Are these red flags?

As soon as she said leave the baby in the car by herself you should of ended it.


To everyone, I cannot stress this enough:

Please :clap: stop :clap: putting :clap: your :clap: significant :clap: others :clap: before :clap: your :clap: children.

If you have to choose between your child’s well-being and your significant other, that in and of itself is a red flag and you should ALWAYS choose your child.


She sounds a right bully leave now with daughter


If your questioning yourself already then you have your answer, if your partner doesn’t want to compromise then it’s not really a good build relationship, a relationship is build on trust and compromising aswell as love (obviously) but when it comes to YOUR daughter, your partner should know without doubt she comes first she priority! Anyone with children would understand this and tbh most decent human beings without children would understand this too. Your not being unfair to your partner at all if anything they aren’t being very understanding. You need to go with your gut, just bare in mind kids grow quick… trust me I know… dont be using this time worrying/stressing over someone else… enjoy your little one being small etc because once they grow up there isn’t no going back. Your still young… you got your life ahead of you. Personally I think your find someone who’s more understanding to you and your daughter but your always going to feel like this with someone who’s stuck in their ways, I wish you all the best with what you decide x

Put her butt to the curb before it to late !!

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As someone who works for the state thank u thank u thank u for NOT leaving your child in the car alone. If anyone seen her she would be taken away and u would have to jump through hoops to get her back. Sounds to me like u are doing all the right things. U are in qn abusive relationship and it doesn’t seem like she truly cares about your daughter at all honestly. No real parent chooses to leave a child in q car alone, or chooses to go sleep somewhere else because your child is sick


She trash…leave her. Do not reason with her, she’s worse than a 2 y.o. Your daughter and you will be just fine.

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Take your daughter and leave!

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Leave her…your child will be affected by this as you are already modifying your behaviour as to not set her off. You don’t deserve this x

Honey you are completely right. I know you probably don’t want to hear that. I think you need to say me And “daughter” are going to find a new place to go, calmly and see where the convo leads

Get rid of her NOW ! do not let her destroy your child’s life. I agree with Hannah read your post back there is your answer. I feel so bad for that lil girl :disappointed_relieved:

Leave! IT WILL GET WORSE! Please.

This relationship is not good for you and especially not your daughter. Get out of it and take your daughter with you… That woman is venomous.


Take the highway girl! Life is to short to be miserable and it sounds like that’s what your relationship is doing to you.

Yeah, MAJOR red flags. She doesn’t sound like she wants to be a parent. She wants a partnership with no kids. You’re totally setting yourself up for heartache. End it now.


Nope, you need to go. She isn’t a good parent and you don’t want your child around that.

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You have answered your own question multiple times
Your partner is a dv perpetrator it will not stop it will not get better as YOUR daughter gets older it will get worse
Your partner is a bit to narcissistic in my professional opinion
Your partner will use manipulation to try and make you stay get out now while you can and before she does further damage to your daughter
Leave and leave now
And don’t give the partner a heads up either

Why do people live with people so soon, especially when there are children involved. Geeze, this upsets me. How much clearer do you need to see the woman doesn’t like your child. She got upset that the child was sick and kept her up…really??? She sounds controlling. Why you had to sleep on the couch with her? Why you had to go in the store with her?

And all this “our child” Nooooo, she’s your child. Check yourself quick before you ruin your child’s life.

Please don’t sweep those red flags under the rug.
Your daughter comes first. You’re a momma, that’s just the way it is.
Please, take your daughter and RUN. You both deserve so much better.


Yes, those are red flags. Your partner is very controlling. That is a form of abuse. More times may be coming in which you will need to choose your daughter’s well being instead of your partner’s insensitive parenting style.

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Coming from experience in bad relationships… You need to get you and your daughter out of that situation as soon as possible!!! It is only going to get worse as your daughter gets older. You both deserve better!!!


Get rid concentrate on your daughter hunni and you are a strong mum will do this alone with your daughter :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

If your daughter comes first like you say grab her and gtfo I wouldn’t want my kids around anyone that thinks it’s ok to leave a child in the car bitch sounds crazy

Take your child and leave immediately. If she is doing this stuff now right in front of your eyes, imagine how it can be if you aren’t there one day. If she is willing to leave a child in a car alone that is obviously a sign she shouldn’t be trusted at all.


A parent should always put their child 1st.

Proud of you for not letting her talk you into leaving your child in the locked car. That could have caused your child to die or you to lose custody of the child.

There are so many RED FLAGS in your original post but what it all comes down to

Are you willing for you and your child to continue living with this woman with all of the tension and strife that comes from your disagreements.

Once last thought

If it were you child and grandchild living in this situation what would you want your child to do?

When you answer that question DO IT.

Oh wow
You need to put that young woman out…and the quicker, the better. She needs to grow up and please don’t ever leave your child alone with her!

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Its dangerous to leave a child alone in car… What if it catches fire… Or someone crashes into it… In hot day she can die for not being able to breath… I would leave take ur child and see how she gets on with herself. I feel for u as i dont think u can leave with child with her calling police she may have more rights unless u get professional help to prove her parenting is not good… Good luck and do the right thing for ur child

You’re still young & she’s 10 years older than you. She should know better. You need to leave. Your daughter comes first before any woman or a man. No question about it. It’s only going to get worse. People shows their true color sooner…


Your daughter is two years old,she is a grown woman,do not stay with her ,she is a danger to you both,the fact that she would ask you to leave your child alone in the car whilst you went shopping,crazy!

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You better put your foot down and leave, she’s a grown ass woman that doesn’t even know how too be civil or have respect :face_vomiting: she’s toxic

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Run💯 I would flat out tell her it’s always my daughter first. My husband knows my kids come first and they are grown. Making a child fear them is abuse. I never had to spank my children I used your approach. My kids are grown and are parents and do not spank. It seems as of your partner is very immature. The red flags are huge and I would be afraid your daughter will eventually be the one that your partner takes her anger and resentment.

I was in a relationship with a female while my daughter was 1 month old to 3 years old… trust me… at the end of the day… if you guys are no longer together, she is still your baby and the other female isn’t. You do what is good for your baby. If she doesn’t like it, you aren’t for her. Period. My mindset now a days since all my toxic relationships is if you don’t fit me, we don’t fit together. And it’s harsh but I cant keep tolerating people wishing people would change for me or be a better person. You either love me and work things out with me and compromise or else we don’t work together. Your morals and values don’t match. And that is very important while having a child. I’m not saying this female is a bad person, but she isnt for you. Trust me, if you don’t do what you feel is right, you will regret it later when your daughter is older.

Fucken leave her I would never let anyone spank my kid.

imagine I just asked you all this and asked for advise? what would you tell me to do? take the emotions away am a complete stranger what would you say? xx


Put your daughters well bieng n safety first !! No way ever leave a child unattended that’s absolutely not right! Sorry but my opinion is you take care of you n daughter first n the bull crap guilt oh you love her more than me DANG RIGHT I ALWAYS WOULD! Goodbye to the girlfriend if she’s not willing to compromise on what you fell is most important!! Find another partner that values your daughter n loves like you do !!

You are the actual parent and it is her responsibilty to follow your parential lead whether she agrees or not! No one and I absolutely mean no one should physically discipline your child ever!


Red flags everywhere. I can’t believe she wanted to leave her in the car. That’s crazy. It wouldn’t take but a few seconds for some to bust a window and snatch her. :flushed:

These ain’t red flags these are flags waving in your face. Get your daughter and run for the hills. You couldn’t ever trust her with your child alone as look at some of the things she says to you never mind if she had her on her own please get out there is so much more to life xx

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The right person doesn’t tell you that you’re being sensitive :heart:

It’s interesting as a dynamic because there’s obviously a bit of a power struggle here. You are the authority on yourself and your child and this is a powerful force and she has a few years on you and is not a biological parent so I think her behavior comes from a place of insecurity, especially clear in her comments about who comes first. She knows she not no.1 in your world and you might notice some positive improvements if you make a real effort to make her feel loved and important. I’m not saying you don’t already do that, but it’s time to put it to the test … If you put the effort in and you are still seeing and hearing frequent red flags you’re never going to win and need to get out. On the other hand, you might find she just needs a bit more attention and improves. Good luck. Don’t stand for unhappiness xx

Leave. If she doesn’t change after that, stay gone.

Get your stuff and get gone!! She sounds very jealous and childish!!! You shouldn’t ever have to tip
Toe around a partner Xx

Trust YOUR intuition…

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If she isnt trying to change after so many arguments and talks about it, personally i think you should gather yours and yoir daughters things and leave…

She’s controlling you and you’re stepping on egg shells if you read this what would you say??? Leave and be a mummy to your baby and good for you for standing your ground she’s your daughter and you shouldn’t feel like you have to pick! Choose s partner that would praise a mummy for staying with her sick baby not be moody cause you’re not being with her!!!

Red flags! Who leaves a 2 year old in a car. If yall have a child she would do that. Best to cut ties and go your separate ways. She is not going to change.

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sounds like you and your daughter are in an abusive relationship, leave!


Kids first. She sounds like a control freak and I think it will only get worse for you and yours as long as you stay . She’s sounding abusive to me . This situation isn’t fair to your daughter. Time to turn the page and move on.

You answered your own question! How could someone compare your relationship to your child’s relationship? This person did not take part in creating this child. Their love is only skin deep. Don’t settle for controlling clingy person to have a roof over your head. Run!!!

If you’re asking these questions, then you know the answer.
It’s your child’s welfare or the relationship.

Time to go… as you said that little girl is your daughter not hers. And it’s showing in brilliant colors by her impatience and intolerance to her on the days she pissy and when the little girl is sick. She seems to think she’s number one in your world and sorry once a mother that child becomes number one not your significant other. Definitely call these red flags don’t threaten to leave just do it. Find yourself again and then maybe one day a relationship.

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She sounds jealous of a two year old which is sad, I would get your daughter and run! The fact she wanted to leave the child in the car :exploding_head: I wouldn’t trust her to be alone with her. Trust your gut.

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Stop putting YOUR daughter in this “(our)” cause that child is not hers, it’s yours. Please choose your child and never stop choosing her over the women you bring in your life. This is very toxic and if you stay you’re leaving your child to grow up in this dysfunctional household dynamic which means you’re going to end up having to pay for her trauma counseling or you’ll end up with a daughter that never seeks out trauma counseling and instead resents you for not raising her in a loving, safe and PEACEFUL home. Pack ya bags, and leave this chick already.


Get rid its your child which should never be hit by another person full stop. Your child is 2 shes a full grown controlling adult.

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She’s A female narcissist… RUN FAR FAR FAR AWAY… SERIOUSLY… you and your daughter will be better off in the long run… seriously leave… it won’t get any better only worse!


All red flags leaving is your best option

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You answered your own question already .

Cut ties.

It’s never easy but the sooner the better, especially for the Child

Sorry but fuck all that. I wouldn’t put up with it. No ones going to treat my child any kind of way. She sounds very immature :grimacing: acting that way at that age is concerning. Sounds like you’re better off with out her.

Leave sweetheart the right person will except you and your daughter and of cause with no doubt your kid comes 1st no matter how good or bad your relationship is

First of all it’s illegal to leave a child in a locked car ac or not that’s child endangerment and you will go to jail if someone reports you as for all the other issues my fiance sleeps on the couch because he snores and had restless leg syndrome so he sleeps on the couch so I can get some rest and he goes to work at 6 am not me as for spanking that too is a sketchy subject DCFS believes it’s abuse a whack on the butt once should suffice but really reasoning with a 2 year old and I know from experience because I have 4 is sometimes futile so is yelling and screaming since you don’t see eye to eye on parenting and she’s putting your daughter in possible danger I would think who is more important in your life and raising your kid is a Life long process never end and if it were me I’d choose my child over anyone so watch who you choose to raise your child with because it will cause Life long problems and raising any child in a hostile home only leads to worse problems in the future

Run away as fast as you can… :sleepy::smirk:… Leave, as soon as you can. Because the longer you stay, the longer you’ll suffer, and your baby girl needs you okay, if not for any reason, do it for her… :heart::pray:

Your child should and must come first!.. And you shouldn’t be guilty or apologetic about it… :sleepy::massage_woman:

Leave, some day you’ll find someone who will be everything you’ve ever wanted and more… :heart::pray:

Don’t sacrifice yourself and/or your daughter for the sake of keeping a person who’s clearly toxic for you and towards you…

Sounds like you need to leave babe. That child needs you, especially when she is poorly… Trust your parenting. You’re her momma… and definitely do NOT leave your child in a car whilst you go shopping… fully agree with you on that…

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Child comes first honey. Baby needs you. Girlfriend is an adult and she needs to grow up!!

Good luck xx


How many times must she prove that you are in the wrong relationship? Do you want something bad to happen before you freaking see the RED FLAGS??? Stop trying to ignore it because you want to stay! She won’t change, she’s controlling and jealous wtf are you still around?? If anything happens just know it’s YOUR FAULT!!! For an adult and a mother you see are stupid!


Please Please please leave you are in an abusive relationship. Get your daughter out this is not what you want to teach her.


Leave ASAP. Your daughter safety it should be your priority and she is not safe around this toxic woman. If something happens to your kid because this woman, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Its clear that she doesn’t know what is to be a mother. Don’t allow her to spank your daughter! That’s a No No!!


Get your daughter away from the woman she sounds like a horrible bitch. Her wanting to leave your 2 year old in a car alone should have been the motive to leave !! Take the kid and run


Kick her to the curb immediately. Sounds like a narsacist to me. Very controlling behavior. Not good for any relationship!


Major red flags everywhere. Leave, and don’t look back, she sounds toxic asf


If there’s no comprimise, it will be a sad long life for you. Sounds like she lacks education on how to care for a child and that the child comes first. Also you are responsible if your child goes missing or is unnattended. There is a law on this for a good reason. No, never, ever, ever EVER leave your child unnattended no matter what!!! It just takes a min for sonething to happen. Don’t be afraid to leave. I believe there is someone better out there waiting for you, you just don’t see it now.

Run. For your poor daughters sake.

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“Ive threatened to leave…”
nothing changes


Run for the hills with your beautiful daughter!


Leave with your beautiful daughter!


First of all leaving your child in a car to go shopping would be child neglect. The risk of doing so doesn’t bare thinking about and i am so glad you stood your ground on this. The fact she think it is ok rings huge alarm bells.
Your partner sounds like a brat to be frank and needs to grow up. You should not leave s sick child alone and if she cannot see that then i would be waving bye as she walks out the door with her bags.
This does not sound like a healthy relationship and it appears to me she loves your child when she wants to and dismisses her whrn she is an inconvenience. As a mum…your child comes first. Good luck x


Wow better Run and now before something bad happens to your daughter


Leave her , that’s not healthy or fair for you or your child. The one of leaving a 2 yr old in the car is a big huge Red flag . Ur kid is 1st .


I don’t trust anyone that their first go-to in discipline is spanking. They relish it too much. You & your daughter would be better off without this person. & I hope you get her seen about that cough


Sorry but she seems resentful of your daughter, to many red flags for me to ever subject my child too. Her wanting to lock your daughter in the car would be a dealbreaker. You are already being gaslighted to feel your being to sensitive,dramatic…No girl you are not. Your gut instincts are hitting u in the face this is wrong. It will get worse not better. I feel sad reading this for your daughter.

Why are you still with her?

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Lock your child in a car ,NOOOOOOOOOO. You need to take your child and go .It seems she would prefer you minus the child. Probably only want her visiting. Run ,mum run


Unfortunately, it’s time to leave. Your partner will not change and you and your daughter are only going to be further harmed by staying. You need to protect your child from this person and leaving is the only way to do it. Good luck.


:v::walking_woman::walking_woman::walking_woman:shes like a controlling man except shes a woman.

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You need to cut ties and go. Your safety and the safety of your daughter is definitely at stake. Always put your child first. It seems that you have a narcissist on your hands. Prayers for you and your daughter


Wow she even get jealous when you need to take care of your daughter. She sounds possessive and controlling. I would leave the relationship if I was in your shoes.


Get out while you still can.

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Leave her for your daughters sake and yours!! That’s not healthy! Maybe she should go be with someone that doesn’t have kids she should not be around them by the sounds of it.

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You need to take YOUR DAUGHTER and leave! She’s all about herself and the fact that she’s suggesting to leave your little girl in the car alone is unacceptable on many levels. Your DAUGHTER needs you more than anything in this world!


Foot down deffo ur daughter comes b4 any1 even someone else u love

That is controlling that isn’t love. It would be best to part ways now. It will be difficult as hell but you will be more then ok when you are out of a toxic relationship. I was in one so I know scary but necessary for everyone. Best wishes to you and your daughter


Time to go, the negative things with your daughter , the mood swings, the safety issue of leaving her alone in the car. Get out now before it affects your child .


Didn’t even read past first paragraph. Leave. Anyone who dates someone with kids understand that kids go before you’re significant other and anyone else. You always choose your kids side no matter what. Last thing you want is your kid hating you or being taken away because your significant other makes you choose between them. Leaves

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I think you know yourself you need to go. Someone else will love you and your daughter more xx

This sounds Toxic…narcissistic, controlling, manipulative….leave honestly, so many red flags xx

Take your daughter and leave ASAP

Thank goodness you reached out. You are very close to to being in a relationship where you have lost all control. She is is controlling you and the relationship and gas lighting you. Your feelings are your feelings. Please make arrangements for yourself and your daughter before this situation turns any more dire.

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What she is doing is abuse. And gaslighting. Your child comes first no matter what. Dont let your daughter grow up thinking that’s hkw she should be treated. Either look into counseling or prepare to do it on your own. You and your daughter both deserve better

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Get rid of her…being like that over your daughter being ill. Your partner sounds controlling and its asif she expects you to chose her over your daughter. Get her bags packed and get rid ASAP,you and your daughter deserve better

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Should leave with your daughter…sounds very toxic

It sounds like you answered all your own questions. Red flags are different from person to person. Different parenting styles, as extreme as yours, will either destroy your relationship with her or your daughter. Your going to have to choose one.