Married women have the same relationship issues. If married women can’t get it right either being married to a cheater or abuser than single motherhood with no man is Heaven.
This is a joke, right
This ain’t the 50’s anymore. Maybe teach your sons not to abandon their kids? How’s that for starters.
Your ignorant plain and simple. What’s the point of marriage when 50% end up divorced. Thank god too bc I saved so much money
I fortunately got pregnant without being married and when our oldest (24 now) was2.5 us old we married. I wasn’t going to marry just because I was pregnant like my MIL wanted us to. Wasn’t going to pressure my husband of 25 years together and 21 married to marry me due to a surprise blessing. We are now middle 40s and have 2 more daughters and grandchildren now. Granted we had many many bumps in the road but we made ot this long. Good luck to those who struggle and push on and to those just starting out. Hugs
I had one child with an ex, who promised the world and ended up being a horrible human when we finally conceived). Fast forward 6 years, no dating just being me and my daughter, i met a man that was clear with his intentions and never once made me question us. We were surprised with a baby boy very soon in our relationship, got married when he was a year old and had a 3rd on the way, due very soon. Had he not proven to me he could be a father and a loving caring providing man I wouldnt have married him. And i couldnt be more happier with my decision to have kids before marriage because how shitty would it be to have spent the thousands of dollars for a wedding and join into a life with someone who turned out to be a shit dad.
Every situation is different, and marriage doesnt guarantee anything for you or your children.
Just do whats right for you, and your beliefs and let everyone else do the same.
I agree with you, a child deserves two parents!
Why do you need to be married to have children?
Having children isn’t going to save your marriage.
You know why woman are having children and not married!!! Because this is 2022 and woman can do so much better by themselves than with a man you obviously sound pressed…sure hope, if you have a daughter, she does not get pregnant out of wedlock, because you would probably shun her.
If u have to start a conversation with… “at the risk of” then please refrain from speaking
You must be a Karen! It’s 2022 lady get over it… It is none I mean NONE of your business if these ladies are married or not.
Do you know people make a choice not to be married? Women have kids without ever having another parent? Not all children born to unmarried parents are accidents. This is the most ignorant judgemental post I’ve read on fb. Next to the comments. It’s 2022 not 1922
I see what you’re saying. I was one of those women. I woke up. I realize we, as women, are sometimes emotionally immature ourselves and we think trapping a man is the best option. I often even sew post from women saying they “give their man sex so he doesn’t stray”
We shouldn’t be “giving” our bodies so a man won’t stray. Sex should be an emotional thing not something to keep you’re man looking at you only.
I have been married before having my first child and unwed with wanted pregnancies (1 miscarriage, 1 full-term stillbirth) after I ended that marriage, before becoming married to my lifelong husband with my last 4 pregnancies (2 children & 2 miscarriages).
Being married when choosing to have children has absolutely no bearing on a person’s self-worth!
You are an unkind and very judgmental person!
Is it really any of your damn business!!?
You do know marriages don’t last right?
I’m not married been with my S/O for 17 years we have 2 kids together and he has 1 from a previous relationship. So what your saying I because I’m not “married” I shouldn’t have my kids gtfoh bye Karen
You sound dumb af being married doesn’t keep together
You’ve heard of divorce right? Marriage doesn’t mean best circumstances. Shoot I’m glad I never married him. It was easier to leave.
If I was married to my first son’s father, I would subject myself to multiple beatings everyday, and it didn’t start out like that. If I had married him, it probably would have been 1,00,000 times worse. And yes I used BC and the morning after pill, still get pregnant. I married my daughter’s father and then after a year he adopted my son. Best father I could ever imagine.
Well I guess I was part of the 3% because I wasn’t married when I got pregnant with my first child and I used a condom and birth control people really shouldn’t judge anyone you never know what the whole story is. I was a single mom until my oldest was 6 her father left when I was 4 months pregnant
4 bastard children here! 1 you would call legit! Judge all you want!
You do not have to be married to have a family. Welcome to 2022!
1 we had at 15 and Also adopted 1.
What terrible ppl we are!
Marriage doesn’t guarantee anything. And, on the flip side, my ex and I had our son and he was a year old when we got married. We got married in a church and the pastor said of course he’d marry us because we already made the commitment to each other. That all marriage was was a piece of paper and we were making the decision to do it in a religious manner. But that we were already committed to each other. That’s all marriage was before all the legal bs came into play. A commitment between two people.
I would’ve asked anonymously too!
Why you think marriage has anything to do with having a child is beyond me! Do you k ow how many relationships went to shit after a baby was brought into it? you’re ridiculous
Because judgmental mothers like you killed our self esteem and self worth…then add that chitty husband you produced us with who gave us daddy issues…so we went looking for love because you failed us.
Getting married is literally just a piece of paper. I got pregnant while planning my wedding, was together for 5 years planned our wedding found out I was pregnant and still got married like we planned. Just because someone has a child whiteout being married doesn’t mean they have only 1 parent.
I wanna know why you believe you are owed an explanation?
your ignorance is too much to handle, to even try to dissect this cuz bottom line is its not your business, even the way the post is formed is judgy and dripping with bitchy-ness
I’ve been pregnant 7 times btw every time I’ve gotten pregnant except for with my oldest i was on BC and once when my tubes were tied … I’d love to love the life you’re living if you dont understand how dicey birth control is
Kids are the same they are born innocent, but the parents sure have based on these replies, Does that make any sense! I think
It does! But I’m old! When I was young I wanted a plan! We didn’t believe in winging it and hope for the best! It is called RESPONSIBILITY!
Oof. This feels very judgmental and very outdated.
A lot of women CHOOSE to be a single mom first of all.
A lot of women CHOOSE to not be married (for good reasons, but regardless of their reasons, it’s literally no one else’s business).
I personally went the traditional route. Got married, then had kids. Because that’s what worked for me. But that’s also no ones business. If I had chosen differently, I would hope the people in my life wouldn’t think less or differently of me for my choices.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I’m gonna say it anyways::
It irks me that there’s so many unmarried women out there making babies with these losers, then have the audacity to complain about the fact that the guy dumped her and doesn’t want to have anything to do with the kid. If he can’t/won’t commit to you, what makes you think he’ll commit to being a father? A doctor once told me- If you’re out having sex unprotected, you ARE trying to get pregnant. We all know the consequences! So, if you’re not in a committed relationship you definitely owe it to yourself to get on some birth control. It’s really not fair to knowingly and purposely bring a child into an unstable situation.
all those married folks getting cheated on, but stuck bc of legal reasons. Marriage isn’t for everyone.
I know you said to be civil, but this is so damn ignorant I’m trying so hard to be nice lmao.
So, a lot the times people get pregnant on accident. I personally cannot take birth control as I have a blood clotting disorder, and birth control is extremely dangerous for me.
A lot of women DONT want to take birth control, because birth control is actually extremely bad for your health. Not to mention the awful side effects from it that many women don’t want to deal with.
ALSO you do realize even if birth control is used, it doesn’t always work??? I know lots of people who got pregnant while on broth control.
You’re on here posting acting like you’re better than everyone else saying, “I know from experience they don’t work but I was married”.
So is your point that we should all wait to have sex until marriage in case birth control DOESNT work, or that we should use birth control all the time? Because the latter makes zero sense as you yourself said it doesn’t work all the time. Which means you’re actually saying we should use birth control AND wait until marriage to have sex.
Lastly, if a woman gets pregnant that isn’t married, and her child is well taken care of, why the fuck do you care?
There’s hundreds of thousands of children being abused and assaulted, and you’re commenting on a thread about being annoyed at women who have kids that aren’t married? Stfu.
What’s a piece of paper going to do? It doesn’t stop people from cheating and then when you do you have to pay for lawyers and everything else to get divorced and then either one or both parties can be spiteful and drag it on for years
My ex husband did more emotional and psychological damage to my children than being a single parent ever could.
What’s the only thing worse than having kids “out of wedlock”? Marrying someone and staying with them even though the relationship is toxic just bc you have kids. So many of us had traumatic childhoods bc Boomers/Gen x had that attitude you have to be married to have kids. Most of our parents should have gotten divorced if they didn’t instead of raising kids in a toxic household bc they were so worried about what people thought about them.
I don’t understand why it matters to you? Is it hurting you? Noo are you paying there bills no? So mind your own business ! No ceremony or piece of paper is gonna change a damn thing!
I have 2 children, each from two different dad’s. My first was with ex husband two weeks after the baby was born he started to abuse me, I finally left when she was 2 and half months old. He chose to see her every other month for a minimum of 4 hours. She now three years and happy healthy. I got put on birth control when she was 3 weeks old. I fell I love with the father of my second child we got engaged. Found out a month later I was 6 weeks pregnant ( still on the same birth control). He and I are still together and planning our wedding while raising our two kids. So you see being married isn’t the answer to having kids. You should in all honesty delete the post and yourself off this page
Not all people who want a child/children need or want a partner. Some people take care of their kids alone and are fine with that.
Wow really yes a woman can choose to use birth control which frankly fucks up our bodies. But here’s a thought, men can also CHOOSE to not have sex or infact get the snip if he doesn’t want to get anyone pregnant. why should it always be up to us women to pump our bodies full of artificial shit for a man’s pleasure:rofl:. This poster needs a reality check asap
I fail to seem why women think they need a child from every man the go to bed with it will not make him tied to you if he doesnt want to be tied
Being married doesn’t make things any different. Except when the person turns out to be a monster or useless, it’s just even more difficult to get out of a toxic relationship.
- Why does anyone NEED the government to give them a piece of paper to say they love each other?!
- Just because we aren’t married, doesn’t mean my boyfriend loves our son any less. He has a moral AND emotional obligation to our son…it doesn’t matter if we are together, separated, or married…his love for our son does not depend on the relationship between us.
- Married or not, having a child is a responsibility that each parent must take on and they are gonna either step up or back away. Marriage doesn’t guarantee the relationship will work nor does it guarantee that either parent will do what’s right. Humans are fickle, in general, and a piece of paper from the government doesn’t guarantee anything.
- I don’t need a piece of paper to know that my boyfriend, our son, and I are the happiest family TOGETHER
uhhh I’m not married but my son has 2 parents. we have been together for 11 years… marriage isn’t what it used to be. he’s asked and we are engaged but I’m not rushing into signing a piece of paper. we are happy. why would I want to take the chance of ruining a great thing by signing a piece of paper?? We want to be together because we love each other and WANT TO BE!! When your married I feel like you feel like you HAVE to be with that person. So how about worry about yourself and stop losing sleep over what other people are doing with THEIR LIVES!!
“please be civil” after I judge the hell out of single/unwed mothers. Lady you are outta your mind. Divorce is a thing. Being widowed is a thing. There are so many reasons why someone may be single. Mind your own business and don’t worry about how others live there lives. If it has no effect on you butt out
This is such a judgemental post. It’s not the 1950s. You don’t have to get married if you don’t want to. Some people spend 20+ years together and raise families and grandkids without being married. And some people who get married are divorced within 2 years. But overall, is it really your business??
Yikes! Not everyone believes in legally binding marriage for a plethora of reasons. Also many married parents ate extremely toxic and stay togethers for the marriage which damages the children. We all do our best and dont need judged by others.
Well I think if an unmarried woman decides to be sexually active, she can do whatever the fck she pleases. The fact that you think a baby keeps a MARRIED man, too, is laughable. Men can be crap no matter if you’re married to them or not. That statement alone clearly shows your blatant ignorance.
I also wonder why judgmental twts like you exist, but then again, I know how to mind my own business so I never ask
The answer to all of your questions are simple. Keep your fucking nose out of women’s uteruses.
Choose not to be married. I make over half of the money and we share bills and responsibilities. I think marriage is largely outdated. It is is a religious motivation for many but also security for women who do not work outside the home. This is a very closed minded post.
Who are you to judge, let people live their lives none of your business lol
Wow. This is such an antiquated and judgmental way of thinking. First off, I’m married. We have three beautiful children. However, what if a woman has not yet met her soulmate and wants to be a mother? You don’t need a man, except a sperm donor, to have a family, honey. As long as you can support yourself and those beautiful babies, it’s no one’s business how your family came to be. Families come in all different make-ups.
I’m shocked by a lot of these comments… BUT I am not taking the post as being judgemental but I see a lot of people are…
it’s not that she’s being judge mental I think it’s more that she’s looking for clarification on how the younger people think, I can see her point but after reading comments I totally can understand with the younger generation is thinking I never looked at it like that before so now I can kind of understand
Because marriage isn’t important. You can be just as committed without a piece of paper. It doesn’t make them less worthy of a person.
…How tf does not being married relieve the man from legal or emotional responsibility and how does ANY of that somehow affect MY self worth? I really don’t think you know what you’re talking about. I played the marriage game and it was the worst mistake of my life. Living in sin is far more preferable.
All I’m saying is having my 2 kids was a blessing and not being married was too, because leaving is easier than having to go thru an entire divorce.
Do you honestly think that piece of paper makes a difference??? I have been with the same man 36 years, we have three grown children who are doing great. We never married. Our relationship is not perfect but pretty close to being perfect. We are happy. It is how we choose to live & you have no right to judge EVER
Not all people WANT to get married. It’s that simple let them do them and you do you boo
I have a family member who isn’t married to their gf. They have a child together. They do everything together. Go everywhere together. What’s a piece of paper gonna change about that?
What’s it to you? My two babies are the best thing that ever happened to me. Why don’t you ask the guys why they don’t like using CONDOMS? By the way, some of us are glad we didn’t marry the idiot we had kids with. Not everyone can have that perfect little fairy tale of being married and raising a family. We take care of our responsibilities regardless. Charlene Marie
I’m not sure if you know it or not, but your judgement is showing.
Posts like these don’t even deserve a response from those it’s aimed at.
Be civil? You just insulted how many hard working single mothers with your ignorant observation then call for civility? You sure do have a big set !!
I was told since I was 13 you’ll never carry a child. I didn’t need birth control I was in a committed long term relationship and got blessed with a little miracle outside of wedlock and I’ll tell you right now when he got addicted to meth and started beating me & being a danger to my daughter. I called the police and the officer said “thank God you aren’t married. Yes we can get you and your daughter help, start gathering yalls stuff.”
Had we been married- I wouldn’t have been able to leave with my vehicle (it would have been joint property), with my belongs, with my child.
So idk maybe shut the hell up trying to make every situation fit in a cookie cutter perfect world. Bc that white pickett fence dream died a long time ago…
Thank God for single mothers fighting for their kids and giving them all they can.
It’s literally none of your business. Some people don’t believe in marriage.
Because not every woman wants to be married, but still wants kids I’m not married and I have 1 son and another baby on the way, which were both planned from the same guy. Women don’t need to use birth control at all if they choose not to because it can mess with them and because it’s not only women who should be responsible for having safe sex. Who are you to even judge what other women do? You’re just being so judgemental because women enjoy having sex, yes even single women enjoy having sex, what a shocker. Just mind your own business and you can do whatever you want, but you don’t have the right to judge other women for doing what they want
Mind ya business
It’s 2022 the cost of marriage and than divorce is awful. Why not just let people do what they wanna do n mind ur own business?
We had 3 kids and got married just before our 10 year anniversary. Marriage wasn’t important to us our relationship was.
I was on birth control when I got pregnant with both of my kids.
Lmao why you worried about others for ….i have 5 kids wasn’t married for my first 4….here we are 13 yrs together married for 6-7 yrs i chose to wait because i don’t wanna be tied to anyone if things didn’t work but we finally tied the knot …not that …that’s any of your business but don’t judge everyone has their own struggles going on marriage won’t change anything tbh
Why does it matter to you what others choose to do with there lives? Your not raising there kids or supporting them so it’s none of your business. Also why post anonymous if you feel what your saying is right and you believe others should also at least be willing to show who you are instead of posting like this. Also do you know see the divorce rates? They are quite high so even if someone decides to only have a child if they are married don’t mean they will raise there child staying married so then what? I sure hope nothing ever happens in your marriage and you become a single mom and imagine if others told you that you’re wrong for getting divorced because you have kids. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS ABOUT WHAT OTHERS CHOOSE TO DO BECAUSE IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.
If you feel more of a woman because you are married to a man when you birth your children good for you
Who was asking you??
Maybe they want a child and not the man not really anyones business.
Wow!! Just wow!! Smh
You don’t have to be married to have children. Plus same sex couples weren’t allowed to be “married” till like however many years ago. So are you saying they can’t have kids or sex because they’re of the same sex and not married? Also, there’s many reasons for women to not take birth control like health risks, religious reasons, etc. Why try to force a woman to take unnecessary chemicals that can be harmful to her health when men are more than capable to get a vasectomy? Especially since vasectomies are reversible and a very minor procedure compared to a woman getting her tubes tied.
Plus forcing marriage just to have kids is selfish. What if they don’t get along and become very toxic? That’s not healthy for the kids. Kids will more likely thrive off two separate homes with two happy parents compared to living in a toxic home with two unhappy parents.
So then there’s the question of abstinence… which of course is always an option. However, it’s not your life to control to make that decision for them.
There’s also people that don’t believe in marriage.
For me personally, after being married and then having two children and then my ex husband abandoning us for a woman he was having an affair with, I don’t want to ever marry again. I also know I want more children though. In my heart, I live for my kids and I know that it will fill my heart with having more kids and raise them with the goal to create a better future. I can’t raise a husband to better our future but I sure can raise my kids to try.
My suggestion is though I understand your curiosity, you should educate yourself on risk factors of Birth control, educate yourself on children’s development when raised in toxic environments compared to children’s development when raised by healthy happy parents. Also, you should probably realize that the only life you can control or should judge is yourself. What anyone else does with their life, is not of your concern. You’re not the one carrying the child, caring for the child, feeding the child, losing sleep for the child, etc. So unless that child is in actual danger, don’t worry about someone else’s family.
Think you can take your judgmental remarks in your post and shove them right in your bible. Silly woman!! How dare you judge people and comment on there self worth because they are unmarried .
Who put 50p in the nobby
Ohhh baby you need to mind your business!!! Congrats that u want to be married some of us don’t want to get married and we find a partner who wants the same and it works and we are happy!!! Speak for yourself! I had all 4 of my kids out of wedlock and I love them unconditionally and wouldn’t trade them for the world!
I am an unmarried mother. Me and his father have been together going on 18 years this year now. Happily unmarried! We were together 7 years before we had our son. It was unplanned, but it happened. I was told I couldn’t have kids. But after 7 years we had our son. We don’t need to be married to have a child. We are just fine without it.
I have also thought the same thing, I became a single woman at 20 yrs old, after leaving my husband. I had 2 babies, Life was not easy, I NEVER thought of having any more kids, nor did I think I had to find another man, Now to find a guy to have fun with, yes, but not to be serious with, yet. I couldn’t do that to my kids, Guy after guy, after guy. Waht would they have thought ??? They don’t remember me with anyone, except maybe a guy or two, ( They are now 50 & 48), I wanted a tubal right after I separated from my husband, but no GYN wouldn’t do it back then, But I always used birth control. I just couldn’t think of bring another baby into this world if I was having a hard time providing for the 2 I already had. And true marriage is only a pieve of paper, commitment is everything, But here, I have read, where, this one has 2 kids from firat guy, then another from another one & this current, they are pregnant again, ETC< ETC ETC> Yes, I do know several people whom are not married but been together for over 25 yr, & another one for 15 yrs, All of their kids are with the same guy, No cheating, All own their homes together. And they are a family. And this is possible, But again here, so many kids with so many different guys
I’d rather be a single unmarried mother than be stuck in a toxic and unhealthy marriage.
Each to their own! This could be a touchy subject for many. I had my daughter and I wasn’t married, got married 4 years later. Everything was great to start with, then things went down hill. I agree, children do not make the relationship/marriage, but at the same time, being married before you have kids, is that really a thing anymore? Me and my husband separated in 2020, I’m with someone else now, have been for over a year, we are extremely happy and close, we also have a child on the way, we are also not married! Marriage is not always for life due to circumstances but children are, regardless of what type of the relationship the parents have. No I never wanted or expected my daughter to grow up in a broken family, but actually, it’s so much better off this way. But if I had got married first, then I would not have my daughter. And yes I was on contraception when I conceived her. These things happen, it’s life. Just roll with it! Be happy in the way you wanna be happy. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
What if I told you my husband passed away? What’s your asshat reply to that?
So being married means a man automatically means there’s emotional responsibility?! Oh wait, it should be like in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s when couples got pregnant they just automatically got married because that was the “thing” to do and then the children of these said “happy marriages” had to deal with repercussions of unhappy parents.
Your comments are silly and ignorant . Birth control isn’t fully effective. Please just worry about yourself.
You don’t need to be married to be in love with someone any real man will be there for the responsibility of his child regardless!
What a stupid statement! I had 3 children with the same man and they were all given his last name and that was that.
In Canada, you become common law married as soon as you share a kid, so you’ve got the same legal status and protections as married people.
Just because you are married doesn’t mean your man will stay.
Women don’t need a man to birth and raise kids. This is a ridiculous post.
I will say if you are not taking care of your kids you don’t need anymore but otherwise just
Please mind your own business, stay in your line, & don’t worry about wtf others are doing.
Stupidest post I’ve seen on here in 2022
Because I don’t want to get married again. Once you’ve been married to a narcissist cheater you kinda see things in a different light. I was for almost 10 yrs. He got my best friend pregnant.(I met him when I was 18. My first love. My first everything). I’ve been with my current boyfriend for 4 years now. I just had my 4th his second baby almost a week ago. I have two with my ex husband.
So I understand the perspective the poster is coming from. However, life is rarely that clean cut. Oh you do this, this won’t happen… sometimes but not always. I don’t think women seek single motherhood of multiples. And I also think most folks initially see a future with the person they procreate with. Things don’t always go according to plan.
Are there accountability issues?! Sure there are. People lie to themselves if they say that none of their hardships in this area are due to poor choices. If you’ve ever been in love you’ve made stupid choices at times.
Bottom line is that life is messy. Do your best, but own your shit!
Many never marry to enable them to receive government assistance
Oooh Karen, you in trouble, girl!
Harsh truth but the world would be a better place if more people valued the nuclear family. It’s totally everyone’s business because it affects the world our future generations live in. I’m certainly thankful for single women who have children and don’t abort, just wish more people did value the institution of marriage enough to put in the work. And the fact that promiscuity is such a way of life now, it’s just sad. Also said is the de masculinity of our men… my daughter’s choices are growing slim. I could go on and on, in short story: too many have pushed God out.
The world is a difficult place. Worry about yourself and the things you can control.
I’d rather have children with multiple fathers, married or not than to be a judgemental Christian who thinks my ways are the only ways of life.
Of all the judgmental comments I’ve seen on here, this takes the cake. How dare you presume, that just because a couple is unmarried, that the they are not a valid family and somehow those fathers don’t love their children as much as those who are married to their partners?!
I’d like to know how a piece of paper makes your birth control failure ok, but an unmarried mother’s is somehow shameful
In the most civil way possible, get a grip lady, it’s not the 1950’s anymore
My first was a happy little accident my 2nd we were using contraceptions but I still got preggo he wants to get married he is an amazing dad and he is a good partner but our relationship is still a lil shaky I just think its for the best if we work on us a lil before we get married I plan on getting married only once
I was with my husband 11 years before we got married and had 3 children. We’ve been married almost 5 years and had another child… so marriage doesn’t mean anything either. People marry and have children and divorce 30 years into it…
These are new times . You
Don’t have to be married to have children