Best diaper rash cream?

You could try changing the brand of diapers you use. Also, when my little girl gets diaper rashes I use baby aquaphor and it works really well.

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Is she allergic to the diapers?

My kids both got rashes from diapers, I switched brands

Please DO NOT USE POWDER ON GIRLS. It is linked to cervical cancer. I use Curash nappy rash cream for every rash and it clears them all up quickly. *edit just realised you are not in Australia so you may not have Curash, but please don’t use powder on girls.

Baking soda and warm water in the sink. Let baby sit in it. It’ll help dry up the rest

Change your nappy brand
Use a water based wipe
And dry the area completely with soft towel before creams and nappy

Wash and pat dry after every movement… forget wipes for now. Desitin followed by Caldesene Powder . Good luck

Try Bag Balm it really works I brought my daughter home from the hospital with diaper rash and a friend of my mother told me to try it and it really works

Honest company organic healing balm…it will be healed overnight.

Corn starch…will look 100 times better by tomorrow when done with every change…and sounds like she needs to have her diaper changed more often…

My daughter’s rash was very bad and nothing worked----turned out she was allergic to Pampers. And in 1968 the only other choice was cloth!!

Also, thoroughly wash your hands before changing her. I would leave diaper off for a period of time to get the air… towel under

Destitin always worked for me put it on every night and anytime I thought they were getting a rash

My daughter was the same way. We switched her to cloth diapers (check out gdiapers) and all was well with her again

Designs is fantansic! The only one that worked fifty yrs. has to be the original tho. The one with zinc in not use the creamy kind.too perfumy! All five kids and all grands. Worked every time!

I’ve used baby powder all the time never hurt them.And now there all in there 40s and 50s and they have nothing from use it.

Paw paw cream is amazing

Boudreaux’s Buttpaste Maximum in the red tube or tub with some cornstarch baby powder on top to keep it there longer. Works WONDERS. If the rash keeps coming back, it might be yeast and you might need a special prescription ointment. My son has eczema and was always plagued with yeast diaper rashes for no reason.

I raised six kids and We used Beaudreaus Butt Paste…it was the best!

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Aquaphor. I have used it for all 4 of my kids and swear by it.

A and d ointment worked great with my 3!

I’d definitely use A&D ointment if it’s dry and I definitely recommend CORNSTARCH !! It’s a life saver! I emptied a bottle of baby powder and put corn starch in it, works like magic!

Magic butt cream prescribed by the dr…its amazing!

Corn starch worked best for all my kids

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Cornstarch it can still breath

If she has blisters you should take her to her pediatrician.

I would try the nystatin. Sounds like a yeast infection!

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Use desitin (sp?) and put it on every change. Maybe switch diapers. I had to with my son. I switched to pampers pure pampers swaddlers they are so soft but every baby is different

Cornstarch and sunlight. Not in the direct sun but make sure she gets air.
My daughter , 29 now, has a rash so bad she bled. She was early by c section. It was 4 days before I even held her, they gave her milk based formula she was allergic. They used milk of magnesium and a heat lamp in the nic unit.

Resinol is great. Ask pharmacist for it, they usually keep it behind the counter b/c people steal it.

A&D really works…they have unscented…use to treat and prevent with every diaper change.

Desityn put like seal

Try different brand of diaper. Used Luca with my nephew never had a rash

Change your brand of diapers and try Desitin

If its blisters might be a yeast infection allergy caused go to doctors

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sounds more like a yeast infection

Could be n allergy. Stop using the baby wipes and just use warm water

Boudreaux’s Butt Paste

I am a die hard Destin creamy fan over here. However some babies have a bad reaction to certain diapers and just need to switch brands

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I actually had to take one of my babies to the doctor because it seemed like nothing was helping her rash and it was severe. He prescribed Clortimizol, the yeast infection cream. I took the prescription to the pharmacy and the pharmacist told me this is the same cream commonly used for vaginal yeast infections and athletes foot. From then on, whenever a baby got this particular bad rash, I bought this. You apply it differently than most diaper rash creams. You rub it into the skin. It isn’t meant to be a protective barrier like most diaper rash creams. Use it once per day. The rest of the day, use Desitin like normal. And make time to let your baby’s skin air out. Also, be very aware that if your baby is sick and has diarrhea, the diarrhea is very harsh for the skin. Make very sure to change her very often.

Butt paste and corn starch. Never baby powder – to many chemicals.


Desiring… it sticks really good.

If it doesn’t go away with regular diaper cream after 5-7 days, it’s probably yeast and would need the nystatin. Use only as directed and with a prescription from her pediatrician.

Try plain old vicks. Works wonders. It’s a real healing cream.


A&D is what I always used

Clean area well and use plain old corn starch. We used it in the hospital on patients with rashes. Use sparingly so it doesn’t cake.


Both my girls were different. My first I iser extra strength desitin and every time I changed her I would reapply after wiping her. Would be gone in a day or so.
With my second I still use the extra strength desitin, but when I change and wipe her I dont reapply it. I only use it once a day because it seems to make it worse the more times I apply. I also let her air dry for a few minutes before putting her next diaper on. Also gone in a day or so.

Could be a yeast infection, take her to doctor

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Calmoseptine! It’s the absolute best. Kinda expensive but worth every penny!


It could be a yeast infection or something to and sometimes you’ll need to get a prescription cream for that! I’d let the doc check it out

Desiring is the best!

This happened to my daughter when she was in diapers. I was told to alternate between Neosporin and petroleum jelly and nothing. So one every diaper change. Let baby air dry after wiping. Also, add powder with every change. You can also choose to just use an over the counter antifungal cream. Both worked amazingly quick for my kids. Good luck momma!

My daughter got that way just after birth. I used Vaseline as a barrier. I think the diaper rash cream was making it worse.

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Nyastatin is what I had to use on my daughter.

Bordeaux butt paste is amazing only thing that worked on my kids.

I was told not to use powder on a diaper rash and if it is bumpy then it is probably a yeast infection which dr will give you a script for. Take her to the dr to be safe. She will suggest what is best anyways!

I used a combination of 1 tube of a&d ointment, one tube of destin cream… add in pure cornstarch until it’s a thick paste… apply a liberal amount to diaper area after each change wipe off top layer of butt paste… reapply when coat is thin… after 2 to 3 days no rash… used it for bed sores in in home care patients too

A&D dollar general brand with a turtle on the tube. Not sure what the difference is between the normal brand and this but it seems to work a little faster.


Baby powder has been known to cause ovarian cancer later in life so I wouldn’t recommend that. Just clean as normal and let her air dry 15-20 mins after each changing. Also try to see if its something in her diet that is causing it.and if ot doesn’t clear up in a week it could be a yeast infeccion

I use a mix of A&D ointment, vitamin E oil and coconut oil. I just mix it all together a put on a thin layer. It works really good

Butt Paste! Worked good for grandbabies.

Possibly the diaper cream you mentioned is irritating her, nystatin will help if it’s yeast or fungal, Vaseline jelly in small amount rubbed on the skin after cleansing will protect the skin

Its been many years but my daughter was allergic to disposable diapers. I switched to cloth and her problems cleared up and never returned.

Is it possible shes allergic to diapers or detergent if cloth.

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Corn starch! If the creams arent working, it’s too wet and need to dry the area out. Corn starch is better than baby powder as there are no chemicals in it


I use eucerian cream its hands down the best . I use it on my rash I got in my special area and it stopped the irritation right away and worked overnight .

Don’t use powder. Try triple paste.

We use balmex for both babies. One boy and one girl. Both have very sensitive skin. It works like a charm. I found that buttpaste is too thick and harder to apply. We swear by balmex.

Apple cider vinegar really diluted can be used to wipe her for yeast. Also adding a little in her bath water will help. Scorched flour works well on regular diaper rash.

Butt paste or bag balm

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I always put crisco on my daughter when she had a bad rash. It keeps the urine away from the skin so it can heal. Do it each time you change her. It works

Sounds like she might have yeast
You’ll need a prescription cream to clear that up
It’s also very common for new borns to get it

Cornstarch was the only thing that worked for my daughter 28 years ago.

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Triple paste and dont wipe her everytime she pees. I know that sounds bad but pee is sterile. I had the same peoblem with my daughter.

I swear by EndIt—usually have to ask pharmacist for it. Smells horrible, works amazing

A&D ointment works good and clears her bottom up fast use it everytime you change her diaper.

I recently had to change my sons diapers. He has been in huggies almost his whole life then around 10-11 months he started breaking out in a bad rash. Nothing could get rid of it. Switched diaper brands and it was gone after the first diaper change with the new diaper.

Corn starch for powder and change diaper brands. Had this problem with my son. It worked for me.

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Maybe try changing brand if diaper my son was allergic to Huggies n Pampers had to use Luvs

Nystatin powder with desitin…magic wand for diaper rash

Banophen worked when nothing else did. We used the antiseptic one for rashes and the regular one for maintenance.

Maybe its the brand of diaper

Let it air out as much as possible , helps it dry out


Vaseline! Clears it up quick, i use the coco butter! And i try to let him air dry as well

I am now 80 years old but, when my babies were due for a nappie change I used cornflour as powder in the nappie area and they never had nappie rash. today Baby powder has corn startch in it .

A & D ointment always was my go to and still is. This out worked everything else that I have tried

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It could be a chemical burn from the diapera or wipes your using. My daughter got that from the pampers the hospital put on her. My 2 day old baby had a horrible chemical burn they sent her home with it and never said anything other than it was normal. I switched to huggies and it took about 2 months for it to fully go away with many creams and antibiotics to help her. She had little blisters and pealing skin. She has scaring from it now. But shes 3 years old now and didnt have a problem/any rashes after that first week of wearing pampers.

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Corn starch every other time
Try xtra virgin coconut oil
Than cornstarch then coconut oil

I would recommend Zincofax cream it works wonders and soak your little one in warm bathes as well and dry bottom good and then put Zincofax on .It works great

Balmax or Boudreau’s butt paste…try changing diaper brands, my girls could only use huggies or target

Try changing diapers for a couple days. Just to see if it’s a allergy. If no change definitely corn starch and old fashion Vaseline.

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I personally use vaseline at first redness.

We use dr. Smiths . Works good.

Try switching diapers. We’ve always used pampers, but had to switch to pampers pure with my youngest.

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If the cream isn’t helping, it could be a yeast infection. May have to see the doctor to get antifungal cream to clear it up.

If you were prescribed nystatin for her then she has a yeast infection and shouldn’t be using diaper cream right now. Don’t use any scented wipes on girls because they contain fragrance, perfume, and glycerin (sugar, sugar breads yeast)
This is true for adult women also lol

I was told to use cornstarch instead of powder to SUPPOSEDLY keep them dry. Now all controversy over J&J Baby powder it makes me sick how much I used this in the 70’s on my daughter and son!!!

Weird but it works. Rub black tea on it(cooled down of course) and let it dry. Then use a&d every other changing. Let her area be free and dry a couple times a day as well.

Corn starch… just a dusting

My son was allergic to Pampers had to use other brands