Could my anxiety have me thinking something is wrong with me?

Sounds like tension and aniexity attacks but please see a dr

See a Dr immediately

neurologist please. go now.

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Low red blood count. Low iron.


Check with a neurologist


Migraines. And stress and anxiety make it worse or even bring it on. Had some of the symptoms you mention. Went to two different doctors and emergency room because of it. First doctor said when the stress goes away the pain will go away. Well that didn’t happen. ER did a MRI or CT Scan and found nothing. My new primary at the time was the one who diagnosed the migraines like I knew I had and gave me something.

Look up POTS and Dysautonomia. There are many support groups on Facebook. Your symptoms sound spot on for this. Your doctor or cardiologist can do some simple tests to verify. I have it and now thanks to the medicine they prescribe, I can function again.

Go see a chiropractor

I will suggest see your doctor. Get blood tests and cervical xray.

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When I have anxiety or panic attacks I feel like I’m having a heart attack and have chest pains with nauseous and start sweating and feel like I’m going to pass out. And for as long as I’m in panic or anxiety I will get a migraine for just as long. They have put me in the hospital several times. It is a very scary feeling. But my Doctor put me on clonazepam and it works within 20 minutes.

Have the disks in your neck and back. I have the same thing but I have neck and back problems. When it happens try to go lay down and take a short nap. That seems to help me most of the time. Good luck.

I agree with Janice sounds like cluster headache, god bless you. I hope you can resolve them, i know how so very painful they can be!!

This happened to me, I had a pinched nerve. Physical therapy and stretching helped tremendously

Do a cortisol test, tyroid, and vitamin test. For headache try cold n sinus tablet

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Low iron low blood pressure can cause that too jaundice

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Excedrin is good for migrane but if is sinus then advil cold n sinus. Check eyes monitor if is near or around your period then use multi vitamins with iron. Check your B vitamins level

See if its causing by air conditioner if you in an a.c environment at times because a.c give me splitting headache

Hypoglycemia could cause the dizziness and feeling faint, also low iron…I’ve had panic attacks/anxiety so it could be that stress can cause alot of different symptoms

I did this and had a neck injury and had surgery on my neck it fixed it…

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Have you considered seeking medical advice instead of random people on the internet? :woman_facepalming:

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Check thyroid and iron levels. Same happened to me and turns out I’m super anemic and my hemoglobin levels were extra low. Could have killed me.

Sooo many things could cause what is happening to you, your story sounds a lot like my own, go get a second opinion because I know how scarey it can be. I have vertigo, anxiety all kinds of stuff goin on with me and my test come back negative for everything. I try not to worry and stress about things but, it’s easier said than done. Go get your second opinion and hopefully you’ll get some answers, I wish you the best of luck and get this squared away.

I would 100% get your thyroid blood work done ASAP!

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Same. I JUST got my MRi results today and all is normal yet this tingling in my neck and head kept me up last night.

Check thyroid and iron levels. Could also be from daily stress.

I’ve been having headaches as described for going on 9 yrs down to the stretching/massaging of the neck for temporary relief. Still don’t know wht has caused them but they are debilitating

It’s possible you’re suffering from a form of migraines. You should talk to your doctor though and find out what really is going on. I hope you get better! :pray::heart:

Graves’ disease I have it. get your thyroid checked asap

This is exactly what’s happening to me and I’m 26 years old. It got to the point where my body shut down

Being anxious & having shortness of breath sounds like when I have anxiety attacks. Sometimes I get so anxious that I do also feel like I’m going to pass out. Stress can also give u headaches.

Sounds like migraines that’s what mine do exactly the same. I would seek medical assistance as it can get out of control and really affect your life. Good luck

Stress and anxiety could absolutely cause it all. The headaches are tension headaches. I walk around with pretty much a permanent one everyday. I’ve had fainting spells when sitting, it’s called vasovagal pre-syncope. Sounds like panic attacks possibly from anxiety and that can cause other things. Take it from me, I’m all messed up and it could literally all be caused by stress that induces anxiety. Our brains are cruel things sometimes :disappointed:

My panic attacks always started like this exactly. My thyroid was out of whack and once I had a UTI believe it or no caused some of the same symptoms.

After ruling out all medical stuff, try reike, yoga and meditation if you still feel like it’s anxiety. It forces you to slow down. You can start once a week and ease into it. You may find some relaxation or relief. If you had childhood trauma, it may be surfacing this way.

Fatigue- Low protein? Degenerative disc disease?

Please go to the doctor.

Keep pressuring your doctors to do more tests.


TMS. Read about Dr Sarno.

Did you get a cardio checkup done once

See a chiropractor. Pain at the base of your head/neck and headaches. Feeling nauseous. Something I’ve experienced. When your spines not aligned. Disc’s pushing on a nerve. It helped me. If you’re nervous about manual adjustment look for a chiropractor that uses an activator. It adjusts each disc. Either way, it doesn’t hurt. It’s what helped me most.


Stress headache. Try a chiropractor

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If you haven’t seen a chiropractor, I would recommend that. My neck has to be adjusted often or it causes bad headaches and even nausea from the pain. Also, have you taken your BP during an episode? I had an issue years ago where I would go from feeling just fine to super dizzy and nauseous and just super sick feeling. My BP was going up them bottoming out. Only found out by checking my BP when it happened. Good luck.

Anxiety can cause physical symptoms. Very possible you could have an anxiety order. You need to rule out anything medical. This has happened to me. Headaches, Nauseous, lost 25 lbs in 2 weeks. Started having muscle weakness. Thought maybe MS. Had mri of head, neck and all normal. They checked for lupus and did every blood test under the sun for 2 years, everything was normal. Finally they put me on a anxiety/anti depressant. Within a month every symptom went away. They finally did a specialized chemical test and my chemical levels in the brain were off. Diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. Stress makes it worse but it can also happen just because.

Yes totally related… I have had panic attacks and anxiety and is usually connected to head aches… all the symptoms you said I’ve had them around my panic/anxiety attacks.

Im the same way and on panic mode really.Had a full panel of blood work done and all came back normal except My vitamin D was low so got script for that.But im at the point to where i dnt wanna drive or go out alone because it just comes on quick and i start feeling blah and lightheaded,worrying about passing out🙄Shaky etc.Dr told me it was anxiety and anxiety will creep up on you with no warning.Ive had 1 episode of Vertigo 3 years ago and it was scary woke up and everything was spinning and i was messed up for a good 2-3 weeks and still today i feel my balance is off and when i do feel crappy im like OH NO the vertigo is coming back but it hasnt🤷

Have you had an MRI of your neck? Maybe it’s coming from there

check for allergies and high blood pressure

Could definitely be anxiety, or many number of things tbh. I know someone who has very similar physical symptoms so bad they went to the ER and they ran a slew of tests, and it turned out to be nothing but undiagnosed anxiety causing the severe physical pain.

It sounds like occipital neuralgia. Look into forward head posture. If you have forward head posture, and are always looking down (texting, dishes, reading, speaking to kiddos, laptop etc) that can really strain your neck muscles and cause the occipital nerve to be impinged. Pay attention to posture, drink water, heat/ice, stretch, anti inflammatory meds, massage, and chiropractic. It may be worth looking into physical therapy, as I am sure they could teach you to strengthen your body in a way to reduce pressure from the occipital muscles (base of your head).


It’s a stressful time hang in there you are not alone.

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Need to see a doctor asap

Go have your neck ajusted I use to have them all the time untikl I found my neck was out 1/4 of inch

I see a chiropractor regularly and don’t have headaches or anxiety any more

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Nope not crazy. I developed vertigo as well and they say it’s from my ears. I also get thunder clap headaches that go from the back of my neck all the way to the front of my head like a huge jolt. Hormones and not to be weird, but they happen more often with sex.

I would say it’s stress only because the same use to happen to me. I would have to lay down in a dark room with a ice pack on the back of my head. This was when my children were small and life was stressful then for me. So far it hasn’t happened to me again. My children are all adults now and life isn’t as stressful for me anymore.

I say tension headaches. I have them and they rule my life. Stress and anxiety cause them. Professional massage and chiropractic treatment help.

If it’s anxiety I would really recommend you to run :running_woman:t2: is one of the best exercises to produce endorphins and natural/organic vitamins (St John Worth, Gingo Bilova and B-Complex one of each 2x a day, for at least 2 weeks and if you start feeling better then once a day) to help your brain to restore the unbalance you have, I been there and is horrible, but believe me when I tell you it’ll pass. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes yes yes…stress and anxiety can cause a lot of those issues.

Make sure you do all that is necessary to find out if something is wrong medically. Having said that, I am like you, I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks plus depression. I know that feeling, I dread it . It steals your peace of mind and your joy. I am on a low dose of Prozac. Hope you get some answers soon.

Sounds like depression on top of stress. But I’m not a doctor definitely get a second opinion from another doctor.

Sounds exactly like migraine symptoms to me


Check ur diet and fluid intake. Its easy to lack minerals and be dehydrated… I have these daily. Having it right now. I drink a bunch of water and pop magnesium and it clears up.
I almost blacked out at the market yesterday from it but it ends up giving me panic attacks and that’s what caused that.
Also I went to the dr and they find I have thyroid disease that messes with you like that.

I went in for some similar things. Said it was chronic migraines and vertigo along with stress induced nausea.

I used to have migraines and this was what it felt like. That said, I had a severe concussion that triggered them.

Get yourself to the dr for a full work up!!!
Have them check you for pseudotumor cerebri.
Have you tried a chiropractor or accupuncture.

Food probably caused sudden onset. Sounds like cluster headaches. I have had them my whole life but suddenly I haven’t been getting them. Knock on wood. However I still get headaches often, and I always have a sore neck especially and base of skull especially on the right side.

100 percent can be anxiety and stress ! Sounds like tension headaches to me I get them as well more like migraines !


Sounds like anxiety attacks.

Sounds like a stress headache which can lead to cluster headaches. See your doctor about getting physical therapy to strengthen your neck and medication until your muscle tone improves.

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Sounds like how my headaches are with having occipital neuralgia. As someone suggested look into occipital neuralgia and csf leaks. I would suggest getting into a neurologist to verify what’s going on. Hope you get some answers.

Just go see a dr and rule everything out. You’ll feel better and if something is wrong maybe you will catch it early and if nothing is wrong it will ease your anxiety!

Sounds like Vertigo. Mine can get pretty bad to the point of where I might faint or pass out.

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I’m not a doctor, but it’s likely stress and anxiety causing tension in your neck and shoulders. I have all the same issues. Stretching, heating pads, CBD gummies at night, and now yoga have helped me. Pay attention to how your shoulders sit. You may be drawing them up and not realizing it, which will cause all those muscles in you upper back and neck to be tense constantly. I have to consciously tell myself to relax and breath often…

Have your vitamin D levels checked. Its been the root of a lot of my problems!

Definitely sounds like panic attacks. There was a time when I couldn’t stop them either and I couldn’t function a normal life. Once I went off birth control, they stopped being uncontrollable and very less frequent. There are meds for both stopping them before they start and controlling them if one has already started. I’m to the point where I no longer need meds because I have learned how to fight them off myself, but there’s absolutely no shame in needing something to help you live a normal life. Make an appointment with a therapist and go from there. Good luck!

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It could be anxiety but I would go see and ear nose and throat doc just in case, it could be vertigo

My sister was getting BLINDING headaches terrible neck pain and losing (side vision) she also had mri and cat scab done showed nothing 2 months after almost wrecking into a semi on highway she was diagnosed woth stage 4 lung cancer :anguished::sleepy: and does 9 months later …NOT to scare you BUT just be vigilant

That is exactly what happens to me when I’m having anxiety followed by my throat getting tight!

Definitely check with a doctor, but peppermint oil on the back of my neck helps with my tension headaches

Anxiety and panic attacks are not what you see in the movies they can happen out of no where in the middle of a perfectly normal happy day and are debilitating. You need to speak with your doc about a referral to someone in the mental health community someone who deals with this stuff specifically, mine used to come on and it would feel like a full blown heart attack or exactly as you explained it was nothing more than anxiety and a panic attack.


Please get another MRI … my headaches started the same. I was diagnosed with CHIARI MALFORMATION


I had a very scary situation when I was pregnant with my daughter that landed me in the hospital for 3 days. ALL my CT scans, MRI and labs came back fine. I just had my follow up with the neurologist this week because I am still having headaches quite frequently and no over the counter meds help so he prescribed me a low dose of Amitriptyline (10mg- taken once at bedtime) and told me to take 300mg of magnesium citrate twice daily. Maybe it’s something you can talk to your doctor about trying.

It sounds like tension headaches I have got them for years it’s from stress and if I stress more over the headache it can put me into an anxiety/panic attack that makes me want to pass out so yes it all can stem from stress/anxiety maybe getting on some anxiety meds and see if they help?

I have this problem they show up out of nowhere. I went to a chiropractor and got my neck adjusted. It helped alot. I don’t know if this is your issue but get to a Dr for sure

Please look into Trigger Point Therapy massage. Tension in your neck muscles (from stress and anxiety) can cause all of these symptoms. Finding out about Trigger Points changed my life!

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Definitely worth getting looked into.

Try a chiropractor. Specifically one that does x-rays so they can find the root cause if it’s a spinal issue.

Doctors can be dismissive and even lazy. Get a second opinion. And refuse to let them blow you off. Ask for tests, if they refuse ask them to mark that refusal down in your chart. I’ve heard that will often get them to run whatever tests they should have to begin with.

From my experience, even if it is just anxiety, you might not get much relief until you see a doctor who listens and will check into this.

Anxiety attacks and stress can do this and yes it can definitely mess with u mentally physically and emotionally.

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Same thing happened to me and turned out to be a neck issue. Cell phone use and posture are to blame. Chiropractor adjustments and home care eventually cured the headaches

See A doctor - immediately!

Go to another doctor. Neurologist.

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I’d go see a doctor and recommend a blood test. Could be anything, stress, anxiety, low iron.

Personally if I don’t drink enough water I’ll get this. But I also have low iron that can cause this as well. Could just be needing a simple diet change.

I’d still recommend speaking to your doctor

Check your thyroid also.

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My husband is going through this very exact thing right now !!! He’s 29 and he hasn’t had any issues before like this they just came up randomly when he drives etc, he will experience just how you described it!!! We also went to Dr several times , got MRI done etc all normal , us too feel at a dead end now as the doctors say all is fine… The only strange thing I’ve noticed is this didn’t start happening until after my husband got vaccinated for Covid19 … before that he didn’t have these symptoms … did you get the vaccine ?

If your Dr. Makes you feel like you can’t keep going to him about this issue , I first off suggest a new Dr. My ex Dr basically tried to say I was drug seeking when I was saying my back hurt, my body was swelling and my chest hurt …I went to ER turned out to be B cell lymphoma. I’m not saying you have any such thing please don’t think that. I’m saying you should be able to go to you Dr until you get to the bottom of what’s going on. I wish you nothing but luck and I seriously hope you find out what’s going on with you.


I suffer from chronic migraines which sound similar to what you have going on. My anxiety can trigger them and make them worse. I would also see about a second opinion. Maybe try a chiropractor also.

Did u get the covid shot?


Anxiety can do all of the above. I struggle with it. Get some valium or cannabis.

That sounds like a near perfect explanation of what I feel like when my blood pressure goes high. It sucks. I just take some excedrin, drink tons of water, and wait for it to fade.