Can CPS remove a child who identifies as a girl?

If it’s the child’s choice then I don’t see an issue but if it’s the parent forcing it then yes it is a problem


Cps should take the kids out of the home. You’re teaching him to be something he wasn’t born with. My gosh people :woman_facepalming:
quit lying to your kids.


The question is missing too much info and variables that could be different state-to-state. Every answer here is going to be what people think, not what they literally know to be true. This isn’t one that a quick Google can answer.


No they can’t. Is the child upset by this or are you offended?

I would think cps would only step in if the child didn’t want to identify or dress like a girl. But if it’s his choice then no they wouldn’t.

What a waist of resources

If there’s no abuse , mind ya business…


Uhh no. That’s not abuse or neglect.


Only in the USA do we actually have these questions and problems🤦‍♀️


I believe so. That’s not normal


If a boy like dresses, makeup, heels LET THEM!!! They’re children. I have two boys of my own and if they wanted to dress up like a damn princess I’d let them!! If you call CPS on a parent because THEIR child likes to dress up then YOURE THE PROBLEM!! If you don’t know the situation then mind your business.

What harm is she causing? What if her son wants to dress that way?? What if, just if it’s none of your damn business?:thinking:


I know a lot of are going to get mad but i truly belive that a little dress up every now and then is ok but notall the time i belive they should mske them dress as their srx is till they get at legal age then tere old enough to know what sex they want to be not until then and the patents that are doing it for thrir srlf cause they want a noy or girl is sickand need to be put in jail .let them grow up to be want they want tp be

Why are you all going back and forth ? Everyone can have their owe option on this without all the name calling. Let them be kids

It would depend on if the mother is forcing this on the child or if that’s what the child wants.

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A boy is a boy and should be dressed as a boy…


Are you asking if people can call cps if they dress their child as the other gender?

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She definitely needs her head examined


They better get involved…Pyschological abuse


It sounds like there sayin the parent is doin it not the child? Can someone clarify

Does the child wish to be a girl?

I’m about to piss off alot of people’s, my brother was born a girl and at 5 he told us he was a boy. My mom said yeah okay since we have older brothers she thought it was a phase. It wasn’t my brother was then diagnosed as transgender at 8 by a doctor after for years my brother changed his name, went by him/his pronouns. And he’s 17 now, we’ve had cps show up claiming it a abuse from neighbors and teachers but kids develop in their own and they become their own person. Of that’s what the kid wants you’re doing nothing wrong. You’re raising your kid to be who they want to be.


How old is the child?

CPS will do whatever they want


Clothes don’t have genitals. Putting Clothes on your kid doesn’t make them a boy or a girl.
And are u related to this child? Why is it any of your business?


Is the parent forcing this or is the child decided? Pretty big difference


Well My opinion if parent is forcing the child to dress like a girl and if CPS asks the child and the child says my parent is making me then yes by all means but again who knows about this generation its so much different

Not unless there’s abuse or neglect

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They shouldn’t be able to do that

With CPS you can never tell.

Its tought to children .kids don’t wake up one day saying i want to be gay

Nothing to add. But I’m just glad my children will never be around some of you controlling bitches :joy: some of you say you raised “free thinking” children while the other half say “independent” children. Yet every single comment with that point to prove, says to make the child act and dress like a boy because it was born that way.

My son comes to me and says he feels uncomfortable in his own skin, you can bet your judemental fucking asses that I will do everything in my power to make my child comfortable and supported NO MATTER WHAT(he’s not harming himself or others)!!! That’s my job as a mother. And the people commenting rude, ugly, judgy, or the “I would never allow that” comments, shame on you!! Because of how you feel and your selfish beliefs, you are now making your child feel and think as you do. This child, if not being forced upon, wants to dress and play and act like a girl because he thinks he’s a girl, wants to be happy and understood. And to me this mom (whoever she is) is making sure her child feels loved not matter what and is making him comfortable in his home, his family and life. Something some of you “mothers” need to worry about with your own damn kids!

Unfortunately yes they can if they deem the child as being forced to pose as another gender. But they must have complete evidence of such. If your child is truly Trans on their own than absolutely not.


You posted this on several pages, with lots of responses…
From what I seen its the mother who is identifying the child as opposite sex. In which case is child abuse, and cause for cps to be involved.

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Not for that reason alone

So many nasty people in these comments lol, guess I shouldn’t be surprised

If you’re thinking about calling cps.
For the love of god.

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What the fuck did i just read


Dcf can do whatever the fuck they want.
A childless mother.

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:woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: dear god.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can CPS remove a child who identifies as a girl?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can CPS remove a child who identifies as a girl?

If the mother is doing this because she wants the boy to be a girl however the young boy doesn’t understand what she is doing then I think yes. All children have rights. If the boy chooses to be a girl then no. Simple


A. Does the mother MAKE the child dress and identity this way?
B. Does the child identify themselves as a girl?

If A. That is abuse, yes report it.
If B. Leave them alone. That’s their business.


I’m not sure if cps will do anything, but If he’s ok with it and it is what he wants that’s totally fine


I think it depends on age of child. Obviously a five year old child doesn’t have the compacity to understand sexuality or preference. That’s something that is often taught and forced on them at that age.


They absolutely should be able to. Bring on the haters, I can handle it. These children are not science experiments. They are what they are.


First question - no because that is the child choice on what they identify as.

Second question - still possibly no, but it sounds like abuse and should be looked into accordingly. If the child is getting no say and not happy then maybe, but as a last resort. A child deserves to be free in their own choice on identity.

I think it would depend on who is working at that CPS. They seem to be able to pick and choose who they take away for whatever reasons they deem dangerous


Not sure, but certainly think they should be able to. Parents like this are hurting these innocent children. Sometimes beyond repair.


As long as the child isn’t being forced by someone else to do that, then it’s no one’s business.


I’ve reported children being hit in the face by their parent. Report was dismissed,.
a child who comes to school with bugs crawling out from her things, a foul odor from not being bathed, and a mothers refusal to make sure she had what she needed, case denied-
And children in Texas are being picked up are sleeping in the floors of offices because there’s no money I have no foster homes available.


Is it the mother inflicting a gender crisis on the child or is the child making the choice on his own. It makes a difference and that is what matters. If mom is forcing it then people need mental health services. If the child is making the decision on his own leave him alone and let him be who he is.


I would hope not if that child is loved and fed and taken care of that should not even be an issue. !!!


I’m a therapist. I’ve had to call DCFS to make reports multiple times. Only one child was removed. Child welfare agencies are severely understaffed and underfunded. Don’t waste everyone’s time unless a child is actually being harmed. Otherwise you’re causing unnecessary trauma to the child and family.


If there’s abuse or neglect, it wouldn’t make them exempt, so they can have children removed. Can they remove a child for parents allowing them to dress as they choose? Heck no. Why would we want to throw a child into that kind of trauma, when they are in a loving home? :woman_facepalming:t4:

If they are fed, safe, sheltered, loved, and clothed appropriately for the weather… There’s no reason to consider that. :face_vomiting:


If the parent is making the child dress that way and act that way then yes they should.


Then every one who strictly practices certain religions will have their child taken. Not saying it’s right but kids shouldn’t be taken for this :person_shrugging:


If the mother is doing it to the child without that childs consent and the child is upset about than I’m sure they could have a talk to her , not sure about taking the child away it depends on what else she is doing


I have no clue. It really doesn’t matter what anyone’s personal opinion is on the issue. Ask CPS. You should be able to call and ask anonymously without having to make an official report, since it seems to be a personal question, or look it up online in the guidelines for your state. I would not take legal advice from strangers on the internet.


There’s kids who are getting neglected and physically abused… I really don’t think they are worried about this.


No they cannot and if they do them they are kidnapping… Is this something you plan on doing to a mother because if so you better be prepared for destroying a life… Kids that get taken from good homes because of judgy nosey people end up down a very bad path…


It’ll depend on the situation and the cps agent. Best thing to do is know your rights for your state. Don’t open the door if you don’t have to.


I don’t think CPS would remove a child for this reason. That is a moral problem not necessarily a violent problem.


Biggest question is does the child identify as a girl or does the mother make the child “identify” as a girl but really they still feel like a boy? It’s not very clear. If it’s forced I say emotional and mental abuse! If it’s the child’s choice then leave them alone


It’s not a safety concern so the answer is no. Leave that girl and her mother alone.


I work for CPS and would need more information. A report can be made but I doubt anything would come of it. It typically takes significant physical abuse for a child to be removed from the home immediately. CPS might make a referral for an agency that assists with parental support/mentoring and work with the family. CPS typically tries to keep families together and work with parents on proper positive parenting.


My niece has decided he wants to identify as a boy we’re all for it and letting him do as he pleases. I don’t see it as abuse unless the child is being forced to do it


Hopefully the child’s brain can understand how to read and write and add numbers before they can understand all of this. Seems some moms are wanting to change their child for themselves not the child.


If that child is the one that is dressing themselves that way then no they cannot.
I don’t see any harm unless the parent is forcing them.


OP has to clarify the second question. Is the child forced, or is it their own choice?


I swear I can’t take half these questions serious …
You trying to have a child be removed or something …. Is the child in any danger — that should be the REAL question not can a child be removed for identifying as a different gender.


I really hope they would. Thats mental and emotional abuse. No child knows what they are nor should know about sex or sexual preferences at that age hence why parents are responsible for their kids until they’re 18 SMFH. This world is a scary place any more.


Coming from a child of a mother who worked in CPS, CPS cannot take a child away solely based on this. There has to be other factors involved. Emotional abuse is a much more difficult factor to prove that would lead to removal of a child. However this does not sound like emotional abuse since it sounds like the child has made this decision and it is not being forced on them. And as long as there isn’t physical abuse or child endangerment then the child will NOT be removed from the parents.


No. If there aren’t any circumstances of drug use/ abuse or neglect by the parents CPS will not get involved. You can try and open a separate case and pay a lawyer but most likely you will lose. If the child is being taken care of i.e. clothes food and a home that is in the condition it should be, there is nothing CPS will do. You have no idea how bad it is for some of these children.

Unless the children is in harm, no.


If the child doesn’t want to be a girl then absolutely but there’s alot of questions that need answered before I can really give an opinion

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Lawyer answer: it depends. They need to be able to show present danger and articulate why that danger threat cannot be managed with an in-home safety plan. If a case meets that criteria then yes it could possibly result in a removal but a nexus needs to be shown in court between the parent’s behavior and harm to the child. Alot goes into removals, the investigators will usually consult legal to see if they have sufficient facts to remove. It’s a process.

If the child is a willing g participant of being dressed this way no absolutely not.


Well if the moms forcing their child they can get in trouble. But CPS tries there hardest not to take kids away from families. It harder then people think to get a child taken away.

Not if the child isn’t being forced or otherwise abused/neglected.

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No they can’t unless child is being harmed (beaten, neglected, raped, etc)


A girl is a girl and a boy is a boy which sick parent would want to dress their girl child like a boy or vice versa, then they definitely have a problem


They can remove any child that they feel is endangered or neglected for any reason, but the parent maybe able to contest it and have their child returned

It doesn’t say the child dresses or identifies as a different gender , it’s the mother so if child consents then no problem if not then it is abuse

um I’m not sure about this…

I know my child will NOT be allowed to do this if their born a boy their a boy if born a girl they will be a girl HOWEVER once they are old enough to understand exactly what this is I will support them in whatever they decided if they want to switch genders at that time I will allow it but not when their young. :woman_shrugging:


Not if the child isn’t being physically harmed or neglected. I don’t know about mental abuse because all of that stuff is becoming normal

In theory yes they can depending on how liberal of an area or conservative of an area that anyone lives…

It could be argued that mental and emotional abuse is occurring. … in denying a child to self-identify themselves the opposite gender than they may be biologically… And if a Parent(s) is/are not providing mental, emotional and physical health services for that child

Do I agree with this concept ? Absolutely NOT. I believe that people are born one gender or the other with the physical genitalia of boy or girl.

If a boy or girl wants to dress like the opposite gender… so be it… If they want to act the opposite gender… so be it… I know as a child I was a TOMBOY… enjoying hunting, fishing, playing sports with the guys, and even dressing more in slacks/pants than dresses… As I have gotten older some of these areas I let go of and some I continued… What I can say is today I am a very feminine lady… Even with this I still enjoy hunting and fishing and other more male dominant areas including shooting…But at the end of the day I am very aware I am a woman.

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No they can’t. As long as this isn’t causing any harm to the child by people in the household then no they can’t.

Is there medical documentation to support that this is the child’s decision and not the parent’s decision? If yes, then I doubt it. But, states are slow to change laws.

That is not a healthy or safety risk…so no removal…maybe some parenting classes or something…

If the kid isn’t being harmed or mistreated, then no.

If it’s the mother forcing it on the son I hope to hell they him away from her sick mind. Now if the child is old enough (not a toddler like we keep seeing) and making the decision themselves CPS shouldn’t be able to get involved or say anything.

They can make up their own minds when they are older and able, don’t force things on children who don’t fully understand themselves yet.

Hello! If a CHILD is having Gender Identity, you don’t remove them from their family.
If the Mother wants them to be a different Sex then Remove Mama!

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They’d have the parent take the child to a state certified psychologist and go from there.

What if the child like to dress like this .
I know a boy who has very long hair and wears a dress even has a unicorn bag and lunch box…
When I first met this boy I did think he girl until my son said this is my friend .if child is comfortable it what he or she wears and the parent doesn’t worry then why should anyone else

if they are making him do it if he doesn’t want to depends how old the child is i would say abuse

No they should not they should mind their own business this is not neglect this is not anything but letting a child dress the way they want to just like you would if your son wanted to dress as a costume or do whatever they need to be able to do what they want to do and it’s up to a mother to determine what that is so I need to worry about stuff that is in their backyard

It depends on if the child just identifies as such or if the parent is FORCING them to do so. The question is confusing

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There are 10 major rules CPS looks at for the competency of a parent and well being of a child. Dr Phil lays it out pretty well and so does every states Mandated Reporter training. This would only be considered abuse if it was forced upon the child and was not of the childs own wants/wishes. I’ve worked in 3 states that I’ve also been a mandated reporter in and a child dressing/acting/referring to themselves in their preferred way would not constitute abuse or neglect or get a child removed from a loving, stable home.

Whatever the situation, when the child gets older; he/she will have problems from peers.