daughter in the car by herself and you don’t know what could have happened if you weren’t there
She is jealous of ur child. U R between a rock and a hard place. If u leave u will not be there for ur child. I would stay and fight harder for what u feel is right for ur child. I never left my kids if they were sick. If she wants to sleep on the couch u don’t have to . Stand ur ground. She is jealous of ur bond with ur daughter.
If u leave there is a very good chance she will get to keep ur little girl. I think its safer for her if u stay. She might take it out on ur child. She is jealous of her already. Try to get some counseling. At least u will have proof of her over strict rules.
Hit da road Jack,and don’t you come back no more…
Wow If your arguing like that already, it isn’t going to work. I say move on, and do it now rather than later.
Any time an adult human being (or anyone) has a problem with you putting your child before anything else, that person is toxic and needs major counseling. Never feel some type of way for putting your child first and being the best parent you can possibly be.
I would not be able to live with someone who was clearly hostile towards my child. Nope.
Leave! Now! For YOUR child! Leave!
Watch the Maid on Netflix! Very great at pointing out that emotional abuse is STILL abuse! And doing what is best for your child is a MUST!
I wish I had left mine sooner. My kids took the brunt. What she is doing IS abuse. My ex never laid a hand on 2 my children and we had a third and were engaged. Acted the exact way you described. I still had them taken away due to trauma by their biological father and I have fought the last two years to prove I never chose a partner over my children. That my children come first. After leaving my partner my kids were then taken, I was kidnapped by ex partner, he was arrested, charged, pled guilty, 2 diff. restraining orders later, and 2 years later… my son hasn’t seen his dad since and we haven’t seen his sisters/my daughters since. ALWAYS choose your kiddos first. Don’t ever let anyone doubt you did. this is 100% abuse, gaslighting, and sounds like some narcissism too. She sounds jealous and mean. You need to get you and your baby safe and out. Soooo many red flags my stomach dropped for you.
There’s moms that lift cars off their kids that have been ran over. You mean to tell me you actually need advice on someone abusing your kid?? The answer is simple. She’s gonna end up beating your kid to death if you don’t get that baby out of there. (DUH). I would kill over mine so yea you’re not the victim get your kid to safety before the monster hurts her or cps takes her. Honestly sounds like you need cps involved because you’ve stayed in a relationship with someone NOT related to your baby that’s beating on her. You’re busy playing house with some nutty Nancy. Tf is wrong with people??!
I’m sorry but run she’s definitely not putting your little daughter first and should be
Kids will always be first… I agree with the other ladies RUN FAST HUGE RED FLAGS!!! sounds like she has left ur kiddo in the car before… I definitely wouldn’t let her be alone with her
Leave her ass!!
She’s jealous of your child that is a definite red flag
Also she’s willing to put your daughter in danger with you there (leaving her in car) what will she do behind your back?
Put your foot down and walk away. It won’t get any better.
Major red flags !!! You and more specifically your daughter deserve better. She sounds like a narcissist.
Run!! And take that child with you
Dont just walk away, sprint away!!!
She is very inconsiderate and impatient, as well as untrust worthy (in the sense of wanting to physically spank as well as leave the child in the car unattended for a lengthy period of time, as well as not being able to cope with her being sick and needing to be watched). And if you already don’t have things in common, seems pretty self explanatory. Leave and find someone who TRULY loves you and your child.
You have tried all you can. Now is the time to leave and take care of your daughter and yourself.
Honestly it doesn’t seem like having children was ever part of her plan I think maybe on the good days she tries to think that this is something that she can do but on the bad days really shows her true colors you can’t do that to a child because at the end they don’t understand why they’re being treated different and you don’t want your child to grow up to resent you for keeping her in that situation honestly it would be best to just call it quits and walk away because like you said you’ve had many talks and arguments and it still hasn’t gotten better do it for your child not for you
For the sake of your daughter - leave asap. If she is spanking her then your daughter is being assaulted.
Your child cone before anybody!!!if they don’t like it,get to stepping!!!
While she is at work you pack up and leave .red flags every were your child comes first. Good luck
Leave child in the car! Um no, she’s not the one. Run not walk away
You have to go. You should never ever be put in a position to choose between your child or your lover. Say goodbye. You tried it will never be the same. People don’t change. Take your daughter n leave. Best of luck to you both.
If u have to ask it’s time to get out
Take your baby and bolt
Major red flags … your daughter deserves so much better and so do you
People need to read their own posts and ask themselves… why would anybody put up with that?
Leave right now!! This is an abusive relationship she is controlling you
You no the right decision or you wouldn’t be asking RUN
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Your girlfriend is displaying narcissistic behaviour. I think deep down you know it’s time for you to leave - if you can’t leave for yourself, please do it for your daughter.
Take your daughter and walk away and never look back
Time to run n not look back!
Run! Don’t walk run! Those are huge red flags. The fact that she us comfortable telling you to leave your 2 yr old in a car sleeping in front of you, imagine what she does when your gone. A relationship is about compromise, giving and taking. Not my way or the highway.
The well-being of your child comes before anyone else!!! Move on!!!
Get the fuck away from her now …she is so jealous of the baby …so many res flags everywhere .
And no u are not crazy .that is her trying to get into ur head to make u feel like u are .
If you choose your daughter over her then really enough said, take your little girl and go! She sounds a bit manipulative to me from what you have described and if she says things like you are picking your daughter over her then its clear she is a little jealous of how much of your time the child is taking up and no wonder she can be harsh on her, these are very much red flags and for the sake of your child you must go, its bigger than you and your partner when there are children involved. Good luck xxx
Your doing the right thing, your child comes before anybody, I think your wasting your time with this woman, if she’s not on the same page as you she probably never will be. Your daughter don’t need to grow up hearing you two argue over her. Probably better to turn the page and move on. It will be hard but the longer you prospone it the harder it will be. Good luck and don’t change your a great mum xx
Leave a 2 year old in a car.
You wouldnt…i wouldnt…
But she would…!!
I wouldnt leave my child with her again, what if she actually does this when youre not around?
Thats even before… anything else…
You described a sociopath.
You know what you have to do
Leave with your baby!
Big big big red flags!
She comes across as selfish x you don’t want what shit in your life!
I’d be running away fast very very fast! ……
Get your daughter and yourself out. Now! Nobody. I mean nobody will tell me how to raise my kids. She may just turn that anger into violence and someone(you or your daughter) could seriously be hurt.
Protect your child and yourself and go… also you sound like an amazing mam. She does not.
She is just evil woman who don’t understand whats is it to be a mother, plus u can find loving home away from her
Leaving a child in car, spanking, yelling are all signs of domestic violence and in my opinion open road for a crime….
U are wayyy too young to feel stuck with old cold hearted woman. The sooner u leave the easier u move on
Don’t be lazy and accept her violent behavior just because she is the bread winner you can do better…Unacceptable
Red flags?? Come on! She sounds like a nasty manipulative person that is clearly jealous of a little girl! Get up and go! Before it gets worse!
Leave! She is a narcissist control freak who will always want to compete with your daughter. Your daughter didn’t ask to be born. She had no choice. You do have a choice of the environment in which you raise her.
Toxic abusive and not something you want your daughter to think is normal . Bully strikes my mind . Coming from a survivor of domestic and mental abuse xx
I’ve been in you’re shoes. Grab your daughter and RUN!! It will only get worse RUN RUN RUN
From what you have said I would never trust her to look after my child / be alone with her. These are BIG red flags and as much as you might love her your daughter comes first and I think you should definitely walk away. Of course this is your decision and only you can decide but I think you know in your gut what you should do xxx
Omg run ! She’s a narcissist! You and especially your child deserve so much more ! She wants you and only you she doesn’t want a child by the sounds of it ! Your kids come first your big and bold enough to know that ! Get your child out of that environment ASAP
She is a narcissist. Leave before it’s too late.
As a mother Def red flags put ur foot down and stop it or leave
The whole relationship is a red flag. Believe me, I’ve been in this, leave.
Run…those are the reddest flags I’ve ever seen!!! Keep her away from your daughter. And you are not being dramatic
She’s definitely a narcissist, who is gaslighting you! AND is trying to get you to be a bad parent too. Don’t listen to her. You need to get you and your kid away from her.
There are parents and then there are people who do not understand kids and expect the unrealistic.
For example,your girlfriend could have slept on the couch while you stayed in the room caring for your child,attempting to get some broken sleep yourself.
It sounds like she wants a relationship with no kids and for whatever reason won’t say it and is taking it out on the kid.
If you have spoken about how you parent and said the way she is approaching it is not right than it’s time to walk away from a losing battle.
I have had several relationships where a person came into my life treating me well and acting like they wanted to be part of my life with my kids yet under minded everything I did. They were jealous of the time I spent with them or would want me to go over the top dancing in front of them “proving my love” to appease their insecurity or their need for control. Your child will become resentful and remember you weren’t there for them as much as they needed you.If someone truly loves you than they listen and value you and your children.
There is really no way to balance a romantic life and a personal life with someone who is stubborn as a bull.
Literally sounds like my sons father. Me and our son were nothing but a burden to him. He mentally abused me for 2yrs and then it got physical. I drew the line when he knocked me unconscious in front of the kids… it always gets worse as time goes by… please find the courage to leave. It is going to be hard but it will always work out for the best
I’ve been here Please trust your gut hunny and get out of there for both you and your daughter by the sounds of it she very jealous of your little girl and with the way she sounds and the fact she can just easily want to spank and leave a child in a car what else could she be cable of please take your little girl and run and get out before its to late I no it’s hard but you know what you need to do otherwise you wouldn’t be asking advice your a strong woman you’ve got this run and run as far as you can for you and your little girl xxc
I would never ever leave my child alone with her after the shopping incident. I would run like the wind. Your child is a nuisance to her.
Dump her. Sounds like an ex of mine that never ended well. she doesn’t care about your daughter. She actually manipulated you into feeling bad about HER choice not to go sleep on the couch?? That’s awful. Your daughter will pay for these consequences.
I got half way through this post… havent even read the entire thing and my head and heart are screaming GET OUT, LEAVE, RUN as fast as you can. You are in an emotionally abusive relationship that will eventually get worse and not only for you… for your daughter!!! You NEED to save BOTH of you!
You not gone yet? You know what you need to do… your baby is your 1st priority in life now, and your gf knows that, and is jealous. She’s going to continue playing selfish childish games trying to make you choose. So go ahead and choose now, and save yourself the troubles. Get out!
She spank’s a two year old? And wanted to leave her in a car? Please run away before it’s too late! She could really hurt her, she doesn’t sound stable at all! Please run!
U need move out.on.your.own
She doesn’t have mother instinct. She love your daughter. But she love herself more.
been there ! These are all things to see how far they can go with pulling you away from your child… the niceness she shows to your child will start to decline as resentment sets in… leave!
Nah she(31) is toxic and controlling AF. She needs to go, i hope the younger girl and her daughter get out of that.