Me the thought of it grossed me out I was young and guess what my son is 6,2 and 220 so i dont think ur baby will starve or miss anything if u dont breastfeed. Its ur choice and dont let know one tell u different. Feed is best. Plus others can help out with feeding while u rest
I breast fed for 6 months. But my cousin who had her daughter 6 weeks ahead of me didn’t. My mom never breastfed my brothers. I was adopted but i highly doubt I was breastfed. Rumor is my Birth mom split right after I was born. Just feed you baby. Who cares how. It’s nobody’s business. Do you girl!
I breastfed for two weeks and pumped for a month and a half. I had to quick for my own mental health. My son is extremely healthy and even though I felt bad about it at the time I literally became a whole new person once I stopped. I was a better mom for my baby and that is what’s most important!
It’s hard af but the bond is absolutely worth it and so amazing. If baby can’t nurse check for tongue ties. Plain and simple! Give the best gift u can give ur children
I tried so hard…she didn’t larch…I pumped pumped 8 months every 3 hours it wad horrible…if I Had to do again I would give formula if necessary…no one needs that stress…fed is best xo best of luck momma…you do you and go with your gut
I chose not to breastfeed, then regretted it and now I’m grateful for that decision. He’s allergic to cow milk, soya, oats and egg so far and we’ve just started food so loads more to try I’d have to cut all of that out of my diet which I would of found incredibly hard
My goal has always been 18 months of breastfeeding with each of my 4…but with the first 3, we didn’t make it for various reasons.
I began supplementing with my 1st at only 3 weeks old. By 5 months he was 100% formula fed.
He’s been a healthy kiddo overall, and hit the majority of his developmental milestones early.
We have a great bond, and just this morning, at 7yo, he decided that he just wanted to be cuddled and held.
He’s my little dude! Feeding is such a small part of the experience when you look back.
I will say that doing bottles was a major pain though…especially since my husband was apparently allergic to helping out with dishes at that point in our lives.
I had three children and tried with each and everyone one of them but was never successful despite having lots of help and advice. I didn’t worry so much with the first two but for some reason I got really stressed with our last. I just wish I’d ignored the pressure to breastfeed and gone with ‘Fed is Best’. Don’t beat yourself up whatever you decide and Good Luck x
My daughter was born at 30 weeks and in NICU for a while. She went from being tube fed and right to bottles. I wanted to make sure I knew exactly how much she was consuming. I did pump for about 3 months but dried up so went to formula and she was just fine. You have to do whatever works for you mama!
I decided not to breastfeed but felt pressured to “just try it” at the hospital. My son didn’t latch and I worried about him not eating. I didn’t even try with my daughter. Both are extremely healthy adults now.
I tried with my first, I did for 8 months(pumping only) with my second and it was absolutely stressful and horrible. We decided to have a third and I didn’t pump or even try. So much better for my all around mental health! Fed is best!!
It’s your choice, mama! In my opinion, I would at least give baby a few days of breast milk just to give them that added boost for your milk and then go to formula. But, it’s mom’s decision.
I chose not to, simply because I just didn’t want to. I put my kids on Similac and once we found the formula that worked well for them, we didn’t have any issues.
I exclusively pumped bc I couldn’t get baby to latch so honestly just pumping what you do make helps baby and you can ask them for formula too. Also if you’re a new mom and a latching nurse makes you frustrated you can tell her that’s enough or to come back later. I had a bad experience and will never again do that. Speak up with whatever you wanna do momma
I breastfed but the majority of women I know chose not to. I find it very understandable, it’s a hard commitment and there’s many legitimate reasons people either can’t do it or don’t want to. Although there are definitely benefits for mom and baby it’s a very individual decision for every woman.
Fed is best! I did formula with my daughter but I have mad respect for those that breastfeed! A fed baby is a happy baby!
I was unable to produce milk. I tried all four times & my children didn’t get nutrients. Failure to thrive is the dx. Switched to formula. They are now 24, 22, 18, & 11. You do what YOU feel is best & don’t let anyone try to guilt you into breastfeeding
I breastfed both my babies. I only did my son a few weeks and then switched to formula. I regret not breastfeeding him longer. When he went on formula he had really bad constipation constantly. My daughter was on both formula and breast milk after 6 weeks. You’re the only one who knows what’s best for you and your baby. Don’t let anyone try to shame you for your decisions
I had no milk when mine was born she would make me bleed and it hurt so bad because she was so hungry but I just couldn’t with the pain…and then my mom made me some rice with milk and once I drank it the milk just came…must be nice to just buy formula cause that shit is expensive
I breast fed for the first 4 weeks and it actually made my disgusted poorly sent to formula and she’s perfectly fine I was never breast fed, fed is best, don’t pressure your body into something if your not wanting to or feel guilt etc my hospital get forcing me and I hated every second of it, fed is best so you do what you feel is right xx
I breastfed my first for 3 weeks and my second for almost 2 months. I developed post partum depression both times from it. It wasn’t for me. My daughter’s are healthy, beautiful little girls with no allergies.
I didn’t. I didn’t want to. I knew before I was even pregnant that I didn’t wanna breast feed. A few people really gave me a hard time about it but I think it’s very weird to be worried about someone else’s boobs.
My son will be one this fall and he’s a healthy and happy baby.
I didn’t breast feed with my 1st and I’m not planning to with my daughter. I’m 30 weeks. I already suffer from depression and anxiety and having my husband help with bottles and feeding made the first time around easier than I imagined. I see it as this…as long as your baby is fed, you’re doing the right thing
I didn’t . I over think everything and figured it was better to be safe than sorry. He’s always been in the highest percentile for height and weight (and head size?), so, uhh…so far so good?
4 kids- I tried with my first for a month. My second was a bottle baby. My last two were breast fed. In my opinion you need to do what works for you and your family.
Fed is best! You can get the same bonding by doing skin to skin during bottle feedings, and then both parents can be involved and have that bond which is awesome:)
I didn’t breast feed my two eldest kids as I felt bullied and pressured by the midwife and hospital todo so I refused I breast fed my youngest and I loved every minute of it even if it was for only 6 weeks, I’m pregnant and due soon and I plan to breast feed him too its entirely up to you as long as baby is fed and gettinf everything he or she needs it doesn’t matter xx
I didn’t. After being so sick during my pregnancy I made the decision to not breast feed as I knew my boy needed his mommy to get back to her best self as quickly as possible if I was going to be the best mommy to him.
I did with my first for just a little while, and it was HARD so she was formula fed from 2 months old. I breastfed my 2nd for 6 months… now… They’re both crazy and brilliant and beautiful and they eat 2 day old mcnuggets off the floor of the mini van.
I tried to breastfeed but I didn’t get milk with either of my kids a bottle feed both of them and they are very smart my oldest just graduated from kindergarten with a second grade reading level and does amazing in math do what you feel is right
I know of some people not even trying with their second because it was such a hard time with their first kiddo. I tried because I wanted to with my son, but I did catch some slack when I switched to formula. Some women choose not to try at all. Every mom and every baby are different.
I breastfeed 1 out of the 6 I gave birth too. The 1st three I was young and scared. The 4th I tried and made it to his one year birthday. Last two (twins) no milk ever came in so back to bottles. It’s a personal choice. No right or wrong decision if you ask me.
I didn’t with any of mine. I knew from the beginning my mental health wouldn’t be able to take it. My kids are all healthy and rarely get sick. And we have an amazing bond. Don’t feel bad if you choose not to! There’s no shame in it!
ME! HANDS DOWN , formula was BEST over breastfeeding for my family.
I chose to formula feed . My mental health of being able to get more rest TRUMPED Non guaranteed short term benefits of breastfeeding. I had help my mom and husband and thus they took night feedings so I could sleep. Whole it was still exhausting I never had burn out and FOR ME AND MY situation formula was “best” that being said I will verbally b-slap anyone JUDGING a breastfeeding or formula feeding mom for any reason.
I didn’t breastfeed any of my three kids . They’re all normal and perfectly healthy .
I didn’t, but that was because I was on Antidepressants! My marriage was not healthy! Thank God my parents rescued me & my son 1 month after he was born!
I hated breastfeeding. It wasn’t something that came easy for me and I was always struggling to keep up the amount needed. I have 3 healthy kids that grew happily on formula and I added breast milk as much as I could.
I never even tried to latch my son. Hes always been perfectly healthy and grown like a weed and he’s 3 1/2. Your body, your baby, your choice! I just did not want to, so I didn’t. Don’t let anyone pressure you into it and anyone who tries to make you feel bad for it
I honestly wish I was able to breast feed, but with my second child I tried, but didn’t produce enough milk so I just went to formula. And honestly he weighed more and was perfectly healthy either way
No because I had trouble due to tongue tie and support is rubbish my daughter is coming two and I have the worst breastfeeding guilt imaginable.
With my first child I tried for about 3 days . He had jaundice and the hospital told me to formula feed him because he wasn’t getting enough.
With my second she was in the nicu for 8 weeks. I pumped by the time she came home she was on formula because I dried out.
I didn’t with my first cause the people I was around discouraged me and said all kinds of awful things made me feel like I shouldn’t
My second I couldn’t she had a heart condition and didn’t eat till 5 days later my third I tried but didn’t really have the help of the hospital once I said she wouldn’t feed they didn’t try to help me they were jusy like oh bottle then my fourth I tried but by 6 months I dried up
I chose not too. My daughter is 7 now. Has always been in the 80-100 percentile height and weight. She’s way smarter than me and has been relatively her whole life. I think you do whatever you are comfortable doing and don’t be guilted into anything you don’t want to do.
I never did with any of my 3. I had hectic jobs that would’ve made it impossible to pump and I also had children who ate A LOT from birth. I also had health complications after and during pregnancies so I wouldn’t have been able to keep up. My son drank 30-3 oz bottles of formula in the 2 days after his birth and actually had surgery at 2 weeks old so it was better for them in the end.
If it’s not for you it’s not for you! Don’t let other moms guilt you. FED is best!!! Food is food! You choose!
Fed is best. Lots of woman cant breastfeed and then get bullied and pressured into something their bodies cant physically even do. F anyone that tells you that if you don’t breastfeed that you’re a bad person or mom.
There are many.mothers who do not breast feed their children. It is totally your decision. if you are able to do it that is great. There are many lactation nurses that can help if you are having issues but to tell you the truth some of them are pretty bad. Your friends, family members are good for helping too. But if you decide you do not even want to try breast feeding , dont let.people.put you down.
Do what is best for you and your baby. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel guilty for whatever you chose. I could not breast feed, due to medical issues. And there were some people who tried to make me feel guilty.
I didn’t breast feed any of my kiddos. (I had 3) all were healthy and thrived.
When the lactation coaches come in just respectfully decline and when asked why… You don’t want to is all you have to say.
I did breastfeed, but whenever I have another baby I don’t think I can do it again. Pumping at work was SO hard and took so much out of me, and not feeling like I was ever allowed to take a day away because my baby needed me…it was hard. I will probably breastfeed until maternity leave is up and then switch to combo feeding at least.
I bottle fed my first because i was struggling too much mentally at the time. I breastfed my 2nd for a year. Each way have their pros and cons, but they are both happy, smart, wonderful, crazy children now
I didn’t want to with my 1st. I was forced by nurses the first 24hrs(bad staff)to breastfeed the baby. I was crying and literally bleeding from it. I had no clue what I was doing and the nurses kept saying it shouldn’t hurt it I was doing it right. I ended up switching to formula when the nurses switched shifts and I never tried nursing him again. I was able to successfully breastfeed my other 3 kids because I actually researched a lot and learned what to do before I went into labor the other times. Do what’s best for you and your mental health. If you want to try it, do it and if you don’t it doesn’t make you any less of a mom. If the nurses try to force it, stand your ground. I honestly wish I had different nurses the first time around because it really effected me how I was treated.
I didn’t breast feed any of mine because I couldn’t but even if I could I didn’t want to and they are all healthy and smart. By the time they start school you can’t tell which kid was breastfed and which got formula…they’re all running around loud af eating chicken nuggets and crayons
Reading this actually helped a lot I breastfed my son and daughter for about a year and a half. I’m currently pregnant and I’m leaning towards not breastfeeding. & I’m sort of being guilted by choosing not too.
I did with one and struggled which aggravated my PPD so with the second we just said no. It was better for our situation to just skip it and focus on the PPD and adjusting to having 2 super young kids. It was a huge sigh of relief when kid 1 came out sucking down 50oz a day and I was only able to produce 30oz.
I didn’t. My first was born blue and her O2 and PR would drop when she was over stimulated. I bottle fed her and my 2 youngest. Had to use soy formula, but no issue other than that.
I am a mother of 3 and never breastfed any of them. Yet, surprisingly enough, they grew up super healthy and rarely are sick, even now that they all have children of their own. I also fed them healthy meals, they eat vegetables and not much junk!!
I formula fed my oldest and am currently breastfeeding my youngest. Honestly breastfeeding is so much harder mentally physically and emotionally. If it weren’t for the price of formula I’d probably do it with my youngest too
I am not planning on breast feeding, mostly due to the fact that once I go back to work my work doesn’t have a space where I could do it continuously. I’m a hairstylist and stopping cutting hair 3+ times a day will make it harder for me to make money.
I tried with both of my kids. My oldest did not want to and my youngest tried latching and couldn’t. They are both healthy Sometimes it just doesn’t work and that’s ok.
I didn’t breastfeed my first two and decided to breastfeed the last 2. I do no regret one bit.
It is your body and if you do not want to then formula is there for you too. He very clear with your dr as in I don’t want to do this at all.
I refused with me second and they tried fo talk me into it. That was my choice to do it that way! You got this!
I chose not to feed my second as I had a 15month old at home and my husband was at work 6-7 days a week at the time. I just didn’t feel I could be fair to my son and he would have felt left out. At least with a bottle he could help.
Don’t be hard on yourself you have to do what is tight for you and your family. Choose what works for you and bubs.
I couldn’t breastfeed my first child. There is nothing wrong with choosing not to breastfeed. Wether you have to choose it for you, your baby or your situation. It is your choice.
I did for a month. And then I stopped. Don’t let people guilt trip you. You do you momma. My mom never breast fed my sister and I graduated HS early and have my BA. My sister wasn’t either and she had her BA in Neurobiology and passed the MCAT. Your baby will be FINE:rofl:
I did not breastfeed either us my children and I’m grateful I had the option not to. I developed ppa/ppd with both. Having an additional set of hands to help Me with the feeding helped immensely. I grew those humans for 9 months. I was ready for help raising them and allowing my husband to feed them was part of that deal for me.
I tried because I felt like I should. My sister was a super dedicated amazing breast feeder. She was for real an ideal beacon sales woman for doing it (not that she told me I should, not at all! I just was impressed by her). It was the MOST miserable 4 weeks of our lives. I was so so unhappy trying and missing out on REAL bonding time because it was so difficult for us. With a girl born a little under ideal weight I wasn’t getting enough milk to her to sustain and put weight on her.
When we stopped it was a huge weight lifted off of us. We had time to actually snuggle and enjoy it.
This is my experience. Managing realistic expectations both mentally and physically is important. Your baby needs a happy mom (if breastfeeding caused Anyone as much stress as it did me) more than breast milk.
I did not. It gave me anxiety. My son is very healthy and I liked it because then other people got to feed him too
Colostrum is important [good immune system], breastfeed at least a few days. Then formula right after. I nursed my daughter as long as I can til her teeth came out and wouldn’t stop biting me, I also used formula whenever I’m not near. Formula & lil bit of baby food after that. As long as baby is eating, that’s all that matters.
Fed is what’s best… as long as baby is happy and healthy, then anyone else’s opinion doesn’t matter. You do what’s best for you and baby! My kids were breastfed… but my 3rd I just got lazy and didn’t want to breast feed anymore, so bottle fed he was… and he’s a happy and healthy 7 yr old munchkin now
Absolutely! My first born was a formula baby and I’m currently pregnant with no plans to breast feed. You do what’s best for you and your baby don’t let anyone formula shame you
I breastfed my first for 2 years and honestly did not enjoy it. It was really hard, especially to get her off the boob. So I didnt breastfeed my next.
meeeee!! it was just going to be too much. plus, he wanted to help with nightly feedings. worked out too bc I had a c section to where I couldn’t barely walk.
I didn’t breastfeed any of mine any they’re healthy and just fine always have been bottom line as long as you feed your baby it don’t matter which way you do it your babies won’t love you any less if you don’t that’s for sure
Breastmilk has so many benefits but if its not for you then don’t let anyone force you into it lots of moms choose not to breastfeed for many reasons and they have healthy happy babies if you do choose to bottlefeed a few some tips on how to bottlefeed and be present can be helpful, some of the benefits of breastfeeding is being held and the baby having the opportunity for eye contact and language, another big one is to give them breaks to stop the bottle a moment and then go back, when breastfeeding that naturally happens with let downs and then the milk slows and they can stop suckling and the milk stops and they can have a moment whatever you decide is best for you and your baby is best for you and your baby
I didn’t my 1st and 2nd but did my 3rd. In Germany they give you a pill in the hospital if you don’t want to breastfeed. The milk never comes in. When I gave birth to my 3rd child in the US I thought that I can always try of it works for me.
Yes, I was single and had to go to work. No help from Dad or state, even for a few months. Bad pregnancy, we both almost died and I had a huge hospital bill to pay.
I chose not to breastfeed my first. I have it a half-assed try in the hospital, decided it was too hard, and chose to formula feed. I breastfeed my current baby and I often wonder if it would be easier if I would’ve chosen to formula feed.
There are a lot of people who didn’t breastfeed by choice. i breastfed my son and it made my PND sooooo much worse! It’s just not for everyone!
I tried breastfeeding for a month until it got super hard to where I wasn’t producing much. It made me sad because I felt like I wasn’t doing enough for my son. I went to formula felt so much better. He gained weight… He also grew really chunky. I don’t regret the choice I made… I think it might have just been a rough time because my milk is still coming out & my son is two
It’s your choice. Remember FED is best. My eldest was tube fed, cup fed, breast fed and bottle fed.
Do what is best for you and don’t let anyone dictact to you what’s best xxx
After being pressured into breastfeeding my first two I outright decided against it with my 3rd and I was a much happier mummy for it. That being said I struggled with breastfeeding both times so was an absoloute No the 3rd time. As long as baby is fed that’s all that matters. Xxx
I didn’t breastfeed after 1 month because I’ve always heard that that first milk supply is important but honestly anything you choose will be awesome
Your body your child. Do what feels natural and comfortable to you. And don’t listen to a bunch of people with all different opinions. It’s all about what feels right for you and baby! Baby will be fine either way. Stay healthy and congratulations!
Hell no I didn’t breastfeed! My kids took enough out of me, you know when they were created, carried and nourished for 9 months and then cut out of me! Now give me my wine
A baby is about to exit your body, one way or another, don’t pressure yourself into doing something that will potentially make you unhappy. Fed is best. Happy mum, happy baby! Good luck xxx
Let me tell you 6 months in I’m debating if I would be more sane right now if Dad could help do half the feeding and I wasn’t attached to the wall pumping all the time But let me also say the bond I have with my son I’m not sure it would be the same it’s a very different feeling that connection
I wasn’t producing for any of my boys because they were all 4-5 weeks early. I tried with my oldest but nothing.
I tried to breast feed but my son couldn’t latch on well. I ended up exclusively pumping using the Kiinde system, it’s easy and convenient. However, if you choose to not breast feed that is 100% your choice. There are some women that can’t produce enough to feed their baby. There are some that just don’t want to, and that is ok.
I had breast reduction when I was 18 yrs old and was not able to breast feed either of my children and they both grew up healthy
I chose not to breastfeed! I was being triggered by the attempts we made so I decided to exclusively pump and supplement with formula. My baby and I are both happy with that decision!
I had PPD with 2 of my kids and breastfeeding played a big part in that. So I chose not to breastfeed our 3rd!
My second one was a NICU baby so she had breast milk with formula. When she came home I ended up having to take her off of breast milk and stick strictly with the formula since she was not gaining weight.
It’s always best just to feed the baby. Doesn’t matter if breast milk or formula.
Do what’s right for you. I tried and was a miserable failure and beat myself up for it. Big waste of time and emotion. My kid is 20 now. Oh and I failed with my 2nd and was less hard on myself. It finally clicked with my 3rd.
I didn’t breast feed with either of my children. They both are healthy and super smart
I didn’t… Kids were just as healthy, bonded…Do not let anyone guilt you into it!!! I don’t want to is a good enough reason!
FED IS BEST! My son didn’t latch on and I was made to feel guilty about not breast feeding… So, fed is best!!
I tried. I breastfed for a few weeks, and I absolutely hated it. I dreaded it. So I switched to formula and have zero regrets about it.
Tried but it didnt work for either of my kids. Both super healthy, super duper smart and lovely people.
I didn’t breastfeed my oldest, I didn’t want to. She is and always has been super healthy. I did pump for my second because she was early and in the NICU so it helped postpartum
I tried so, SO hard to bf all 3 times and my supply always tanked. So I had to do formula with what little I could get out, then went full formula. I was upset, but my babies were happy, and that’s all that matters, really.