Help me y’all because my point of view is “that’s sketchy” . I mean I don’t know I want her getting into the habit of sticking things inside herself. This could get out of pocket quick … my 11yo has s sweet but sneaky. I’m worried about what could come of introducing her to tampons. She has seen them before of course. She knows what they are for but I’ve just told her “pads for now” and you can go through the trouble of tampons when you’re older. I told her there are grown women who find those things uncomfortable. We recently revisited the topic when she was down to 1 pad and with me being 9 months pregnant with a leg injury, I can’t just run out to get her some. We had the replace long before you run out convo and then she freaked out and asked if she could use the tampon. I ended up just having her father grab a couple boxes on his way home. But what do you Mama’s think about young girls and tampons? Is there risks outside of negligence and Toxic shock to worry about with the kid? Or maybe I’m just afraid of my babe growing up…
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can we take a second and talk about 11year old girls and tampons?
My mom didn’t allow me to use tampons until I had sex the first time
I think it’s different for everyone, my 14 year old wears pads and is happy too. She hasn’t asked about wearing tampons yet. However I was young when I started my periods and had numerous problems and very heavy flow so also wore tampons from age 11 as it was more practical and made me less self conscious.
I taught them proper use and allowed them immediately. They are just a hygiene product and pads are gross.
There’s nothing sketchy or inappropriate about your daughter using a tampon.
If she’s ready she’s ready but it would help to teach her not to leave them in to to long
Don’t see an issue at all with using tampons as long as she knows about toxic shock I think it’ll be fine.
Her body and she needs to make the choice of what she likes. You have to teach her the pros and cons and of course about the toxic shock Syndrom and the rest she needs to decide.
It’s a hygiene product, not a sex toy. I started using them at age 11 when church camp fell during “that” week. If she feels more comfortable using a tampon,allow her to use them.
She’s going to try it whether you’re ready or not. Help her figure out the right size for her, how often they should be changed, how infection can set in if you don’t change it. Educate her because if you don’t, her friends will and they may not have the best info.
What’s more disturbing is the fact that you think by teaching your child to use a tampon she’s going to go wild and start cramming everything inside of her.
It is called clear and honest communication. If you are not going to teach her and she borrows a tampon from a friend then there is more risk of Toxic Shock from not knowing how to care for herself. Periods, Menstruation are a part of life and as such an honest an open discussion is what is needed. I got my period at 11yrs of age (I am now 58) and I was sent to camp with pads, which way back then were horrid large things. I still remember the teasing all these decades later. Do not make this an issue. There are other options today - period underwear, menstrual cups as well as tampons and pads for teenagers and different flows etc. Teach her to be proud of being a young woman, teach her hygiene, teach her how to be mindful of her emotions and body changes etc. That will help her make safer choices during her teenage years.
It’s not about what YOU are comfortable with. It’s about what SHE is comfortable with. It is her body and if she would like to try tampons to see what she finds more comfortable, then let her. Make sure she knows to change her tampons regularly and go over the risks of not changing.
Honestly, I would let her try everything out there (pads, tampons, cups eg. Diva cups) etc and see what she likes and is comfortable with. I think it is tough to push one specific type because of your preference. I think being supportive of her choice is the way to go here. I mean either way you would still have to buy pads or tampons anyways. Plus, if there are any extra risks associated with a certain product, it will say on the box/instructions (just make sure to follow the manufacturers recommendations do’s/don’t s.)
Honestly I would be more worried about her forgetting to replace at the right time ~ even older girls have forgotten & gotten toxic shock syndrome. It’s a hygiene product so it’s good to treat it as such & not sexualise it, even in your own head. She’s growing up Best wishes, Mama.
Only to go swimming until 14 or 15
My oldest daughter wore pads 1 month and per her Dr was told tampons were safe. My youngest never used pads and said they made her feel dirty.
Start with small for low flow and teach her to change them often.
I personally think 11 is to young. I feel like my daughter who is now almost 14 and started at 11 wasn’t mature enough. She also has told me several times she doesn’t have enough time to use the rest room at school so we are sticking to pads for now which I’m still trying to get her to understand you have to change those too but everyone child is different. Like a lot have already said just make sure she understands she can’t leave it on to long.
Let her use tampons if she wants to if she finds it more comfortable think of her what she wants and needs
Depends on what she is comfortable with, my oldest started using them at 13, my middle one still refuses at 17. So have her try both and see what she more comfortable using
My dtr uses them she only uses tampons she doesn’t like to feel the blood come out and have to keep checking her pants and she’s a swimmer and you can’t swim with a pad
Have you tried the period undies?
I have found these to be a lot more comfortable along with using period underwear.
I dont even remember when I was introduced to tampons but I HATED them still do. I would rather wear a granny overnight pad for 4 days than a tampon. Everyone is different. Have you considered introducing her to a menstrual cup?
That fact that you think its “sketchy” is a huge red flag on you. Pads are disgusting.
Literally no one gets sexual pleasure from tampons, they’re more discreet and many find them way more comfortable than pads. You’re definitely overreacting thinking she’s just going to go shove everything she can get her hands on up there because of a tampon
i got my period at 11 - first cycle used pads - i was like F this … used tampons since … as long as shes comfortable i dont see an issue
i also played sports so … it was easier … i mean if shes comfortable - why not … just guide her
I used tampons, I was 12 when I started.
They’re just hygiene products. Just educate her on Toxic Shock Syndrome & proper use Reality is, she won’t always have pads around and may be in a situation where she has to use a tampon.
Her body her choice
I was always told until you become sexually active. Just a rule of thumb. But maturity is a factor if they aren’t responable about changing pads and things then tampons wouldn’t be a good idea.
I wouldn’t think they are sketchy or inappropriate, they are a feminine hygiene product. The only thing I’d be concerned with is TSS, making sure that she knows the proper way to insert and remove them, making sure she uses the proper size, and making sure she doesn’t leave them in longer than they should be. If she asks to use them, allow her to try using them just make sure she’s educated about them before doing so. You could also talk to her about other options or offer those to her(ex: period panties, menstrual cups) I hate pads they make me feel self conscious bc I feel like I’m wearing a bloody, smelly, diaper. I began using tampons at the age of 11 myself and never had any issues. I personally could never use period panties either for the same reason as pads but many women love them. I have tried menstrual cups and I don’t hate them but they are messy until you actually get the hang of them.
My daughter is 11 as well and I feel it is too young, I told her to wait until she’s older when periods get heavier because they hurt way too much to dry to get them out…
My oldest is 15 she graduated to a cup, I never used them. I used tampons, but I think if they feel comfortable wearing them go for it.
Wouldn’t you rather be the one to educate your child about their body? If she doesn’t like tampons then she probably won’t continue to use them.
I started using tampons when I was 8. They are hygiene product, let her have that experience on Wether or not they are right for her. I prefer tampons over pads anyway
It’s a tampon, not a d*ldo. I’ve not met anyone who decided to stick other things in their because a dry cotton tampon felt so great they just had to have more.
Also, I promise you, at 11, if she goes to school, she’s learned about worse things she could put up there instead of a tampon anyway.
Tampons are not a gateway to having sex.
I used tampons when I was 12 however they always really hurt me before I started having sex after having sex tampons we’re no problem but using tampons and having sex had nothing to do with eachother
I never could use them. It caused hemorrhaging for me. She should stay in pads till she’s older. I don’t think they are made for pre-teens.
It’s def you don’t want your baby growing up, and despite so many basically telling you you’re going overboard for nothing… it’s a very natural feeling. My best friends sis has never been allowed to wear
Them and while I respect every parents decision… I know I wore them right away and If anything it made me not want to even think of sex bc it was painful for me. We won’t go there as to why but let’s just say verbally explaining it doesn’t do it for some of us but I think it’s more sanitary honestly but you’re the mom!
Also… they make organic cotton tampons that might be a little healthier as well if you’re worried:)
Its stressing me out that you said you dont want to introduce her to sticking things inside of her. Ummm excuse me? I also don’t know if you’ve ever appropriately used a tampon cause if used CORRECTLY, you dont feel them at all, let alone get any sort of pressure.
It depends on her maturity, and of course she’s only 11, my mother wouldn’t let me use tampons, just because the “you can only wear them for so many hours” ( would you remember to take on the used one out before you put a new one in), she’s a child she may forget, and they can be really uncomfortable and there’s different sizes so until you can really understand the flow of your period, let’s wait til your older… I think sticking to the pads is best. But you know what is best for your daughter
I hate tampons and not worth the risk of tss. My girls won’t be using them simply for that. I doubt s girls mind is going to think anything sexual when sticking a tampon up themselves when trying to control the flow
Why are people laughing at this? Has anyone here been 10 and starting your period?
I didn’t start till I was 13 but it was a very uncontrollable flow, I was literally having to change my pad every 10 mins, so my very first period my mom showed me how to use one, I wore a super plus with a pad, and it allowed me to do a whole class period without any interruptions, or embarrassing stories, it saved me my teenage years, and I’m thankful my mom stood up for me at the time with my dad!!
It’s her body … her choice
Just teach her about toxic shock - and how it must be changed etc
Teach her all about that and make it clear
And she should be fine and if she doesn’t like them she can resort back to pads, I’m sure she will let you know what she wants as she is already
First time I used a tampon before I lost my virginity I almost freaking died in the bathroom stall at school. I swear it had a death grip on that tampon and I almost couldn’t pull it out and it hurt SO bad I wanted to cry. No joke I was panicked and it was excruciating. Tried them a few years later after I had been having sex and was a bit more grown and no problem. Just from my experience I would say wait.
I got my first period at 9 years old, I used pads with my first then switched to tampons because pads were gross & made me feel dirty plus I was a baton twirler & had a competition to attend and I didn’t want to be wearing a pad with the little costume that I had to wear to compete… It’s her body she should get to choose what she uses and what she’s comfortable with!
I think you’re being weird as Fuck and you need help
Comes down to education and hygiene, regularly change tampons and pads, some people naturally don’t like tampons, tampons are great for when your swimming but if your worried try other types like period underwear or moon cups l think there called!!
My daughter is 13 I’m not encouraging tampons in fairness she’s never mentioned them yet, but she does like the reusable ones, which also reduce cost & plastic
Tampons are not sexual objects.
I would go over the health risks/necessities of use with any form of menstrual product that she’s inclined to, then let her decide what works best for her. I found tampons to be very uncomfortable, and often they seemed to make my cramping worse, so I have never used them if I can avoid it, but, others here find pads or other options to be “disgusting.” It really is (or SHOULD BE) an educated “to each their own.”
Super weird that you think letting her use tampons could lead to her wanting to stick everything inside of her but ANYWAYS if you’re teaching her how to properly use them and how often to change them then there shouldn’t be an issue if SHE is interested in using them. There’s absolutely nothing “sketchy” about tampons.
My daughter used a tampon her first period — she was 11. She is a wrestler though & she started right before a big meet/tournament. She has very heavy periods & has to use both though.
Please tell her that many girls and women prefer tampons as well. If inserted properly, most won’t find it uncomfortable or even feel it. There are pros and cons to both tampons and pads. If she wants to try them then let her. Just be sure to show her how to use them properly and to change them often. Google it with her and make sure that she knows that no question is uncomfortable or stupid.
First of all wtf!? Who says that!? You don’t want her use too sticking things up her area because of a tampon
Y’all need to chill just a bit there’s still a lot of taboo around tampons and people are trying to break out of it the fact that she’s even willing to question it is a giant leap. We all know there’s nothing wrong with using tampons aside from comfort level and tss.
To answer your question let her use them start with the lightest flow tampon and move up from there. I think they might even make them for teens/preteens. Definitely discuss and stress the importance of changing them and tss and how to use them properly
I don’t feel tampons are inappropriate, its for a natural use.
Also theres a lot of situations where Tampons come in handy like for swimming or things like that.
Also if she ever has a heavy cycle & goes through a pad I don’t think she should be worried about why she can’t use a tampon because it was made out to feel like a dirty thing when it’s made to assist her.
Also I preferred tampons over pads just because I hated the bulky itchy feeling of pads.
They weren’t my style but I used them if I ever needed them.
Granted this is my view, some people definitely have views against them for religious purposes & I won’t knock anyone for that either just on a personal level feel that certain things become how you are told to view them & it definitely was simply made for a purpose of personal hygiene.
She should be able to use whatever is comfortable to her. She’s a young lady not a baby. Let her grow up.
My daughter has used them since she was 10 . She was mature enough to understand the safety concerns. Kids should be taught their own anatomy (my opinion). It’s normal for children to explore their bodies, this starts in infancy as body curiosity and develops into sexual exploration after the onset of puberty (hormones and all that fun stuff). Using tampons isn’t going to make things get “out of pocket”. It’s a normal human developmental process to experiment with ones own body and shouldn’t be shamed, but talked about and educated on to ensure safety and proper understanding. Communication is key
Girl it’s literally a tampon stop.
I didn’t use tampon till high school, but let her decide for herself.
Just explain the pros and cons to her mommy…for sure she will understand …or let her try the two ootions of yours te pads and the tampons and let her decide which is which…which she is more comfortable to use…
Everybody has an asshole there like opinions, I firmly believe that some of these women are being a bit rude, so maybe it’s time to shut comments off
You can TSS from pads and even Diva Cups… men and children can get it as well, it’s a staph bacteria infection or even strep bacteria infection. But TSS is on the rare side from tampon use.
I started showing symptoms while I was using tampons and my Dr told me about the diva cup, I use that now and won’t ever use tampons again.
I think its perfectly okay if you teach her the correct way( and never leave them in according to the directions) Only buy the smallest tampons and let her read the pamphlet and check out the diagrams.
I’m really confused about how her being “sneaky” has anything to do with tampon use. Also, I’ve literally never heard of anyone using a tampon and it turning into sticking random objects up their vagina. Or tampons leading to sex. I think it’s strange to see people get bent out of shape about a feminine hygiene product. I get the toxic shock risk, but you can teach her and make her go change them until she gets in the habit of how to use them. I would have been really really weirded out had my mom ever voiced these types of concerns to me when I tried them out. I feel like this is the kind of action that will lead her to being ashamed of this sort of topic and not feel like she can open up to you about sensitive subjects.
I’m sorry… WHAAAAT?! Sketchy… How exactly can tampons be sketchy
I started using tampons at 10 years old… proper education is key. … yes I’d say mostly you trying to keep her your baby … but your baby has her period and we can mostly all agree she needs to be able to find what is most comfortable for her and her body
You shouldn’t sexualize a tampon it’s literally something to help keep you clean but i honestly wouldn’t let someone that young use a tampon because of the dangers of toxic shock syndrome I don’t think an 11 year old is responsible enough to make sure to change it before a certain time
You’re disgusting for even sexualizing tampons!! Who TF does that??
I sneaked by buying them myself again I tried them myself and to me I didn’t think they worked perfectly than the pads I was in my teenage years like 16 or 17 years and I have never used them before and when I had my period I thought I used it right but apparently I didn’t, because of the blood went everywhere lol. Then my mum told me using tampons it can give you cancer but am not sure if this is any truth behind it but I have never used them since because I did do my own research and it can but I have heard stories where teenagers or even adults forgot its there and added another one in and they needed to go to hospital to get them removed again am not sure if its real. I would rather stick to pads not tampons.
I have teenage girls 2 and one in her 20s I have taught my girls to use tampons from the age of 16 as too much responsibility for that age they may not change regularly enough and f that could cause TSS myself and my girls don’t use sanitary product anymore we use period undies now much better for the environment and much healthier for us I think11 is for too young for tampons pads are safer
My personal opinion is this- My periods have ALWAYS been heavy. I couldn’t use a pad because I’d bleed through them and at her age she is in school and that could happen at any time. I also didn’t like the fact that I was literally sitting in my own menstrual cycle blood it made me feel gross.
Tampons we’re my go to and still are. It never made me want to “stick something inside me”. It was a security blanket for me because I wasn’t worried about changing my pad every two hours or bleeding right through it.
Your daughter should have an opinion on what she chooses to use for her periods. She will have that period every month for a very very long time. Allow her to be comfortable because having a period and being so young is already embarrassing to some girls.
Save the all round hassle and get her period undies
Good grief you’re the one making it about something it isn’t! Pads are disgusting and being young and being on your period is hard and embarrassing as is! Let her try them and choose what is most comfortable for her! Her comfort isn’t something you should be deciding for her, especially for absurd reasons!! Let her grow up…you can’t stop it! You can make her absolutely miserable over something completely normal though!!
Ok I’m 52 and growing up when I did we didn’t think virgins could use tampons so I get it. They can but yes toxic shock is a risk. I’d suggest if you go with tampons you get the slim ones. Myself, they irritated and I went to using a menstrual cup later but to each their own
What did I just read
I got my period at 13 and was always familiar with both pads and tampons before I started my period. I never liked the feel of pads and after my first month of having a period I switched to tampons and never used a pad again until I had my babies and had to use them after giving birth. I don’t think it is a bad thing for her to use. Especially if she knows how to use them properly and gets the right education about all the health concerns. But at the end of the day you are her mom and you will know what is best for your daughter.
I didn’t start my period until I was 13 so by then I knew everything about human anatomy/sex etc. but I didn’t use tampons until I was around 15 because I didn’t have any knowledge on them. I was SO much happier ditching the pads, I wish I had been taught about them sooner so I say go for it!. Make sure she knows the dangers about toxic shock and about different sizes/flow.
Pads are just fine. I prefer them now and use the diva cup instead of tampons but my teenage daughter has no interest in the cup- it does require a certain comfortability with oneself
I hope this is a joke.
When i started my mum brought me a variety and let me decide what i wanted to use and taught me how to use everything. I was 10. Thats what ill be doing when the time comes x
In 43 years this is the first time I’ve heard someone worried that tampons could sexualise someone… Maybe you use them a different way but there is nothing sexy about periods.
9 months pregnant? It must be because you used tampons at 11 right?!? Guess thats how it starts lol! I just can understand your reasoning!?!
My girl is almost 9, she know both and has watched me use both from a young age. I have taught her and discussed all of the pros and cons with both. She has started feeling the cramping and I have explained she will know and when she’s ready and has her first one I will help in any way. I also told her its her body and her choice on which one is more comfortable and what she wants to use. I’ve also watched YouTube videos of the period undies and cups and she said she would like to try the undies as well but unsure about the cup.
I think its a good idea to try and let them pick as long as they are mature enough.
My daughter is 13 and just started using them. I let her come to me when she felt she was ready for them. She is an avid swimmer and is in Jr Lifeguards. So far she is doing good. I think I was 14.
Wtf? Sketchy? It’s a tampon, not a vibrator. It’s for hygienic purposes. The only concerns are making sure she knows to wash her hands before insertion, inserting it properly, changing it out in a timely manner so she doesn’t get sick, and watching for any symptoms of TSS. I don’t think a girl is going to “get in the habit” of putting things inside because she uses tampons.
My mom had a similar view as you and to be honest, it made me feel like there was something wrong with my body and something indecent about wanting better coverage than a pad could provide. Don’t do that to her!
some really negative comments, not everyone is a perfect mother, to your question i would wait until she’s a little older like 15 /16
“The habit of sticking things inside herself”
What the freak are you on right now?
So… first time I needed a tampon I didn’t know how to use them and I thought the entire applicator needed to stay in. My mom didn’t use them and my sister was not very welcoming so it was a horrible experience with no one to talk to about it. Moral of the story… talk to her about them, educate her about them, and stop thinking it leads to promiscuous behavior. Like… wtf
Also invest in some reusable pads for times when you forget to buy them or can’t get them. They are better for the environment, hold much more volume and are much more comfortable! Plus some people actually develop allergy to the bleach that are in pads and tampons that aren’t organic. I always buy the natural or organic ones if I’m not using reusable!
And to be honest, her being only eleven, you guys should be checking in with her to make sure she has enough of what she needs. She’s young and still learning.
I was in middle school when I started using them and never turned back. It was summer we had a camp site at a lake and everyone could swim except me. Nothing like watching everyone swim in 90° weather while you suffer because you only have pads. I never had any issues with toxic shock or anything like that. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for. My daughter didn’t like tampons and only used them when needed to swim. I alway live by the rule to always be prepared extras in the locker purse/backpack and at home with pads and tampons. Even if no on period always had some somewhere. Even today I keep em in my purse both bathrooms my truck. Help her feel confident your little girl is no longer a little girl. I know it’s hard. But the more confident you are with her the more confident she will be with herself. 100% honesty and communication helps a lot! Good luck mama. You now have a young lady on your hands
I really don’t know how to process what I just read lol
I think pads are better for little girls. Tampons aren’t evil though. If it were me I’d explain to her the risks and pros and cons of each. I’d buy her both. And let her choose. Most likely after trying both she will side with pads for the time being.