Should I Tell My Husband About This Sensitive Situation with My Daughter?


"I just recently found out my teenage daughter had sex. She denied it at first but ended up telling me the truth. I got so angry, disappointed, worried ugh so many emotions all at once. She said it was a mistake and she regrets it.

I had had the sex talk with her before because I got pregnant with her at a very young age and don’t want that future for her. She did tell me they used protection, but at this point, IDK whether to believe it or not. Having said that, I now have to make an appointment to take her to see a doctor, and I have to go buy a home pregnancy test just to be sure she isn’t pregnant.

The thing is that her biological father isn’t even in the picture. They text one in a blue moon. I am married to an amazing man that does everything for her as a biological father would and see her as his daughter. I don’t want to keep this from him, but at the same time, I feel like it’s too much for me to share with him. What should I do?"

RELATED QUESTION: Can a 12-Year-Old For Sure Know Their Sexual Orientation?


“I don’t think it’s a fathers business… she trusted you enough and that’s where it should lie. If you’re educating her and she’s comfortable being honest with you, then she’ll tell him if she wants to. Most dads don’t want to know that and most little girls don’t want their daddy’s knowing that. It’s not your sex life it’s hers.”

“No, and honestly you should know this was coming one day. Your reaction is the reason she was reluctant to tell you. Be supportive of her and keep it between you.”

“Get her on birth control. Sex is normal, she has done it young. Can’t take it back but YOU can educate her on how to have safe sex and avoid pregnancies.”

“First of all, that is something private. I understand she’s a teenager but there’s no reason to tell her father or stepfather. As long as you know that she’s sexually active and are taking the proper precautions (which seems like you are) there’s no reason for him to know. It’s really none of his business and you’ll probably make her feel even more uncomfortable and embarrassed.”

“First, let’s stop reacting so negatively to something that’s so normal. If she regrets it, you should be making sure emotionally and mentally she is okay. If she hasn’t missed a period there’s no need to force her to take a test. Sure take her to the doctor and maybe put her on birth control if she wants but it’s her body. Let her make the decision. If she’s comfortable telling the stepdad then sure but if she’s not, that should be respected. It’s a personal thing to talk about.”

“I hate when parents decide they’re going to lose all trust in their kid for having sex. If she acknowledged it as being a mistake, why are you punishing her by treating her like she betrayed you? At the end of the day, sex is a personal choice. Get over it. And let her tell who she wants, when she wants.”

“I think who she wants to tell should be her own choice. If she wants either father figure to know she will let them know. Otherwise, it’s not their business to know. You’re doing the right thing about making an appointment and what not. Make sure to talk to her doctor about her birth control options.”

“Dads can live without knowing their teen’s sex life… Keep it between you and daughter.”

“If you tell him without her permission you are running the risk of her not trusting you anymore and then she won’t tell you anything… Some stuff is a mother-daughter conversation and this is one of them.”

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I would say yes, in my opinion.

Her daddy yes probably worth a conversation the sperm donor. Don’t bother


Digest it all first take a few days let it sink in and then lean on him for support and get through it as a family.

You need to work on your relationship with your daughter because it is far from solid. Weighing the involvement of various men seems like a deflection.


I think who she wants to tell should be her own choice. If she wants either father figure to know she will let them know. Otherwise its not their business to know. You’re doing the right thing about making and appointment and what not. Make sure to talk to her doctor about her birth control options.


I personally wouldnt… I remember telling my mom I had a crush on a boy (I know completely different than sex) and her telling my step-dad and it changed our relationship cause I felt like I couldn’t talk to her about anything anymore


I don’t think it’s a fathers business… she trusted you enough and that’s where it should lie. If you’re educating her and she’s comfortable being honest with you, then she’ll tell him if she wants to. Most dads don’t want to know that and most little girls don’t want their daddy’s knowing that. It’s not your sex life it’s hers. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Uhm no :roll_eyes: he’s not even really in the picture. Why would you share something so personal with him? You will make her not trust you more!


I would be hella embarrassed if I was your daughter. If she wants to share that yes but if she doesn’t and you tell him and it somehow gets back to her think about how she’ll never want to tell you anything again.


I wouldn’t keep secrets from my husband. You all need to talk like adults and take appropriate actions together.


Get her on birth control. Sex is normal, she has done it young. Cant take it back but YOU can educate her how to have safe sex n’ avoid pregnancied


I think your daughters privacy is important…let her be the one to decide who she wants to share that information with, and be happy she chose you to confide in


They will give her a pregnancy test at the doctor when she gets on birth control. Also, if she says it was a mistake no need to make her feel bad - that will cause a trust issue with you and maybe next time she wont even tell you… Keep an open mind and don’t treat her like she is stupid. Its bound to happen…


Why buy a pregnancy test if you are taking her to the doctor have them test her


No, and honestly you should know this was coming one day. Your reaction is the reason she was reluctant to tell you. Be supportive of her and keep it between you.


I don’t think it’s his business. If you want her to feel comfortable talking to you I don’t think she would continue to do so if she knew you were telling others her business. Unless she is in danger, I wouldn’t tell your husband. If she feels comfortable enough then she will tell him.


If you tell him without her permission you are running the risk of her not trusting you anymore and then she won’t tell you anything… Some stuff is a mother daughter conversation and this is one of them


I wouldn’t flip out as it’ll just keep her from telling you things in the future. Instead let her know the line of communication is always open without judgement and she can talk about it with you if she ever wants and you’ll support her as she may really feel bad about it and now she can’t open up to you.
Ask if she’d like to go on birth control to help the future and help her get it and the right choice for her if she wants.
Do not tell your partner that is a huge invasion of privacy and you are setting your self up for losing a relationship with your daughter in the long run. Get her a box of condoms so she always has something. Explain she needs them even with birth control because of stis. Do not count them or check them. Be okay if she asks for more.
The better you handle this the better for your relationship with her. You will bond more her being able to talk to you about anything including sex if she wants to discuss anything.
She’s regretting it and you’ve flipped out.
What you should have done is ask why she felt that way and made sure everything was consensual and she wasn’t harmed in any way and know that future experiences won’t always be like that and the right person she will not regret it.
Support her and build that relationship because one day not only will you have a daughter. You will have a life long best friend


If you expect your husband to treat all your children as they were his, he should have the right to know as well! Can’t be expect only what you want and not give in return.


Personally I wouldn’t tell him, she has confided in you and if you tell her father she may be reluctant to be honest with you in the future again. I think your doing the right thing by dealing with it with her and taking the necessary precautions. Keep it between you and her so she knows that she can talk to you again in the future about it if needs be.


First of all, that is something private. I understand she’s a teenager but theres no reason to tell her father or step father. As long as you know that she’s sexually active and are taking the proper precautions (which seems like you are) theres no reason for him to know. Its really none of his business and you’ll probably make her feel even more uncomfortable and embarrassed.


Wait till you get results.

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Her sex life is none of your or their business. Her health is your concern, but that is ALL. A child is not an object to possess and control. Their body, their choice. Provide condoms and Dr visits for health and leave EVERYONE else out of her business!!!


If he’s not around, not his business

The biological father doesn’t need to know.
Your husband however probably has more right,
If he cares.


I have a simple question for you if she was his biological daughter would you still feel the same about keeping this information from him? I think if he has done everything for her like a biological father then he should be a part of this as well at least a part of the conversation and you guys are married it’s not like he’s just your boyfriend. I think your husband will be very offended and hurt if you don’t at least talk to him about it and give him the option to be there or not during this process.


Dads can live without knowing their teens sex life… Keep it between you and daughter


You’re doing way too much right now. Just because you got pregnant young doesn’t mean she will. Don’t tell her business! Teach her about sex in a very real way since she has experienced it. It wasn’t a mistake sex is never a.mistake. it happens!!! Getting angry is not the proper reaction either.


If he’s not around he’s clearly not interested!


I personally would speak to your daughter and see if she feels comfortable with him knowing or not. If not I would keep it between the two of you. Don’t break the trust between you and your daughter you are going to want her to be able to be open and have these conversations with you.


It’s not your place to tell him!!!


Ewwwwww he doesn’t need to know. Ewwww all around.


If he’s not a major part of her life he doesn’t need to know…what the hell is he going to do with that information?..if he cared enough than she would feel comfortable talking to him just like she talked to you about it… as far as being angry about it…it’s the inevitable it’s going to happen…now you have to be supportive and help her take the proper precautions, so she doesn’t get pregnant or and std…remember if they are talking to you about this kind of stuff you are doing something right…don’t lose her trust be telling her dad who’s she doesn’t have a good relationship with…and if you feel the need maybe talk to her to see how she feels about it first…

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Not yours to tell. If she is old enough to have sex, shes old enough to decide who knows.


She deserves privacy. And being mad and disappointed and all of that is a terrible idea. She will just keep things from you in the future.


It’s not your business or his! All around your going to get so much resentment from her over this.


I would let him know a general idea of why she’s going to the doctor. Bio dad or not he’s in the picture and he is I’m sure paying bills and in the role of her father. He doesn’t need to know details being she’s a female

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I would tell him and share the burden of the knowledge obviously he can’t get too angry because your dealing with it the proper way

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Id show trust. She has told you, if said used protection believe her. My daughter told me she had sex. I didnt overreact. All my kids talk to me and I take there word. You risk the relationship with your daughter if you don’ never confide in you again.


i think you’re daughter would appreciate you keeping it to yourself.if you tell your partner your daughter may feel betrayed and embarrassed and that could affect your relationship with her and stop her confiding in you in the future.

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I don’t understand why you need to do a pregnancy test and a Dr visit.

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First was this consensual? Does she understand consent? Have you talked to her about this issue? Too many teen girls feel pressured into sex when they are not ready especially really young ones. How old is the boy–older boys and young girls not a good combination. On the other hand many teens have sex because they want to. Unless rape is involved this is not something her dad needs to know about. Getting angry is way over response(unless rape and then at the perpetrator of course)–worried is an appropriate response. yes, take her to a doctor–female preferred–and have her talk to your daughter about birth control options and how she still needs to use condoms for extra protection against pregnancy and against STD’s. Talk to her about consent and how she is in control of her own body–if she wants to be sexual with a boy but does not want intercourse, she needs to be clear with the boy about how far she is willing to go(lots of fun things people can do that do not risk pregnancy–which you need to talk to her about!). Also, so many parents miss talking to their kids about the importance of how girls/women should be feeling pleasure also–it is not just about the boy/man. This is a good time to openly talk to her about all these issues. I did not at first do good with my daughters , but learned from mistakes that were costly. One thing I told them was to not have sex that could result in pregnancy with anyone you could not see yourself raising a child with. That they also needed to be able to talk to their partners about consent, pleasure, and birth control before having sex-if they don’t feel comfortable talking about it they should not be doing it. And last but not least they need to talk to their partner about beliefs about abortion and adoption–if one of them feels strongly against abortion or adoption they should NOT be having intercourse when they are too young to raise a child.


I would not tell him. He’s not been around. It would be different if he actually put forth the effort in her but he hasn’t. I would seriously talk to her and tell her you don’t want the same thing that happened to you to happen to her. If you get mad and go off she will do it behind your back instead of being able to talk to you.

Some of y’all responding, clearly didn’t read it all of the way through.


My mom is my best friend and I told her when I first had sex at 15 with my boyfriend of two years. She helped me and made me comfortable to talk to her. I would have never told my dad something like that and she wouldn’t either. I am their daughter buts it’s also my privacy and some things adjust aren’t for your dad but rather for your mom to help you with. You have to accept that eventually it was bound to happen and if you show your disappointment it could scare her to not want to talk to you about it or to confide in you. Not being able to have you as a crutch to talk to could actually lead to unwanted things.

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I think that is her decision. It’s her body and her choice. She clearly didn’t even want to tell you, she isn’t going to want a guy that is barely an active father to her to know. I believe you’re taking the right steps, but lets normalize not telling our children’s business to family or friends.

Teenage daughter but how old? Can literally be 13 or 18… but I don’t understand why anyone else needs to know? Get her on the pill or something and if she does end up pregnant it’s not gonna show up on a test for a couple weeks first

It depends on your situation. Every relationship is different. If you want to share with him because that’s what you do AND he won’t over react then share. If it will generate an outburst from him then just hold that info close for the sake of your daughters trust.

I have alot of things locked away in my mental safe. I am thankful my daughter feels safe telling me. I would not tell him. Period


See, that’s tough. She deserves her privacy as it is her sex life and she did confide in you but as your husband and her dad I think he should know that she is sexually active. Maybe not all of the details, just that she is. Should something happen to the mother, how will the father continue to help and take precautions if he doesnt even know. My parents never knew the details, just that I was sexually active. They both helped me take the precautionary measures to be safe. If I had any questions I could go to other one of them (i preferred going to my mom mostly) but where my mom didnt/or wouldnt have advice my dad did.
Trying talking to her an explain the same thing. That he should know in case anything happens but doesnt need details.

I don’t exactly think her "sex life " is none of your business…she really shouldn’t be having a sex life as a teenager… To my knowledge it’s illegal for a minor to even partake in such activities… Anyway , however she did as many do and came to you , help her be responsible about the decision she has already made and regrets, get her prepared for next time so 1. If it’s not something she really wants to do she can say No and mean that shit and 2. She is equipped with birth control/ condoms and education for when she is.
I dont think her father step or bio need to be made aware… That’s a lil weird

How are people saying it’s none of her parents business? It is their business if a teenager still living under their roof is having sex. So many things can happen if they don’t take this serious. Its in the childs best interest to communicate with each other because at the end of the day parents know best. She will have the rest of her life to be a parent and have big responsibilities but why allow a teenager to do adult things when their childhood is so precious and not very long?


I wouldn’t tell him.

I wouldn’t tell him… There’s no need, it’s none of his business. And tbh I would be more open with her from now on and the reason she wouldn’t tell you it’s because you k ew how you’d react. People have sex… She needs to feel like she can come to you without uou showing all these emotions. Trust me I know it from experience. My mum is amazing but my dad is very reactive so I don’t tell him things even though I know he means well at the end of the day. Please try to be more open minded with your daughter if you want to know what’s going on in her life

I wouldn’t tell him unless it turns out she is pregnant. If you was to tell him and she found out then she may not come to you again if she needs help or is in trouble. Just keep talking to her.

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talk with your daughter and see how she feels about him knowing? If she would like him to know all 3 of you sit down and if she’s comfortable have her tell him?

I feel the real issue is the fact that she regrets it an it was a mistake… that must be cutting her deep. This is something she can never take back. Instead of worrying about who to tell or getting her a pregnancy test u should be making sure she is ok.


If you want your daughter to trust you enough to come to you with the important stuff, you don’t want to lose that trust by disclosing something like that to her “daddy”.

Father’s, biological or not, have a much different reaction to finding out their little girl is not so little anymore.

None of us want to think about our teenagers having sex, but the fact is, if they’re going to do it they’re going to do it and you can’t stop it. The best we can do is prepare them to be safe, and keep that level of trust needed for them to feel safe coming to you if something happens.

Normally I wouldn’t advocate keeping secrets from a spouse, but in this instance I don’t think he needs to know right now.


Would not want my mom telling … No way.

If you want her to be your friend don’t judge her to much and put too much pressure on her about your past…all you can do is make sure she goes on birth control and is well informed on safe sex and the responsibility that comes with indulging in sex…often parents make the mistake of dictating what their teens should behave like which back fires because the more you want her to stop the more she’s likely to rebel against you…

Marriage = complete honesty.

If she gets pregnant will he be affected? If yes, then tell him.


Stepdad should know because they are living in the same home and it’s something parents should be aware of. However, bio-dad isn’t even in the picture according to your own words so I’m not sure why it’s even a question if he should know intimate details of the daughters life. If he were an active father then yes he should also know so he can be aware of it when she is with him, but since that isn’t the case then there’s no need to share anything with him.

I wouldn’t tell him. If he doesn’t ask, why tell? I feel like it’s different when it’s a father daughter relationship. It seems too personal if he’s not really in the picture.

you will tell him if she’s pregnant. Because if she is and she chooses to keep it then you will expect him to be ok with them staying there and him helping. So why shouldnt you tell him?


why are you mad at your daughter for doing what teenagers do? you said she said it was a mistake, so support her. don’t lash out against her for doing something every teenager is going to do. if he needs to know, tell him, but don’t let him, or yourself, demonize her for being a teenager. educate and support her.


It’s her body, her choice to tell who she wants to.


My mom told my step-dad when she found out…they both had a talk with me. Made me an appointment the next week and put my ass on birth control. I was 17 at the time. I understood why my mom told my dad…it was a lot for her to process on her own and luckily my dad was understanding and their only worry was my safety.

Don’t tell him. She will never come to you with anything if you do.


That is her personal business. She told you in confidence after you repeatedly asked her. If you tell your husband, be prepared to never have her trust again. If she wanted him to know, she would have told him. As it stands, the only reason she told you was to get you to back off… My almost 20 year old daughter told me that she felt comfortable talking to me because she knew I wouldn’t share her personal business. Just food for thought.


Buy a pregnancy test and get her in for birth control ASAP. Want to do big girl things, take big girl responsibility to keep your life on track. Really no ones business other then hers


Take her to the doctor. Have her tested. Then put on birth control if she’s not pregnant. As far as your husband…I would include him if she’s comfortable with it and if she’s pregnant.

I don’t feel obligated to tell my kids absent father anything.

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All depends on the relationship you have… If its common hiding important things like that from one another - yeah sure- dont tell him. I would tell my husband- Imagine if it was the other way around and he didnt tell you. If you discuss it with him- he wont freak out- because you already handled it, if he finds out all hell’s going to break lose and your marraige will also suffer. Goodluck mama :heavy_heart_exclamation:


The truth will set you free if it was i, i would tell him because you don’t want him to think that your keeping other tjings from him, my opinion only.


I think that’s up to your daughter.
Maybe asking her if it’s okay for you to talk with him about it would be a good route.
Letting her feel like she’s in control of her body is a good thing. Especially if she’s already saying it was a mistake, you don’t want to “tell on her” and make her feel bad about herself.


Please don’t. Idk how your family dynamic is and I could be wayyy off base. However my stepdad was my stepdad from a young age and I’m not close with him. My mom told him everything I went through and I hated it. I didn’t want to tell my mom anything because of it.

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I wouldn’t bother telling him he’s involved in her life enough to warrant telling him, if your daughter feels he needs to know then it should come from her, but otherwise no

Have you got any idea how hard it was for her to open up to you and now you want to betray her trust! Absolutely not, Doesn’t matter if it’s bio dad of step dad. None of their business!


Whatever i know. My HUSBAND knows. What if roles were reversed? If husband found out and didnt tell you? :thinking:


Tell him and ask him to be discreet.

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Husband yes. Bio dad no. And let’s also remember sex is a natural thing and is bound to happen. Educate and protect. But don’t make her feel bad about it Bc then she’s not gonna want to come to u about anything. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I don’t understand why you “have to” get her a pregnancy test. Did she miss a period? Having syntoms? It sounds like you’re trying to make this a bigger deal than it is. Or you have some anxiety issues. It is a big deal. But it’s her buisness. Not yours, your husband’s or her father’s. Show her she can trust you. You need to walk on eggshells right now. The way you react will have a huge impact on whether she comes to you in the future or not. The last thing you need is to find out she hid a pregnancy from you, gave birth & killed the baby because she’s unable to trust you & therefore felt like she didn’t have a choice. Or find out she has a STI or experimented with drugs etc when a Drs office calls you or you find her dead.


Tell your husband.

Talk with him and your daughter about birth control, then pick the best option and go for it

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I’d say that’s ur daughters call she may not want him knowing


He has the right to know because he is the father figure in her life. I wouldn’t tell him behind her back, maybe sit and talk to her about it and have all 3 of you discuss the situation. I would definitely consider birth control now because it’s going to happen again and condoms are not always reliable. It’s always good to have a back up plan.

Ask her if she is comfortable with you telling her step father…its her body and its a very personal thing…she was probably worried about telling you initially thats why she lied at first. Talk to her and see if she is comfortable. I dont see how it is important for the step father to know shes had sex but thats my opinion.

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In my opinion this is a mom/daughter thing…I would allow her this privacy.


It’s something that I would talk to my husband about late at night before bed. Prepare him before his “talk”… tell him to breath and keep a open mind… then just tell him… our girl did something that she isn’t proud of. But we need to take precautions but we don’t need to judge… go on tell tell him ur making a appointment… just don’t let him shame her… and try not to urself either. Being a teen is hard… the pressures of this world are rough…


I told my mom in confidence when I was 17. She told my dad. We all had to sit down and “talk about it”. I was never able to trust my mom again after that. If my daughter came to me I would not tell her dad. I’d encourage her to.


I wouldn’t want my parents discussing my sex life no matter what age I am … and I’m close with both of them. that’s just private and she’s obviously come to you for a reason, all you’re gonna do is show her why she can’t trust you. She didn’t hurt anyone, and she’s clearly stated she’s regrets it, why make it any more embarrassing for her? Help her, take her to family planning if you have one, they know what they’re doing and how to speak to young people

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Yes… No secrets from my partner. The child does not have to know that you discussed this with your husband unless you want her to know. Also you may relieve some pressure off your chest momma.


Tbh at a certain age it’s not even your business unless she makes it your business. There is no reason for you tell anyone she doesn’t want to know, her sex life is up to her and up to her if she chooses to share with you or whoever. Tell her stepdad then she’ll have every right to not trust you again. Her sex life isn’t yours to control or yours to tell anyone.


I think keep it between you and her or she may never tell you anything again. It’s her private matter and how you deal with it now, determines whether she will come to you in the future with other situations xx


I would talk with my daughter about having a discussion with your husband, since he is her father figure. But the bio dad…leave that up to your daughter. Please don’t go behind her back and tell anyone because once you betray her trust it will be very hard to get it back and she will be less likely to tell you anything. With my first time, someone told my parents before I had the chance to tell them, shit got out of control and I never trusted that person again and it was hard to talk to my dad about things again (was 17 and now 34) but since my mom had a cool head I still talk to her about things.

Tell him but maybe he doesn’t have to bring it up to her but imagine if she told him and not you…you are a team so keep communicating and make a plan of maybe who talks to her about such things


I hid having sex from my mom because I knew she would tell. She eventually snooped through my Facebook and seen messages to my bf at the time and guess what she did? Told everyone from my stepdad to my grandparents. Ask her if she wants it to be told, let her make that choice, it is her body and her situation. If she wants to tell him, that’s fine, but if she doesn’t want him to know, you should respect that.


No secrets in a marriage. Tell him


This is just icky. As a teen, I wouldn’t want any adult male in my life knowing. :woman_facepalming:


Yes. He is also a parent. Went thru this with my step daughter. Her Mom didn’t hesitate to tell him. He immediately went and got her. I had just had her baby sister. She was 4 months old at the time. Once she walked in the door I handed her baby sister to her. Told her she was responsible for her. Feedings, diaper changes, crying fits and all. I got up to pump only. Told her she wanted to do adult things then her is a consequence of those actions. She lasted 3 days. Begged to be off punishment. But nope. I didn’t give in. She was 14 at the time and is now 19. Her mother immediately got her on birth control.