Can I get in trouble for dating a dad from daycare?

Depends on the daycare, I would guess. I work for Head Start Preschool and I would absolutely get in trouble.

Read the handbook front to back. If it’s not against the rules, go for it. But speaking from experience… the other girls won’t be fond of it :joy::joy::joy:

You’re definitely going to get in trouble, that is not allowed. Nor is it smart and probably if you’re asking the question, you already know the answer

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Okay somewhere in the contracts you sign with the company should state whether or not there is a policy on dating a “parent” outside the workplace if there isn’t and he’s single why not but in my opinion that’s just weird. You watch his child because he pays for childcare and now you’ve become a “sleeping with the nanny” scenario.:woman_shrugging:t4:

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Check your employee handbook or contract of employment. I was a preschool/childcare provider. Dating a parent of an enrolled child was a no-go.
For possible repercussions either way. Favoritism to the child from other parents, loss of a student if it doesn’t work out, or even accusations of abuse from the parent against the teacher if the child doesn’t leave the center after a breakup between parent and childcare provider.
I would strongly suggest against dating a immediate family member of an enrolled child at your facility.

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Why are you asking us instead of checking your work policy? :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4: who approved this post? lol


Depends on the daycare. My old one didn’t care my new one we can be friends with them and see them outside of work but Dating is a no

it’s a thin line to draw & cross. the children’s interests should be of paramount. we are the adults so we must make good choices.

I’d just be mindful of the child’s needs and keeping their best interest in mind, ie: maybe moving to a different room IF you’re working in the child’s room, not doing anything with the parent while the child is around just yet… and make sure they aren’t married,(ha had to say that after reading some of the comments), feel out if an ex is going to cause problems and just be smart about it :woman_shrugging:t4:

Long as you both single and you don’t let it affect your job you should be fine but it’s not illegal tho no

My now ex husband started seeing a nurse at my son’s doctor’s office and nothing was ever done. We were still married and somewhat working on our marriage at the time. Also when we officially split and ended up in court she helped falsify some doctor notes that ended up screwing me over in court. We didn’t find out who wrote the notes until after court though. It’s probably one of those unspoken rules they just expect you to know. Not sure how those type of rules work out with getting fired if it’s not actually in the rule book.

My brothers exwife cheated with a woman that worked at their kids daycare.

That would be up to the contract you signed when you got hired…some places are okay as long as they’re not a manager or supervisor over you or vice versa and some places have a strict no company relationship policy. either way, it’s a terrible idea to mix romance and work together bc if/when y’all break up, here comes the drama

So this is aquarium you should ask your boss. They make their own rules… but ethically, um no… it’s not okay. AT. ALL.

From experience, follow your heart :joy: you don’t sign contracts to work in a daycare usually.

6 years later, we are happy and expecting our first child together

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If you are gonna do something stupid like that why in the world would you involve your child? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard

Yeah look don’t recommend doing it. & your daycare policy probably says so too

I think it might be different if say, you met on a dating app. Not knowing the dad is a daycare dad bc the kid isn’t in your class.
But still it’d be weird if y’all broke ip

No probly not but it will make things extremely awkward at some point. Be sure not to show anything for each other in the work space. Lots of favoritism issues, your director is not going to like you much when she finds out because she knows the issues it will or could cause…. Just be careful.

So it’s not illegal depending what state you live in but it is usually against center policies, I’d check the handbook and see

Is this a dad of one of your students? I mean, the dating pool these days is slim so go for it as long as your job doesn’t have a conflict of interest clause

I worked at one and it didn’t matter… ask your boss

Your best bet is to just look at your centres policy for multiple relationships.

I did accidentally. I worked in the nursery and he was a preschool parent. We met online via a dating site. I never disclosed where I worked. It came up in conversation on the second date. Called my boss afterwards let her know what happened. Decided I didn’t want the stress of it affecting work. Said see ya later.
I don’t like to mix work and social life but if your going to. Write up an email/letter about how you will conduct yourself if it goes well or if it doesn’t. Take that with you to discussion with your boss so you can be open and honest. Don’t hide it. Also offer to work in another room away from.child if needed. Be prepared for drama from kids, teachers, parents… actually just about everyone will have an opinion.
Make sure you’ve seen the separation or divorce papers… cause you don’t need that sh#te at work.

Old saying…dont shit where u eat! Never date anyone from ur job coworker or not its still a client.

Read your contract. If its against policy thats where youd find it. Nothing illegal or wrong about it. But the company may not want fraternization.

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That’s something to ask the daycare you work at not the public. If they don’t care, do you

I met my husband when he was bringing his kiddos to the daycare I worked at.

First make sure he’s not married. Then check and see if the place you work has any policy against.If both these are a no,then go for it

I don’t think there are any laws against it. It would just be whether or not your individual employer allows that or not. Do you have an employee handbook or something like that… I feel like many centers would probably have rules against it?

Only if they are married or already in a relationship, is what I would think.

If ur really in love and intend on staying together, then find another place to work or send the child to another place. W school getting ready to start, now would be a good time to do a switch if need me.

16 years ago I married a dad from daycare. :heart:

Not the place to be making googly eyes

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The daycare I work at your not allowed to date or provide childcare of the children out sideof the business

If you have to ask you likely already know the answer.

Is he married??? No? Then I would think it’s ok but who knows these days.

Thats how my step mom and my dad met. They have been together 20 yrs

Usually this information would be found in your employee handbook.

I’d say that’s fine but idk the rules for ur job. Maybe keep it under wraps till u knowww what ur rules are Also at least it’s the day care. Stage and not the middle school faze lol you might get more lash back from ur child at that age vs now but I know this comment isn’t very helpful . Hope tall can happily be together without anyone getting into trouble over it !

If the MOM don’t care, why should anyone else?

Idk …but my dad was a custodian at the school I went to and my now step mom was my preschool teacher ?? So I’m thinking not?

It’s super unethical I can tell you that much. You don’t sleep where you eat

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Does anyone have to know?

Why don’t you ask your administrator?

Yolo. Try it. Don’t tell anyone. Let us know how it goes


Are either of you married?

Never a good idea to mix work and dating


Personally I wouldn’t do it. Not professional.


If he’s single I don’t see the issue :woman_shrugging:t3:


That is a question for your employer…depends on their rules.

wether you can get in trouble or not it’s just a bad idea :woman_shrugging:t2: the ending will be a whole mess

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Depends on what your employment contract states id say

This just feels like a violation of ethics, i wouldnt go near it

That would be up to the HR department at said daycare. I would think anyways

Um talk to your boss.
Depends on policy.
If theres an ethics clause about fraternization, in your contract, dating could be an issue.


If it feels wrong , it’s wrong

No job should be able to tell you who the fuck to be with. That is INSANE!! SMH.

Only if there is a mom too!

Why would you get in trouble? It’s not like you work for a dr and he’s a patient. Do you girl.


It might be frowned upon but get it girl💁
Hoping he isn’t married :laughing:

Don’t sh*t where you eat :sunglasses:


Just know for a fact that if you end up pregnant with him, you will end up like all of the other single Mothers!

None of their business as long as during work hours and such you keep it strictly business. That also goes for when dating a coworker. I won’t tell a workplace I’m dating someone I work with for the very reason I will not be put into a column saying can’t work with them because I won’t work. When I’m at work I’m there to work I’m not there to kiss face with my SO. Thats for after work. So honestly I say go for it if you want and just keep it low key while at work

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It all depends on the establishment and state guidelines

That’s up to your facility’s policies

Read your handbook, no one here would know

I wouldn’t advise it

Just say you’ve known him forever :woman_shrugging:t3: what do they know. It’s no one’s business!

Yeah you’ll get in trouble from the wife :joy:

Ask his wife for her opinion.

I would check your Handbook or speak to HR :man_shrugging:

That would probably depend on the policy of that daycare

Only if he is married

Only of that dad is taken :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

Don’t shit where you eat :woman_shrugging:t3:

That’s a really smart question to ask. I wonder what the laws are for these kind of things

I mean I did with no repercussions

Check with your place of employment.

Ask your employer, not FB…

No fraternizing allowed.
That’s like the first tule to ANY JOB.

Fraternizing applies to customers too. That’s unprofessional.

Men don’t ask this when they are dating women. Unpack this.

Conflict of interest unless you keep it on the downlow and professional when dealing with business…

Read your employee handbook or company policy…

If he’s not married I don’t see An issue?! Lol

It will be in your employee handbook

Girl… You don’t :poop: where you eat.
This is a big no. Besides are your sure he’s single?

It’s unprofessional to say the least

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My dad married my preschool teacher… :woman_shrugging:

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I bout got fired for dating my client’s neighbor :roll_eyes:

If he is married yes yes and yes

No one can answer this except your boss

How old are you? Good grief!

Wow so many Karen’s on this post do you and don’t tell anyone :woman_shrugging:t3: if it gets serious than spill the beans

Unethical ? Give me a f**** break y’all need some penis and a joint :joy::joy::joy:

Don’t crap where you sleep

Just make sure he’s single! You don’t want a reputation as the town home wrecker!

Don’t s___ where you eat.


As far as illegal goes, no. There is nothing in the law that says that. However, the daycare provider could have rules against it.

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Ask your job. We have no way of knowing the policies at your particular place of employment.


If you feel like it’s wrong, then it probably is. Don’t get involved because you might be looking for drama if the child’s mother finds out. You should check what are the facilities rules about that, some will forbid to have relations with a child’s parent.


Usually the mom is against it…ijs