Best diaper rash cream?

Vaseline oil tonic. Itā€™s for hair but works wonders. I used it all the time on my 3. They r in there 30 s now. God bless your baby and you.

Avoid using wipes right now, the wipes will burn her open wounds. Just use wet paper towels and very gently wipe. Desitin makes a rapid relief ointment. Try to air her bottom out too, leave her diaper off for a bit

Bag balm! Itā€™s for cows and horses but works amazing for diaper rash and eczema

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Sounds like yeast! Lotrimin in the Athletes Foot Section. Nystatin has a high failure rate with reoccurrence and Monistat burns.

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Cow utter cream from hardware did my best

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Let her go for awhile without a diaper. If she pees, she pees :woman_shrugging:t2:

Corn starch works great

Sudocreme if you have it there.

Bag balm. I used it on all 3 of mine still using it on my youngest

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I use the extra strength desitin and Burtā€™s bees baby oil

Try some Corn starch. Works wonders

If u are breastfeeding, squirt some breast milk straight in her bottom & rub it in. She may cry but i swear it works faster than anything. Iā€™ve dine it with my daughter several times. Also try calmosettine (sorry i probably misspelled that). U can go to the walmart pharmacy & buy it, but they do keep it behind the counter & itā€™s about 7 or 8 dollars.

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Let her go naked outside and let it dry and when putting the diaper back on try some gold Bond powder to keep it dry

This happened to my son when he was younger. I found that triple antibiotic ointment made it heal fasterā€¦ aloe vera gel to ease the pain

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Calmoseptine! I swear by this stuff since my daughter was little. It can burn a little, so you can mix part calmoseptine with desitin or whatever you have. Also I wouldnā€™t use wipes right now, but warm cloth instead. Try not to rub, but dab. Letting her soak in a soapy baby bath will help too, just make sure you rinse off all the soap.

Try local pharmacyā€¦I k ow ours has homemade creams that is amazing! Called superdooperdiapergoop

Aquaphor healing ointment and cotton balls to apply itā€¦ so you can blot it on her instead of rubbing it on her.

Donā€™t put on any cream and let her run naked. I didnā€™t think it would work, but it really does.

Yellow metanium cream is amazing.
Also breast milk

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Resinol is awesome itz sold at Walmart

I didnā€™t believe this at first until I tried it. Get some flour and cook it on the stove until it gets really brown. Let it cool and then put it on her rash. One of the momā€™s I babysit for gave me some to use and it works wonders!

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Equal parts of lotriminā€¦desitinā€¦ and liquid Maalox ā€¦ magic butt cream I swear by it

I tried aquaphore baby for this exact thing a few weeks ago. He felt better within 20 minutes and the bad rash was gone in 36hours

Aquaphor ointment! Wash her bum in the bath with lukewarm water, let her air dry and then put the aquaphor ointment on. My daughter had bad diarrhea for a week and this helped a lot

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Good old plain vasoline, wash the bottom and apply to his bottom . I used it when my daughter was a baby and never had a diaper rash

Not only do I use cream but I never see improvement unless I do corn starch too.

My pediatrician told me to give my kids a bath with baking soda in the water when that happens. Helps instantly! Pat dry afterwards, then put on whatever ointment you use. We use a&d

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Metanium best stuff ever

Ointments hold the heat it and can cause further blistering ā€¦ caldezine might be spelled wrong lol has zinc in it and helps heal also repels liquids which irritates the areaā€¦ once I found that stuff I never used another cream on my kiddosā€¦its a powder that now they make for babies too

Cornstarch, put it on a cookie sheet and in oven until a golden brown colour, let it sit and cool, ( I put it in a container) and thatā€™s what I use on all 3 of my babies when they got a site bum, works better then any diaper rash cream.

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Extra strength desitin (purple instead of blue box). Pinxav.

My pediatrician just told me this the other day milk of magnisium can(can be generic) nd aquafor make just a lil bit into a paste should sooth her in minutes

Corn starch really works.every diaper change cover botton good.

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I soak in a baking soda bath for 10-15 mins and donā€™t use any cream. Thatā€™s cleared my boys up by the next day.

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Straight baby power kike 3 hors there will be a different

Butt paste by Flanders. It works great. I work at a preschool with infants, and it is better than anything I have tried

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A&D mixed with Desitin and if you can leave her without a diaper for a bit throughout the day so air can get to it and help it heal

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Literally the best I get mine in shoppers

Brown flour worked for us.

Naked time and lots of it to dry her out


You need a prescription from the dr my daughter had same thing once she got the cream that dr prescribed went away

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My ped had us use milk of magnisia & dab on with a cotton ball to sooth & cool it. Let that dry then butt paste ( we used Bordeaux) then vaseline over that. Cleared it up by the next day.

Keep her diaper off as much as possible to let it air outā€¦ Putting but paste on an open wound is extremely painful & will not help her! Once the blisters are healed then use butt paste as a preventative

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Crisco lard. Old time remedy.air.

Vaselines best take pain away

Change the type of diapers she has. My daughters doctor recommend Pampers crusiers since they have more ventilation! And she never got a rash again. Also let her bottom breathe by taking the diaper off at night and lay her on a towel. You would be surprised how air makes such a difference

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BAG BALM and that monkey butt paste mixed together and let her lil butt air out

Put a old blanket on the floor and let her be naked. For a ointment Iā€™d either use Vaseline!

Get your pharmacist to mix a bum cream for the burn

Have you tried the purple desitin?

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Cornstarch and air. Once the blistering is gone wash her really well and use A&D and Desitine mixed. Really worked for my babies

Soak in a tub of baking soda water


When she poops wash her out and then put the diaper rash cream.

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She probably has a yeast infection from all the wiping. Get an anti fungal cream

You should get something from her Dr! I always get my daughterā€™s Dr to call in nystatin cream when it gets bad, and it heals her up in a day or two

Donā€™t use wipes, use a warm wet wash cloth and dap, donā€™t wipe! It will help! Or apple cider vinegar in a luke warm bath if she can stand to sit in the bathā€¦ I know my daughterā€™s has gotten so bad before she didnā€™t want to sit down in the bath cause it hurt her

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Triple paste ointment. Baby section and donā€™t use wipes, use water to pat it off and air dry, try to go without using diaper, if she/he sleeps. Have them sleep on their stomach and place an open diaper on the bed and let her/him lay on top of it. Do NOT cover butt

ALSO! Sounds crazy, but it actually works, peptoā€¦especially the max pepto, it neutralizes the acid in the poop and soothes the pain.

Plain yogurt applied to her bottom. Air as much as possible.

Use vagisilā€¦ it wont hold in heat and it will look much better by morning.

Triple Paste is best! Expensive but works wonders!

Neosporin +pain relief. Use for a couple of changes then reapply & repeat. It will heal that little bottle right on up!!

Lotrimin works wonders. Antibacterial antifungal. Doesnā€™t burn.

Try cornstarch,make a paste with the cornstarch,and let the air dry it.Watch what kind of diapers youā€™re using.

Equal amounts of ponds cold cream & liquid antacidā€¦mix together & refrigerateā€¦you will all thank me later. Used on all 4 of my kids & never used any other butt cream

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Use cloth diapers and put the ointment on her bottom and on the cloth diaper. Itā€™s guaranteed to clear up in a day or two. Sometimes when I have a nasty rash like that the diaper irritates it as well if you donā€™t have cloth diapers you could put the rash ointment on the diaper but it would clear up a lot faster with cloth

Camphoseptine ointment

Are you giving your little any kind of juice? If so that will play a big role in blisters on the bum bum especially apple juice.

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Aloe baby oil is what I used when the butt paste didnā€™t work. Also try wetting soft paper towels instead of wipes because they can burn. Pat dry, donā€™t wipe.

Plain cornstarch is all that helps mine


Original A&D ointment. We used this and my 4 grandchildren NEVER had diaper rash. It is a Godsend. Try it!!

Donā€™t use offbrand A&D. Not as good

Rinse her instead of wiping. Let her air dry.A cloth diaper, if necessary. I used vasaline on my boys.


Cornstart and vitamin A & D ointment

Give her bottom a wash. I know it takes up time but it works. Had the same for my wee girl as yours and its awful. I used creams and all kinds. I stopped and started to bum wash each nappy change and no cream until bottom healed.

We used bagbalm. Its sold at Walmart. Fairly cheap but my oldest would get diarrhea and get blisters(allergies). And this is what we used. Helped everytime. We also used corn starch on top of it.

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Warm bath with a few caps of apple cider vinegar and let air dry without diaper as long as possible

Butt paste
Lukewarm bath with baking soda.

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Used corn starch my baby had a bad rash and it went away so quick


Instead of using wipes try to use a warm washcloth and let her butt air dry. Then put a&d ointment on her. Try to let her air dry as much as possible. Change diapers often.

Mix liquid mylanta, baby powder and aquafor into a paste and apply after each change. The mylanta cuts the acid in the urineā€¦

Aquaphorā€¦ when my daughter had to be put on antibiotics she had really bad diarrheaā€¦ they recommended we switch from Pampers diapers to huggies because Pampers has a mesh looking diaper bottom where the huggies has more paper towel feeling bottom. The mesh was getting stuck and holding the poop against herā€¦ idk what kind of diapers you are using but check where it goes against her skin

I would not put a diaper on her

Balmex baby department or pharmacy

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Boil Rice and give her the water and that will help to stop the diarrhea try it

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Try corn starch. Dry. Not a paste. Use like powder on her bottom


Warm water and soap instead of wipes, air dry, diaper off when possible (yes I know this gets messy) and give her yogurt. It will pull the yeast out of the diarrhea. My grandmother told me about that when my first had her first bad rash and it worked wonders

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We use cornstarch baby powder. When she goes instead of wiping try to rinse her off in sink or bath tub and lightly Pat dryā€¦for our son it was much less painful. The ointment didnā€™t seem to help clear him up. The powder helps absorb some of the acidity to alleviate irritation and burning and you could tell the difference within a few hours.

Monistat mixed with desitin and hydrocoriZone-

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Desitin and keep her naked as long as you can, the air is good for it it will dry it out

No wash cloth, rince under cool bur not too cool water. no soap. Gently pat dry / air dry bottom. Lots of Desitin and lots of corn starch. Cake the corn starch on the babyā€™s bottom. Should be much better by the next diaper change
Change baby asap as needed.
Feed apple sauce, bananas and rice (baby rice cereal) to stop the diarresh. Give Pedialite to keep child from dehydrating. If more than 24 hours. Iā€™d go to the ER for help. Babies and children dehydrate quickly. God Bless.


Butt paste is the best

i use vitamin a &d ointment from walmart

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30 yrs ago I was told to use Crisco shortening and I thought it was crazy but it worked put it on every change. In the morning put in a pile of baking powder in sink to neutralize the acid and use paper towels and warm water.

Diaper rash cream and corn starch not baby powder. Corn starch is better it will keep the wetness off her butt allow it to heal better. Had to do it for my son when he was little.

I agree with Donya. Cornstarch.

Brown flour on a cast iron skillet and use that

Boudreaux s butt paste mixed with aquaphor


try zinc oxide or vaseline

Layers! Use A and D oilment then butt paste or whatever your choice is. Iā€™ve always found layers to build a better barrier than just one ointment