Can CPS remove a child who identifies as a girl?

If the child identifies themself that way and are happy, then nothing is wrong here. But if the mother seems to be forcing the child to dress and act like a girl against his will, that is abuse, and it should be adressed.

Good question. Ask Kate Hudson, the actress. She is raising her infant daughter as non binary. I don’t really agree with that, but once the child hits puberty, if they do identify as another gender or non binary, I think the parent should allow it. So it really does depend on the age of the child and IF they are doing it of their own free will, not being forced by the parent.

I would hope no, not without a psychiatric referral or some evidence of mistreatment

Probably depends on whether it is the child or mother who wanted the change

If the mother is forcing the child yes but if the child is wanting to identify as a girl or boy on their own no

This is not about sex. It is about body dysmorphia. The child sees and thinks like the gender in the brain. The body doesn’t match that.


If the kid doesn’t care why should you

no- it’s not child abuse.


So the child isn’t being abused or anything?

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For the question specifically. No. But there has to be more context here…

That could be considered psychological abuse.


How old are they? I mean they probably should no matter what the situation, cause either way that boy has some issues

Why does everyone assume that this post is from someone who is wanting to turn a child/mother in to CPS? Maybe it is the mother herself asking because she is afraid of losing her child. Just giving the OP a chance to make things clear. OP are u asking because you want to turn someone in or u are afraid of being turned in?

The mom needs mental treatment , as most of “those” kids parents do

Because they’re dressed in the opposite sex’s clothing? No. But if there is questions about what’s happening due to the parents mental health then maybe? But just for what kids are wearing no. Hell it’s been so hot in Vegas the past few weeks I haven’t even been making mine wear any when we’re around our house lol. Outside obviously yes.

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How old is the child and is it the mother forcing it or are they old enough to understand

I guess if they make the kid do that it would be abuse but heck if my kids feel like they are the opposite gender i would love them no matter what and accept them

Instead of wondering about cps maybe get your child in some therapy because they could have gender dysphoria and need help understanding what’s happening to them

Possibly if the child’s family or other parent has an issue with the medical or other things that go along with this. There have been cases of this play out in court.

Now days they’re all about accepting children’s different identities. He/Him she/her them/they.

Only if it’s considered to be serious harm to the child.

Idk. You woukd think no but every state, county and cfs worker is different.

That is controlled by each individual state.

Buncha bigots up in this place, how about you all focus on minding your own damn business. Like everyone said, if it’s forced, call. If not, take your nose elsewhere.

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CPS can’t just come because of a Transgender report. They can’t go to a judge and get a removal order on that alone

Birth certificates say if a girl or boy. I believe God knew what He was doing when he created either boy or girl.

CPS can remove a child for abuse or neglect only. Anything else does not fit the guideline.

Those are 2 completely different scenarios anyway.

How old is this child,?

CPS should stay out of it.


How old is the child?

Cos is joke I called on my roommate cause her boyfriend was molested her boy they did nothing for years

1stly if its the child’s choice to be addressed as her? What’s the issue

I think that depends a lot on where you are. If you are in a small town in the bible belt, look out.

At 5 my kid didn’t want to shower. Should I have just let her not shower?

I freaking hope not!! Doesn’t sound legal

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I believe the CPS does more harm than good to most children. Would never call them unless the child is being abused & in serious danger. Pray for the mother & child.


Only if the child was being forced. If its what they want no


I bet they wouldn’t, just strictly the politics of it

Depends how old the kid is

Well if you don’t allow your boy to be a girl then they will, so if you allow it your prolly good

It sounds to me that the mother is asking as a precaution or out of fear that someone else may call child services because she is allowing her child to be how they feel best.

Dear mother: as long as he is happy, healthy and loved I think you are fine

I do not agree but know they can not Remove them

Well how old is said child? Only asking cause a child should be a child and not worry about what sex they are.i didnt think about that stuff,I don’t understand this world anymore,let kids be kids.they shouldn’t be thinking about anything that has to do with sex/sexuality…


CPS can do damn near whatever they want.

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I’d hope so. That’s child abuse!!!

If the child has chosen to themselves & the parent supports it NO

If the parent decided it & the child is against it YES

Why I don’t see a problem

Doubt it. Pretty much as long as the child has a safe, clean place to live with food they won’t take them away. I know people who’ve been reported for Meth use and they call it hearsay and a lifestyle. They don’t even drug test. As long as the kid has clothes on their back they’re happy. I’ve known two people who’ve had their children taken away and it was after they were arrested and they decided their children’s well being was at risk, not the way they were dressed.

The child identifies as a girl… Why wouldn’t she wear dresses? :person_shrugging: (and other girl clothes)


That is hard to say because I do not work for CPS I know back in the day they would take your child before being Pagan or Wiccan or practicing Witchcraft and nowadays they do not so with that being said things are so different nowadays with the gender neutral Exedra it’s all very confusing for me to keep up over the years but if the child isn’t being forced to do anything and that’s what the child wants who can force the child otherwise they aren’t going to be able to fourth child to be straight no matter where the child is if your house is clean and you are loving and you can prove that you’re not a crazy psycho I think you’re good to go

No. Discrimination. Plus, it is CPSs goal to always keep the family intact. They will not remove a child in this circumstance unless you are forcing the child to act in a particular gender role.

Open ended, insinuated, left up to the imagination to fill in the blank questions are not really questions, they are just thoughts… how can anyone attempt to give the “right” answer to this when so much info is missing??

Unfortunately, in some states, yes.

It’s odd bc on one hand it states the child identifies as a girl, but then goes on to read that the mother dresses and refers to the child as a female… if we were to just base our response on the information given, which is more than likely posed this way to confuse, then the child obviously agrees with being dressed and referred to as a she… so there is no real question here. There is no forcing or harm being done. I am now supposing the question is being aimed at the CPS system itself, asking if the agency defines trans children as problems and blame the parents and will remove them … never heard of such, but googling your states CPS guidelines is all you would ha e to do to see if there is a specific section regarding “trans” children and abuse and neglect. Bet you won’t find anything there bc that’s not what the agency does. They do not remove children based on gender or religion. I think this question is quite stupid now that I really think about it.

how old is the child

This was asked by a bigot no doubt.


Intervention seems warranted at the very least but of course our world has gone mad

How old is the kid? Are you going to call cps on a family for a child mimicking and pretending to be a disney character too? I say mind your business

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is it the Mother or the child? ~

I’m not sure, but they should consider it

nope but if momma and or daddy are having sex witj teh kid oh yea

Mind your business :expressionless: can’t believe this is what people are worried about. If it ain’t your child it’s not your business. The only times you call CPS is if you have witnessed or heard of abuse. I’m telling you from experiences it’s a shitty fucking thing and feeling to have CPS involved in anything. Imagine someone did the same on your kids just because your child dresses like the opposite sex. Stupid. :v:t4:

The fact anyone thinks a child should be able to make that kind of decision is beyond ridiculous. If they really wanna be a girl when they’re a full grown adult, go nuts. Until then take more time before you chop your dick off and regret it and end up killing yourself because there’s no going back.

A form of child abuse, yes, remove the child…put mother into counseling…then once she learns how she’s hurting her child give child back…I don’t think she means harm.


I feel like there’s information missing here. Is the child old enough to understand what’s going on? Does she insist others do the same? Does the mother understand that if the child doesn’t understand, she could be bringing him up confused about their identity?

I’m not saying CPS should be able to take the child away, but the only person that should be giving someone a gender are themselves


It’s only abuse if the mother is forcing it. Just allowing the child to dress and identify how they like (no hormones or surgery are involved at that age) is not abuse.


If the child is loved, cared for well and is comfortable with identifying as a girl who tf cares? CPS is for actual abuse cases, not gender identity.

Remove him for what? That child is not being abused or neglected what in the actual fck kind of question is this


Well that would depend… does the child(boy) identify as a girl? And choose to wear girls clothes by their own free will? Or is the parent dressing them like a girl and forcing them to identify as one? Cause if it’s the parents forcing it on the child, then yes absolutely CPS needs to be informed of it because that’s 100% emotional and mental abuse to the child. However if this is what the child wants to do/be by their own choice, then leave that family alone, and mind your own business. If its the child’s choice and the parents are loving and supporting them regardless, then those parents are doing right by their child, and its completely unnecessary to completely uproot this entire family dynamic that you have absolutely no part of, simply because you have different views, beliefs, or opinions🤷‍♀️

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They are kids. Why not identify them how they wish? Children don’t know about how society ‘sees’ things. They identify to how they feel. I would think in 2021 all they would care about is the child’s happiness and that they are being cared for.

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S.s are rubbish. They let too many abused kids die/get raped and abused on every level then think sorry will make it ok

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It’s called child abuse! What do you think?


It would be child abuse not to support the child (obviously dependant on age and maturity and what their gender psychologist recommended)

If the choice is the child’s, CPS is unlikely to get involved. If the choice is being forced on the child they will. Honestly? The child needs to be evaluated by a Pediatrician and a Licensed Therapist (out of Mom’s presence) to determine what is going on for sure. If Mom is forcing it upon the child it would be the responsibility of those 2 parties to notify CPS.

If a parent dresses and refers to the child as anything other than what they were born as, then that child absolutely needs to be removed from that house.

They should. That IS CHILD ABUSE.

depends on how close they are to their quota.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for these middle aged white women to mind their own business instead of worrying about what someone else is doing


Yes, a child is bnt mature enough to make that decision, but society and social media had forced it on us and tha k it has to acceptable. To me its a.form of child abuse

Does op KNOW FOR A FACT that it is against the childs will? U til that question is answered, we can’t provide an accurate answer.

Don’t know. It would be easy to think of scenarios in which it should or shouldn’t happen. However, I simply do not know.

No because that’s considered normal now

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Just so you all know, gender and sexuality are two very different things.

What does the sex have to do with CPS?

That is child abuse and the child should be taking away from the crazy momma

Do your children need CPS? You sound hateful.


Sounds like someone needs to put the Bible and Fox News down for a couple weeks


not for that reason, no.

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I don’t know why I follow this garbage page any more

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No, not for that reason.

This planet needs an extinction…

This is the dumbest fucking shit I have ever read. Who gives a fuck if the boy identies as a girl and dresses in female clothes?! It’s 2021 it’s time for the world to get over their homophobia

Wouldn’t surprise me.

deliberately curiously worded click bait to generate infighting amongst your supporters tells me all i need to know about you as a person and all i need to know about this sadly sloppy page !


Why would you want them too…?? How does the child identify…?? That’s the only thing that matters…it’s just a different choice of clothes and toys perhaps at that point.

Should CPS remove a child if they have been given a hormone blocker for the purpose of gender transition,l under the age of 10?

Global warming must be causing all of this queer shit. We didn’t have this back in my day Ha ha

Anybody who identifies as something other than what they are is a big time jerkoff.

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The way this is worded this just sounds like you’re looking to traumatize a trans child and their parent and that’s not fucking cool. And for those of you who say that children don’t have the capacity to know or express that they’re trans, you can look up several studies and several firsthand accounts of parents sharing how their very very young children told them, in kid words, that they were trans. Several of my friends knew they were trans when they were teeny tiny, with no outside influence involved. Trans children existing is not child abuse

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