At what age should a your son no longer see you naked?

Well y’all may get on my ass about this but I don’t give a damn I work. 10 hrs a day an currently 7 months pregnant I have 2 boys 4&8 and I’m sorry but I will definitely take my bra off asap so they definitely see these jugs but far ass down below nah that’s a little much

He shouldn’t be sneaking,for any reason, full for seeing his mum naked,if you or anyone else thinks anything sexual about it,then it’s definitely you with the problem, to suggest that there is something wrong going on,is sick

I don’t see an issue here, you have just created one - I agree with Carissa Thompson don’t cause a problem when there isn’t one, no offence I as a mother wouldn’t want my child’s STEPMOTHER telling me what I can and can’t do with my son, if the father has an issue, chat to the mother.

My sons are 16 and 9, I change in front of them, I don’t openly just show them my body parts but they might be in my room while I’m changing or in the bathroom while I’m showering, I never thought about it cuz it’s just a natural thing. I’m a single mom, I get no privacy.
I don’t think they even notice I’m naked lol
I guess it all just depends on the people


My son 12, if he don’t want to see me naked, he better go blind, this my house! And if anybody else don’t like it, they can kiss my grass and the hole I pushed him out of!

I think you should just tell her. Obviously you have a great relationship with your stepson and he trust you because he let you in on his secret that he’s been sneaking into his mom’s room and have noticed her naked. She may change what she does she may not but I’m sure if it comes out that you knew and didn’t say anything people will question your love and concern for your stepson.

When he can start to eat solid food.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. At what age should a your son no longer see you naked?

It’s definitely inappropriate and your husband should have a serious conversation with his sons’s mother about it.


That is some deviant behavior. I have raised 3 sons. My oldest being 30. While it is “normal” for a child to see their mother naked on occasion, sneaking into their room at night to “spy” on them is NOT normal and needs to be brought to the mother and step-fathers attention and needs to be addressed.

He’s long past the appropriate age. It’s definitely something your husband needs to discuss with his ex. I mean they make robes for goodness sake.


Yeah my sons 5 (special needs so proberly doesn’t understand as much) but he doesn’t see me get undressed or anything🤷🏽‍♀️

Never at any age I let my sons see me naked!

They should not see at any age.


Inappropriate. If my 10 year old saw me naked, he’d be mortified. As would I.

That’s his mom it’s not any of your business :woman_shrugging: breasts are to feed babies and if she has a baby he will see them anyways, the downstairs area is weird she should at least wear panties but that’s literally HER child and some parents do not feel the need to hide their bodies from their kids. If he said his mom makes him look at her then I would be worried but it’s her house she can walk around however she wants to


Honestly maybe she’s a naturist :woman_shrugging: the human body is natural if it was his step mom or step dad then it would be more inappropriate. But it’s his mum not everything has to be sexual and I imagine age varies family to family. My son (7) pops in and uses the loo while I’m in the shower. There is nothing sexual in it he is not embarrassed and neither am I since he came out of my vagina. What the biological mum does on her time in her house quite frankly is none of your business if it is not endangering him. Just my opinion :woman_shrugging:

I don’t get how it’s inappropriate? It’s a naked body? I don’t purposely get naked in front of my nearly 9 year old son but he does often ask to use the toilet when I’m in the bath or just stroll right into my room when I’m getting changed. Why make a big deal out of it?


I think that is between him and his momma and it’s none of your business.


Ngl I’m more concerned about the fact he’s hiding in the wardrobe spying on people. :joy: I have a 9 year old and I’d find that really strange


How is it not appropriate!! Now if it was yourself then fair enough…thats HER child…she gave birth to him!! My boys might catch me walking from the shower to my bedroom etc, or running downstairs too get clothes…they’re 10 and 11…if it makes THEM feel uncomfortable then ok, but they came from my body…why the hell should I hide it from them?? My sons also know all about periods…I’m raising 2 men…who will eventually have wives/daughters etc!! Stop making a massive deal out of nothing!!

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I mean my sons that age and one younger they’ve walked in on me getting changed etc I don’t make a big thing of it I tell them to get out as I’m trying to get dressed I mean it’s abit weird her getting changed down stairs and walking upstairs naked but each to there own :woman_shrugging: body’s are body’s sexualising them is a problem n the more fuss u make is doing that I dunno maybe I’m just weird in thinking but I don’t see a massive problem x

Sorry but your seeing this as not normal because your not his mum . As a mum I know myself there’s nothing wrong with people seeing you naked especially your children . It only starts being weird the minute you make a huge thing of it. That’s her child he/ she came from her body I honestly don’t see a issue with this and to be honest it’s not really your business x


Don’t understand how this is any of your business? It’s her son… not yours. Your the one making it weird :expressionless: litrally moms can’t do right these days.


My son is 10, I don’t walk around naked but he will sometimes come and sit on the toilet whilst I’m in the bath, I don’t think anything of it, he is my son!

I don’t think anything is wrong with this. It’s his mum and their own home. I am often having my most important (so the kids think) conversations with my kids while I’m in the bath or getting ready,that’s the time they obviously need me lol. Nothing weird about that,we are all comfortable as a family. I’m more concerned with the reasoning in your mind as to why this is not acceptable. If I was a random then yes weird but as a mother this makes no sense at all

The naked body is only sexualized if you make it that way. Mind your business.


Yup, he shouldn’t be seeing her naked at his age smh…Tf is wrong with the mother smh! Put on some damn clothes!!! My Ma would never ever ever!!!

When you don’t stigmatize something it’s not a stigma with kids. Never once have we brought negative attention at any level to bodies in our home. Our bodies are ours, we own them (no one else does) and my kids have been taught that while it’s an issue to be naked while in public they also have nothing to be ashamed of at home. I just can’t get behind making a body taboo in the least. There is nothing gross or sexual about this, when/if they have questions they’re answered and they are more well rounded humans because of it. :woman_shrugging:

Being naked in your own home is fine…around your own children is fine…if she was being provocative around him that’s inappropriate but walking naked to the shower is fine


I’m sorry because I want to be supportive but I cannot. I think you are looking for trouble where there is none. I think it’s weird and you do too but it doesn’t mean she does. She is his mother not you.


The creeping about in the middle of the night is way more weird than a boy seeing his mam naked.


He’s her son. You may share your opinion/concerns but at the end of the day, he’s not your son. However, I do agree. She shouldn’t be walking around naked at this age.

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Oh dear…. You don’t wanna be in our house then all you naked haters :joy::joy::joy: it’s a bit strange he goes and spy’s on them but I could be in the shower and my kids just walk right in and use the toilet :woman_shrugging:t3::joy: (strictly for a wee!!:mask:) I don’t want prude kids or kids that feel they can’t talk about certain things to me because I’m like “DONT DARE SHOW YOUR NIPPLES TO ME” “PUT YOUR PANTS ON I CANT SEE THAT” ridiculous!! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: and us adults running round covering ourselves up like it’s unnatural??!! They see it all on a beach half the time of strangers!! yes of course they get to an age were you make them aware but at 9 :woman_shrugging:t3: no!:roll_eyes:

Not everyone has the same views on nudity. :woman_shrugging: Not your house not your business. Theres no malice and you should be more concerned he is spying on adults. :woman_shrugging:


They still make bathrobes don’t they ? Totally inappropriate


The need/want to ‘spy’ is much more concerning to me! Why does he feel the need too? What is he trying to see? What has prompted it?

As far as I’m concerned, nudity is normal. :woman_shrugging: The fact you think it’s strange or something is wrong, concerns me more than a woman being naked in her own home. Nudity doesn’t mean sex/sexuality, it’s the natural form… It’s only inappropriate if it makes one or both parties uncomfortable (which it doesn’t sound like it does) or if she is exposing herself with a sexual intent (which shes not)

People are raised differently, for some being naked is something to hide, to be ashamed of. For others, its perfectly normal to go for a wee while mums in the bath or for kids to come and sit in the bed while shes getting changed and it’s no issue…


Sounds a bit Norman bates to me


If the kid is hiding in his mom and step dads bedroom closet “spying” on them he dont need to be seeing anyone naked. Stepmom has every right to be concerned and so does dad all 4 adults should be sitting down and talking about it and then once everyone is on the same page mom and dad should be having a talk with their son about privacy.

Why is it inappropriate?, it’s a human body if you make it a big deal you are doing more harm. We were brought up in a house hold where being naked wasn’t a big deal my mum auntie and gran all sunbathed topless in the back garden it’s natural!! It shows him to respect and all body’s are different and it’s normal!!

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So the kid pretty much admitted that he’s spying on his parents basically having sex :tipping_hand_woman:t2: because that’s what it sounds like he’s doing and you’re more upset that he saw his own mother who gave birth to him naked seems like you’re the one with the problems here :rofl::clap:t3::woman_shrugging:t2:


I see no issue with this but that’s my personal opinion. Everyone is different and what is ok in one home may not be ok in another. I think this is not your business.

I have a 3 year old who I bring in the shower and shower with him when daddy is gone and he sees me change but he isn’t old enough to know the difference yet. At 9 they do know so not really appropriate but it also isn’t for any of us to judge. It isn’t your place to say one way or the other. What works for one family may not work for another. He shouldn’t be sneaking up to see tho. I would ask why that’s going on.


There is nothing wrong with Nakedness if a child or person is uncomfortable they will speak up, not look or leave the room. The issue is the sneaking in to spy on them thats when he would be at risk to see things that would be inappropriate for his age


I think it’s none of your business.


I mean…if that’s the only situation when he sees her that way, it’s not sexualized and there’s nothing wrong with nudity otherwise. Even though we’re conditioned to feel that way.

It would feel awkward for sure for most kids/people to see either of their parents or relatives that way, so he probably doesn’t exactly stare anyway. :man_shrugging:


Also being the eldest of 5 sisters and 1 brother … that boy will make it very clear when he’s uncomfortable with body parts :woman_facepalming: and that’s when it should stop in my opinion deffo think spying is more of an issue here ….

I have 2 boys… now 18 and 10… I have never been exposed in front of them… even as babies and toddlers while trying on clothes I turned the stroller away from me… however there is nothing wrong with nudity. So I guess to each their own


Um yeah, the kid is too old to be seeing his mother naked. I completely agree. His father should be the one to have a talk with his ex about this.


That’s weird to me. My son is 11 and accidently saw me in my bra and freaked out. He is a drama queen LOL. That’s just weird to me.

I have a friend worth 2 boys, 1 now an adult and the other one in high school… she sleeps naked and walks around her home naked… nothing wrong with it. Boys don’t even think it’s weird, they don’t look at her any different when she is clothed. Boys said, she’s always done that and don’t think of it in a sexual way at all.


I mean other people arent wrong. It shouldnt be sexualized. But it is. It’s just weird to me. But I can understand the argument that it shouldnt be weird


Man I’m naked all the time. My kids see me in my shirt and undies. When im buck a** naked i yell im taking a shower or changing. My minions 10, 5 and 2 see me naked half the time there aint no privacy. Three of mine are in the bathroom playing games when im in the shower or getting ready i have no privacy

Some very judgmental ppl on this thread you where born naked :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


That’s his actual mom, none of your business :roll_eyes:


I think it’s time he’s a big boy now my son was about that age also

I think…you should stop sexualizing a naked body for one and for two worry about your own home.
What they do in their home is what they do. There is nothing foreign or wrong about the naked body. Stop acting as there is.
Many people don’t like clothes. It’s clingy. It’s hot. It’s uncomfortable.
And tbh sometimes its just easier to run naked from one room to the next :woman_shrugging:

Does he have clean clothes?
Food available for him to eat?
Is he well behaved?

If yes to all three…then stop making an issue out of nothing.

But the sneaking around can be addressed. Other than that…stop sexualizing the body.


Nakedness is zero percent weird. It’s us in our most natural state. I have three children that I gave birth to. Two teenage boys and a toddler girl. Every single one of my kids still see me naked and think nothing of it. I guess everyone is raised differently. But I’m definitely raising mine not to be ashamed of their bodies and bodies are only sexualized in sexual situations (which is highly inappropriate for children).

Honestly I work on a Covid unit and strip naked before I go passed the basement. I don’t want the germs in my house. I have a 19 year old son who’s sometimes home and knows what I’m doing. He doesn’t stare at me because he’s not a weirdo and it’s not wrong. My two daughters are the same. Said son also will walk to the laundry room in undies only and no one cares. We are family and don’t sexualize each other :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I didn’t avoid my children seeing me naked until they went through puberty. A naked body is natural until their heads are filled with hormones. I have 3 girls and 2 boys. No issues at all. My oldest is 19 and I’m a town where almost 40% of the kids have kids of their own before finishing high school. He’s one of the few who didn’t. I think if you make a body a sexual thing then they only see it as that. Tbh it’s just skin and bones if you make it more then they will see it as more.

The biggest issue in this is he sneaks and spies at night. Thats creepy AF. Instead of handling that now, later when he stalks and hurts someone you will blame the mom for being naked which is natural and not the issue at all.


You are crossing a very fine line as a step parent. What happens in YOUR HOME is your business & what happens in HER HOME is HERS.
You addressed your concerns to your husband. He agrees that its inappropriate. He should have a long chat with his pre-pubescent son about PRIVACY / BODY CHANGES / APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR and his expectations of him Father to Son. You should not be involved in this conversation.
Then, hopefully your husband has an amicable relationship with his ex … he needs to have an ADULT conversation with his ex/son’s mom. He can tell her he’s noticed son has started to have a natural sexual curiosity and son has mentioned seeing mom nude. He should add that’s fine… but what concerns him is their son SNEAKING into her bedroom at night to spy on her & his stepdad. THAT is exceptionally concerning because he has glimpsed something that lures him back. In all probability, he witnessed some sort of sexual activity & has a fascination and natural curiosity to witness it again.
As a step-parent, I would expect my spouse to be having conversations about development etc and actively co-parenting with his child’s mother. At the end of the day, the step is a bonus adult figure who walks a very careful tightrope between two people who have a child together

Wow… my kids see me naked… youngest is 10 he couldnt care les… obv there is a age when they dont wanna see that and I wouldnt walk naked in front of my 21 year old son for instance… bit nothin odd about being naked in front on younger children of your own.

I think there a problem if he saying he want spy on why no clothes on think that it self problem but it does depend on family like with my 11 year I am uncomfortable with him seeing me in shower or no clothes on normal etc as he at age were I can’t lye about this if you know what I mean… but my 4 year old and 1 year see me think it depends on child

Yeah, worry about a mother walking around naked and dismiss the kid spying on people :roll_eyes:


I am worried about the fact that boy is sneaking around the house to spy on his mom. That’s illegal and he needs to know that right off.


Well, all my kids see me naked… we all have bodies, we call body parts by their appropriate name, we’ve gone over what’s acceptable and what isn’t. Like other ppl seeing them naked is not ok and such. My kids love to sit in the bathroom and talk to me or when I’m getting dressed… I don’t find it weird bc there’s nothing sexual about it :woman_shrugging:t3:

If it bothers you so much, buy her a cute robe for Christmas.


My kids have never seen me naked. Why are people so weird…

Um how about never!!! Why would any child need to see a naked adult?!!?


My sons 20 and sees me naked because its nothing to be ashamed of he will talk to me while I’m in the bath my body created him so why should I be embarrassed about it it’s called being comfortable in your own body

Really?I still walk around naked in front of my 11 year old he doesn’t batter an eyelids!I don’t see the issue?!

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It’s not as if she’s shaking her tits infront of him. My sons 10 and if I’ve got to walk past him naked/semi naked i will. Until he says something like ‘Mam I’m too old to see you naked’ or ‘it’s embarrassing’ I’ll make a conscious effort not to do it. I still see my mother naked from time to time (she’s nearly 50 I’m 31) i NEVER see it in a sexual way. If I had step kids I don’t think I’d be naked around them because they arnt my biological children but I would wear a bikini around them which is basically naked :woman_shrugging:t4:

I Think YOU are a bit Too concerned about what’s going on in his Mothers House. The child has admitted to sneaking in his mother’s room to SPY on adult activities that are being done in PRIVATE. As a Parent of 30 years, that is the concerning FACT.


Not your house, not your kid, mind your business ma’am


Would you be complaining if it was a daughter and not a son seeing their mum naked. She’s his mother it’s hardly going to illicit sexual stirrings get over yourself for God’s sake it’s a non issue. If you were naked infront of him that would be an issue because you aren’t his parent.


You ain’t his mum so shut up about it :person_shrugging:


He came from her body, where is the issue?
By making it ‘wrong’ it’s sexualising the situation.
We were always very open as I grew up my mother still feels comfortable getting dressed in front of me even at 37.
I think it highlights the fact that the people that love you can see your body but anyone else it’s not ok.
By being open it removed the taboo and curiosity and just makes it normal.
But each to their own


He’s your step son, not your son. It’s his mums choice what she does in her home :woman_shrugging:t2: I would be more worried he spies on her!


There is nothing wrong with nudity. That is the body he grew in and came out of her vagina. It is only weird if you make it weird.

This one is not your business, let it go. All you will do is create animosity.


So the only problem i see here is the boy sneaking into his moms room to spy. Maybe let mum know so she can address that serious issue herself.


My son is 8 and will occasionally see me naked still… for the most part he turns his head as I’ve told him mommy needs privacy.

The only issue I see in this is that he sneaks in the room to spy on them… like what?


Not acceptable. But that’s the way I was raised and I understand. I don’t allow my 8 year old son in my room when I’m getting dressed.

My sons 10 and I wouldn’t purposely wander around in the nud but he has seen me wander to the bathroom naked. My body made him and I’m of the belief that we shouldn’t teach our children to be ashamed of their bodies and ours

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I’m concerned she seems unaware her child is not in bed before she goes to her room for the night. Does she not check on him last thing ?
I understand many people don’t have a problem walking around naked. I do think its inappropriate in front of a 9yo who feels the need to spy on adults…to me thats weird behaviour . If hes used to seeing his mother naked why would he feel the need to spy.
Personally my kids have never seen me naked. Not because its wrong but because that’s my choice. I like my privacy .

The only weird part about it is him spying on them, my son is almost 5 and still follows me to the bathroom when I go potty or shower my girls 17, 12, 9, and 8 also still see me naked we don’t sexualize women in our home. The female body is just a body

I’d ask him what he’s sneaking into their room to see to start with. Get to the bottom of that for starters, wouldn’t mention the naked situation but he’s a 9 year old boy and probably knows a few things u don’t think he knows, may have heard a few “weird” noises or something, on the subject of mum being naked… that’s a hard one nowadays, people are proper flannels and see things different I can see a 9 year old asking questions, what are they (boobs), why don’t u have a willy things like that but that’s about it :man_shrugging:t2:

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I don’t see anything wrong with it she’s running for a shower in her own house with her son? She made him from her body lol?


That’s not of my culture. I was raised with modest parents and I’m very very appreciative of that. Lol. I’d leave it to parents to discuss this. The dad thinks it’s inappropriate and he does get input.

I think if the child is old enough to tell someone, like it bothers them, it’s time to stop it. His spying behavior might come from seeing all of that. Possibly…lol.

He should not be seeing his mom naked whether it her son or not is the issue. It’s inappropriate period what’s this garbage he came out of her vagina crap. So I guess it ok. No wonder this world is so mess up ! :pensive:


I stopped letting my kids see me naked as soon as they turned 4 thats just me though I have all boys and i feel like once they start asking questions is when you should stop now with that being said all children are curious about their bodies at a certain age normally around 4-5 so I do try my best to answer any questions as age appropriate as possible I do have a baby girl due in December and ill probably do the same with her but again thats just me most moms dont see a problem with being naked in front of the child they carried for 9 months I honestly dont see a problem with it either but for me personally I stop doing that at around 4 just because I want to teach them to respect someones privacy also I would definitely be more concerned that he spies on adult activities again children can be curious little things but he should respect others privacy and let him know that instead of spying he can always ask questions about whatever he wants to know

My kids see my naked all the time and I see them. it’s our bodies and I want to normalise them. Don’t make it a sexual thing because your mind takes you there.

We all know what is right from wrong.whilst you running around naked whatever might be going thru his day you’ll realise how wrong you’ve been all this while

The body is not inherently sexual, plus their house they can do as they please… The real issue is him spying and sneaking around. That’s not normal. he’s obviously at the age of peaking curiosity and should sit down and have THE chat and discuss boundaries


I see nothing wrong with it. I feel the bigger problem is people who do see something wrong with it. An innocent mind doesn’t look at it in a sexualized way. They see it as nature(which are the people who see nothing wrong with it.A perverted mind sexualizes it and see’s it as wrong. I think you should mind your business and maybe look into why you feel uncomfortable with the human body.


I think you need to mind your own business considering you are NOT his mother.


It’s his mum not a stranger nothing sexual in it at all.

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The OP is asking for other people’s ‘point of view’ - not a bashing.


I personally don’t think it’s appropriate. His father needs to have a conversation with the mother about that and about him going in her room.