Could my anxiety have me thinking something is wrong with me?

Actually, yeah it quite possibly could be, some doctors have speculated that built up stress and anxiety can show in physical pain like neck or back pain, headaches, terrible stomachaches, etc. Get a second opinion, maybe see a psychiatrist?


This could absolutely :100: be caused by stress. I get those same migraines. Make sure you stay hydrated. And if you can have your husband massage your neck and shoulders. My pain management dr gives me something called trigger point shots and they help me tremendously. Or look into something called dry needling. I know these are painful. Best of luck!

Some of these are great suggestions. My sister went years without a diagnosis so I’ll tell you some steps she took. My advice is to keep a symptom diary to carefully keep track of symptoms and the duration(also your diet noting the food that you’ve eaten prior to episodes), try migraine relief remedies to see if those work if not log it in your diary move to next step and see a chiropractor to make sure you are physically aligned and note if it helps, do all this while working in conjunction with your doctor (do not do this without being under the care of your provider) that way he can run your blood panels to rule out other causes (such as deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, and thyroid). Also have your husband make notes because he may notice things that you do not. For example: this happens after caffeinated drinks, or extended time in the sun, her eyebrows furrow prior to symptom onset, note your moods as well etc., This gives your doctor a full work up and not parts of the story you can remember. Also make notes for questions you may have for your doctor. On occasion we forget when sitting in front of them. Good luck on your search for a diagnosis.

Sounds like panic attacks. I have migraines like that alot. They are very painful. Sometimes I have to go to the hospital.try ice on the back of your head and try not to stress about your husband so much. I have the same thing. Lol

I had a blockage in my main artery going to my brain. It would accur when I raised my left arm above my head. It didn’t show up till I had both arms checked for blood pressure. My right arm was off the charts and my left arm was low pressure. Simple enough I had a bypass put in my shoulder. Ended all side effects completely, just now dealing with the numerous strokes that I suffered. Get checked out completely by doctors.


Get back to your doctor and ask for a blood work up and ekg. Calmly discuss that you’d like to rule out other issues


If you have had Covid, its a possibility this is a side affect, Covid can cause many things. It can attack any part of your body, one thing at a time. Anxiety, balance , fast heart rate, ear problems, dizziness , hair loss, joint pain. Cant breath, swallowing, swollen tongue, you name it. (Of all the response I dont see one thing about Covid in these replys) Anxiety is horrible,especially if you have never had it before. Check with your Dr.

I have occipital neuralgia and this sounds like it could possibly be that. I do cranial sacral therapy for my neck and do occipital nerve blocks.

Maybe have the Dr check you for Deep Vein Thrombosis in your neck, my grandma had some of the same symptoms and she had some vein issues in her neck causing it

Sounds like it could be migraines. I have had them since I was 9 and they can come on sudden and they are debilitating at times. Anxiety and stress can bring them on as well as other triggers. I would keep track of how often you are getting them and also keep track of what foods you are eating. Foods are a big trigger for migraines also. Sometimes mine will start in my neck and go into my head. They are awful. If you keep having it I would go to a neurologist.


It’s called stress headaches. Get general check up to make sure everything is ok. Then get on low dose antidepressant and take b-complex. No I’m not a doctor but works…just saying

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Looking at cell screen for long periods of time with neck bent/lowered down to view it. Also, the back light on screen. This is causing many headaches and neck pain.

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I had issues like this for a while. My doctor tested me and I was diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri. I was put on a water pill and it helped with the extra fluid I had building up Putting pressure on my brain stem.

Yes anxiety really kicks your butt. I have had anxiety for years and it really makes you feel like something is seriously wrong with you. It is scary. Talk to doc about meds. I wouldn’t take anything until doc proved to me there was nothing wrong by doing all kinds of tests. That was a deal that we made. So needless to say I went on meds. Good luck.

Go to a specialists my Daughter had the same problem and her specialists gives her Botax injection and she got her Live back also some mild stretching

This sounds all-too-familiar to me been through the exact same thing had the same test it was clear it was anxiety or dehydration and I finally met a Doctor Who prescribed Seroquel to make life calm

Have you had the disc and vertabra checked out in your neck


I would suggest seeing a neurologist dont self diagnose let’s hope it’s just an anxiety attack dont wait despite a normal brain scan a more specialized doctor will be able to pinpoint the problem

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I had headaches like that. It turned out I was having a small (T.I.A.) stroke. You can tell your Dr you’re worried about that & they should test you for it.

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Allergies? I can’t focus, start to feel lightheaded, can’t breathe well which induces a panicked feeling and just feel miserable.

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To be on the safe side I would ask for a consult with Neurology. Don’t be afraid to see a doctor again about this because something could have been missed the first time. The worst thing you can do is self diagnose. In cases like this it is imperative to get a second opinion. If the doctor you saw previously was a primary then I would now request a specialist. It could possibly be due to stress/anxiety but I think I would get another opinion first before assuming that. Hope you feel better soon!

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Vertigo or anxiety attacks
Gall bladder issues can cause headaches before u develop the nausea and pain

Have you tried acupuncture? It worked well for me.

Definitely tension induced. That’s the same place I get headaches and will sometimes feel better after cracking my neck. Take some deep breaths. Breathe in for a 10 count, hold for a second, then out for a 10 count. Stretching will also help relieve the tension.

I had tension headaches everyday all day long. They got so bad I could hardly function. Hurt in my neck and shoulder blades also. Stayed in the hospital for a week doing bio feedback. Went home a different person. The doctor told me if I ever started having the headaches just to lay down and relax for 30 minutes or so and do the deep breathing techniques. That was 15 years ago and today when I started having a headache I try the relaxing techniques and sometimes use my bio feedback tapes. It has really worked for me.

Perhaps a second opinion. This could be related to several things. It could be structural, circulatory, neurological, muscular etc. Keep a diary of your symptoms, be mindful if there are triggers and note them. Advocate for yourself as you are part of your healthcare team.

Did they ever scan your done. Did u have a spine injury? Or hurt your neck? Ive had a spine injury neck area n do u get ringing in your ears? It can affect breathing walking weak limbs etc.

Absolutely and believe it or not dehydration mimics the symptoms as well. How is your fluid intake?

Spinal pressure sounds off I get the same way. I know my spinal pressure runs almost triple what it is supposed to be. Only way to have it checked though is a spinal tap

Have you seen a heart Docter? I had something similar, I have an irregular heart beat?

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It took over a year to find out that my husband needed neck surgery. After they fixed the disks in his neck he was fine. His anxiety got so bad life was hell for him and everyone in the family (that went away too).

I have a condition called occipital neuralgia and is debilitating. Go see a neurologist and tell them about your head. You also could have a combination of migraines and panic attacks. I really hope you get rid figured out :heart:

Arthritis in the neck maybe. You are describing what happens to me when I have a flare up

You need to see a Pain Management Specialist or a Neurologist. I get migraines often and you can absolutely get them from stress but they can be managed with daily medications. You need to see someone who has experience with this.

Get mri of your cervical spine- could be pinched nerves. I would definitely get a referral to a neurologist for testing. Find a neurologist who specializes in headaches also.

I think with the coviid alot of people are feeling these symptoms.

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See doc for further tests. You may need a carotid Doppler ultrasound.

Absolutely I’m exactly the same and have been for years
Last night was a bad one for me x

Keep looking for answers. Keep it up. I list a friend to a brain tumor. After the headache phase she started tearing her living room up and then waking up the next day blaming her husband then came the phase where her arms would be weak and go numb. 3 months later they found the tumor and did surgery but she passed away shortly after the surgery. A friend of my daughter had a stroke that she thought was just a severe headache. Just find a specialist to get answers. If no answers are given move on to another specialist. I had stress headaches for years. They always ended up making me puke. They stopped and I don’t know why but they were awful. My mother had acid reflux so bad they had to do surgery on her esophagus to keep acid in her stomach. The acid was poisoning her in her sleep.

I had the same problem years ago and self hypnosis helped out tremendously.

Go see your internist. Rule out physical reasons first. Then get psychiatric help too. I have major surgery coming up cuz I waited

This happens to me. Though usually makes me feel like im boiling hot on the inside and if i have cold water and/or lie on a cold floor for a bit it goes away. Was told its a type of migraine.

i thinn you need to keep seeking answers… if somethitns wrong dont just dettle for what ome person says… while.this coild possibly be related to stress its alsonvery likely its much more… id say seek other opinions and keep seeking thrm until u find an answer thatvmakes sense sadly ive had manyvfriends and family members of freinds who saw drs who dismissed their symptoms and later somerimes when jt was too late figured outbit was much more than it xould havw ever possibky imagine… i say u knkw urself bbetter than anyone else if you can sense somerhints really wrong than trust it bevause it probably is… this doesnt sound like just an anxiety thing… maybe look into a cardiologist havw ur heart checked… pther things keep seeking and fighting for answers

Why when women get headaches it’s assumed to be mental or stress related but if a man has one a million tests are done? I’ve suffered from headaches (some so bad most would probably go to the er for) for 20 yrs and even though they found that it’s possibly Chiari Malformations (but can’t be bothered to check) and I have intracranial hypertension (excess spinal fluid) they still tell me to relax more or get more sleep. I’ve had a spinal tap to drain the fluid which leaked (chiari people shouldn’t have spinals unless life or death) and chiros make it worse. I get many types of headaches at least 3x a week. The worst ones sound like the op. In the back of my head, were my head and neck meet. It’s so bad the pressure, I have asked my hubby to punch were it hurts (he won’t), to try and relieve the pressure.

It seems like you have Basilar migraine

This could be a dental problem, maybe TMJ. See your own dentist, and maybe an oral surgeon.

You could have bone spurs in your neck my mom and gma had them. Almost killed my mom they get close to the brain stem. You could be dealing with alot more then stress go to the damn doctor. Why does everyone come to Facebook for medical care its nuts

Keep going to the doctor. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Try acupuncture, it’s very effective for pain of all sorts. If you get a referral from your doctor, it may be covered by your health insurance if you have it( mine does). Chiropractic is another medium that many people swear by for headaches.

The only way you will definitively know is to take your concern to a physician. If you don’t want to go to yours, try another, but, In my opinion, I don’t believe Facebook to be the place to find answers to something like this.

Check to see if you may becoming sensitive to emf’s. These are emitted by WiFi, mobile towers, mobile phones. Don’t have your phone on charge in your bedroom while you sleep. This is becoming more common as our wireless networks proliferate.

Sounds like you need to find right doctor. This is not place for medical advise.

Request a stress test. Could be an artery is getting blocked


Have you thought of trying reiki to help with this or reflexology both are very good for relaxing you .

Sounds like anxiety to me

Possible dehydration. Hope you get better.


If I were you, I would see another doctor for a second opinion. I pray you get better soon.

Talk to your private ddoctor.Sounds like stress related. But you should definitely talk to your doctor asp good luck

You may need to go to a Chiropractor and massage therapist.

Anxiety or panic attacks can do this.

You might want to try a different doctor.

Full blood panel and check vitamin levels, CBC, inner ear, and thyroid.

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The gym life really helps…

Try a neurologist and do bloodwork. Praying u find out.

Talk to your Dr, could even be a issue with your heart

Go to a better hospital get second opinion

Try another MRI and look for Curarie.

Prayers for deliverance from this affliction and wisdom and knowledge on what causes it.

Try some gator aide. Replace your electrolytes. Hope the best.

I would try a new Dr

If it is anxiety you might try doing breathing exercises and the most common one is the square breathing or box breathing. Breathe into the count of four hold it to the count of four release to the count four hold to the count floor and repeat.

Time for evaluation from different doctors with complete.lab workup…

Get second opinion mds blame all women’s ailments on anxiety and stress.

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Sounds like anxiety attacks ?


Make sure you mention this to your dentist.

tension type headache maybe? bc of stress n then the tth makes you anxious? is your ecg fine?

Diet is key. Self care. Test for deficiencies.

Have you tried a Chiropractor? It may be of help…

Seek a second opinion if your not convinced about yr mri n drs diagnosis …you know your body better than anyone

Sounds like a panic attack, I can’t tell you how many times I had my husband take me to the ER, I couldn’t breathe, my chest was tight, I thought I would pass out, I learned self hypnosis, it really helped, Pryor to learning hypnosis I was taking Xanax 3xs a day for 5 years, I was very addicted, I weaned myself off of it , I found a good councilor. I know it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but I promise you , there is. I was just like you, only my panic attacks didn’t need stress to set it off. Take one day at a time, one minute at a time, you will conquer this. Btw, I have been off of my Xanax since 1993, I do have Ativan if I need it, I bet since 1993, I haven’t taken more the 30 pills. I can talk myself down , you can too. It turns out my anxiety was my body flight or fight because of weird things happen in my body. I now know I have MS


Water. Your dehydrated. Serious. Please hear this. I went through years of that same thing. The next time your neck or head begins to hurt drink water. I promise you will see improvement in minutes. I have not had one of those horrible headaches in years now. Its a simple answer. Please try

Sounds like gastritis. Could it be your stomach? I have anxiety and it turned out to be a symptom of my gastritis and hiatal hernia. I thought for sure I was dying.

Have a urine test for heavy metals and stool test for infection in the gut. I had 4 years of those headaches until I finally found a good doctor who found I had both issues, causing the headaches. I have been during major detoxing for 9 months and now almost headache free

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Eat a banana and drink some orange juice

I’m going through the same thing and I find heat packs help

Make sure you are well hydrated!

Have you been tested for POTS?

Why do folks get online and ask folks to diagnose ailments ? Go to a goctor !

It sounds heart related to me… (even if your blood pressures ok) Read about Myocardial Bridge… there is a support group on fb.

With base of neck involved it could be coming from a bad disc in your neck

Check your b/p. Low will do all oF that

PLEASE see another doctor!
Get a 2nd opinion. 3rd, if necessary.
Wish you good recovery. :heart::rose:
Don’t give up hope. :+1::+1:

Go see a Chiropractor

Have faith, it Shall be well

Have you considered being examined for migraine?

I’m praying you find some answers. :pray::relieved::pray:

Wanna know what I think? Biowarfare sounds all wacky but hundreds of thousands of kids have been hit with a pathogen called Bartonella passed by ticks and anything blood borne. Read “Bitten” off Amazon. Heard of PANS and PANDAS? Those are symptoms of a blood borne illness. Find a Lyme literate doctor and get tested tor all of the “co infections”. They cause shocking symptoms but a lot that seem just psychiatric. There is a root cause for most of what is appearing to be psychiatric. I can vouch for this 100%. I’ve had a family member seriously ill now with Bart. One or two antibiotics needed long term with anti inflammatory and other meds. The genie is out of the bottle.

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Have your heart checked

If you have a good referral to a Nuerosurgeon go see one. I have headaches for 25yrs and they all said stress. Turns our I had a pinched nerve at the base of my skull and I had all of the same symptoms you are having. You need an MRI with contrast by a nuerosurgeon who know what they are doing. Specialist in Head & Neck. A regular orthopedic surgeon is never a good idea when the brain is involved. PM me if you need a referral.

Maybe it is the 5G induced illnesses caused by the radiation they are putting on us. Eat right, take vitamins, and keep your body detoxed!

I have same feeling …after my sister passing …my doctor did se test and hope will be okey …keep healthy and positive …in life we can do better …cheers …!!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: