I had attraction to a girl when I was like 7 or 8. Didnt really understand it much until I was in 6th grade. Then I realized what it meant and knew I was into women
I started to feel I was attracted to both when I was around 8 and then at around 12 I came out to my mother as bi and she was supportive of it and I’m still bi to this day. My eldest daughter has told me at 12 that she is bi and it hasn’t changed a thing!!!
I knew at that age that I was bi. So I do believe kids know themselves best
My bff was confused around her age but shes straight now. If just depends on her maturity level.
My daughter told me at 11 she was Bi
I knew at 11 almost 12 I was bi.
i think just talk about it. but make sure to point it out that SEX isnt going to help her figure it out. itll only make it more complicated. but besides that just be there for her. shell be greatful about that.
Yes even younger than that let her figure out who she wants to b and stand beside her with her decision
I knew since I was maybe 5 or so that I’m bisexual.
I don’t think anyone is ever confused about their orientation. It’s the adults who try to make them feel confused.
Absolutely. By that age you are more than very aware of who you are and aren’t attracted to. Usually it’s much younger but by 12 a person can clearly understand exactly what feelings they are having (i.e romantic vs friendly) whereas a younger child can still have difficulty understanding the difference.
I knew I liked girls since I was 9
Nothing changed for me all you can do is be super supportive whilst she finds her true self
Kids can know even before that what their sexual orientation is. Just make sure you support her regardless.
Just support her thats all
Highly doubtful that she’s confused. And I truly hope you support her regardless and if you cannot then shame on u in the end
Now you know the to set limits on sleepovers.
Does it matter? No matter which, she needs her mother. No matter which, you can’t choose for her. Just love her. It is the best thing you can do and it is also the only thing you can do.
Um… we have kids in daycare that think they have boyfriends and girlfriends. Do we ever question when a child says they’re straight?
I realized i was bi in 6th grade
I wonder how much of that has to do with pressure for young girls to be bi to be “cool”. I think that’s a real thing that young girls are feeling pressured into these days.
Congratulations for having the kind of relationship with your daughter that she felt safe enough to share her truth with you. Support her as best you can, letting her know that you love her, not her orientation. Going to family counseling to help with navigating this age is all good if you feel in over your head. She is still your little girl.
It is not unuasuel for girls to feel attracted to another girl. That does not mean they will act on it or keep feeling the same way. Stay calm and tell her to wait awhile , it isn’t always a happy thing to be gay. I have been told ,"I wish I wasn’t it is to complicated "
Some kids do, but some kids just fall into wanting to be a part of the crowd. At 12 I only liked boys, by 15 I liked only girls, by 16 I like both, 17 only girls… And had my first serious relationship with one. I’m 25 now and married to a man, and have been with him since I was almost 20, and we have 2 kids. Now I am not attracted to girls at all… but people still label me as bisexual, though I claim straight. The point I’m trying to make is just love her, if it’s a phase, if it’s for real. It’s a wonderful thing that she has opened up to you about her feelings. All these people saying yes she’s definitely gay has not felt this way. Being a preteen is hard anyways, but they have so much more pressure now a days.
My daughter told me at 11. I already suspected.
I watch closely how they interacted with their friends. When I started seeing blushing and smiles when she was around a pretty girls and pal talk with all the guys.
I knew I was attracted to guys by that age.
Probably at 12 she knows what she is attracted to.
I say no, at that age they are just trying to fit in, my friend’s son at that age only liked boys but now he is 17 and only likes girls sooo… But that’s just my opinion, guess, at that age I can’t even remember what I liked lol
Its very possible. Just be supportive always.
Yep I knew I was bi since I was really little came out at her age and I’m still bi
My dad knew at the age of 7. He was born in 1961. So I say yes. It’s very possible.
My friends daughter will be 12 in November, she came out saying she’s bi sexual and has went on a few supervised dates with a girl since coming out over the summer. We love her no matter what she is. The world can be a cruel place tho so we talked to her and she decided it’s best to keep it between family and close friends, she has all ready had problems with bulling and dose not want need kids coming at her for being exactly herself.
Absolutely I was around 11-12 when I knew for sure that I was Pansexual
Well by 12 I knew I was attracted to boys so my guess would be yes. But that’s a good answer either way! Kids should be kids
Just curious why it matters…
do we not try new foods to see what we like? Date different people to find our type? She doesn’t have to know, just be glad she opened up to you at all.
YES YES YES! Most people know younger than that but dont have the words or knowledge to properly identify. My bestfriend knew when he was in 2nd grade.
Always be supported. At that age they need to feel loved and safe. Kids these days are mean and make fun of others for so many reason. Be their safe place.
I knew I was bisexual by the time I was 10. So possibly, I think it depends on the kid though.
She could possibly know. I knew I was attracted to boys at that age. I started dating at that age too. But I also learned a little later (a year or two maybe) I was also attracted to girls too.
Even if it’s just a phase, or grows to like more than one gender later on (bc maybe she’s not attracted to boys YET, but that doesn’t mean she won’t be later), or regardless the circumstances- she not only felt safe enough to open up to you and tell you her truth, & that should be supported, bc that alone is a wonderous thing. But what she says now doesn’t have to affect her her whole life either. Just like if a kids favorite color is green one day. Doesn’t mean it will always be green. Or if their favorite food is mac & cheese, that can change over the years too. She may very well be and stay gay, BUT she may also be exploring her self & her possibilities and may end up being bi or anything else later on too. (& Just because she dates one doesn’t automatically make her just gay or just straight. I’m engaged to a male, but am still attracted to females).
Just keep supporting her in anything. Just like you would when she picks out schools or jobs. Regardless if she likes boys, girls, or both, she is still your daughter.
Yes my daughter came out as gay when she was 10 she said she’s known since she was 8 she’s 12 now and still identify’s as 100% gay and has been dating a girl for awhile now. I knew I was bi when I was 7, just be supportive and understanding
“For sure”?? How about you love your child regardless. Some people can’t even have kids and your biggest concern is their sexuality?? Grow up. Support your child. This world is cruel enough,
I was 11 years old when I figured out my sexuality
My 15 year old sister said she was bi sexual at age 10. She’s been with a couple girls. And still likes girls. Totally possible.
Uh… I was full blown stalking the boy down the street by age 12. So yeah, you can definitely know what you’re into by 12.
Yes!!! My daughter is only 9, and has only talked about having girlfriends and wives since she was 6. I have no doubt that she understands it and means it! So 12, 100%!
yes! but also - it’s okay for her to think she knows even if she doesn’t! just love her for who she is and encourage her on the path to be whoever she’s meant to be!
I believe so. Why tho? I hope you’re not asking in hopes she will change her mind.
Would u be questioning her if she said she liked boys
My sons transgender and he knew since he was 4 he was born in the wrong body… he’s almost 12 went from girl to boy…
Definitely shouldn’t even be a conversation at 12. She can like whatever she chooses but I wouldnt encourage crushes on anyone, boy or girl at 12 years old.
At that age, it’s confusing. They think A LOT of different things. I’d let her feel what she wants, don’t correct her. Then maybe in a couple years she’ll know for sure?
I had a best friend in elementary school (2nd grade) kiss me. I dont know if she knew she like girls at the time or just felt it was an expression of love but all these year later she is happily married to a woman. I knew back then (8 years old) that kiss wasn’t right for me.
Bottom line is she could be confused, curious, gay, straight, bi sexual, or whatever. The main thing is she trust you enough to tell you how she feels. Do everything in your power to continue to keep and build that trust by keeping those lines of communication open. Love, support, and cherish your daughter. This world is cruel and no matter what her sexuality may be she needs you in her corner.
Could you tell you liked boys at 12 years old? There is your answer.
My daughter told me she liked girls at 8. She is now 20, and still feels this way. Just be supportive and understanding. They figure it out in their own time.
I think you definitely know what you’re into at 12… it depends wether it’s just a phase or actually how the child feels, and that will come with time.
Im not sure… my sister came out as transgender at 16(litterally like 4 months ago) And shes gone back and forth. Shes always bee girly…Shes said to mom that she doesnt know if she wants to be a boy. And other times shes talking about going on hormones and changes and changing her legal name.but since she is so young and has doubts we took all that off the table.
Honesty, we use (puberty) hormones as excuses for the way teens are, impulsive, rebellious but when it comes to sexuality its just not in the books?.doesnt make sense. I think it would take a couple years to really know for sure just my opinion, i fully support all rights and i already have 1 lesbian sister, whats another one (LGBTQ)
Tell them how it should be, Naturally. She is a female and should NOT like girls! Not how the Lord God intended it. Tell her in God’s eyes it is a sin
I said the same thing at that age. I experimented thought my teen years but I’ve been with the same man for almost 12 years know with 3 kids. Definitely a phase for me. My mom didn’t pay much mind to it other than say well what about kids. It was definitely a different time tho. I’m almost 30
Gay people usually know by the time they are 5
She may or may not. I don’t think her age will play into it. Some people as adults can’t figure it out. Just talk to her about the birds and the bees and keep her safe and comfortable. Ask how YOU can help her in any way she may need. Be her support
She’s probably known for years
I would think so, maybe let her talk with someone but tell her if she is you will still love her no matter what .because I’m sure it was hard to say that to you.praying for you to have strength
Give your 12 year old some Barbie dolls and tell her to go play. Take the phone away, take the internet away and make her actually be a 12 year old. At 12 they shouldn’t even be worrying about who or what they are attracted to sexually. We become furious at pedophiles, yet we are telling our kids it is okay to decide who you are sexually attracted to at 12. SHE IS 12!!!
Just be open. Just be there. At her age, it doesn’t really matter if she is gay or not. She should be comfortable being herself, in whatever form that is.
Honestly how could they know unless they have had sex. I say let her feel like she thinks she like girls and see how it turns out. Really it’s so popular to be gay these days
It’s been proven that by this age nothing is fully developed let alone their sexual orientation. I don’t understand the logic because they’re not old enough to buy a lighter they’re not mature enough to drink alcohol but they are mature enough to make a decision about their sexual orientation and sex?
Yes. Also possible for her to not be sure and just be exploring. All kids are different. But it sounds like she’s sure.
i knew at age 7 i was gay so she can absolutely know! she knows what she’s attracted to and nobody can tell her different!
Does it matter? Just love her. It wouldn’t change anything anyway.
I think some are confused about when they see the word sexual preference they automatically assume sex. It’s a preference in sex as in female or male. You can have a crush on someone that age and not think anything sexual. So yes it is possible. If a 12 year old knew she liked boys would we be having the same question?
I think yes in some cases, in other cases it can be very confusing for them. Just tell her you love and accept her no matter what her sexual orientation, and if she changes her mind as she gets older and realises she is bi or actually straight etc, then follow her lead. It’s all very confusing nowadays with the internet, and I think that most 12yo girls aren’t really having sexual thoughts (I wasn’t at that age so I don’t know how different it is for others) x
i think everyone can atest to having many identies through this crazy life. dont think too much into it, jsut support her every single day. if she wants to be a cat one day, let her. she is 12, so she is going through that scary part of life where independency and insecurity mix and create a slowly erupting volcano. you just have to be there every step of the way showing her that you love her and support her. who she loves, what she wears… alll that stuff doesnt matter, its your support that does.
Just support her. Who’s cares if she’s old enough to know if she’s gay or not. Until she hits the legal age in her country to have consentual sex, she is really just exploring all sorts of possibilities. She may say she’s gay now, but she may change her mind,. Or she won’t. It doesn’t hurt you as a personand shouldn’t change your attitude as a mother.
Why can’t a 12 yr old figure that out? Even before the internet kids that age knew that about themselves. Before cell phones too.
Help ur child, educate urself and support that child. In this day n age it’s all u can do
I have a friend who knew when she was five or so. Came out as bisexual in highschool. Later came out as homosexual. Sometimes when a person knows, they know. People might be apprehensive to make a definitive decision for fear of judgement, repercussions and lack of self assurance.
It’s possible for sure that she was seduced and brainwashed to feel and believe so. But don’t let that tear you two apart. Don’t treat her any differently and don’t try to change her mind, just continue to love her and support her. She may be sure of it today but she might change her mind in the future. She might fall on love with a man and form a beautiful family, and she might not. Pray.
I don’t have a 12y nor am i gay. But maybe explain to her that it doesn’t matter if you like girls or boys or both. Once she has dated a few she will know for sure which she prefers. But to never feel like she needs to come out and explain her choice to you. And to know her family love her regardless.
It can change over time, some people come out as gay only to later end up in heterosexual relationships
Just tell her she can be attracted to whoever she wants to be attracted to and that she doesn’t need to label herself as anything yet. She may like guys and girls, she may just like girls, she may change her mind as she gets older. I just wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. I had 2 ‘gay’ friends in my teens who both now have male partners and children. It’s a confusing age. Just support her
No! The media tells them it’s ok. I think they are just trying to belong. Fit in. Isn’t that what you wanted at 12?
I I agree with most of you we as society should not judge ones love for another person. My and her fiance are getting married next fall sometime and I couldn’t be the most happiest mom. I will be gaining a daughter and I couldn’t be happier then I am right now for the both of them.
She’s still a child. She’ll go through lots of phases before she figures stuff out. Tell her not to worry about relationships yet at all. She needs to focus on herself first.
Teach them love, who they choose is up to them. Teach them the value of a dollar. What they spend it on is up to them. Teach them respect and they will respect other ppl choices.
What you teach is what they learn. Let them make the choice on their own.
My daughter told me at 10 she thought she might be gay… She said she thinks girls are “pretty”, She is now 14 and still feels the same.
Honestly it shouldn’t matter if it is a “phase” or “the cool thing”, it is your daughter and her being happy and supported is the most important thing.
I feel like kids wouldn’t even be thinking about being gay at such a younge age if it wasn’t all over the media lately.
I believe it’s to young. Could just be curious I was curious at 12 didn’t like boys but girls were cute to me. A few years later I was all about boys 100% but still played with girls from time to time. At 34 I’m total boys and 4 kids.
Honestly just support her, she may change her mind later and be like im bisexual. Who knows . However they do grow and things change don’t worry but it, its all good.
I think at a young age you know what you are attracted to yes. Think back to when you started saying so and so is cute… I was in kindergarten. So if you think Annie is cute over Johnny I believe you have an idea.
I guess so. My niece was young when she told her mom she liked girls
Yes I knew my neice was from 5 years old and so did her parents . Just sit back and let her make her own decision
Absolutely not too young.
Maybe she will end up bi. Never know.
Did you know at 12 if you liked boys?
Why can’t she know at 12 if she likes girls?
For sure! They need your support.
I’ve been threw this 3 times… from my personal experience I didnt freak out was just like ok… other people who are gay said it took them a little longer to find out… so i didn’t stress it wouldn’t matter to me anyways but apparently the new thing in kids is gay… everyone’s gay its “cool” for mine anyways they it was just a phase… but who knows just love them either way! I think they are too young anyways to know for sure but then again I’m not gay so maybe they do know!
Teach them the Bible and what God likes and doesn’t like.
I believe its possible
Absolutely my bestfriend said she liked girls when we were in kindergarten. She is now 32 and happily married to her wife
For sure! Support and love!!
If a person can know they’re straight at 12 they can also know they’re gay. Likewise a woman can be straight, marry a man, live the happy life happy wife life, then after a divorce discover she prefers women. Sexuality can be fluid. But whatever you do DO NOT DISCOURAGE OR DEMEAN HER. Do not invalidate what she is feeling now. Do not tell her, “Oh you’ll change your mind,” or, “this is just a phase,” because if she was willing to tell you than to her right now it’s not a phase, it’s her life.
I think they could but also maybe someone is saying they are gay or just thinking so. My grandson told us he was from age 13-21 told him if so it’s ok but dont act on it make sure he is now 25 and has a great relationship with a really sweet girl. Sometimes they just aren’t sure
My aunt was like 8-13. She’s still gay, and happily married. So yes.