Can you get pregnant on birth control?

I got pregnant on every type I was on.

Take A laxative. It might just be a poo pouch :heart:


You could be pregnant or your just constipated and need to poop out all the hamburger helper and spaghetti


Most BC is only 96%-98% effective. Things happen. Stick test dont always work well. Get blood work done and maybe a ultrasound is probably the best option to be sure.

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I got pregnant on the depo shot with my son and the pill with my daughter… :rofl:

Both of my kids was conceived on birth control so yea its possible

I got pregnant on the pill and found out at 11 weeks through ultrasound and my baby is 10 days old hugs :hugs: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I think the patch and the pills are the weakest birth control those are the most where people say they were on birth control and got pregnant

My sister got pregnant on the shot.

Here is my proof of the nuva ring failing me

pregnant on it twice for me xx

My husband and I have gotten pregnant while using birth control and condoms twice…it can happen I would see your provider and request a blood test for pregnancy hormones

Only one sure way to keep from getting pregnant, absentee

I got pregnant on the pill that was almost 11 years ago

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it is possible to become pregnant even with contraceptives as nothing is 100% full proof, it is also possible to still have periods regularly. The only thing you can do to be sure is to see your doctor

I have a 20 year old and a 16 year old that are both birth control babies. I was on it for 2 months before I found out with my youngest.

YES. My mother got pregnant with me while she was on the pill

I’ve gotten pregnant on BC twice.

Well yes everything U mentioned is possible! I have 3 kids to prove it I have PCOS and got told I couldn’t have kids still took birth control (only thing that made my period regular) and have 3! I had my regular period for the first 3mnths with my first and it 60+ yr old man that picked up not me I was living with her and every morning id get up and be in the bathroom vomiting I came out one morning and she said are you sure your not pregnant I turned around yea gran I can’t have kids went to the hospital that day and found out I was 8weeks.and 3, days preg and had bleeding through out!! My second he wouldn’t even show up on a piss test not even at the doctor’s! My doctor done one came back neg went back the next week cause I was feeling worse so she done bloods came back I was 7 weeks preg and also had periods with that one! And 3rd he showed up on piss test straight away and also had periods with him! Only thing for me is I’m blood group 0- so have to go to Regency for anti d injections everytime I had bleeding

I have 4 children. I got pregnant with each one on a different form of birth control. Both my mother and I got pregnant after a tubal ligation. My mom also had an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured and reattached (as best doctors can figure) and resulted in my brother who is now in his 30s. My adopted mother was told she’d never get pregnant again because she had so much scar tissue in her uterus from health problems and had 2 more healthy, big, full term babies. With my second daughter, I had my period for 4 months after conception and also had negative pregnancy tests well into my 8th month- it was a big joke in the family. She was also enclosed in a double sac and had “absorbed” her twin. She was my biggest baby as well as a “preemie” (weighing 8.5# but being 16 days early) so we used to joke she got hungry in there. Stranger things than getting pregnant on BC have happened.

My first baby I was on the patch but that was 14 yrs ago

Yes yes n yes 3 diffrent type n 3 kids later didnt even bother getting on anything with the 4th one so it is possible

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My Birth Control Baby will be 29 in June❤️

I got pregnant on the pill 3 times.
I lost 2 of them and the last is 7.5 months old.

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Seek professional medical testing. No contraception options are 100%.

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Just… don’t trust a fart!!

I was a birth control fail

I’m pregnant right now Nd I was on the patch

I got pregnant on the patch…14 years ago

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Welp. I got pregnant while on the pill, spermicide, and constant condom use to boot. After I carried that sweet kid to term, I got an IUD. Solved that worry.

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Go to doctor,get checked out.

I did and found out when I was 20 weeks had a period and I got morning sickness thought I had the summer flu or stomach virus joke was on me the pill didn’t work my son is 24 now

Just to to doctors and they will test you

Yall really did raw while on BC thinking it’s 100% effective??, lmfao we need better sex education classes here in America.

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I’ve had no issues with the patch, but I use all 9 patches and then have a period. You don’t have to have a break for a period at all if you don’t want to

Visit your health provider or family GP. Pronto good luck.

Stop driving yourself crazy guessing and make a doctor appointment.


Maybe your just getting your period. Take a test in about 2 weeks. It depends.

Yeah I did I was on pill injection and I dropped on

Definitely worth going to the doctors and having a blood test to make sure xx

Got pregnant when I was on the depo, also the mirena

Go to a free clinic they will give you a test and tell you if your pregnant

I know someone that got pregnant on the coil twice :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

You can definitely get pregnant on birth control, you’re just less likely to. I would call your primary physicians office and check in with them for further insight.

Yes you can get pregnant, go to the dr & put your mind at rest


Birth control isn’t 100%…


The only form of birth control that’s 100% effective is abstinence. Make a doctors appointment.

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Got pregnant the first time while on the patch. Second time while on the pill.

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Yeah u can I did with my second child. And I had 1 miscarrage before him and was on bc

I’m a bc baby, and so is my daughter.

  1. the patch hasn’t been out that long. (2001)
  2. it’s possible to get pregnant on any birth control.

Yes you can get pregnant. I got pregnant on the pill, got pregnant with an IUD and got pregnant with having my tubes tied. Luckily my 3rd child had a csection and had my tubes removed lol

I have a bc pill baby, it’s definitely possible, none of them are 100%

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I got pregnant twice while on the pill.


All my kid were conceived on three different types of birth control. The pill the shot and the norplant(all 6 sticks). My boys can swim

Got pregnant on the pill as well as with an iud in place🥴

I got pregnant on depo shot

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I got pregnant on the :pill:

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I hope you don’t take this the wrong way. But go to a gp, do a Scan, or do a home pregnancy test… People can help but we not doctors. Get the right info from the right person (gp)


Yes. All my babies are bc babies.

My 13 year was conceived on the patch.

Remember the sponge? That sucker was usless. I have a 30 yearold to prove it. Lol

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I got pregnant twice on the patch, lost my first baby👼 and just had my son April 10th

My mom got pregnant 2 time on birth control

Get a blood test n find out!

I had my son on birth control. I got the iud instead

Considering I have 2 kids 1 year and 2 weeks apart… Yes you can get pregnant on birth control :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I got pregnant 3 times on the pill.

Yes, I got pregnant on birth control and still had a period for 5 months. The pregnancy test didn’t come out positive, until I was 3 months pregnant.

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I got pregnant on birth control and so did my daughter. It isn’t 100 percent

Yes. I got pregnant on the patch now I’m on my second paragaurd iud. So much easier than remembering to take a pill or put the patch on.

This comment section is so scary. I’m gonna have to give up my sex life to not get pregnant, don’t I? :anguished:

I don’t know if maybe an early detection pregnancy test might make a difference but it supposed to be able to detect the first levels of the hcg in your system.

Yes i didn’t test positive for 3 months.

Antibiotics counteract birth control


I never got pregnant on depo or implant. Had 5 kids in between when I wanted to. That worries me about my daughter tho

You can get pregnant even if you had tied tubes. Pretty much if you get cum inside, you could get pregnant. Birth control has flaws, no matter the type. The human body is made to reproduce, that’s what sex is for lol going to the doc is always best if home tests are confusing. Simple blood test can determine if you are.

Yes. I was on birth control pills and got pregnant twice. User error. Also some types of birth control are not as effective if you’re over a certain weight.

I got pregnant on the pill but really it was my own fault. Forgot antibiotics cancel out any birth control 🤦🤦🤦
You should go in and get a test done. Maybe if its not being pregnant it could just be your body lacking something it needs so therefore you start craving things that can help replenish what its missing.

All 6 of my kids r birth control n my 20 miscarriages as well. All forms of birth control. Longest I’ve gone without pregnancy was not taking it at all

I was on the pill with both my kids and had negative tests until I went to Dr for a blood draw.

I got pregnant on the depo shot. I’ve had the Mirana for 7 years (change the iud at 5 years) & no pregnancies. :+1:t2::+1:t2:

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Lol no one got prego on Kyleena?

I got pregnant on the pill as well as with Mirena. Mirena I had no periods. The pill I missed a period

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The only sure of not getting pregnant is not to have sex.


Please go see a doctor


I got pregnant on the patch and pill

Oh yes ! I did back in 2007.

Wait a couple days take another test I wonder if you have other symptoms like more emotional sore chest etc? Those were all mine. A doctor could do a blood test

You 100% can but you should probably go to a Dr & get checked.

I have friends that got pregnant while using condoms, IUDs, the depo shot, the patch and birth control pills. Nothing is really 100%. Get a blood test done, or see if you can get an ultrasound.

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I think you’re overthinking. The hormones in the birth control can cause almost the same symptoms. Why a lot of people gain weight on birth control. I mean there is a chance but I wouldn’t worry about it.

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The patch will make you feel crazy💯 definitely talk to your doc those can be serious side affects

I did on the depo shot

Yup! My mom got pregnant with me and she was on birth control lol! That was quite some time ago but I do have a friend who also has a baby despite being on birth control. It’s not 100% effective by any means.

I have 3 times, three different methods

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I got pregnant the first time on the birth control patch. The second on IUD. And third on pills.

The only 100% fail safe birth control is not having sex or having like your ovaries removed. You can become pregnant on pill patch iud arm implant the ring and condoms.

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My daughter did 13 years ago on depo shot.