Are these red flags?

She will only get worse, you can’t change or fix her. You say your daughter is first in your life so why are you still with her? Get your daughter out of there before she hurts or worse kills her. Run and run like yesterday!!

Hell to the no!! Your daughter should always come first! And your gf seems like she doesn’t give a flying fuck about your daughter. How are you going to leave your 2 yr old daughter in the room by herself while being sick!! Or even locked in a car!.. You need to leave! Nothing’s going to change, and your daughter doesn’t deserve to be in a situation like that! LEAVE!

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If you’re afraid to tell her your daughter always will come first…then she needs to go…you and the kid are a priority

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GET OUT NOW. DON’T WAIT, GET OUT, your daughters safety and well being are at stake here, GET OUT NOW, the things your child sees and learns is what she will think is supose to be, don’t let that happen, GET OUT NOW, raise her to be a kind, loving person, raise her to be strong, raise her to be the kind of person who won’t tolerate being in that kind of relationship, show her she doesn’t have to be in a relationship like that, don’t ever leave your child alone in a car or anywhere for that matter, for her to even suggest that and get mad cuz you wouldn’t should be the biggest red flag ever, if she honestly cared for your child she would never had suggested that, she doesn’t have that child’s best interest at heart, I’m telling you you and your child are in danger, GET OUT NOW.


I made it half way thru your post.
Time to move on

You are NOT CRAZY!!! You need to end this relationship however you are comfortable with the dismissal… but it needs to be done. There are too many red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:….you can find another significant other” but you only have 1 daughter. She is your primary concern….never ever leave a child in a car alone….or a sick child…. You have to decide… if you are wrong you will be able to fix the situation but you should never leave the raising of YOUR daughter to someone else.


Time to choose now ,her or you kid simple

Yes, lots of red flags. I’d seriously leave her

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Yes red flags why would you let someone spank your 2 year old :thinking:

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Run for the hills before it’s too late


Leave her. I went through this with my ex husband and it never got better.

Sounds a little narcissistic. Doesn’t sound like she wants to listen to any of your feelings. Is she willing to maybe see a counselor to work through these problems? If not, sounds like your going to live your life walking on eggshells. Do you want that for yourself and your daughter? Doesn’t sound here a very good life. The fact that she’s willing to leave your daughter in a car alone is a huge red flag.

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I can’t even believe u are still there after her saying your daughter will be ok in the car on her own!!! The fact your asking these questions means your just a lovely mama and your right you and your daughter deserve more
I hope you find that x

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Get ya baby girl and go


Get out ur putting her before ur child ur letting her mistreat ur daughter and u. U answered all ur own questions u just need confirmation and u have it

End the relationship. Move on. You and your child deserve more

I don’t really get this, are they two females in this relationship or I don’t just understand

Please stand up for your child. The one that’s worth loving wont put your child in this position of chaos.

Please stand up for your child. The one worth loving wont put you or your child in this position. Also remember the american pediatric society is against spanking. There are published papers and in journals this is not an opinion…but medically backed and studied.

Stand your ground. Your child should always come first. One night sleeping away from eachother in order to take care of your sick child is totally acceptable. Sounds like she’s lacking some nurturing instincts necessary to be a real part. How long have you lived together? Sometimes people need more time to adjust to parenting than others and some will never get it. But all around she sounds like she needs a reality check. You threatening to leave her multiple times but the fact that you didn’t made her even more comfortable in the fact that you’re not actually going to leave and she’s not going to take you seriously.

Fucking bitch… your child comes first and over any partner… reading this sets alarm bells loudly… get rid NOW

You know what the right decision is please get out now you can always find another partner but your daughter is always going to be your daughter and she definitely doesn’t deserve to live with your bad choices and really leaving a child in the car alone please get away from this woman

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She is an abuser to you and your kid you need to leave her before your child is taken away


Get the hell out now and dont look back. One day something might happen to your daughter cause shes angry and then ur going to be very pissed off and angry at ur self for it

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You would NEVER be the “bad guy” for walking away and SAVING not only your child from a life of misery (physical and emotional) but you’d be saving yourself!
Not to be harsh but… you’d only be the “bad guy” for staying and keeping your daughter in that situation (and yourself)!
Most likely, it’s only going to get worse… narcissists never change! Trust me… it took me 15 years to leave an abusive one!

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I would be walking away for your daughters safety. The punishment must fit the crime and the age group. It look to me buy what you say that the child is ok to show off then put her back in the cupboard as your partner is not getting the look at me time. I would be planning a move. Far away.

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She sounds like a narcissist… you need to get your daughter and yourself out of there. It will not get any better


She is a narcissist. She won’t change.


Seriously, please get yourself and your little girl out of that and away from that Witch as soon as you can!
Yes it’ll be difficult at first but it HAS to be done!:pray:t4:

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RUN. Take YOUR daughter and run! You will be saving your daughter, and yourself but most importantly your daughter, ALOT of psychological damage the quicker you leave!

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Always choose your kid. She should not even be asking you to pick. Please laeve her.

Oh hell no, she is not worth it, get far away from her before something bad happens to you are your daughter, dosen’t sound like she really cares much for kids, she might claim she does, but actions speak value, and from the sound of it, it’s just gonna get worse as she gets older, END YOUR RELATIONSHIP ASAP, focus more on your daughter now, than having a relationship with anyone.

Please leave and keep your daughter and yourself safe. She will never love your daughter the way you do,and she will build resentment against your daughter because of the attention you give your daughter. Leave this relationship, and do whatever it takes to do it!

Put your foot down & kick her out!

First of all you are living in a sinful relationship. It goes against God’s Word. You need to get out and repent of your sins of homosexuality and allow God to change you. He loves you but He is not going bless this relationship. Jesus died on the cross for you to be free from your sins and He wants a good life for you. Also when you get out of this relationship pray for God to send you a good Godly man for you and your daughter.


Shes jelous of your daughter and at two is hust when the toddler years start and she will need you eveb more now. The jealousy is BIG RED FLAG. It seems that with just those two scenerios alone she is trying to out your child in danger. Trying to find ways to get rid of her. How can u even be with her at this point if you can never trust to let her watch your child. Run.

Your child is always first get away the mental abuse will effect her. Stay with family if you have too !

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From she raised the idea of locking her in the car… and you stayed that was a bad decision…that was also a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

Run away from this awful relationship. It’s not going to improve.

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Who wld lock a kid in a car u wldnt leave a dog in a car run run run xx who knows what she’s capable of

Sorry but of any one ever hit my child and presherd me 8nto doing it id be gone with my child for her safty as well as my own she is obviously an abuser get gone asap

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You and your daughter need to leave before she hurts one or both of you

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Major red flags. I’d leave now x


If you are writing this then you already know deep down what you need to do. 2 year olds don’t know right from wrong, they need to be taught. Not spanked, nor should they be taught fear from their parents.


She has a very narcissistic personality sounds like and they are literally the most difficult type to have a relationship/family with because you will always be wrong in their eyes, even though in reality you may not be on things. It’s always going to be about them, their needs, feelings, etc. They use manipulation to get what they want from others. Best of luck to you but I’d seriously start thinking about leaving and calling it quits. Your peace of mind and your daughter’s is not worth bowing down to keep the peace and her happy.

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your daughter YOUR RULES —PERIOD !!!

Get rid, she’s mental, your child should always come first!

Every one of those things you mentioned is a red flag​:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:, you know what she’s doing is not right. I definitely would not leave my child alone with her.

You need to leave the relationship you’re in. If you stay any longer you risk putting yourself in danger and your daughter.

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First off, you sound like you know exactly what you’re doing with your daughter. You know what’s best for her, and you have done what you need to as a young parent to raise her. As for the environment you’re raising her in, I have to say your partner is not feeding positivity into it as much as they should. Unfortunately they sounded more hindered and trapped, than accepting and supportive. They may have been raised a certain way, or strongly believe in a certain way to be raised, but it’s not healthy and if they can’t unlearn their current behavior at 31, those are major red flags that tend to stick around for a while and rarely get better. It’s up to you if you and your daughter decide to give her a chance to heal and cooperate with you, she will have to accept she needs help and gets it. Things have to change. She needs to show are a more sensitive side to this situation, considerate, mindful, and stop being hateful when she’s upset. Otherwise, the choice is yours, if it’s time to move on, you’ve done great for your daughter so far, you won’t let her down.


Darling this is YOUR daughter YOU carried her YOU birthed her she is YOURS.
The wrong decision would be to stay in this relationship. Any human being that’s ok with leaving a 2 yo in the car so y’all can shop are major red flags, if you weren’t in that car she would’ve left YOUR baby in the car alone. Make moves to better yourself while you’re there in the mean time watch her with YOUR baby. She’s not going to think like a parent bc she is not her parent even if she’s providing for you an the child


You already know what the deal is. Leave her alone. She wanted to leave your daughter alone in a car at the age of 2. But dosent want to alone on the couch and she’s a adult.

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You have no back bone. Stand up for your little girl.Get away from this abuser.


Take your child and leave now, or send her packing. I don’t care what anyone else says or thinks, your child ALWAYS, ALWAYS comes before anyone else. Period.

She is not ready for children and you can’t make her be ready for children. Why would you allow anyone to subject your child to such awful treatment? And you’re asking if it’s red flags with all she’s done? Give your head a shake. It’s not red flags. It’s alarm bells going off- WARNING! DANGER! She is a bag of red flags sewn into one huge red flag! She wants you to choose her and leave your child alone when your child is sick and even in a car, alone? Hello?!

You need to get yourself and your child out and get away and stay away for you and your child’s safety and you need to seek counseling immediately to see why you feel you need to stay with someone like this or need validation that her behavior isn’t acceptable and flat out abusive and neglectful and endangers your child’s safety.

The moment anyone expects, demands, asks, tells, or whatever to put them and their wants or needs above or before your child or their needs is the moment they made a choice to be without you and your child, because you 2 are a package deal.

Don’t walk. RUN! You are endangering your child if you stay- mentally, emotionally, and physically.


im sorry love but you dont need to ask us what to do as youve made your mind up you know what you must do you just want us to say stay and try but please if you feel like you are walking on egg shells then thats not nice place to live

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Take your child and run…

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Leave. She has a serious entitlement issue and feels like she owns you. She doesn’t love your daughter. For her safety and your mental health . Leave

Leave ASAP
You shouldn’t even have to think about it
There are so many warning signs :flushed:

I’m sorry but ur child should always come first!

leave you deserve better.!

You’re 21. She makes you feel bad over things that normal people wouldn’t bat an eye at. Leave her.

Run, baby, run. And don’t look back. She is being mentally abusive to you both

Leave her, protect your child. Your daughter comes first, always. Bitbstupid for your partner to suggest leaving child in the car. :rage:

Run. As fast and as far as you can. She is jelous of your kid. Take your daughter and run. It will only get worse

Daughter first. She should have slept on couch,1 or 2 nites wouldnt hurt her. No you dont leave child in car alone, unless adult age to defend themself. I’m with you.

Just do as your told

I’d never let someone treat my kids like this ever id be out of that bullshi** in a heartbeat! Stuff that

Your child is not safe w this woman.


I’ve been through this myself. Go find someone who will love you and your daughter the way you’re supposed to be loved. Having different views on parenting is fine but not willing to compromise and do what’s best for the child is not.

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If she’s acting like that in front of your face!! What would she be like when your not :eyes::eyes: gtf outta there x

It’s wrong to leave someone who obviously doesn’t care about your child??? Wake up. Your child needs you. That should be your main concern!!!

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I didn’t even get half way through, leave. What do you mean she’s so good with your daughter? She’s TERRIBLE with your daughter.

Nope no noway take ur child and leave. First of all to even suggest leaving a child at that age in a car let alone at night is not common sense. Secondly is she attached to your hip where she can’t sleep on the couch alone for a night? I’m assuming you wouldn’t smack her or vice versa if one of you did something wrong so why is it OK to do it to a 2 year old… U don’t teach by inflicting pain or fear.


Your priorities lie with YOUR child first foremost and always…this child is not old enough to make informed decisions about their own safety…that is your job as a parent…and if you are being put in a position to have to choose…your child is the way to go


You need to end this relationship you sound scared or her imagine how the little one feels when you’re not there time to leave


You gf is a control freak, get out now!

Your girlfriend is more into control than the best interest of your daughter. Her insecurity and self centeredness are what she judges life by. Pack it up and get out before it gets worse.

Be the Good Guy and leave a bad situation, for the sake of Peace. Be Blessed :pray:t5:

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Definatly get rid of her…she sounds toxic
And it reads like she is over the edge with your daughter and has the potential to become worse!! RUN

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Your daughter is 2. Therefore, you are not crazy. Anything u stated about ur parenting skills seems like good parenting. Her on the other hand, she seems a little overbearing, but from my own experiences I’ll tell you now, the disagreements will get worse as ur baby gets older. You seem to truly care about ur baby whereas it seems she hasn’t come to realization of how “good” parenting works. Sounds like you probably have different backgrounds which will probably result in even bigger issues as the relationship progresses.
Apparently. your child will always be seen differently in her eyes because ur baby isn’t biologically hers or she just doesn’t have good parenting skills at all. Sadly, this is a problem only you can decide if u want ur daughter growing up with double standards. I beg u, out of experience, please put a stop to it now and tell her your child will always come first when it comes to whats legitimately right. Save yourself from the future destruction and put all your cards on the table now. Live ur life for urself and child. However,no one agrees on everything but, these types of situations are not to be take “lightly”. Best wishes.

Definitely a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:
Your daughter is more important than any other relationship if they’re not treating you with respect.
ALWAYS choose your child before it escalates!

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She sounds high maintenance and if she can’t handle that your child comes first every time than she’s not for you :heart:

Wakey wakey… I think you already know what you need to do… for your daughters safety x

I see huge red flags here. Do whats right for your kid. Even if its hard….

She sounds abusive, very childish and manipulative. You wouldn’t dare say to her face you would choose your daughter? Time to leave for sure.


Obviously you don’t always pick your daughter over her or else you would be gone already!! Start being a parent and choose your daughter’s mental well being over you want for a piece of meat!! If you stay, you will eventually start neglecting your daughter more to please her.

Your daughter is first, and don’t you leave that baby in a car alone at any moment. Also, do not let her physically assault your child under any circumstances, because if she gets hurt, you will both be arrested.

Leave her. She is jealous of your 2 year old. I would not trust her with your child. Get some perspective, or your child will grow up distancing from you.


Leave …you and your child are in a bad place with her

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she sounds like a narcissist. I’d be taking my daughter and leaving. Children always come before significant others always. All the best.

If you have to write a miniature novel to tell us the issues you know you need to run :running_woman: FAST!!!


She wouldn’t be saying or doing these things if it were her child. Pack up your bags and take off down the road. There are plenty of women that would love your child as their own

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Red flags 100%, she has no right to lay a finger on your child. She sounds very controlling and jealous of your little girl. I’d be so nervous to leave my child with someone like that if she can act like that I front of your face what is she doing when left alone if she ever is? Get out of there lovely xx

Red flags. Run. Don’t walk away. Run. I was in the same exact situation (male version) and had two little ones it took me ten years to walk away. When I did, not only did I have damage but so did my kids. It’s been 4yrs now and we have come a long way but it will always be an internal struggle forgiving myself for not leaving sooner. See your worth and let go. She is a grown ass women your daughter needs you more. You obviously see right and wrong you don’t need anyone telling you to leave if you’re thinking about it. If you don’t do it for yourself do it for your baby.

Please walk away right now. She will get more controlling as time goes on with you and your daughter.

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You are entitled to your feelings and it’s okay for you to feel a certain way no matter what anyone might say. You need to make a decision for you and your daughter that you can honestly live with and have no regrets. Unless someone were to take the same walk in your shoes we can’t possibly make that decision. I wish you the best of luck

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Kick to curb if it was a man doing that you would

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Why did you even ask anything about this. You know it’s no good

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Go…your better off and so is your daughter

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First of all, YOU are the mother, not her! I understand she’s been around since day 1, but she’s also that much older than you and at that age, we’re stuck in our ways. Kids always come first, and you shouldn’t be scared to tell her that, bc if you do feel scared to say that, then you’re not putting your daughter first, you’re putting your partners feelings first; not okay.
She clearly does not have a mother’s thought process, AT ALL. When it comes to kids, everything is no longer about you anymore, it’s about them, THE KIDS. If there is a child in the house sick, and your partner needs to lose some sleep, tell her to get over it or get lost! That comes with being with someone who has a child!
She doesn’t seem like she cares about your child enough to deal with the -not so good days-. It seems like she only accepts it when things are going good. Of course all us mothers know, there plenty of bad days but plenty of good days too and if someone can ride with you during it ALL, then they don’t deserve to hold a place in your heart and a spot in your life.

WALK NOW BEFORE IT GETS WORSE! YOUR CHILD COMES FIRST! Someone better will come along and love BOTH of y’all during the good AND bad days!

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